Hibridni događaj
Pozvano predavanje |
Lidija Mandić (Grafički fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvatska)
Virtual and Augmented Reality |
Nove informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije u praksi
Predsjedateljica: Željka Car |
Z. Bosić, P. Gusić (Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Zubčić (Nimium, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Marković, T. Žitnik (Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia) Smart Work Order 
Smart work order (SWO) is a technology-driven approach that utilizes augmented reality (AR) smart glasses and knowledge management data base (KMDB) to improve field services (FS). A work order (WO) is a specific job, repair, or any other FS team’s physical activity. SWO leverages identified opportunities for automating operations in the field. It makes use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) processes to access knowledge captured in KMDB and generates options for improved hardware repair, installation management, or predictive maintenance. Consequently, the efficiency and sustainability of field services and work orders are raised due to shorter time to deliver, lower travelling costs and less rework required. SWO developed in Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group (ENTG) is configured by augmented reality technology, and machine learning algorithms supported by ITILv4 best practice framework where each SWO part creates added value in the field services chain. Additional integration with operations wisdom logging (OWL) toolset empowers FS team members with advanced knowledge in daily work. All SWO parts can access real-time data which enables FS teams to utilize knowledge management systems to determine first-time right actions. SWO automatically generates all required steps which walk FS teams through required actions, from capturing an alarm, over identifying the problem, finding a solution, and visualizing required actions to confirming the problem has been cleared up.
P. Lahovsky, A. Ljubek, K. Mišura, M. Žilak (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia) Bringing Children Closer to Science and the Universe with New Technology 
In the era of technology and social networks, it is difficult to attract children to science. To change this, three applications have been developed whose primary goal is not pure entertainment, but to educate and encourage scientific exploration in children. These applications were developed using new technologies, i.e. augmented reality, virtual reality and Ultraleap. Each application brings the intrigue of the universe to children in an interesting way by providing them with age-appropriate content and information about the universe. In these applications, interactive space travels can be taken to learn about the sun and planets, and fun games can be played to stimulate interest in further observations and knowledge about the universe. The paper describes the applications and the multidisciplinary context of their development, as well as the potential of the new technologies in education.
A. Kešelj, K. Žubrinić, M. Miličević, M. Kuzman (University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia) An Overview of 3D Holographic Visualization Technologies and Their Applications in Education 
Three-dimensional (3D) visualization is the process of creating graphical content using software technologies, where the object is displayed using a computer or mobile device with appropriate software, and the visualized 3D object can be viewed from different angles and sides. 3D objects can be visualized using a display on a computer screen with 3D graphics or using technologies such as augmented reality or holograms. This technology has significant potential and is used in education. Interaction with software solutions is recognized as one of the most important learning experiences. This paper provides an overview of holographic visualization technologies, their interaction capabilities, and technology integration. It also presents and describes an example of a holographic application for learning geometry that can be used in a 3D holographic pyramid projection system.
Pauza |
Komunikacijski protokoli i performanse sustava
Predsjedatelj: Stjepan Golubić |
I. Bašičević (University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia) An Analysis of the TR069 (CWMP) Protocol 
This paper presents a short analysis of the TR069 (CWMP) protocol. The protocol is widely used in consumer electronics and the Internet of Things (IoT), and this paper is an attempt to explain its success. The purpose of the protocol, its architecture, integration with other protocols, and the technologies that it relies on are discussed. A parallel is drawn with some other management protocols, primarily the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), where possible.
M. Ivančić, N. Štokić, T. Žilić (Hrvatski Telekom, Zagreb, Croatia) Implementation of Automated Testing Solution for Voice Services 
Implementation of automated testing solution as a support in the projects and daily operational activities for voice services is of great importance in the optimization of time and human resources. Given the growing need in the field of telecommunications for maximum availability of the service to the end-user, it is important to have a tool with which we can perform system control activities as well as the ability to detect errors within network elements. HT (Hrvatski Telekom) has integrated one such system into the network which has several significant advantages for engineers who will significantly improve the quality of service they provide to their customers through the use of such a tool. The paper describes the technical solution of the VAT system as well as its implementation in the HT network.
