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Časopisi koji objavljuju odabrane
skupova MIPRO 




Welcome to the biggest ICT convention in the region - MIPRO 2018

MIPRO is based on the foundations of science, technology, and economy. It was established to strengthen the economy by encouraging the development of latest technology. The strategic action plan has both scientific and economic goals. We are living in a challenging period, with constant growth of technical civilization. MIPRO has introduced ICT into globalization, personalization, and regionalism. ICT goal is to have a modern and adaptable which meets world market demands and national interests in the moment of these challenging transformations. This will be achieved by the organization of several international seminars and strategically programmed segments (thematic day, panels, tutorials, forums, and exhibitions) under the slogan "MIPRO 2018 – innovative promotional partnership".
The core event will be the Business Day, linked to several other panels. The purpose of panels is to shape clear visions and provide indispensable strategic guidelines and modifications. We hope to rapidly improve the quality of production, service and market opportunities in the ICT domain. The aim of this program is to professionally contribute to the establishment of the National Strategy 2030 and development guidelines. In the name of the International Program Committee we express our sincere gratitude to our partners and sponsors.

Come to magical, ancient and sunny Opatija, participate in MIPRO 2018 and be part of the ICT events from May 21 – 25, 2018.

Professor Karolj Skala, PhD
Acting International Program Committee General Chair

[natrag na vijesti]
21. svibanj 2018


Dew Computing

Objavljena je knjiga o Dew Computingu

Springer je objavio novu knjigu o Dew Computing-u (Rosa računarstvo) kao začetnu razinu Dew-Fog-Cloud servisne hijerarhije. 

MIPRO otvara suradnju s:
  Public Administration

Prijašnji događaji
"MIPRO Gridvision" by Zorislav Šojat

Zorislav Šojat održava stranice orijentirane računalstvu, gdje se mogu pronaći mnogi video zapisi MIPRO konferencija, intervjui sa znanstvenicima i drugi zanimljivi materijali:

Binarni kod

Dodjela Zlatne povelje MIPRO-a i razgovor s Branimirom Makancem


Suorganizatori - nasumično
HEP ZagrebSveučilište u ZagrebuSveučilište u RijeciFER ZagrebPomorski fakultet Rijeka