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Tehničko kosponzorstvo


Prezentirani radovi na engleskom jeziku bit će poslani za objavljivanje u bazi IEEE Xplore.

Program događaja
utorak, 26.5.2015 9:00 - 13:00,
Kongresna dvorana, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 - 10:45Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedatelj: Andrej Lacković
1.N. Boj (III. osnovna škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Istraživanje Mišljenje učenika, roditelja, učitelja i uprave škole o primjeni e-Dnevnika, unutar III. osnovne škole Čakovec 
Odlučila sam provesti istraživanje o primjeni e-Dnevnika u III. osnovnoj školi Čakovec, s obzirom na to da sam u cijelu priču bila uključena od samog početka kao inicijator da se isti uvede u školu. Nadalje prihvatila sam funkciju administratora, provela edukaciju u školi za svoje kolege, surađivala s njima kroz cijelu školsku godinu, naravno, bila u kontaktu sa Službom za korisnike u Carnet-u koju ovim putem pohvaljujem na brzini i odgovorima, bila sam prema potrebi u kontaktu s učenicima i roditeljima. Kako je mnogo ljudi uložilo puno truda i vremena te s velikim entuzijazmom svladavalo razne poteškoće kroz proteklu školsku godinu, zanimalo me kakva su njihova razmišljanja i zaključci na kraju školske godine. Nisam se iznenadila pozitivnim odgovorima i pohvalama koje je dala velika većina ispitanika. Očekivane rezultate ovog istraživanja prezentirala sam na Vijeću učitelja, Vijeću roditelja te na Vijeću učenika III. OŠ Čakovec, nadalje na Županijskom stručnom vijeću informatičara Međimurske županije, na skupu ravnatelja Međimurske županije te na Carnetovoj korisničkoj konferenciji. Namjera mi je bila da prezentirajući rezultate istraživanja potaknem škole koje još nemaju e-Dnevnik u primjeni da krenu u uporabu istog, tim više ukoliko imaju ispunjene tehničke uvjete. Drago mi je bilo čuti da su neki od sudionika CUC-a 2104. došli ponajviše zbog izlaganja ove moje teme jer tada e-Dnevnik još nisu imali u primjeni (ravnatelji škola i drugi). Naglasila bih kako je e-Dnevnik zaista vrlo jednostavna aplikacija za korištenje, sa čime su se složile i moje kolege ispitanici, i da je većina njih izjavila kako se nikad više ne bi vratila na ručno vođenje dnevnika/imenika i kako je zapravo i zaboravila da ručno vođenje i postoji. Najviše su zadovoljstva primjenom e-Dnevnika izrazili roditelji koji sada više nemaju potrebe dolaziti u školu zbog ocjena jer im je sve dostupno od kuće. I učenici su zadovoljni i u velikom postotku se koriste e-Dnevnikom. U nadolazećem razdoblju istraživanje namjeravam proširiti na cijelu Međimursku županiju s obzirom da je dosta škola s ovom školskom godinom krenulo u primjenu e-Dnevnika. Ukoliko odlučite prihvatiti moj rad, na novom MIPRU bih imala rezultate daleko većeg broja ispitanika.
2.V. Anđelić, H. Laušić-Ramljak (Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih, Zagreb, Croatia)
Digitalne kompetencije za nastavnike 
U vremenu brzih promjena i razvoja tehnologije, praćenje gospodarskih i društvenih promjena nameće cjeloživotno učenje kao potrebu, a ne kao izbor. Da bi odgovorili izazovu vremena, nastavnici trebaju pratiti napredak tehnologije i suvremene tijekove u obrazovanju i kroz uporabu informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT). Promjene utječu na način učenja i poučavanja. Zato se nameće potreba za usavršavanjem nastavnike za sigurnu i kritičku uporabu IKT- a u poučavanju odnosno za postizanje digitalne kompetentnosti. Razvoj digitalne kompetentnosti postiže se kroz sudjelovanje i komuniciranje pomoću IKT-a te uporabom alata za izradu e-sadržaja.
3.A. Sočković, A. Jakupović (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Primjena internetskog foruma u prezentaciji i obrani seminarskih radova – studija slučaja kolegija Planiranje informacijskih sustava 
Seminarska nastava je oblik nastave tijekom koje studenti izrađuju seminarski rad – stručni rad kojim se detaljnije obrađuje neka tematika iz domene nastavnoga programa, te ga javno prezentiraju i brane. Jedan od ciljeva javne prezentacije i obrane je poticanje rasprave o obrađenoj temi. Ponekad do rasprave ne dolazi, a neki od uzroka toga su ograničeno vrijeme trajanja prezentacije i obrane, te nemotiviranost studenata za raspravom. Jedno od rješenja navedenoga problema je primjena internetskoga foruma u prezentaciji i obrani seminarskoga rada. Članak opisuje jednu takvu primjenu kroz analizu studije slučaja seminarske nastave iz kolegija Planiranje informacijskih sustava koja je održana na specijalističkom diplomskom stručnom studiju Informacijske tehnologije u poslovnim sustavima na Veleučilištu u Rijeci. U članku je prikazana metodika seminarske nastave koja je temeljena na internetskome forumu, kao i korištena informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija. Analizom 30 obrana seminarskih radova opisana su iskustva studenata koji su sudjelovali u nastavi bilo kao autori seminarskoga rada ili kao njegovi čitatelji. Ukazano je na prednosti i nedostatke primjene internetskoga foruma u seminarskoj nastavi, te su predložena poboljšanja.
4.A. Lacković (Visoko učilište Algebra - Visoka škola za primijenjeno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia)
Upravljanje Arduino platformom pomoću programskog jezika Processing 
Arduino mikrokontroler je jednostavan i univerzalan mikrokotroler zasnovan na ATmel tehnologiji. Idealan je za razvoj upravljačke elektronike i robotike. Jedan od mogućih načina upravljanja mikrokontrolerom je pomoću računala kroz programski jezik „Processing“. Processing je vrsta programskog jezika baziranog na simplificiranoj varijanti Java programskog jezika i integriranog razvojnog okruženja. Rad opisuje osnovno programiranje Arduino mikrokontrolera, te upravljanje pomoću računala kroz programski jezik Processing kroz realan primjer upravljanja RGB LED trakom.
5.P. Dobrić (OŠ Julija Klovića, Zagreb , Croatia), M. Mačinko Kovač (OŠ Eugena Kvaternika, Veika Gorica, Croatia)
Učenje programiranja kroz robotiku 
Učenje programiranja u osnovnoj školi predstavlja izazov za učitelje zbog činjenice da današnji učenici imaju velikih problema u usvajanju osnovnih konceptualnih i problemskih načina razmišljanja prilikom algoritamskog načina rješavanja zadataka. Usvajanje programskih jezik tijekom osnovnoškolskog perioda kod velike većine učenika stvara animozitet i otpor. Do pozitivnih načina i metoda pri učenju programiranja kako bi prve programerske korake učenici lakše usvojili, došli smo kroz izvannastavnu aktivnost robotike. Naše iskustvo je da učenje programiranja kroz igru daje odlične rezultate i olakšava rad učenicima i učiteljima na zadovoljstvo svih sudionika obrazovnog procesa.
6.J. Pažanin (Ekonomsko-birotehnička škola Split, Split, Croatia), M. Rosić, A. Grubišić (Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Split, Croatia)
Primjer implementacije e – učenja u nastavi Informatike 
U cilju unapređenja kvalitete procesa poučavanja, upoznavanja suvremenih modela učenja važnih za cijeloživotno obrazovanje te razvoja digitalnih kompetencija učenika, kroz nastavu predmeta Informatika određeni nastavni sadržaji realizirani su konceptom e-učenja. E-učenje svojim klasifikacijama pruža različite načine implementacije u nastavni proces. U ovom radu prikazana je implementacija e-učenja kombiniranim (hibridnim) modelom nastave putem dva e-kolegija: „Sigurnost na Internetu“ i „Matematičke osnove računala“. E-kolegij „Matematičke osnove računala“ korišten je kao dopuna klasičnoj nastavi i predstavlja popratni nastavni materijal obrađenoj nastavnoj jedinici u učionici. E-kolegij „Sigurnost na Internetu“ sadrži cjelovitu nastavnu jedinicu, te je njegova realizacija koncipirana na način da se učenike tijekom sata u učionici upućuje u nastavni sadržaj koji oni potom u potpunosti usvajaju u online okruženju. U radu su navedeni rezultati istraživanja provedenog eksperimenta u kojem jedna skupina učenika nastavnu jedinicu usvaja modelom e-učenja putem sustava Loomen, a druga skupina putem klasične nastave u učionici. Rezultati dobiveni eksperimentom pokazuju usporedbu postignutih obrazovnih ciljeva zadane lekcije u klasičnom i online modelu učenja. Usporedba ostvarenih rezultata obrađene lekcije, pokazuje zadovoljava li koncept e-učenja postizanje obrazovnih ciljeva. U radu su prikazani i rezultati anketnog upitnika koji pokazuju stavove učenika o e-učenju, te njihovu spremnost i motiviranost za prihvaćanjem novih suvremenih modela nastave.
7.V. Galešev, R. Šipek (Udž, Zagreb, Croatia)
Digitalna zbirka zadataka s evaluatorom programskih rješenja 
Jedna od glavnih prednosti on-line digitalne zbirke zadataka je njena fleksibilnost, odnosno mogućnost dorade i prilagodbe sadržaja zbirke potrebama obrazovnog, odnosno nastavnog procesa. Također omogućava i neke nove mogućnosti posebice važne u didaktičke svrhe, a koje nije moguće realizirati klasičnom zbirkom zadataka u tiskanom obliku. Primjerice, tehnologija digitalne zbirke omogućava mjerenje brzine izvođenja programskog koda, što je jedan od glavnih pokazatelja učinkovitosti primijenjenog programskog rješenja, odnosno umijeća programiranja učenika. Za ostvarenje didaktičkih ciljeva digitalna zbirka zadataka mora sadržavati i mogućnost evaluacije programskih rješenja. Iako se na Internetu može pronaći nekoliko aplikacija slične vrste, nijedna nije namjenski kreirana kao podrška izvođenju nastave. Zato smo razvili vlastitu aplikaciju koja objedinjuje digitalnu zbirku zadataka i evaluator programskih rješenja pisanih u programskom jeziku Python. Aplikacija Eva koju opisujemo u ovome radu namijenjena je kako samostalnome učenju tako i podršci nastavnom procesu, budući da prati godišnji nastavni plan i program. U pilot fazi aplikacija se eksperimentalno koristila u nekoliko srednjih škola kako bi se ispitala uporabljivost njene primjene u nastavne svrhe. Na osnovu tih rezultata izradit će se konačna inačica dostupna svim sudionicima u nastavi informatike.
8.D. Purković (Odsjek za politehniku, Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Primjena računalne animacije u nastavi općeg obveznog tehničkog odgoja i obrazovanja 
Sažetak - Suvremeno temeljno tehničko obrazovanje zahtijeva sve učinkovitije metode, postupke, strategije i pristupe razvoja tehničko-tehnoloških kompetencija učenika. Problem razvoja tih kompetencija izražen je zbog nedostatnih materijalno-tehničkih i organizacijskih uvjeta, ali i zbog iskustvenih ograničenja učenika, povezanih s razinom obrazovanja i dobi učenika. Konstruktivistička teorija i kontekstualni pristup nastavi i učenju predstavljaju temelj za razvoj potrebnih kompetencija učenika, ali je osmišljavanje prikladnog nastavnog konteksta često složeno i neizvjesno. Prikladna uporaba računalnih animacija bi mogla doprinijeti oplemenjivanju kontekstualne nastave, kao segment koji može upotpuniti prazninu između teorijske podloge i praktičnih tehničko-tehnoloških vještina. U tom smislu u radu se iznose uvjeti i ograničenja uporabe animacije u metodičkom i tehničkom smislu, te se predlaže utemeljeni metodički okvir za primjenu animacije u nastavi općeg obveznog tehničkog odgoja i obrazovanja.
10:45 - 11:00PAUZA 
11:00 - 12:00Pozvane prezentacije
Predsjedateljica: Kristinka Blažeka 
1.K. Fabina, M. Koščica (Micro-link, Zagreb, Croatia)
Izazovi u projektiranju Wi-Fi mreža u školama 
2.K. Fabina, M. Koščica (Micro-link, Zagreb, Croatia)
Primjer primjene bežične mreže za korištenje aplikacije e-Dnevnik 
12:00 - 13:00Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedateljica: Kristinka Blažeka 
1.T. Babić, A. Ogrin, K. Šarkanj (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia)
Žene i informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije: zašto su studentice rijetkost na studiju računarstva? 
Rad se bavi pitanjem vrlo slabog interesa žena za studije računarstva odnosno informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija. Statistički podaci Agencije za znanost i visoko obrazovanje pokazuju da u Hrvatskoj samo 13% studentica izabire studije u području tehničkih, biotehničkih, inženjerskih i prirodnih znanosti (STEM). Na Visoko učilište Algebra – visoku školu za primijenjeno računarstvo upisan je 491 student na preddiplomske i diplomski studij u školskoj godini 2014./2015., od čega samo 43 studentice, što znači da je zastupljenost studentica manja od 9%. Svrha ovog kvalitativnog istraživanja, u kojem je sudjelovalo 36 studentica, je identificirati motive upisanih studentica te suprotno; moguće razloge zbog kojih studij računarstva nije popularniji odnosno atraktivniji među djevojkama. Studentice ističu intrinzične motive za upis, ali i dobre poslovne mogućnosti nakon završenog studija. Smatraju da glavni uzroci slabe zastupljenosti žena u ICT-u leže u tradicionalnom vjerovanju da je to muški posao, slabijem predznanju u području tehnologija, društvenom neprihvaćanju te slaboj informiranosti. Kao moguća rješenja proizašla iz ovog istraživanja ističu se obvezna rana informatička edukacija, adekvatno informiranje učenika te kreativne promotivne aktivnosti.
2.K. Blažeka (Tehnička škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Prema uspješnijem razvoju algoritamskog načina razmišljanja 
Novi strukovni kurikulumi, iako još u eksperimentalnoj provedbi, svojim naglaskom na temeljne ishode učenja uveli su niz pozitivnih pomaka u pristupu i provedbi obrazovanja za zanimanje Tehničar za računalstvo. Očekivano, najvažniji ishodi učenja povezani su sa stjecanjem vještina traženih na tržištu rada jer su od presudne važnosti za potvrdjivanje kompetentnosti za obavljanje poslova i radnih zadataka odabrane struke. Među istaknutim vještinama, usvajanje vještine ili umijeća programiranja računala značajno je jer već duži niz godina omogućava povećanu zapošljivost. Kako u osnovnim školama usvajanje algoritamskog načina razmišljanja i stjecanje osnovnih vještina programiranja još uvijek ne obuhvaća čitavu populaciju, pohvalno je i za učenike korisno što pristup sadržan u novim kurikulima daje veći naglasak na usvajanje ovih temeljnih koncepata. U radu se analizira važnost odvajanja dovoljnog broja sati za te prve, vrlo važne korake za ulazak u svijet ispravno razvijenog algoritamskog načina razmišljanja i usvajanje vještine programiranja, usporedjuju se primjeri i sadržajni obuhvat u postojećim odobrenim udžbenicima, te analiziraju mogućnosti koje za podučavanje razvoja algoritamskog načina razmišljanja nude neka kvalitetna web sjedišta ili nacionalni sustavi natjecanja. U zaključku se daju prijedlozi za primjenu i poboljšanja.
3.M. Orlić Bachler (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Marinović (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Kriteriji vrednovanja rada nastavnika od strane njihovih studenata 
U Pravilniku o mjerilima i kriterijima za vrednovanje kvalitete i učinkovitosti visokih učilišta i studijskih programa iz 2004. godine Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Republike Hrvatske uvrstilo je anketiranje studenta kao obvezni unutarnji mehanizam za osiguranje kvalitete na visokim učilištima. Međutim, uz tu zakonsku odredbu, anketiranje studenata nužno je provoditi i zato što je pozitivna ocjena studenata, dobivena na temelju rezultata Ankete za procjenu nastavnika, jedan od uvjeta za izbor ili reizbor u više znanstveno-nastavno ili umjetničko-nastavno zvanje. Posljednjih nekoliko godina visoka učilišta anketiranje studenata provode jednom semestralno putem ISVU sustava. Na taj način studentima je omogućeno da potpuno anonimno iskažu svoje zadovoljstvo ili nezadovoljstvo kvalitetom nastave nastavnika i asistenata na svakom pojedinom kolegiju. Međutim, na rezultate ankete djeluju brojni čimbenici, poput zainteresiranosti studenata za određeni kolegij, redovitost pohađanja nastave, uspjeh (ocjena) postignut na kolokvijima ili završnom ispitu, percepcija da se ispunjavanjem anketa ništa ne postiže i sl. Cilj ovoga rada je na temelju provedene ankete, među studentima s nekoliko različitih visokih učilišta u Rijeci i Zagrebu istražiti koji sve čimbenici i u kojoj mjeri utječu na objektivnu valorizaciju rada nastavnika od strane njihovih studenata.
4.M. Sertić (Klasična gimnazija, Slavonski Brod, Croatia)