I. Benke, I. Heđi, E. Ciriković (Veleučilište u Virovitici, Virovitici, Croatia) RFID Inventory Management System Sampling Optimization Based on Zebra Android Framework 
In services with high rate of input and ouput of items, inventory data collection process often sets high demands on staff in terms of reliable evidenting and overall repeatability. Some business services, like on-site laundry facilities in public hospitals, offer a good platform for ad-hoc implementation of custom ICT inventory management solutions, especially if they already have partially implemented some kind of proven technologies, such as RFID. If taken in account relatively low cost and ease of design, development and implementation of such systems in public or other institutions and industry segments where accurate and reliable daily based item inventory is crucial, then it undoubtedly offers good alternative to commercially available inventory management systems. Data element processing operations are an indispensable part of any information system. The above operations are optimized with an emphasis on speed and reliability of execution to meet the timing requirements of RFID sampling. This includes improvements to the database scheme, as well as the application and adaptation of existing algorithms for retrieving duplicate elements of data sets.
Upravljanje podacima
Predsjedatelj: Branko Mikac |
D. Regvart (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Mikuc (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia), V. Dakić (Visoko Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia) Study of Data Transfer Nodes Infrastructure in Enabling Big Data Movement between Research and Cloud Storage Networks 
Data research projects generate huge amounts of data, which are usually stored in cloud networks for processing and storage. Transferring large amounts of data between multiple research sites, often within protected scientific DMZs (Demilitarized Zone) and cloud storage nodes, requires high-speed network connections.
To ensure efficient data transfer and processing, parallel data streams are used between multiple research sites, with dedicated cloud infrastructure for processing and storage of a particular experiment. Since multiple nodes or sites are involved in data transfer, DTNs (Data Transfer Nodes) are used to solve the problems of fast data flow and performance between nodes that are not related to network throughput. DTNs include software transfer tools and high-end hardware components that are tasked with preparing data for transfer.
Several research groups are working to establish multiple DTN instances as part of a large-scale scientific data network. This paper provides a brief overview of the current state of the art in the use of DTN infrastructure and the challenges associated with preparing data for transfer.
J. Redžepagić, Z. Morić, D. Regvart (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) Using Low Power Wide Area Networks to Provide Out of Band Management for Data Centers 
This paper presents a study on the use of low power wide area networks (LPWANs) to provide out-of-band management for data centers. The research examines the potential of LPWANs to provide a cost-effective and secure alternative to traditional out-of-band management methods, or supplement them to provide additional security and fault tolerance. The study also evaluates the technical capabilities of LPWANs in terms of range, throughput, and reliability, and how these factors can affect the performance and security of data centers. Additionally, the paper examines the various LPWAN technologies available and their suitability for data center out-of-band management. The research concludes by recommending the best practices on using LPWANs for out-of-band management in data centers and providing guidelines for implementation.
J. Redžepagić, V. Dakić, Z. Morić (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia) Establishing the Guidelines for Using Refurbished Hardware in Creating New Data Centers to Lower the Amount of E-Waste 
This paper presents a study on the criteria for using refurbished hardware in creating new data centers, to lower the amount of electronic waste (e-waste). The research examines the potential of refurbished hardware to provide a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to new hardware in data center construction. The study also evaluates the technical capabilities of refurbished hardware and how these factors can affect the performance and security of data centers. Additionally, the paper examines the various refurbishment standards and certifications available and their suitability for data center use. The study also explores the implications of regulatory compliance and industry standards on the use of refurbished hardware. One of the main goals is to define criteria on what hardware is viable as reusable in data center environments, especially given that most of the modern software infrastructure is designed with hardware failures in mind and supports hot swapping parts of the hardware layer. The findings of this paper intend to create a guide for organizations looking to lower their environmental impact and reduce costs while building new data centers.
