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innovative promotional partnershipDriving the Future with Smart and Intelligent ICT

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Opening ceremony
Tutorials - CRO

Presented papers in English will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Presenters are kindly asked to copy their ppt presentations into a computer prior to the beginning of their session. Presentation duration is up to max 15 min. 

Event program
Monday, 5/20/2019 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM,
Congress hall, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
Chairs: Tomislav Ivanjko and Vedran Juričić
1.A. Čolak, M. Aglić Čuvić (Faculty of Science, Split, Croatia)
An Educational Tool for Visualising Actor Programs 
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is probably the most popular programming paradigm today. Because of this, it is often taught at faculties associated with computer science. The general idea of OOP is to break a complex problem into abstractions called objects which interact with each other via method invocation. On the other hand, the actor model provides a computation model based on agents that are called actors. Actors in the actor model are similar to objects in OOP, but unlike objects are concurrent and communicate by message passing. At our faculty, a game-based approach is used to teach students about OOP. The actors in a game can be taught as agents that interact with an environment. Furthermore, students program agent behaviour in our artificial intelligence course. Therefore, students have experience with both objects and agents. However, students still find it difficult to understand the actor model and build applications with it. In order to help students, we have developed a visualisation system for actorbased applications. We collected responses on the system after presenting it to students that were taught the model. In this paper, we i) present the developed visualisations system and ii) report the results on the responses collected.
2.I. Dunđer, M. Pavlovski (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Behind the Dystopian Sentiment: a Sentiment Analysis of George Orwell’s 1984 
Recent daily political events returned the focus of the general public to a fictional work of art that may yet prove to be one of most influential through the use of its concepts and language – George Orwell’s 1984. The language of Orwell’s novel, specifically its terminology, has been proven by linguists and other researchers to be in common use in media speech and writing. The author’s intent, in which he unanimously succeeded, was to create a dystopian world reminiscent of totalitarian regimes, through the careful use of style and language. Could this intent be somehow investigated and measured by using precise natural language processing methods? Basing our research on previous work, the aim of this paper is to evaluate if it is possible to observe how the dystopian atmosphere of the Orwellian concept is created in the novel by applying sentiment analysis on the sentence level, and by exploiting a polarity data set as well. Moreover, can a computer by utilising a classification technique based on the Bayes’ theorem demonstrate the Orwell’s intention of creating a dystopian atmosphere? In addition, this paper tries to highlight the possible applications of sentiment analysis of fictional work of art in academic curricula.
3.P. Vranešić, K. Aleksić-Maslać, B. Sinković (Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i managementa, Zagreb, Croatia)
Influence of Gamification Reward System on Student Motivation 
In the last couple of years, gamification has been increasingly used in education in order to motivate and encourage student engagement and interaction in class lectures, but also E-learning. In this paper, gamification usage is analyzed through online tool called Kahoot that has been used on the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), a course that is part of the 1st semester on Undergraduate program on Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM). Two student groups were analyzed – ICT course held in Croatian and ICT course held in English. Based on the overall semester score in Kahoot, students from Croatian ICT course were awarded with extra percentages as a reward for their activity and engagement in class. In the English ICT course, which is by the program and syllabus equal to Croatian ICT course, students were not rewarded with extra percentages as gamification was only perceived as a knowledge revise tool during the semester. Another difference between the groups is the diversity in the English ICT course, as there were also international exchange students mixed with the enrolled ZSEM students on English program. The paper presents analysis of extrinsic and intrinsic student motivation from both groups and provides correlation analysis of gamification results with students’ final grade and survey elements regarding student motivation perception and the importance of receiving a reward after the game.
4.E. Kurvinen, E. Kaila, H. Kajasilta, M. Laakso (University of Turku, Turku, Finland)
Teachers’ Perceptions of Digital Learning Path in Mathematics, Languages and Programming 
ViLLE is an exercise-based digital learning platform designed and implemented at University of Turku. The digital learning path in ViLLE is a pedagogic methodology of utilizing educational technology effectively in classroom: with learning path, one mathematics, language or programming lesson in a week is transformed into digital learning experience. The learning path in ViLLE is already used in over one third of Finnish schools. In this article, we present the results of surveying teachers’ perceptions about the usage of learning path, it’s pedagogic value and their ideas of improving the environment and the learning experience. 280 teachers answered to the survey. Majority of the teachers were very happy with the environment and more than 95 % of them were willing to use it in the future as well. Still, some critique and suggestions for improvement were also presented. In addition to detailed analysis of the results, we also present possible changes into pedagogy based on these suggestions.