Budućnost eUčenja 
Ovaj rad bi trebao predstavit neki od sadržaja vezanih uz eUčenje. Navedeni sadržaji mogli bi i trebali bi se u budućnosti sve više razvijati, a potom i koristiti u obrazovne svrhe kod nadolazećih, budućih naraštaja učenika, studenata i obrazovanja odraslih. Kroz kraće istraživanje u radu će se provjeriti stavovi učenika srednjih škola i polaznika obrazovanja odrasli o ovoj temi. U rad će se prezentirati i neki od obrazovnih sadržaja koji se danas koriste u nastavi. Kroz navedeno istraživanje iznijeli bi se stavovi učenika, polaznika obrazovanja odraslih o upotrebi obrazovnih sadržaja u njihovom školovanju i budućem zanimanju. Obrazovni sadržaji bi obuhvatili dobar dio računalnih softvera i online sadržaje koji se danas koriste u nastavi, ali i pretpostavke o softverima koji bi se mogli koristi u budućnosti, zbog sve veće potrebe globalnog umrežavanja društva i gospodarstva.
5.S. Čerkezović (RGGF Tuzla, općina Živinice, Živinice, Bosnia and Herzegovina), H. Šišić (JU MSŠ Banovići, Živinice, Bosnia and Herzegovina), I. Jagodić (JU MSŠ Živinice, Živinice, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Analiza upotrebe programa u obrazovanju na primjeru sustava linearnih jednadžbi 
Rad prezentira analizu osnovnih metoda i računalskih programa koji se koriste u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama. Analiza je urađena na primjeru rješavanja sistema linearnih jednačina koje su nezaobilazni faktor izučavanja od osnovne škole, srednje škole, fakulteta a kasnije i u samom području djelovanja. Na primjeru sistema linerane jednačine sa tri nepoznate kroz programe Excel, FORTRAN, PASCAL i Matlab vršena je analiza rješavanja navedenog problema od strane učenika i studenata različitim metodama. Analizira se jedan segment tijesno povezanih i srodnih predmeta matematike i informatike kroz navedene računarske programe, da bi se i u budućem radu pravila paralela između ovih programa.
utorak, 26.5.2015 15:00 - 19:00,
Kongresna dvorana, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
15:00 - 17:15Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedateljica: Marina Mirković
1.I. Livaja, F. Urem, A. Grubišić, T. Radić Lakoš (Veleučilište u Šibeniku, Šibenik, Croatia)
E-učenje podržano rješenjima u oblaku 
Novi tip učenja zove se e-učenje, odnosno kombinacija e-učenja i računarstva u oblaku (cloud). Bazirana je na velikom širenju računarstva koje se oslanja na dijeljenje računalnih resursa, a uključuje isporuku sadržaja, aplikacija, infrastrukture i platforme kao usluge. Padom cijena internet usluga kao i golemim vremensko – troškovnim uštedama e-učenje postaje dio naše svakodnevnice. Mogućnost gotovo trenutne disperzije novih znanja u praktički prostorno neograničenim uvjetima (decentralizirani sustavi, udaljene destinacije, nemogućnosti prisutva nastavi). Ova fleksibilnost je ono što privlači učenike, studente, nastavni kadar da koriste sustave e-učenje. U radu je dan pregled rješenja usluge u oblaku za implementaciju sustava e-učenja. Analizirane su platforme i mogući sustavi koje pružaju Hrvatski Telekom (HT) i Sveučilišni računski centar (srce) za implementaciju sustava E-učenja. Znanje koje dobiveno ovakvim načinom edukacije ekvivalentno je onome u učionici, te ima brojne prednosti.
2.V. Filipašić, M. Kukec (Međimursko veleučilište u Čakovcu, Čakovec, Croatia), N. Poljanec (Međimursko veleučilište u Čakovcu, Čakovac, Croatia)
Oblikovanje trodimenzionalnih objekata u sustavima virtualne stvarnosti prilagođenih učenju 
Primjena virtualne i proširene stvarnosti postaje sve popularnija u mnogim granama znanosti i obrazovanja. Štoviše primjena virtualne stvarnosti u edukacijske svrhe koristi se već dulje vrijeme. Mnoga istraživanja pokazuju kako unatoč evidentnim nedostacima primjena virtualne stvarnosti povoljno utječe na rezultate učenja. Tome pridonosi velika sloboda bez fizičkih ograničenja stvarnog svijeta što djeluje motivirajuće u odnosu na klasične metode učenja. Potrebno je istaknuti važnost i složenost izrade sadržaja za sustave virtualne stvarnosti prilagođene učenju. Među oblicima sadržaja koji čine virtualnu stvarnost suvremeni trend su trodimenzionalni modeli koji stvaraju doživljaj tzv. uranjanja u virtualni svijet. U radu se navode i komentiraju rezultati postojećih istraživanja sustava učenja pomoću virtualne stvarnosti s osvrtom na njihove nedostatke, te će se nakon toga prikazati postupak stvaranja virtualnog trodimenzionalnog sadržaja od početka nastajanja pa do njegove realizacije. Tijek izrade virtualnog objekta započinje procesom modeliranja, koje je moguće provesti sa nekoliko različitih tehnika ili njihovom kombinacijom. Ukoliko se radi o statičnom modelu, poput objekta ili stvari, tada je završna faza izrade modela teksturiranje ili bojanje objekta te priprema za animiranje koja se izvršava izradom kostura.
3.D. Šokac (OŠ "M. P. Katančića", Valpovo, Croatia), M. Antolović (Srednja škola Valpovo, Valpovo, Croatia)
Izborna ili redovna nastava u Osnovnim školama 
Rezultati ovog istraživanja na malom broju ispitanika mogu predstavljati indikativne pokazatelje stanja i odnosa između nastave informatike u osnovnim i srednjim školama Informatika se u osnovnim školama provodi preko 20 godina. U skoro svim gimnazijama i većini strukovnih škola informatika provodi jednu godinu kao redovni predmet. Zašto učenici osnovnih škola odabiru informatiku kao izborni predmet? Koliko im to pomaže u daljnjem školovanju? Pitanje: Iz kojih razloga učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola odabiru informatiku kao izborni predmet i koliko im to pomaže ili ne u daljnjem školovanju? Usporedimo izbornu nastavu informatike u osnovnim školama sa redovnom nastavom informatike u srednjim školama:  U osnovnoškolskom planu i programu izborne nastave informatike savladavaju se osnovna znanja i vještine korištenja informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije, kako za svakodnevne potrebe tako i za potrebe budućih zanimanja.  U srednjoškolskom planu i programu redovne nastave informatike savladavaju se osnovna znanja i vještine korištenja informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije, kako za svakodnevne potrebe tako i za potrebe budućih zanimanja u vrlo malom opsegu i prema idejama starim dvadesetak godina na području gdje se ideje i potrebe neprekidno mijenjaju i razvijaju. Uočavamo li nekakvu sličnost ili različitost između ovom grubom usporedbom svrhovitosti i provedbe nastave informatike u osnovnim i srednjim školama?
4.V. Zekulić, D. Možnik (MORH, Hrvatsko vojno učilište "Petar Zrinski", Zagreb, Croatia)
E-učenje i europsko vojno obrazovanje 
Rad opisuje i objašnjava teorijski koncept i praktične primjene odnosno primjere e-učenja u europskom vojnom obrazovanju. Navode se procesi i tehnologije e-učenja kao i primjeri primjene e-učenja u vojnom obrazovanju nekih zemalja članica EU. Opisuje se, inspiriran programom ERASMUS (engl. European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) inicijativa i program ERASMUS militaire poznat po kratici EMILYO (engl. Exchange of Military Young Officers) - razmjena kadeta i mladih časnika među vojnim akademijama zemalja članica EU. Osnovan je u skladu s Europskom sigurnosnom strategijom (engl. European Security Strategy - ESS) i djeluje kao jedan od modela implementacije europske Zajedničke sigurnosne i obrambene politike (engl. Common Security and Defence Policy - CSDP) s primarnim ciljem promicanja europske kulturne sigurnosti i obrane tijekom inicijalnog vojnog obrazovanja i obuke budućih nacionalnih vojnih elita. Podređen je Fakultetu za europsku sigurnost i obranu (engl. European Sycurity and Defence College - ESDC). Objašnjena su četiri oblika implementacije inicijative i programa EMILYO kao i sadašnje stanje odnosa i integracije MORH-a i OS RH u EMILYO kroz razmjenu kadeta i mladih časnika među vojnim akademijama nekih zemalja članica EU. Objavljen je i intervju sa zapovjednikom ESDC-a gsp. Hans Bernhard Weisserth-om. Kroz pogled u budućnost prikazano je mjesto, uloga i značenje e-učenja u transformaciji Hrvatskog vojnog učilišta (HVU) „Petar Zrinski“ u visoko obrazovanu i znanstveno-istraživačku ustanovu u OS RH i MORH-u , tj. HVU kao sastavnicu akademske zajednice u RH i punopravnu aktivnu članicu europskog vojnog obrazovanja. Na kraju su navedena zaključna razmatranja.
5.B. Lamza (II. osnovna škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia), I. Naranđa (II. osnovna škola Čakovec i OŠ Vladimira Nazora, Pribislavec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Integriranje eTwinning projekata u nastavu informatike i engleskog jezika 
Rad predstavlja pregled iskustava i ideja stečenih provođenjem dvanaest eTwinning projekata u protekle tri školske godine u II. osnovnoj školi Čakovec: jedanaest projekata nagrađeno je Nacionalnom oznakom kvalitete, pet projekata nagrađeno je Europskom oznakom kvalitete i jedan projekt nacionalnom nagradom Comet 2013 u kategoriji viših razreda osnovne škole. eTwinning je portal koji služi za sklapanje kontakata između učitelja širom Europe i pokretanje zajedničkih projekata. Sve se odvija uz podršku Agencije za mobilnost i programe EU, odnosno odgovarajućih institucija u svakoj zemlji. U članku ćemo se baviti integriranjem eTwinning projekata u nastavu informatike i engleskog jezika. Kvalitetan eTwinning projekt treba zadovoljiti kriterije pedagoške inovativnosti i kreativnosti, integracije u kurikulum, razmjene i suradnje među partnerskim školama i kreativne uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u izradi sadržaja sukladno s dobi učenika. Ostvareni rezultat i učinak vrlo je važno dokumentirati. Kvalitetni projekti uključuju aktivnosti izvan učionice koje su sastavni dio školskih aktivnosti i obrazovnih ciljeva škole te suradnju s roditeljima i lokalnom zajednicom. Projektne aktivnosti osmišljavaju se tako da svim učenicima omoguće aktivno sudjelovanje na način koji im najbolje odgovara te im pruže mogućnost izražavanja kreativnosti, osjećaj uspjeha i učenje uz zabavu. Ukratko, ovi projekti imaju zadaću razvijati i jačati kod učenika vještine 21. stoljeća.
Stručno usavršavanje nastavnika putem e-učenja 
Društvo u kojem živimo je informatički orijentirano s neprestanim rastom potrebe za cjeloživotnim učenjem. Online učenje je izazov i alat za poboljšanje i unapređenje obrazovnih procesa. Mogućnosti e-učenja povećavaju dostupnost stručnog usavršavanja svim odgojno obrazovnim djelatnicima koji su ujedno potaknuti na uporabu informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije. U radu se opisuju mogućnosti i iskustva primjene online tečajeva za stručno usavršavanje nastavnika u Republici Hrvatskoj. Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje razvila je šest programa e-učenja za stručno usavršavanje koji se odnose se na teme vrednovanja, individualizacije rada, strategije učenja i poučavanja, mentorstva, profesionalnog razvoja i programa Pestalozzi. CARNetov masovni online tečaj - CARNet Moodle MOOC namijenjen je svima koji žele naučiti kako samostalno osmisliti i izraditi online tečaj u Moodle-u. Slovenska akademska istraživačka mreža - Arnes organizira besplatni masovni online tečaj namijenjen svima koji žele naučiti više o sigurnom korištenju Interneta i suvremenih informacijskih tehnologija. Stručno usavršavanje za online nastavu omogućuje nastavnicima da postanu svjesni kako učenici doživljavaju e-učenje, a to najbolje mogu postići uključivanjem nastavnika u ulogu polaznika različith online tečajeva. Ovaj oblik iskustvenog učenja izaziva refleksiju na dubokoj razini i poboljšava praksu. Nastavnici pri tome rade na napredovanju svoje stručnosti, poboljšavaju svoje obrazovne i tehnološke vještine.
7.E. Ciriković, D. Suk (Visoka škola Virovitica, Virovitica, Croatia)
Impress.js - open source prezentacijski okvir u nastavi uvoda u web tehnologije 
U nastavi uvoda u web tehnologije često nije problem privući pažnju studenata atraktivnošću prezentacije samog sadržaja, međutim u pozadini svega stoji u izvjesnoj mjeri standardizirana jezična struktura koja podsjeća na programske jezike te kao takva studentima instinktivno djeluje upozoravajuće. Zato je u traženju motivacije potrebno pronaći ravnotežu između ponekad suhoparne suštine određene tematike i atraktivnosti te korisnosti konačnog ishoda učenja. U radu se prikazuje pregled java script biblioteke otvorenog koda, impress.js, orijentirane izradi web stranica te interaktivnih web prezentacija, kao motivacijskog alata pri svladavanju kolegija koji studente uvode u web tehnologije. Dobra ravnoteža između zahtjevnosti koda te mogućnosti potpuno personalizirane izrade web prezentacija te samih stranica, praktično se pokazalo kao povoljno u prikazu potencijala integracije zasebnih web tehnologija poput HTML-a, CSS-a i JavaScript-a.
17:15 - 17:30PAUZA 
17:30 - 19:00Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedateljica: Martina Filipović Tretinjak 
1.M. Filipović Tretinjak (Elektrotehnička škola, Zagreb, Croatia)
The Implementation of QR Codes in the Educational Process 
Quick Response (QR) codes are two-dimensional (2-D) barcodes that can contain information such as URL links (e.g. a link to YouTube video, website link) and text (e.g. contact details, product details). These square pattern codes consist of black modules on a white background. QR code generator is software that stores data (e.g. URL link, text, Google maps location) into a QR code. This encoded data can be decoded by scanning the QR code symbol with a mobile device that is equipped with a camera and QR code reader software. QR codes have a number of purposes; they are mostly used in manufacturing (e.g. product traceability, process control, inventory and equipment management), warehousing and logistics (e.g. item tracking), retailing (e.g. sales management), healthcare (e.g. medical records management, patient identification, equipment and device tracking), transportation (e.g. ticketing and boarding passes), office automation (e.g. document management), marketing and advertising (e.g. mobile marketing, electronic tickets, coupons, payments). This paper will describe various methods for the implementation of QR codes in the educational process. Experience from the School of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb shows that QR codes support both independent and collaborative learning and can create an interactive learning environment.
2.A. Bednjanec, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Filipović Tretinjak, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Tretinjak (School of Electrical Engineering (Elektrotehnička škola), Zagreb, Croatia)
Computers and Internet in Active Learning 
Active learning has the greatest effect on learners’ achievements, pleasure, full understanding and correcting misunderstandings. In the classroom and at home computers and the internet support creativity and provide to teacher many design options of active learning. A teacher can respond to individual errors, errors common to the group or class to help students improve their competences. Students learn actively with greater efficiency in acquiring skills. Active learning improves results and promotes professional development of both, student and teacher.
3.D. Vincek (Osnovna škola Ante Kovačića, Zlatar, Zlatar, Croatia)
Project teaching – is it achievable without the school library? 
Project teaching is one of the forms for achieving the learning outcomes in a student-directed teaching. The study conducted among the students in a Croatian elementary school from grades six to eight provided the data on information literacy and its role in problem solving in project teaching and the extent to which information technology (computers and printers the children have at home) represents an inhibiting factor for solving the information problem. A competent school librarian teaches the students how to achieve information literacy, which is necessary to efficiently participate in every school project – from raising awareness of information need to presenting the project itself – and information technology offered by the school library, which is crucial for materializing every school project as it is present in all six steps of the so-called Big 6 model, which turn the didactic triangle into a square – are a proof that the school library is an inevitable factor in a student-directed teaching, that is, in realization of every project.