Kakvoća i sigurnost informacija
Predsjedatelj: Branko Mikac |
D. Lučić (Hrvatska gospodarska komora, Zagreb, Croatia) The Challenges to Information Security in Croatian Chamber of Economy during COVID-19 Pandemic 
The paper deals with analysis of both challenges to information security Croatian Chamber of Economy prior and after COVID-19 pandemic and the results of the measures that were taken in order to counter fought with those challenges by means of state-of-the-art Information and Communication Technology solutions. COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly and significantly changed ecosystem for social and business activities. Croatian Chamber of Economy, as legal entity with public authorities, has been affected by numerous limitation which have directly impacted effectiveness of the business processes. The analysis of the measures and activities undertaken by Croatian Chamber of Economy in order to keep a high level of information security during COVID-19 pandemic and experience from that time period is described in the paper. Pre-emption of possible events with negative influence on business activities, as well as risk management and crisis management plan, are some of the most important prerequisites for a successful continuation of business activities during a crisis such COVID-19 pandemic has been. Beside the solutions based on ICT technology, permanent education of the employees is the activity that must not be omitted.
V. Pavlović Vinogradac, B. Cerin, D. Vanđelić, A. Prišćan (ZRIN Institute, Zagreb, Croatia) Do Croatian Citizens Want the Digitalization of Elections? Differences in Socio-Demographic Characteristics 
In modern society characterized by a fast-paced lifestyle, digitalization at all levels is certainly a tool that makes this fast-paced life easier. Elections, regardless of whether they
are at the local or national level, are one of the key events in every society. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the citizens of the Republic of Croatia want the digitalization of elections, and to see whether the attitudes of citizens differ according to sociodemographic characteristics. The research was conducted by ZRIN Institute on a representative sample of citizens of the Republic of Croatia (n=650) using the survey method. The results showed that most citizens want the digitalization of elections (69.5%). The results of multivariate statistical analyzes showed that there are no statistically significant differences in the desire of digitalization regarding sex and place of residence. On the other hand, there are statistically significant differences regarding age group and level of education. Apart from the scientific contribution, the results of this research have strong practical implications that will be discussed in the paper.
M. Vermanen, J. Naskali (University of Turku, Turku, Finland), V. Harkke (Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland), J. Koskinen (University of Turku, Turku, Finland) PAPA for IoT - Role of Data Accuracy in IoT Deployment and Data-centric Decision-Making 
Data has become a central asset supporting decision-making in modern business environments. Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in particular are designed to gather information from a large variety of monitorable entities, providing companies with seemingly unlimited abilities to measure and analyze factors such as performance and productivity.
Considering the reliability and trustworthiness in data-driven decision-making, the accuracy of the leveraged information is critical. While the development of IoT solutions makes them continuously more accurate, caution must be applied not only in terms of potential inaccuracy caused by technical failures but also by human error. Thus, some of the key questions to consider when investigating the accuracy and trustworthiness of data are: is the gathered information itself correct, is the leveraged data contextually correct, and what are the potential issues caused by human error.
From an ethical perspective, the justifiability of leveraging potentially incorrect data needs to be addressed. When decisions related to individual employees are being made based on data, it is necessary to not only consider the possible inaccuracy of the data but also to prevent manipulating or distorting the results by applying too limited or falsely selected data, creating a biased basis for analysis and decisions.
Pauza |
Procesiranje podataka i prijenos signala
Predsjedatelj: Stjepan Golubić |
J. Benjak, D. Hofman (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia) User Input Search – Custom Motion Estimation Algorithm Optimized for UAVs 
Unmanned aerial vehicle technology is growing rapidly as it finds its application in the various industries, including military & defense, agriculture, logistics, transportation, healthcare, entertainment and many others. One of the fastest growing industries including drones is the entertainment industry. More specifically, First Person View (FPV) piloting has become a popular sport which attracts huge masses. In FPV systems, the pilot wears FPV goggles and controls the drone using a controller, and the drone transmits video data to the goggles in real time. Since drones usually fly very quickly, the video quality in terms of resolution, compression artefacts and end-to-end delay must be maintained.
This paper explores the idea of optimizing the motion estimation algorithm of existing HEVC algorithms by utilizing user input from the controller in FPV systems. For example, if the drone is directed to hover to the left, then it would make sense to search for the most similar blocks in the next video frame only on the right side of the reference block. For the purpose of this research, a HEVC video coder was customized to receive additional input besides the video data – the user input from the controller, or in other words, drone movement directions. We call this ME (Motion Estimation) algorithm UIS (User Input Search). Our UIS algorithm is compared with the standard ME algorithms and its efficiency is tested.