5.T. Ivanjko (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia), I. Grubješić (University North / Department of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia)
Implementation of LMS Activities in the Adoption of ESP in Higher Education 
Ever since they first appeared, Learning Management Systems have had an important role in the higher education. Their role has proven to be of extreme importance in the teaching of the English language for specific purposes. The reason behind their importance lies in the fact that they help activate the six levels of the cognitive domain in Bloom’s taxonomy, which then facilitates and enhances the process of language adoption for non-native speakers. As the article deals with the adoption of ESP in higher education, the emphasis is on the students’ acquisition of vocabulary, which paves the way for them to enter the world of their chosen profession beyond the borders of their native language. We have thus narrowed the area of our interest to four LMS activities connected to the ESP vocabulary acquisition – chat, dictionary, hot potatoes, wiki. At the University North, students at various engineering departments have been using LMS in their ESP courses, and hence, a case study approach has been carried out in terms of their use of the above-mentioned activities and the advances they procure with the help of the system.
6.V. Juričić, M. Radošević, E. Fuzul (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Creating Student’s Profile Using Blockchain Technology 
Blockchain technology offers advantages such as integrity, anonymity, credibility and independence of the institution and time because of its decentralized nature. One of the current areas for tackling challenges and potential application of blockchain technology is education. Higher education is a complex system with various challenges that could be potentially improved by introducing this technology. This paper shows a brief overview of current systems, their current state and a direction of their development, but also proposes specific guidelines and upgrades for current systems, that would enhance them and, consequently, the area of education. It also proposes blockchain integration levels in higher education that, combined with data extraction, can expand and deepen the area of education for the benefit of institutions, employers and students.
7.J. Mezak, P. Pejić Papak (Učiteljski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia)
Problem Based Learning for Primary School Junior Grade Students Using Digital Tools  
Problem based learning (PBL) is a learning strategy that uses a certain problem to encourage learners’ critical thinking, information seeking, and finding solution for solving that problem. Such solutions are mostly identified in collaboration with other students. The role of the teacher is to develop innovative ideas for the implementation of PBL activities, using digital tools and digital contents. Learning scenarios as materials that offer such ideas can contribute to involve young students in the process of PBL. The ongoing Erasmus+ project "Games for Learning Algorithmic Thinking" involved 20 primary school junior grade teachers in education with different teaching strategies for stimulating the algorithmic thinking of their students in everyday situations. During the second workshop the participants were introduced to the use of digital tools for developing logical tasks and the conduction of PBL. The task for the participants was to conceive such activities, create a learning scenario of PBL and perform it with their students. After performing the activity in the classroom, a qualitative analysis of the preparation and implementation of the conceived activity was carried out. This paper presents a part of the analysis concerning the teachers' attitudes on the preparation of PBL activity using digital tools.
8.I. Prazina, V. Okanović (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Methods for Double-Blind Peer Review and Grade Prediction of Student Software Projects 
In software engineering courses with many students, it is often impossible for a professor to give a detailed review of the software project for each student. One solution is to give students a task to make reviews for a few projects. One review consists of a comment to a project and a score. The score represents an ordinal number of the project when student sorts all projects in order by quality. The comment can be used as feedback to their colleagues and the score can be used in the final grade prediction. Double-blind peer review is used to prevent favoritism and unfairness. In this paper methods for random projects distribution, reviews gathering and analysis are presented. Methods have been used on over 100 projects and data gathered from them show high correlation with final grades. Projects have been independently graded with automatic tests.
9.B. Balon (VSITE - College for Information Technologies, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Simić (The First Technical School Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia)
Using Raspberry Pi Computers in Education 
This paper describes the ideas of using Raspberry Pi computers in high schools and higher education. Raspberry Pi is a powerful computer in a size of a credit card. It was created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation charity, whose primary goal was the re-introduction of computer skills learning among students. The Raspbian operating system is based on Linux and offers an excellent working environment for students, as it includes software solutions designed to expand students' knowledge of computer science in an interesting way. Besides computer science knowledge, it is also suitable for acquiring basic knowledge in electronics. It is also very important to have the possibility of interconnecting such acquired knowledge. Our students have adopted the knowledge how to install and use the Raspbian operating system, how to network and connect to the Internet, how to write programs using the Python programming language, and how to develop hardware-based projects. From our own experience with Raspberry Pi computers we can conclude that this is an ideal platform for students to acquire new knowledge and competences in the field of computer science and electronics.
10.A. Čižmešija, Z. Stapić (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia)
GitHub as Backbone in Software Engineering Course: Technology Acceptance Analysis 
Abstract - In the field of software engineering education, continuous adjustment of course content and technologies with real-working environment is crucial for developing students’ skills that meet the needs of the labor market. The main goal of this paper is to present the research result regarding the use of GitHub in Software Engineering course which has characteristics of real-working environment: students are divided into up-to-five-member teams with adequate development roles and during the semester are working on project which encompasses full software development life-cycle. A pilot study was conducted in the end of the summer semester of academic year 2017/2018 on the sample of undergraduate students (N=78) whose study field is related to informatics. New measuring instrument was developed and consisted of scales related to the UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) model, but also those related to learning value, learning satisfaction and ease of use to investigate in detail students’ acceptance of GitHub in context of software engineering learning. Results of the study outlined following remarks: students find GitHub useful in team coding projects, its ease of use has positive effect on students’ acceptance, as well as on learning satisfaction and learning value of software engineering in practice.