4.I. Rukljač, M. Draženović (Kajzerica elementary school, ZAGREB, Croatia)
Benefits of Using Interactive Whiteboards at Kajzerica Elementary School 
Interactive whiteboards are powerful teaching tools. We in elementary school Kajzerica are proud to benefit from interactive whiteboards and endless possibilities to create and manage our classes. Potential applications of interactive whiteboard are: using web-based resources in whole-class teaching, showing video clips to help explain concepts, manipulating text and practising handwriting, saving notes written on the board for future use, quick and seamless revision. After implementing interactive whiteboards into our classrooms, students are feeling more involved and therefore their motivation for the class is higher. Since the beginning of the school year, we have advanced our classes, recreating them and exploring numerous possibilities to benefit our students and encouraging them to do more. This research will show how students and teachers benefit from interactive whiteboards in our school and how did we recreate particular classes using an interactive whiteboard.
5.M. Filipović Tretinjak, A. Bednjanec, M. Tretinjak (Elektrotehnička škola, Zagreb, Croatia)
Interactive Teaching with Socrative 
Interactive teaching methods promote a learning environment that leads to achieving the expected learning outcomes through encouraging student participation. Socrative student and Socrative teacher are apps that enable teachers to implement an engaging class environment though educational exercises and games that can be used on any web enabled devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. Experience from the School of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb shows that Socrative supports both independent and collaborative learning and can create an interactive learning environment.
6.B. Smolković Cerovski, M. Draženović (Stjepan Benceković elementary school, ZAGREB, Croatia)
Using Cloud Computing in Stjepan Benceković Elementary School 
Cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive. By introducing cloud computing in 2012, the school has managed to ease access and sharing, enhance collaboration between teachers and school management and were able to adopt and consummate another digital competence in order to benefit our school curriculum. Another crucial benefit from implementing cloud technology to our school is saving money. Stjepan Benceković elementary school is a small school with very limited resources and it is very important to us to explore and use technology in order to save money and time. This paper will show how did we implemented cloud computing, how much money has been saved and how did cloud computing evolve school curriculum.
7.K. Bedi (School of Civil Engineering, Art and Craft Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Project-based learning : Students (and teachers) as authors / co-authors of interactive multimedia educational content (Space Teacher) 
SPACE TEACHER is a project of an interactive and educational multimedia CD / DVD. The aim of this paper is to present the extracurricular activities of an IT group of secondary school students who have developed a multimedia CD / DVD over the period of three years. The project was based on the knowledge acquired in geography classes (teaching unit: the Earth and the solar system). The purpose of this paper is to examine the students' attitudes towards acquiring knowledge in extracurricular activities as well as development and implementation of educational and interactive multimedia content in school and their future job. This particular educational and interactive multimedia CD / DVD promotes multimedia and e-learning.
8.K. Bedi (School of Civil Engineering, Art and Craft Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
We like digital - using mobile and web applications in high-school project teaching 
The aim of this paper is to present the possibilities and ways of secondary school teaching provided by new information and communications technology with the growing trends of mobile device development taken into account. The process of making a mobile device application is illustrated with student projects "MY CAR" and „MOBILE WEB BANKING“. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent and range of mobile applications use among student population.
srijeda, 27.5.2015 17:00 - 19:00,
Kongresna dvorana, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedatelji: Zdenko Prohaska i Alen Kontošić 
1.F. Urem (Polytechnic of Šibenik, Šibenik, Croatia), K. Fertalj (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Šupe, I. Livaja (Polytechnic of Šibenik, Šibenik, Croatia)
Anonymity Ensurance in Creation of Satisfaction Surveys - Experience of Polytechnic of Šibenik 
Quality assurance in higher education implies different student surveys that examine teaching, learning environments and educational outcomes. It is crucial to convince students that survey is fully anonymous because it is an essential prerequisite for getting the right answers from students about teaching process.The application of information technology enables further progress in the anonymous survey but the problem of student perceptions about the actual anonymity of participants still remains. This paper presents the recommendations of other authors to achieve that goal and conducting experience in student surveys at Polytechnic of Šibenik.
2.Z. Prohaska (Education and Teacher Training Agency, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Benković (Primary School Zamet, Rijeka, Croatia), I. Uroda (Faculty of Economics, Rijeka, Croatia)
Implementation of Computer Programs in Visual Arts Education in Croatian Primary Schools 
Based on two previous studies how teachers and pupils generally evaluate the introduction of ICT in visual arts education in primary schools in Croatia, this follow-up research investigates what methods and computer programs were actually introduced in classrooms. A survey will be carried out how pupils evaluate the pros and cons of using such programs and if that improves their learning process in visual arts.
3.L. Baltova (Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria)
E-Learning of Students in Course „Fundamentals of Engineering Design“ Using the System of Evaluation and Maintaining the Quality of Education and Scientific Research 
This article presents the organization of education in the subject “Fundamentals of Engineering Design” in the Department of Fundamentals and Technical Means of Design, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Sofia. In the article are shown helpful guidelines developed in the Department which presents good practices for training students using System of Evaluation and Maintaining the Quality of Education and Scientific Research as measures to be applied to increase the knowledge and motivation and reducing the impact of risks identified during the training of the students.
4.A. Papić (Filozofski fakultet Osijek, Osijek, Croatia)
The emerging strategy of social network analysis: an overview of indicators, concepts and implications  
This paper describes an emerging strategy called social network analysis (SNA) and points out some of its possible implications. SNA is an interdisciplinary technique developed under many influences and the most important ones came from mathematics and computer science. Mathematical graph theory is used for modelling social networks and it is a starting point for many of the most fundamental ideas of SNA. The paper gives an overview of main concepts of SNA such as local centrality (degree), betweenness, global centrality (closeness), density and centralization. Also, the mathematical notation of the most important indicators of SNA are presented in the paper. The main research question was to determine the prevalence of SNA in scholarly publications in last decade across different scientific areas and different geographical areas. According to obtained empirical data the usage of SNA strategy in scholarly publications has ascending pathway.
5.M. Nadrljanski (Pomorski fakultet u Splitu, Split, Croatia), V. Domitrović (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Children's Interest in the Media - Empirical Research 
The 21st century has been marked by the media. It has a significant influence on adult population. This paper analyzes the effects of media on the youngest population in Croatia. The entire research is oriented empirically on the random sample of two age categories of children. The first age category includes children at the age of 4 to 7, and the other one children at the age of 8 to 11. A special analysis was performed on positive media influence with quantitative data on the statistical sample. Negative media effects were studied on the same sample as well. The research has shown it is necessary to influence children's use of media in order to give them proper education in Croatia and influence on their personality forming.
6.S. Vukmirović (Economics Faculty, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Čičin-Šain (Jadrolinija, Rijeka, Croatia), I. Host (Klinički bolnički centar, Rijeka, Croatia)
Modeling and analysis of the polyhedral pyramid structures by method of modified traveling salesman problem (TSP) 
In this paper we discuss the features and benefits of usage the concepts of polyhedral pyramidal structure in design and analysis of flexible and adaptive organizational structures. Pyramidal polyhedra are considered as a network consisting of nodes and flows where nodes correspond to points of polyhedra, and edges correspond to flows. In this concept flows include all possible links between the points of polyhedra. Polyhedral pyramid structure is considered from the perspective of the possibilities for flexible and adaptive connecting between nodes with the possibilities of achieving more combinations that generate optimum solutions, related to optimal organizational structure. In considering of dynamic potential of pyramidal polyhedral structure uses a modified method of traveling salesman problem (TSP).
7.S. Vukmirović, Z. Čapko, A. Babić (Economics Faculty, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Geometric programming in designing of mental models on the example of strategic thinking between synergies competition and cooperation 
In this paper we consider the mental models in context of encouraging innovative and creative development and shift in strategic thinking. Mental models encourage multiperspectival approach to the process of representing imagination in strategic thinkng. Visual designing of mental models can show how a new way of thinking may works in different contexts and situations. Geometric programming is considered in the function of mental models designing. The model of lemniscate is used in visualization and modeling of synergies between competition and cooperation in business in the context of strategic thinking.
8.Z. Prohaska, B. Olgić Draženović, I. Uroda (Faculty of Economics, Rijeka, Croatia)
Valuation of Options by Using Excel 
Options represent the right to buy or to sell a specific number of underlying assets (stocks, indices, commodities etc.) at a given price in a predetermined period of time. To analyze the value of options the Black and Scholes model will be presented and special spreadsheets will be developed using only plain vanilla excel, i.e. its basic financial functions, for call and put options in the case of stocks which are paying or not paying dividends. The reason for using only plain vanilla excel is a better portability of such spreadsheets for students at faculties of economics and in the public sector on different platforms or computers with various operating systems like Windows, Linux, FreeDos etc.
9.B. Kontošić (Osnovna škola Šijana, 43. istarske divizije 5, Pula, Croatia), A. Kontošić (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Zagrebačka 30, Pula, Croatia), S. Biloslav (Osnovna škola – Scuola elementare Milana Šorga, Matka Laginje 25, Oprtalj, Croatia)
Exploring the Use of Computers in Classroom Teaching 
Summary – The computer is becoming more used and prevalent in learning. It is increasingly being used in knowledge transfer and acquisition of knowledge. The textbooks items in the classroom teaching are enriched with CDs. How many pupils in lower grades use a computer for learning acquisition teaching contents? Do they learn more easily using textbooks or CDs? How much time do pupils spend on the computer to get some information as for learning on the Internet? The data were obtained by means of a questionnaire in which pupils were anonymously surveyed. The aim of the research is to determine whether pupils use the computer for learning and in which school subjects the most. The data analysis shows that pupils mostly use the computer for the adoption of the content of educational subjects.
10.C. Ungermanns, W. Werth (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria)
Effective knowledge exchange with modern didactic concepts 
Production sciences and manufacturing technologies are worldwide a central element for societies which take profit and welfare by their producing industries. Especially in the highly industrialized countries it has to be considered that these production plants can only be operated with highly qualified staff. In this contribution we demonstrate a structure and scheme for knowledge transfer from the tertiary to the secondary educational leveln in the field of robotics and Flexible Automation. Thanks to the initiative Leonardo Life long learning – Transfer of Innovation of the EU it is shown that a successful cooperation of Austrian, Croatian, Slovenian and Turkish partners is realized in terms of education and engineering. The essential elements of the project will be presented.
četvrtak, 28.5.2015 9:00 - 13:00,
Kongresna dvorana, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 - 10:45Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedatelji: Hannu Jaakkola i Jaak Henno 
The Relationship between Cultural Dimensions and the Quality of Communication in Education 
As Hofstede said, culture is the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others. In the other words, culture contains knowledge, belief, art, ethics, law, tradition or any other ability or habit which humans gain as a member of human society. Every culture is different. That means people from different culture have different beliefs, knowledge, art, etc. Therefore, there are five dimensions of culture and this article explains and explores two dimensions of culture (Individualism (IDV), and Power/Distance (PD). This paper will outline the impact of these dimensions in educational institutions. In the study participated students from three countries (Croatia, Denmark, and Romania). The goal of this research is to determine how the students deal with a structured hierarchy, formal communication, with a high level of power distance, rules and regulations. On the other hand research shows types of communication and distance in countries with low power distance (eg. Denmark). Also, this study will show how many students (and earlier in education) tend to work in a team or individually, and why is that so. We know that culture has an influence over education, ie. the dimensions of power distance and individualism or collectivism have an impact on the education of young people. This means that on the individualist side we find societies in which the ties among individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after him/herself. On the collectivist side we find societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups. Individualistic countries are harder to self-realization, whereas in collectivist countries are subordinate their personal preferences and priorities of those in the group. Through the action of these two dimensions of culture, the paper also examines the influence of professors to students, but also the consequences of these impacts (level of formality of relations, the level of respect for students' opinions, etc.). Instrument used in the processing of the survey results is semantic differential.
2.H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), B. Thalheim (Christian Albrechts University at Kiel, Kiel, Germany), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland)
Collaboration, Distribution and Culture – Challenges for Communication  
Work, to an increasing amount, is based on collaboration between different partners; collaboration emphasizes the importance of communication between the collaborating parties. Increasingly, work is also becoming distributed and carried out in different geographical locations; distribution underlines the importance of managing and organizing work. The third important aspect characterizing current work is globalization; this refers to the multicultural characteristics of work and the need to understand the behavioral patterns of different (national) cultures. The paper addresses these three challenges related to the current work context. The approach points out the importance of a deep understanding of the characteristics of work – collaboration, distribution, and cultural diversity. Adaptive learning provides one potential solution to the challenges.
3.J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland)
Project- and Product-Oriented Course 
All the time accelerating development of society and current economic situation requires, that universities should produce not only good professional skills, but good professional skills with strong business-oriented approaches. Our ICT graduates should be able to create new innovative IT products, start new IT enterprises. Programming is nowadays thought already in school, elementary programming skills can be learned from many good on-line sites: Codecademy, Code School etc, Object-Oriented (OO) approach to development is also old news, besides, most of our students already work in IT and program daily. University should give to graduates not only knowledge of IT technologies, but also mindset to apply all learned IT-skills in business. This can be achieved using project- and product-oriented (PPO) approach in teaching. The whole course is built up as a series of projects; the course assessment is based on individual projects, which should produce a finished product with some commercial value. We have successfully used this approach for several years; in the presentation will be discussed our experience with PPO approach.
4.J. Mezak (Faculty of Teacher Education, RIJEKA, Croatia), N. Hoić-Božić, M. Holenko-Dlab (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, RIJEKA, Croatia)
Personalization of e-tivities using Web 2.0 tools and ELARS (E-learning Activities Recommender System) 
This paper describes a collaborative learning process using Web 2.0 tools and ELARS (E-learning Activities Recommender System). The Web 2.0 approach stimulated the development of a various e-learning models that can be applied to different types of e-courses. Within the research project "E-learning Recommender System", supported by University of Rijeka (Croatia) didactical models of using Web 2.0 tools in e-learning activities have been developed for different types of blended and online higher education e-courses. Combining LMS with Web 2.0 tools and using recommender system for personalization of activities make our courses at the Department of Informatics and Faculty of Teacher Education much more interested and challenged.
5.M. Balković, G. Đambić, Z. Jančić (Visoko učilište Algebra - visoka škola za primijeneno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia)
Model of Information System for Recognition of Non-Formal and Informal Learning in Higher Education 
Ovaj je članak nastao aktivnim radom u okviru projekta uvođenja sustava priznavanja i vrednovanja neformalnog i informalnog učenja u području visokog obrazovanja kao teoretska i praktična podloga izgradnji budućeg informacijskog sustava za podršku postupku priznavanja i vrednovanja koji bi mogao biti koristan i za ostale razine obrazvanja. Naime, budući da Republika Hrvatska u okviru aktivnosti implementacije Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira uvodi sustav vrednovanja i priznavanja neformalnog i informalnog učenja, čime kao i ostale članice EU provodi preporuku Vijeća Europske Unije iz prosinca 2012. godine, istražili smo aktualni status implementacije sustava vrednovanja neformalnog i informalnog učenja na razini EU kao podlogu za implementaciju nacionalnog rješenja. Temeljem navedenog istraživanja odredili smo ključna istraživačka pitanja te smo proveli anketu dionika iz sustava visokog obrazovanja kako bismo bolje upoznali specifične zahtjeve samog sustava i pripadajućeg informacijskog sustava. Ključni rezultati tih istraživanja te specifična očekivanja dionika prezentirana su ovim člankom. Na koncu smo teoretske spoznaje, praktična implementacijska rješenja iz drugih EU država te specifična očekivanja domaćih dionika ugradili u model informacijskog sustava kojeg predlažemo ovim člankom i koji je predstavljen studijama slučaja nastalim na osnovu navedenog istraživanja te dajemo arhitekturne preporuke i model podataka prikladne za implementaciju. NAPOMENA: prijavljuje se kao znanstveni rad.
6.D. Robic, R. Repnik (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Koroska c. 160, 2000 Maribor, Sl, Maribor, Slovenia)
Computer game Angry Birds in teaching physics 
Information and communication technology (ICT) is very popular among children. A lot of children are playing computer games in their free time not knowing that some games are based on actual physics. In this article we discuss how some computer games can be used for teaching physics. Educational computer games are well known highly motivating didactical tools that can inspire children for learning and should not be excluded out of teaching. In our case we focus on popular Angry Birds where we analyze the physics background of the game. We try to determine different contents of physics and applicability in game physics for lessons on specific educational level. In the example we show how to use Angry Birds in teaching physics in secondary school at topic projectile motion and which software is required to analyze data in the game. We also made the suggestion of additional examples with suitable physical content which are integrated in this computer game.
7.P. Linna, H. Keto, T. Mäkinen (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland)
Towards Blended Learning: A Case Study 
University education is in the middle of a technological and pedagogical revolution. Traditional models are under considerable pressure to change. In this paper, we introduce a case where IT education was radically challenged by new possibilities. The case is a small university department, which runs a Master’s degree program for an annual intake of about 60 students. The students study while working either full or part-time. Thus, the key challenge is to enable an efficient balance between work and studies especially by supporting distance learning. This means that the location and schedule of studies have to be flexible. One way has been to increase the multiformity of the pedagogical methods. For example, teaching is moving increasingly toward the flipped classroom method. In addition to the teachers’ own video production, external academic Internet sources have been used and experiments have also been made of using external Massive Open Online Course materials for example in executing web development and database courses. This paper is a summary and analysis of the observations from the viewpoint of the students, teachers, and administration. Some plans and future intentions are also presented.
8.M. Linna, A. Valo (Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Pori, Finland)
The use of HILL online e-learning environment in language teaching 
Due to an increasing number of adult students there is a need to create new forms of teaching. Blended learning is nowadays current practice also in language teaching, with new technical solutions constantly being taken into use. At Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) in Finland, HILL, an online lecture system and e-learning environment is used in teaching. The aim of HILL is to provide adult students with an e-learning environment that facilitates combining of studies, work and family life. Students can follow lectures via HILL from anywhere and interact with the lecturer or participants. Sessions can also be recorded. The HILL concept was developed in cooperation between SAMK, IBM, Cisco and AKG. It has been used in teaching since 2010. For example, in November 2014 there were about 300 HILL sessions and 3000 users. As HILL is easy to use and technically stable, the number is increasing rapidly. Languages have been taught in SAMK via HILL since 2012. This is a case study concentrating on the possibilities and challenges that blended learning via HILL has brought into language learning.
10:45 - 11:00PAUZA 
11:00 - 13:00Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedatelji: Marjan Krašna i Robert Repnik 
1.M. Pavlovski, I. Dunđer (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Information Literacy Assessment at the University of Zagreb: an Undergraduate Students’ Perspective 
Information literacy represents the set of skills that enables individuals to identify, locate, evaluate and utilize relevant information for a certain task. This paper presents results of a survey regarding information literacy, carried out on undergraduate students of the Department of Information and Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. Previous surveys had asserted the need to include information literacy or information competencies, differentiated from already present tool literacy or technological competencies, in students’ curricula on the University. The aim of this survey was to analyze the students’ information competencies as well as examine the students’ attitude towards introducing an undergraduate course, during which they would learn how to efficiently search for information in the electronic environment while preparing seminar papers and exams. Furthermore, to gain an insight into the students’ information retrieval accuracy in course-related research, the authors of this paper shall evaluate their information behavior, i.e. investigate whether the students develop an overall research plan or search in relevant information sources, e.g. peer-reviewed databases etc. The research results can be helpful to determine the importance of information awareness at this level of education.
2.S. Ribić, A. Salihbegović (Elektrotehnički fakultet u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Tiny Operating System Kernel for Education Purposes 
Operating systems are taught at various universities and technical high schools. Some courses are theoretically oriented, while some of them follow a source code of a complete operating system kernel. However, an OS kernel source can be quiet large for explain, if in needs to cover processes, memory, disk input outpu, keyboard, video and file system. Therefore, the kernel source takes hunderds pages in textbooks, or it is limited to incomplete snippets, or uses less common hardware. Our approach implements simplest algorithms for each subsystem and it results in kernel taking only ten pages of a textbook which is bootable on a standard Intel class computer or virtual machine.
3.R. Barišić (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia)
Usage of Compulsory Content in Secondary School Education 
Modern information and communication technologies suited to be used in the educational process have to bridge the gap between the desires of today's students for modern educational content and compulsory literature in the form of printed textbooks. This paper presents the results of research on use of printed textbooks in the Humanities, Social and Natural Sciences and Engineering in the third and fourth grade of secondary school. The survey lasted for three years and was conducted among almost 3.000 students from more than 80 secondary schools from 19 Croatian counties. An analysis of research on the use of printed textbooks in the final years of secondary school shows that a significant number of textbooks are used on a small scale during the day at school and even to a lesser extent during independent work at home. The aim of this paper is to highlight the need to find alternative and complementary solutions whose application should modernize the educational process and present courses to students in an attractive and motivating way on a variety of devices that today's students have at home, at school and on the move.
4.S. Gartner, M. Krašna (Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia)
Online Learning Efficiency in the Humanities 
Online learning or web assisted learning is common in the past decade. In different researches it was evident that it is appropriate for technical, natural sciences and skill learning. Art and humanities are more reluctant to use new technology since it seems that it does not naturally suit them. Is it possible that art and humanity does not find such approach effective or it requires mental change of lecturers to use them? We tested the three different approaches to acquire students’ feedback: (1) traditional classroom lecture, (2) studying with the documents from the Moodle, and (3) studying with interactive multimedia learning materials. In our research (in the course The basics of Philosophical Thought) we have discovered that students – digital natives still perceive traditional classroom lectures more useful in the sense understanding the reading materials then the other two approaches. This was evident in the students’ home works, grades, and survey analysis but not in the time management. From the gathered data we suggest that the optimal approach would be to provide e-learning materials prior to the lectures because this would enable students to actively participate in the lectures. If we use online interactive multimedia learning materials most students still requires live communication which is not always feasible in the online learning only.
5.D. Pukšič, M. Krašna (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia)
Designing m-learning materials for language learning 
There are hot debates if e-learning and m-learning are the same thing. This is a dilemma only for those who were now participate in the m-learning learning material production. From technical perspective we might see this just as viewport constraint. But those constraints have high implication into the background thinking processes. Classical windows navigation cannot be used and if we want m-learning materials to be successful we need to pay special attention to the just-in-time learning. Much effort needs to apply to the context when and where information is searched and displayed to statistically predict following user requests. Only such materials that are successful in prediction of user’s actions are successful as learning materials and do not becomes “digital rubbish” on mobile device. The article is focused on the design of m-learning for Slovene language on level A1 and A2 which is of paramount importance for further motivation for language learning.
6.M. Popović (Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia), D. Cvetković (Faculty of Education, Sombor, Serbia), M. Krašna (Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia)
Comparison of ICT in Education Between Slovenia and Serbia 
Cooperation today is on a global scale and anyone is welcomed to participate. Global standard in education means that ICT becomes backbone of the education infrastructure and incorporated to the educational paradigm. Europe dictates that student and teacher mobility is almost mandatory. Our intention was to see the difference between two countries that should start using their ICT in education concurrently. With the historical overview, contemporary research on comparison of study programs, and students’ opinion we provide the comparison that shows potential for cooperation and mobility. Today’s students are digital native in both country and in the article we are present the differences through their views and opinions. We constraint our research on students of educational study programs in three universities in Slovenia and one in Serbia.
7.J. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicin, Zagreb, Croatia), O. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicin, Department of Physics and Biophysics, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Kermek (University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Department of Computing and Technology, Varaždin, Croatia)
The Application of Formative E-Assessment Data in the Final Exam Results Modeling Using Neural Networks 
After introducing e-assessment into laboratory and seminar teaching of physics in a biomedical university study program the improved final practical exam passing rate was observed. The final practical exam passing rate increased from approximately 60% to more than 80%. Encouraged by these results, in this paper we will try to show a correlation between the results of e-assessments collected during continuous monitoring of student performance and their success in final tests using neural networks as modeling method. The models will be built using various sets of data collected during three academic years. Aside from the impact on the final practical exam passing rate, the models should help us in dealing with the missing data problems. Some data are missing due to technical problems and some due to errors in student handling of e-application. In this paper we have observed data collected by two types of e-assessment. The first type of e-assessment is carried out during laboratory exercises and it influences the formation of the final grade. The second type of e-assessment is performed during seminars and has no impact on the final grade.
8.I. Korobaničová, D. Paľová, N. Urbančíková (The Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia)
Knowledge Generating House – a tool for education based on Open Innovation principle 
Creativity and innovation play a key role in the present. Program Europa2020 declared need of strengthening the knowledge triangle - education, research and innovation. Based on this, the changes are happening in education from the perspective of the knowledge society, focusing on one of the basic elements of innovation - creativity and its role in education. In the paper we will present the OpenInn project and its outcome – OpenInn portal, an on-line source of information concerned creativity enhancement and tool for creative cooperation among its users – Knowledge Generation House.
9.D. Paľova, M. Vejačka (Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia)
FASTER Platform – an On-Line Tool for EU Accountants Education 
The European Commission developed the Europe 2020 strategy for sustainable and inclusive growth and it was adopted by the European Council in June 2010. The EC agreed on five main objectives; one of them is to raise the employment rate of citizens 20 to 64 years old to 75 % by 2020. EU member states implemented these objectives into their national policies. In that way, the employment is at the heart of many EU policies. Based on data for 2013, the employment of persons aged 15 to 64 was at 64.1 % in EU-28 . By gradual integration of new members into the EU the process of opening common marketplace becomes continuous and brings new businesses. From the perspective of accounting, in case of operating of company at new markets is appropriate that accountants are able to keep track of accountancy of other countries. Our experience shows that complications are common, so extensive consortium of educational institutions acting in the field of the education decided to create tool facilitating and integrating accounting information. The aim of the paper is to present FASTER platform an on-line platform for accountants’ education and jobseeking – the result of FASTER project.
četvrtak, 28.5.2015 15:00 - 19:00,
Kongresna dvorana, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
15:00 - 16:45Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedatelj: Ivan Kaštelan 
1.M. Vejačka, J. Bucko (Faculty of Economics, Technical university of Košice, Košice, Slovakia)
User Knowledge Development in the Field of Electronic Services and Their Security in Slovakia  
Computerization of society and electronic government are current problems of society and its development is the part of all governments’ program declarations in the European Union. Despite of the well-built internet infrastructure, Slovakia is still tail ranking, when considering the level of development of electronic services and their use by the general public. The precondition for improving this situation is to increase the level of knowledge about electronic communication, its security and trust in these services. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the area of electronic services are developed during undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice. The aim of this paper is to present the development of knowledge and skills in this area among students of third grade at Faculty of Economics during the years since 2009 until 2014. Students’ knowledge is evaluated and compared by newly constructed index. Data were collected by a questionnaire survey during each year in the period. Results of evaluation and comparison are briefly presented and assessed.
2.I. Kastelan, N. Pjevalica, M. Temerinac (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia)
A Course in Digital System Design using Unified E2LP Platform 
Computer engineering education has a strong dependence on laboratory work. Teaching students in the lab does not always consist of teaching the required course material, but also of a vast number of tutorials on different platforms. In many cases, these tutorials take significant amount of time which could be better spent doing actual course material. For that reason, E2LP project has developed a platform to be used in multiple courses, covering majority of the computer engineering curriculum. This paper presents a first step in the curriculum - a course in digital system design with laboratory exercises which are implemented on E2LP platform. The platform not only gives students hands-on experience with design and verification of digital systems, but it also provides a bridge between hardware and software because using the same platform in future courses allows students to re-use their results from previous courses and continue building their knowledge. First impression of students is positive about the experience with the platform and their feeling of usefulness of the course for their career.
3.B. Kraut, J. Jeknić (Alcyone d.o.o., Maribor, Slovenia)
Improving education experience with Augmented Reality (AR) 
In the modern world, information is everything. It is important that you can access the information instantly from anywhere at anytime, but what it’s even more important - the information must be relevant and presented in such a manner that you can understand everything easily. Emerging new mobile technologies, such as AR glasses or VR headsets will, within short period of time be commonly accepted, as smartphones are massively today. This will definitely change the way we perceive data and our reality. Augmented Reality (AR) is not a hype any more. It is a solid technology already used in some creative applications. One area that is benefiting significantly from this great technology is education process, where AR tools can guide students through learning process in a way we have never seen before. Traditional books can be enriched with a digital layer, which improves both teaching and learning experience and brings interactive dimension into the whole picture. This new layer encompasses several senses which speed up memorization. Moreover, learning activities can be supervised by a tutor or an automated service which leads to lower school dropout and raises common understanding. Additionally, results from ARAVET project will be presented.
4.M. Poženel, L. Fürst, V. Mahnič (Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Introduction of the automated assessment of homework assignments in a university-level programming course 
Modern teaching paradigms promote active student participation, encouraging teachers to adapt the learning process to involve more practical work. In the introductory programming course at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, the homework assignments contribute approximately one half to the total grade, requiring a significant investment of time and human resources in the assessment process. This issue can be addressed by the automated assessment of homework assignments. In this paper, we present the introduction of an automated assessment system for programming assignments that includes the dynamic testing of student programs, plagiarism detection, and a proper presentation of the results. We share our experience and compare the introduced system with the manual assessment approach used before.
5.L. Reveszova (Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia)
Informatics Education and Requirements of Current Practice 
Bill Gates in 1999 wrote: “Your ability to gain, process and use information decides whether you will belong to winners or losers.“ Since then, the meaning of his words has been constantly increasing. We often recognize an attitude that the primary issues in development, implementation and effective application of informatics and ICT in current practice are modern technical devices, computers- hardware and software. These are surely unthinkable part of it, however the key part are competent people. Investments into informatization of society and new technology are often very high. The efficiency of these investments depends on users, their motivation, interest and proper education. What are the real information competencies and students knowledge gained during their school informatics education? How can they use these knowledge and competencies? The article summarizes results of the research of information competencies of secondary school graduates who entered the first grade at the Faculty of economics, Technical university in Košice. We also deal with the experience in teaching and discuss the base of knowledge and methods which have been implemented into the informatics subjects at our faculty.
6.P. Bjeljac, I. Zečević, B. Perišić (Faculty of Technical Sciences , Novi Sad, Serbia)
Integrating Learning Management System and Faculty Information System –Service Oriented Approach 
The current era of information technologies brings new approaches in the education field, namely the use of Learning management systems. Nowadays, most higher education institutions have information systems for handling data about students and staff, as well as one or more learning management systems. Some data is repeated multiple times in these systems, so the need for integration emerges. This paper analyses the learning management systems in use at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and the possibilities for their integration with other systems. A service oriented approach for two-way data exchange between these systems is proposed as a flexible solution. Finally, the implementation of such a solution based on REST services is presented as a proof of concept.
7.I. Rožanc, J. Mihelič (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Evaluating the effect of the automatic assessment introduction in the ADS1 course practical work  
The introduction of modern teaching and assessing approaches importantly enhance the quality of teaching. Apart beneficial effects such as effective knowledge presentation, better communication and easier practical work execution, changes include risk to ruin good results of well-established teaching routine. This paper is motivated by recent changes of the content, structure and assessing method of practical work of the Algorithms and Data Structures 1 course (ADS1), which is taught at the FCIS at the University of Ljubljana. The most critical part was the introduction of automatic assessing of practical work as it considerably elevated the number of shorter tasks to be handed in on time by students. In our work the effect of such approach is objectively evaluated. First, we use the current and past assessment data to examine the number of students involved in practical work. Second, the current grades are analyzed to check the correlation with previous grades obtained manually. To be objective, the grades analysis is shown for a similar automatically assessed course, too. Next, the results of a student questionnaire are presented, which confirm the successful introduction of new approach. Finally, our experience is summarized to support similar initiatives elsewhere.
8.B. Fetaji, M. Fetaji, O. Rakipi (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia), M. Ebibi (International Balkans University, Skopje, Macedonia)
Conceptual Design, Development and Analyses of “E-Learn SEEU” Model and Framework 
The research study is focused on the exploration and analyses of development methodologies of e-learning software and proposes a model and a framework for approaching such development, while applied it on a particular practical application E-Learn SEEU were has been implemented and tested the proposed model as well as evaluated with the users. Analyses of the current methodologies and best practices in e-learning, comparison of e-learning with m-learning as well as analyses of development of e-learning software has been realized. Also developed a software solution to test the proposed model and apply the framework as well as tested and evaluated it with the users using questionnaire. In conclusions insights are provided and recommendations are stated based on the study results realized.
16:45 - 17:00PAUZA 
17:00 - 19:00Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedatelj: Duško Lukač 
1.B. Kordic, V. Marinkovic, M. Popovic, I. Kaštelan (Faculty of Technical Sciences at University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia)
Hands-on System Programming Labs & Projects Based on E2LP Platform 
This paper presents a set of laboratory exercises and student’s projects developed for an E2LP embedded learning platform. The E2LP is educational and research embedded platform composed of base and daughter boards based on FPGA and ARM, respectively. The exercises and student’s projects cover different topics in embedded and real-time system developments. The main goals of the exercises is to introduce writing Android kernel modules and devices, and multithreaded user space applications using cross-compiling tool chain for embedded platforms and systems. The student’s projects enables the student to implement real-time support for various virtual and hardware peripherals such as RS-232, VGA, LCD, random generator number, encryption device, and etc. The exercises and projects are basic functional building blocks of a global project which provide simple text/chat communication between two E2LP boards. The achieved results are positive and promising.
2.M. Sakal, P. Tumbas, P. Matkovic, V. Pavlicevic (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics, Subotica, Serbia)
Wiki-based books as alternatives to printed university publications 
Universal dissemination of digital technology has produced a convincing alternative to printed university textbooks, workbooks and handbooks, changing the approach to their production, distribution and use, whilst irreversibly transforming the reading habits and means of knowledge acquisition of the student population made of members of the Net Generation. Being continuously and ubiquitously exposed to digital and network technologies while growing up, they effortlessly and instinctively developed ICT skills at an admirable level . Multitasking, being on-line and use of collaborative environments come naturally to current generations of students, which is an essential prerequisite for the introduction and use of Wiki-systems as an alternative to printed university literature. Positive and negative aspects of such systems are the subject of analysis in this paper.
3.A. Wirth, R. Repnik (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Koroska c. 160, 2000 Maribor, Sl, Maribor, Slovenia)
Analysis of learning by doing in the creation of instructional video in teaching optics 
It is well known that video in education have some advantages in specific areas. We have made the experiment to see the effect of video in physics education. Our goal was to see if short video clips can improve understanding of physics – optics. In our experiment we wanted to test the principle learning by doing with the specific emphasis on creativity. Students were divided into two separate groups with the same assignment. First group was to prepare a video without any additional instruction from lecturer but they were not limited by any other means. The second group was further divided into two teams. Both teams got the same instruction how to create educational video clips. The differences between these two teams was that one team was given the detailed analysis of previously created bad educational video on the same topic while the other did not. Since creativity cannot be though and has to come from the individuals own inspiration we wanted to know if too many instructions actually influence the outcome of the students’ performance.
4.D. Lukac (Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln gGmbH - University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany)
Examples of Best Practice of University-Industry Collaboration in the Domain of Electro-CAD Application by using EPLAN P8 and E-learning Systems 
Requirements of the industry are reflected into the curricula of the universities oriented to application oriented sciences. Nevertheless, a coordination of the teaching contents to the industrial requirements often does not work efficiently enough because, on the one hand, the dynamism of the changes of the useful teaching contents becomes sluggish at the universities compared with the industry, on the other hand it often does not come to the desired long-term collaboration between universities and industrial companies. In this work the state of the art of a successful collaboration and the further development of certification program between university and a next-door international enterprise in Cologne, Germany, in the domain of the Electro-CAD application will be introduced. Some examples of such a collaboration in the everyday practice at the Cologne university of applied sciences by use of the E-learning systems are presented.
5.M. Konecki (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia)
Self-paced computer aided learning of music instruments 
Many people want to learn how to play a musical instrument. Modern business life however makes hard to make time for scheduled musical lessons. People tend to find time for this kind of activities in various periods of their working day. This implies that some kind of self-paced learning system would be best suited for this kind of purpose. This kind of system would also have to be able to track progress of its user and also adapt its course depending on one's abilities and the speed of progress. In this paper this kind of system is described and discussed. The question that needs to be answered is whether people in fact have real interest in this kind of system and what aspects of this kind of system they find important. This paper presents research results that give answers to these questions. Presented results are discussed and directions for future research are also stated and elaborated.
6.V. Slavuj, B. Kovačić, I. Jugo (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Intelligent tutoring systems for language learning 
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) are able to provide a personalised approach to learning by assuming the role of a real teacher/expert who adapts and steers the learning process according to the specific needs of each learner. This is done by taking into account a number of learner features and deciding on the best action to follow at any point in the learning process. Within the field of computer assisted language learning (CALL), the “computer-as-a-tutor” modality has been widely accepted for some time now, although it has long been overshadowed by the “computer-as-a-tool” modality. This was mainly due to the observable lack of interactivity of language learning systems and the inability of technology to show “intelligence”. However, the development of artificial intelligence in general, and natural language processing, user modelling and ITSs in particular, gave impetus to the development of the field referred to as intelligent CALL (ICALL). The paper at hand outlines and discusses the issues surrounding the development and use of ITSs for language learning, taking also into account the broader context of (I)CALL. It further offers a discussion concerning certain special requirements set upon every language learning ITS, and gives an overview of such systems already in use.
7.F. Škopljanac-Mačina (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia), I. Zakarija (Sveučilište u Dubrovniku, Dubrovnik, Croatia), B. Blašković (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Exam questions consistency checking 
This paper deals with the problem of checking consistency of automatically generated exam questions in e-learning systems. We focus on the exam questions with the numeric solutions and the automatic evaluation of their answers. Each answer is evaluated as correct if it is within a specified range from the actual correct value. In our paper we check the consistency of exam questions evaluated with this simple method, i.e. are the answers calculated using wrong methods and based on false assumptions always evaluated as incorrect. We made a mutant testing algorithm for identifying inconsistent questions using model checking. At the end we present use cases based on the evaluation of students' answers on our courses Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Formal Methods In System Design.
8.L. Abazi-Bexheti, E. Jajaga, M. Apostolova Trpkovska, B. Ismaili (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia)
An Experience in Integrating Learning Management System with user's Google Drive 
E-learning is usually accepted as a powerful and important addition to traditional educational programs and Learning Management Systems (LMS) are the key tools that sustain these new educational approaches. Therefore a considerable amount of study and development on both technological and educational issues in e-learning has been going on with outstanding results. And, although e-learning is present for pretty long period and is making significant progress, even if we take these results into account, more study, research and application work is compulsory in order to produce more cases of success and to generalize e-learning in training and education. In many cases the traditional LMSs are short of flexibility needed for implementing innovative educational models or simply for implementing e-learning strategies of a certain institution. South East Europe University (SEEU) is using in house LMS - Libri for almost a decade. Throughout this period the system has evolved following the trends and the user needs. One of the latest issue that we were dealing was lack of storage for the learning contents as well as the "preview" option which would allow users to preview the files without downloading them. A solution for this problem and several other enhancements were implemented in the new version of the system by integrating the LMS with Google Drive. The aim of this paper is to present the technologies, the implementation challenges and the benefits of this approach. The paper will also include evaluation of the system based on users' feedback.
9.M. Lamza - Maronić (Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, Croatia), V. Jovanovski (OŠ Vukovar, Osijek, Croatia), J. Glavaš (Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, Croatia)
Career and Skills Development for new jobs 
The purpose and aim of this paper on the perceptions of career development is to confirm or refute the main hypothesis that a career relates to personal goals rather than the goals of an employer or an organization based on the conducted research (using survey, N = 396). A major limiting factor in the research was the fact that respondents had no work experience, which reinforces the conclusion that it is necessary to strengthen the institutional and organizational support in the personal career development during education. Research methods used for the purpose of this paper include survey, statistical method, the Mann - Whitney test, comparison and compilation method, and descriptive method. The research results show the distribution of opinions on the role of an organisation in an individual’s career development. Respondents believe that a career relates to personal goals, which confirms the hypothesis. It is therefore necessary to draw pupils’ and students’ attention to the importance of managing their careers, but also bringing it in line with the organization’s goals.
petak, 29.5.2015 9:00 - 13:00,
Kongresna dvorana, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 - 10:45Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedatelj: Nikola Kadoić 
1.M. Konecki, N. Kadoić (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia), R. Piltaver (Institut "Jožef Stefan", Institut "Jožef Stefan", Slovenia)
Intelligent assistant for helping students to learn programming 
Students experience constant problems in their introductory programming courses. Along with difficulties to cope with abstract programming concepts students tend to experience fear and lack of motivation to learn programming. In order to make programming more interesting and to make programming concepts easier to comprehend an intelligent assistant is proposed which would enable students to ask question about their programming lessons in a simple and familiar way just as they would ask the lecturer. In this way the process of getting the right information and answer gets faster and also more interesting and engaging compared to classic approach. Along with getting to know the desired answer faster this kind of approach increases motivation of students to spent more time in learning programming because of interesting new technology that is used as an aiding tool in their programming education. The results about students' attitude towards such approach and its effect on students' motivation and amount of time spent in learning are presented and discussed.
2.O. Tasić (Mechanical and Electrical High School Bor, Bor, Serbia), V. Tasić (Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Bor, Serbia), D. Brodić (Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade, Bor, Serbia), M. Pavlov-Kagadejev (Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Bor, Serbia), M. Jevtić (Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade, Bor, Serbia), M. Anđelić (Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Bor, Serbia)
Data Acquisition Systems - Examples of Laboratory Exercises 
In this paper selected examples of laboratory exercises related to data acquisition are presented. The examples are realised by using PC and microcontroller-based data acquisition systems. Basic elements of the analog signal conditioning, multiplexing and analog to digital conversion are shown. Shown laboratory exercises can be equally used in the courses that deal with programming languages, as well as in the courses that deal with the elements of automatic control systems. Because of it’s simplicity, we belive that such examples can significantly contribute to the better understanding of planned curriculums.
3.S. Maravić Čisar, R. Pinter (Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija Subotica, Subotica, Serbia), P. Čisar (Kriminalističko policijska akademija Beograd, Beograd-Zemun, Serbia)
The Gamification of Education 
Programming is a major subject in Computer Science (CS) departments. However, students often face difficulties on the basic programming courses due to several factors that cause these difficulties. The most important reason may be the lack of problem solving abilities that many students show. Learning to code can be made more effective and sustainable if it is perceived as fun by the learner. Code Hunt uses puzzles that players have to explore by means of clues presented as test cases. Players iteratively modify their code to match the functional behavior of secret solutions. Code Hunt is based on the test/clue generation of Pex, a white-box test generation tool that uses dynamic symbolic execution. Pex is an automatic white-box test generation tool for .NET, based on dynamic symbolic execution. This tool is integrated into Microsoft Visual Studio in the form of an add-in. Code Hunt is an educational coding game. The play scenario is the following: the student will impersonate the code player, whose task is to detect the missing code fragments. Points are gained by completed level, while extra points are granted for elegant solutions. The game can be implemented for either C# or Java. During the game, the player will make their way to specific sectors and gain knowledge about arithmetic operators, conditional statements, loops, strings, search algorithms and more. The entire gaming experience has an underlying automated grading engine based on dynamic symbolic execution. The grading engine automatically analyzes the user code and the secret code so that the result table is generated The aim of this paper is to present the results of implementation of Code Hunt in learning Java as part of Object Oriented Programming curriculum. The participants of the research were students of Subotica Tech majoring in computer engineering. The research was conducted during a fall semester in the academic year 2014/2015. Overall 52 students took part in this research.
4.T. Horvat, T. Alajbeg, S. Predanić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Experiences and Practices in Blended Learning Environment 
The teaching materials, laboratory exercises, and the whole assessment system of the Personal Computer Applications (PCA) course, in the professional study of Electrical Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Zagreb, are based on the Moodle e-learning system. Generally speaking, there are always pros and cons when e-learning is considered. Students have access to all teaching materials, tasks and direct communication with the teacher at all times. On the other hand, if there are problems, it is hard for the teacher to distinguish the exact cause. Students may encounter problems in understanding the materials or in the use of instruments and computer applications; without direct contact, it is virtually impossible for the teacher to motivate them to continue working despite the difficulties. Another challenge for the teacher is detecting which parts of the subject are most interesting to the students and which parts demand more attention and maybe different methodologies. Using blended learning, combining the advantages of both e-learning and person to person teaching / learning, it is possible to achieve a better effect for the mutual benefit. This paper presents the teachers experience and students perception of blended learning as well as assessment system.
5.D. Glušac, I. Tasić, B. Radulović, Ž. Mušicki (University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“, Zrenjanin, Serbia)
Application of ICT in Process of Informatization of Education System - Efficiency of Digital Log Book 
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of digital i.e. e-Log Book, to determine the opinions of teachers as direct beneficiaries of Log Book about its efficacy, and based on teachers’ opinions gain insight into what can be improved in the e- Log Book. The expected result is not to eject the traditional Log Book from the use, but that information in it can be used more effectively, accessible and optimally well archived.
