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Časopisi koji objavljuju odabrane
skupova MIPRO 




MIPRO 2016 - PRIDE Exhibition and HPC for SME Forum

In the framework of the 39th International conference MIPRO 2016, which will be held from 30th May to 3rd June in Opatija, „HPC (High Performance Computing) for SME Business Advancement Forum“ will be organized as a part of MIPRO / PRIDE - Project Information and Dissemination Event 2016 on June 1st 2016. The Forum, dedicated to promoting access to computational expertise anywhere in Europe, aims to solve some of the main challenges faced by SMEs in efforts to advance their business.

The Forum will also support initiatives at the regional and international levels to increase cooperation and coordination amongst different HPC Centres and user community and also present financing opportunities for SMEs that are currently opened. It will demonstrate best practices, applications and concrete actions for introducing HPC to SMEs in: Accelerate the innovation process and time to market; Enhance competitiveness; Develop new products and services; Create innovative solutions.

The forum is opened for all who are involved in development, design, integration, marketing, use or support of HPC technologies and those who wish to become a part of the user community.

[natrag na događanja]
25. svibanj 2016


Dew Computing

Objavljena je knjiga o Dew Computingu

Springer je objavio novu knjigu o Dew Computing-u (Rosa računarstvo) kao začetnu razinu Dew-Fog-Cloud servisne hijerarhije. 

MIPRO otvara suradnju s:
  Public Administration

Prijašnji događaji
"MIPRO Gridvision" by Zorislav Šojat

Zorislav Šojat održava stranice orijentirane računalstvu, gdje se mogu pronaći mnogi video zapisi MIPRO konferencija, intervjui sa znanstvenicima i drugi zanimljivi materijali:

Binarni kod

Dodjela Zlatne povelje MIPRO-a i razgovor s Branimirom Makancem


Suorganizatori - nasumično
Končar Elektroindustrija ZagrebENT ZagrebA1 HrvatskaEkonomski fakultet RijekaTehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu