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Overcoming Limitations of Silicon Carbide Heteroepitaxy on Silicon Wafers

Dr. Maksym Myronov’s invited lecture at the conference Microelectronics, Electronics and Electronic Technology /MEET


Dr. Maksym Myronov will give an invited talk entitled “Overcoming Limitations of Silicon Carbide Heteroepitaxy on Silicon Wafers” within the Microelectronics, Electronics and Electronic Technology Conference at MIPRO 2019. 

Professor Myronov will give invited talk on the novel low-temperature epitaxy technology, leading to the invention of state of the art wafer scale heteroepitaxy of  3C-SiC on standard silicon substrates. The invented technology offers many advantages over the traditional high temperature growth process of 3C-SiC, such as reduced maintenance costs, higher volume production and integration with other group IV and III-V semiconductors which can be grown on Si or SOI wafers. The growth of SiC on Si substrates of various crystallographic orientation opens an opportunity for the low cost mass production of 3C-SiC heterostructures on large diameter Si substrates up to 300mm diameter by the existing network of semiconductor industry cold wall Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) reactors. High quality 3C-SiC/Si epi wafers with suppressed wafer bow, smooth surface and low background doping are demonstrated opening the possibility for application of the material in long awaiting low-cost power electronics, RF, photonic and sensor devices.

Dr. Maksym Myronov is a head of the Nano-Silicon Group and Associate Professor at the Department of Physics, University of Warwick, UK. He is an expert in epitaxial growth, materials characterization and devices technologies of the group IV and III-V semiconductors.

[natrag na press]
11. travanj 2019


Dew Computing

Objavljena je knjiga o Dew Computingu

Springer je objavio novu knjigu o Dew Computing-u (Rosa računarstvo) kao začetnu razinu Dew-Fog-Cloud servisne hijerarhije. 

MIPRO otvara suradnju s:
  Public Administration

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"MIPRO Gridvision" by Zorislav Šojat

Zorislav Šojat održava stranice orijentirane računalstvu, gdje se mogu pronaći mnogi video zapisi MIPRO konferencija, intervjui sa znanstvenicima i drugi zanimljivi materijali:

Binarni kod

Dodjela Zlatne povelje MIPRO-a i razgovor s Branimirom Makancem


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