6.N. Kadoić, N. Begičević Ređep (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia)
Methodology for online study program development – case study ePITUP 
Abstract. In this paper we deal with the methodology for online study program development which was constructed to meet the needs of students, teachers and institution. Proposed methodology consists of four phases: 1.) Problem definition, 2.) Strategic decision making, 3.) Implementation, 4.) Evaluation. During the first phase the situation analysis is performed and central problem is defined. Strategic decision making phase includes decision making on several issues: choice of learning strategies, decision on delivery formats, choice of appropriate design, etc. In this phase, needs, target and task analysis must be performed and instructional, delivery and evaluation strategy must be created. Performance of TOWS and cost benefit analysis is also recommended. In implementation phase online study program is prepared based on the strategies created in previous phase and it is delivered to students. The fourth phase involves evaluation of students’ reactions, achievement of objectives and impact of the project on the institution. In addition, we present the case study of developing ePITUP online study at Faculty of organization and informatics. The purpose of the paper is to provide good insight into methodology for online study program development. It will provide an effective guide for developing online courses and establishing online study program.
7.I. Bujan (Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia), A. Flac (Translatora - Translation Agency, Čakovec, Croatia)
Implementation of information technology in accounting course: a qualitative analysis 
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a qualitative analysis of introducing specific accounting computer program in the teaching process in the course Fundamentals of accounting held at the Polytechnic of Međimurje of Čakovec. Specific purposes are to detect advantages and possible disadvantages of implementation of such a computer program. Sample of the research consists of undergraduate students studying management at the Polytechnic of Međimurje. Students in this research were taught the classical way during academic year 2013/14 using frontal, auditory teaching method by using whiteboard but parallel the accounting program was also used. It is hypothesized that students would prefer accounting program, and using computer technology, over classical teaching methods.
10:45 - 11:00PAUZA 
11:00 - 13:00Prihvaćeni radovi
Predsjedatelj: Radovan Vrana
1.T. Orehovački (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia), S. Babić (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Evaluating the Quality of Games Designed for Learning Programming by Students with Different Educational Background: An Empirical Study 
Programming competences have become an important aspect in many different professions. Considering that games give enjoyment to their players and stimulate their curiosity, they represent a convenient tool for gaining programming skills. With an aim to examine the quality of games designed for learning programming from both pragmatic and hedonic perspective, an empirical study was carried out. Study participants were students enrolled in different programmes at two Croatian higher education institutions.Data was collected with subjective and objective means. The reported findings uncovered pros and cons of evaluated games meant for learning programming concepts.
2.T. Hryhorova , V. Lyashenko, D. Kalinichenko (Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine)
Approaches for implementation of distance learning in higher education 
Life requires from higher educational institutions of Ukraine integration of distance learning sistem. It can be used as an element of correspondent learning as a separate form of learning, and as an aditional instrument in the traditional form of learning. The introduction of this form of training revealed a number of problems associated with the lack of motivation among teachers, preparation of teaching material and learning model that underlies the majority of distance learning systems. In this work we propose an approach for the integration and spreading of distant learning in high education institutions. They will allow to solve the problems by using a special software that takes into account the organization of educational process management in Ukrainian universities and enables to prepare multimedia training courses.
3.N. Jelača (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing , Zagreb, Croatia)
Usage of Databases and the Information Literacy of Students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing 
Students of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, given the area of their research, need the latest scientific information from both domestic and foreign journals. That is why the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports has provided them the access to various databases of scientific and technical journals and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing is a provider of one of the most important databases for engineers – IEEE Explore. Students can access these databases from home or Faculty premises, they can also attend seminars on information retrieval. The purpose of this article is to present the research on students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and the use of available databases and their familiarity with search tools of those databases.
4.A. Bralić (, Graz, Austria), M. Ćukušić, M. Jadrić (Sveučilište u Splitu, Ekonomski fakultet, Split, Croatia)
Comparing MOOCs in m-learning and e-learning settings 
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are known as free online courses available for hundreds or thousands of participants worldwide. MOOCs have been a hot and current topic within the field of e-learning, with numerous platforms developing and growing, each of which is specialized for courses in different areas. Due to the technology development and its pervasion in everyday activities, platforms that offer MOOCs are developing courses and all related activities in a way that they are available for usage on different platforms and devices, adapting to the trend of ubiquitous learning. MOOCs are being adjusted for mobile and desktop usage and a need to create a frame for evaluating and comparing mobile and desktop instances of MOOCs arose. This paper reviews literature, questions mobile and desktop versions of MOOCs, and provides a frame for their comparison.
5.M. Perušić Hrženjak, M. Matetić, M. Brkić Bakarić (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Mining Association Rules in Learning Management Systems 
Learning management systems collect huge amounts of data that can later be analyzed. University of Rijeka uses MudRi e-learning system, which is based on Moodle open source software. This paper focuses on data from Programming course, for which a few years’ data is available. The data can be interpreted and valuable knowledge can be obtained and used for improving the quality of lectures, as well as making the lectures more suitable for students, based on the actions and material deemed the most popular. Since the MudRi database contains many facts that might affect each other (e.g. homework might affect the final grade), association rules, which discover regularities in data, are the most suitable data mining method. Apriori algorithm for the discovery of association rules is used for finding connection between various actions and final grades. Many interesting rules and information are discovered, which leads to conclusion about actions that seem to produce the best results in student's education.
6.V. Riabtsev (The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management , Kyiv, Ukraine), K. Sinitsa (IRTC ITS , Kyiv, Ukraine), O. Voychenko (IRTC ITS, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Integrated solution for on-line environments users’ learning and support 
With increasing complexity of modern software, including on-line environments, it is important to organize user training and support, a significant part of which could be implemented through the ICT-based learning activities. During the learning process a learner goes through several stages. Starting from the understanding the basics of the given software, through training or certification courses the learner finally comes to a practical work, which still requires some skills improvements so the learner has to refer to a user manual or contact the customer support to resolve some complicated issues. Within a framework of traditional approaches the content blocks used at every stage of the learning process are not interconnected, despite they are related to different aspects of the same subject domain. The approach offered in the work is aimed to increase the results of such learning process, by establishing an effective management of all available learning content within particular subject domain. The approach is based on integration of four main sets of the content: one used to build the learning/certification courses for teaching people to work with the software, content from its built-in help system, user guides and information resources used by the customer support team. Information system, which integrates four mentioned above content sets, provides functionality to perform a learner’s activity analysis. The information is collected from all available sources including users’ requests to support team. The results of the analysis may be further used for diagnosis of the problems that arise in the process of learning and operating the software. The results of the analysis are also used to transform all four sets of the content according to the users’ needs and expectations. The use of this approach allows to keep the balance between sets of the content as well as to optimize the learning process at all stages. The approach has been implemented to teach and support the users of Automated document processing system for the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine.
7.R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
The developments in mobile learning and its application in the higher education including libraries 
As technological devices become more present in education on all levels, more researchers are looking into different aspects of technology enhanced learning. Most recently, focus in technology enhanced learning is put on use of mobile devices i.e. mobile learning or m-learning. Quinn (2000) described mobile learning as “the intersection of mobile computing and e-learning: accessible resources wherever you are, strong search capabilities, rich interaction, powerful support for effective learning, and performance-based assessment, e-learning independent of location in time or space”. This type of learning is further defined as “any sort of learning that happens when the learner is not in a fixed, predetermined location, or learning that happens when the learner takes advantage of the learning opportunities offered by mobile technologies” (O’Malley et al., 2003, 6). Mobile technologies are used in the learning process more frequently as the number of owners of mobile devices among students increases. Mobile technologies are becoming crucial because they “(…) can provide frequent and comprehensive access to systems and applications that support formal and informal learning” (Rodríguez-Arancón, Arús and Calle, 2013, 1190). Furthermore, they open “(…) the door for a new kind of learning and performance support in the field, providing anytime and anywhere access to information, processes, and communication” (Martin, Ertzberger, 2013, 76). The benefits of mobile learning are cost savings, ubiquitous communications, study aids, and location-based services (Cheon, Lee, Crooks and Song, 2012, 1054). Mobile learning facilitates four type of learning: individualized learning, situated learning, collaborative learning, and informal learning, which is excellent for a rather new technology (Cheon, Lee, Crooks and Song, 2012, 1055). Each type of learning can benefit from use of mobile technologies; however, mobile technologies are not available to all students, so the actual use of mobile technologies depends of individual student’s financial abilities to acquire a mobile device. Other problems are: content not prepared and adapted for use on mobile devices, lack of digital repositories with educational materials, teaching staff not equipped and trained for use of mobile devices in the teaching process, lack of standards for evaluation of use of mobile devices in teaching etc. While mobile learning seems to be attractive, especially to younger generations of students, it remains to be seen how strong it will influence programs of study and individual courses at universities. This paper will focus on potentials and development in mobile learning and its application in higher education.
8.R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Open science, open access and open educational resources: challenges and opportunities 
Access to information resources is essential for almost all activities in academic institutions. This is the reason why academic institutions (i.e. their libraries) support the idea of open science and open access provide full access to a variety of digital and print sources for their faculty and students for the purpose of research and teaching and why libraries digitize their print collections and expand links to digital periodicals, particularly to open access journals (Gasparyan, Ayvazyan and Kitas, 2013). The idea of unlimited access to information resources of scientific and educational nature is not new. It exists for several decades, but, recently it has been given more attention in form of the open access initiative in 1990s. Since then the open access initiative has gone through many changes including the transformation from somewhat idealistic notion of unlimited and fee free access to all information resources to more realistic approach which includes systematic care for creation, access and use of quality information resources. During the last two decades, many new digital forms of knowledge have appeared and publishers and academic institutions have started finding mutual language in agreeing upon most important factors that would enable academic institutions to publish scientific articles and books as well as educational material without so many financial and legal restrictions and enable researchers and students to access and use wide range of content with as little restrictions as possible. Educational material got special attention within this initiative and open educational resources started to flourish. One of the latest research in Croatia showed that students have already accepted open access scientific and educational information resources (Vrana, 2014) thus helping teachers to select (if not write) material that would be used in the process of acquisition of knowledge. However, the idea of open access is still not universally accepted and there are many challenges in its development such as: international legal restrictions including digital rights management, diverse and sometimes murky business models of open access publishing and access to published materials, new formats of digital content that are still not accepted or there are problems in their use, problems of peer review for authors trying to publish their papers in open access, evaluation of quality of all types of open access information resources is still undeveloped and questionable, article processing charge has become a major problem in open access publishing etc. In addition to the discussion about open science (in brief), open access and open educational resources, this paper will also point out their advantages to help their endorsement and wider acceptance and use in the academic community.