R. Ćorluka, I. Matoš, D. Damjanović, J. Balen (Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek, Osijek, Croatia) FOGO - An Optimized Fog and Edge Computing Method for VANETs 
For mobile systems to become more effective, user-friendly, and autonomous in the future, massive data and quick information processing are essential. Future mobile systems' main challenge is data collection and processing, and in this study, we suggested FOGO, a practical approach that makes use of fog and edge computing concepts. The method suggests making use of an enhanced current infrastructure in which additional mobile fog nodes are added to the network together with the existing stationary nodes. Mobile fog nodes handle short and medium-length messages, process them, and then distribute the results throughout the network. Roadside units (RSUs) are fixed, high-performance hardware equipped, and strategically positioned units that are positioned around the network to assist the processing of increasing volumes of data. Additionally, the cloud is taken into account, but only when processing large amounts of data. Along with the presented method flowcharts, operating algorithms, and message structure, the proposed system architecture is described. Furthermore, potential use cases are suggested together with the metrics for the system performance evaluation. The new architecture was evaluated using the LuST scenario, and the findings revealed increased message processing effectiveness.
T. Iliev, I. Stoyanov, I. Penkov (University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Ruse, Bulgaria), G. Mihaylov (University of Telecommunications and Post, Sofia, Bulgaria), A. Fazylova (Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeyev, Almaty, Kazakhstan), G. Balbayev (Academy of Logistics and Transport, Almaty, Kazakhstan), I. Beloev (University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Ruse, Bulgaria), S. Kosunalp (Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, Department of Computer Technologies, Bandırma, Turkey) On Signal Attenuation in 5G Higher Frequencies Transmissions with Different Area Scenario 
Energy and cost efficiency are becoming criteria of increasing importance in the design of 5G radio relay lines, especially for areas close to water surfaces, where there is pronounced fading, which is characteristic of radio relay paths that pass on the surface of the water. In this paper, the research was carried out on two radio relay links with different frequencies – the first one at 8 GHz, and the second at 18 GHz, working in frequency diversity mode. To troubleshoot, the measurements were made during the shortest possible time, with fixed emissions to account any fluctuations in signal levels.
D. Krstic (Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia), S. Suljovic (The Academy of Technical Professional Studies Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia), D. Gurjar (National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India), S. Yadav (Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India) Outage Probability Determining for Wireless Systems in the Presence of Beaulieu-Xie Fading and Co-channel Interference Rayleigh Modeled 
For realistic assessment of any wireless communication system performance an accurate modeling of this system is necessary. Till now, no many distributions were found to be able to characterize a channel with both, the line of sight (LOS) and the non-LOS (NLOS) components. One of such distribution unifying the non-central chi, generalized Rician and κ – μ distributions into a single fading distribution is Beaulieu-Xie distribution. Beaulieu-Xie fading, as disturbance in wireless system, will be considered in this work. Beside fading, co-channel interference (CCI) modeled by Rayleigh distribution, is present. An analysis of outage probability for selection combining (SC) receiver with multiple branches, used to mitigate these disturbances in the system, will be carried out. The expressions for probability density function (PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF) and outage probability will be derived. A few graphs will be plotted and based on them an impact of fading and CCI parameters will be highlighted.
Osnovni podaci:
Željka Car (Croatia), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia)
Slaviša Aleksić (Germany), Krešo Antonović (Croatia), Gordan Gledec (Croatia), Miran Gosta (Croatia), Darko Huljenić (Croatia), Oliver Jukić (Croatia), Erich Leitgeb (Austria), Velimir Švedek (Croatia)
Programski odbor:
Željka Car (Croatia), Vlado Delić (Serbia), Saša Dešić (Croatia), Renato Filjar (Croatia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Robert Inkret (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Admela Jukan (Germany), Ozren Jureković (Croatia), Marko Lacković (Croatia), Dražen Lučić (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Mladen Sokele (Croatia), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Darko Švelec (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Miroslav Vrankić (Croatia), Mario Weber (Croatia)
Do 8.5.2023.
Od 9.5.2023.
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