Osnovni podaci:

Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Marko Čupić (Croatia), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland)


Michael E. Auer (Austria), Snježana Babić (Croatia), Ivan Gerlič (Slovenia), Marija Marinović (Croatia), Željka Požgaj (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Slavomir Vukmirović (Croatia)

Predsjednik Međunarodnog programskog odbora:

Petar Biljanović (Croatia)

Međunarodni programski odbor:

Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Vesna Anđelić (Croatia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Eugen Brenner (Austria), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Marko Delimar (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Paolo Garza (Italy), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Stjepan Groš (Croatia), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Leonardo Jelenković (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Igor Mekjavic (Slovenia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Vladimir Peršić (Croatia), Goran Radić (Croatia), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Janez Rozman (Slovenia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Uroš Stanič (Slovenia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Davor Šarić (Croatia), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Zoran Šimunić (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Sergio Uran (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Marijana Vidas-Bubanja (Serbia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Damjan Zazula (Slovenia)


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Prije 11.5.2015.
Poslije 11.5.2015.
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Studenti (preddiplomski i diplomski studij) te nastavnici osnovnih i srednjih škola


Marina Čičin-Šain
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Opatija, često nazivana i biser Jadrana, jedna je od najpoznatijih destinacija u Hrvatskoj s turističkom tradicijom koja ove godine slavi 170 godina. Smještena uz rub Mediterana, na obali Kvarnerskog zaljeva i padinama planine Učke koje se blago spuštaju prema moru, Opatija svojim klimatskim karakteristikama, prekrasnom arhitekturom, kvalitetnim hotelima, prekrasnim njegovanim parkovima i šetnicama pruža mogućnosti za ugodan boravak tijekom cijele godine.

Prvi je čari Opatije otkrio riječki patricij Iginio Scarpa, sagradivši ovdje 1844. godine svoj ljetnikovac koji je nazvao Villa Angiolina po svojoj preminuloj supruzi, čime je otvoren put razvoju turizma. To je bio tek početak.

Hotel je otvoren 27. ožujka 1884. godine. Nazvan je Hotel Quarnero, a gosti su na raspolaganju imali 60 soba. U to vrijeme nastaju i brojne luksuzne vile, ljetnikovci, hoteli, pansioni, sanatoriji, paviljoni, kupališta, šetališta i parkovi. U Opatiju dolaze najpoznatiji liječnici Monarhije i otvaraju sanatorije, grade se šetališta i kupališta. Opatija je tako uz Nicu, Karlove Vare, Cannes i Biarritz postala jedno od najznačajnijih europskih mondenih lječilišta devetnaestog i prve polovice dvadesetog stoljeća.

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Nakon II. svjetskog rata, turizam u Opatiji orijentira se na ljetnu sezonu i na razvoj kongresne ponude. Kroz svo to vrijeme, Opatija je svoju važnost destinacije koja pruža nešto posebno zadržala do danas.

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