11.M. Brkic Bakaric (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Teaching Computer-assisted Translation: A Proposal for Course Content 
With wider adoption of machine translation and its integration in the standard translation workflow, the job of translator developed into various forms – post-editors, revisers, translators, proof-readers, etc. In this paper we argue for the inclusion of the post-editing, pre-editing, and machine translation content into the course on computer-assisted translation and give proposal for the course content. We also argue for the inclusion of added value services such as subtitling and localization. The course should be mandatory for all the graduate students studying a language. The content is influenced by the experiences gained from teaching a similar elective graduate-level course.
12.V. Juričić, M. Radošević (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Puzzle-like Programming Languages in Teaching Programming 
This paper examines use of puzzle-like programming languages in teaching programming. It analyzes a variety of puzzle-like programming languages and their availability in croatian elementary and high schools and textbooks. Also, it compares available puzzle-like programming languages by criteria that should be satisfied to be recognized as programming language that is suitable for teaching programming.
13.T. Ivanjko (Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Crowdsourcing Image Descriptions Using Gamification: a Comparison Between Game-generated Tags and Professional Descriptors 
The traditional approach to achieve high metadata quality in image description is to use dedicated subject experts. However, cultural heritage institutions often lack the human resources to handle the amount of material that is in need of description. Since algorithmic solutions for content-based image retrieval are still not on par with human performance, there is a need to investigate how the process of adding descriptive metadata to visual resources could potentially be transformed from an expensive and labor-intensive task to an enjoyable experience while still maintaining adequate metadata quality. One of the possible solutions to this problem is applying the gamification approach in the process of description. Many studies have shown that applying game design features outside the traditional game environments can increase the motivation and productivity and those games can be particularly effective in invoking intrinsic motivations and overall enjoyment. However, there is a need to explore the quality of such game-generated tags in comparison with using controlled vocabularies and traditional approaches. In this paper, we compare game-generated tags and professional descriptors. First, a subject expert using controlled vocabulary described images. Then, using a gamified platform for collecting semantic annotations of digitized images, game-generated tags were collected. Results have shown that crowdsourced metadata, when used in tandem with traditional metadata, increases findability, corrects preventable search failures, and is by and large accurate even when compared to the metadata assigned by subject experts. This paper is aimed at professionals interested in exploring the application of gamification and gameful design in creating different information systems, as well as towards different heritage institutions (archives, libraries, museums) interested in exploring the possibilities of a gamified approach within the wider field of crowdsourcing image descriptions.
Tuesday, 5/21/2019 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Congress hall, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
Chair: Ivana Ružić and Kristinka Blažeka
1.E. Ciriković, I. Heđi, D. Ivačić (Visoka škola za menadžment u turizmu i informatici u Virovitici, Virovitica, Croatia)
Proširenje mrežnih usluga emulacijom hardvera u GNS3 
Primjenom adekvatnih softverskih alata za emulaciju mrežnog hardvera i simulaciju računalnih mreža na postojećoj infrastrukturi lokalnih računalnih mreža obrazovnih institucija i manjih poduzeća omogućuje se proširenje skupa dostupnih usluga u domeni hibridnih resursa. U radu je predstavljen primjer konfiguracije emuliranog Mikrotik usmjeritelja s funkcijom vatrozida kao komunikacijskog i sigurnosnog sučelja između virtualnog HTTP poslužitelja i vanjske mreže te integracija simulacijske okoline s produkcijskom mrežom. Za emulaciju mrežnog hardvera i HTTP poslužitelja odabran je besplatni grafički mrežni simulator otvorenog koda - GNS3, koji se ovim primjerom pokazao kao praktično povoljan alat za savladavanje tematskih cjelina u nastavnim kolegijima s naglaskom na računalne mreže kao i u stručnim primjenama fleksibilne alokacije postojećih računalno-komunikacijskih resursa.
2.J. Bistrović (Osnovna škola "Braća Radić", Koprivnica, Koprivnica, Croatia), T. Pavičić Zajec (Prva osnovna škola Varaždin, Varaždin, Croatia)
Ispitivanje preferencija prema različitim grupama multimedijskih obrazovnih sadržaja i spola u razrednoj nastavi 
Brojna istraživanja bave se utjecajem multimedijskih obrazovnih prezentacija na obrazovna postignuća učenika. Dječaci i djevojčice različito komuniciraju s računalima, različito misle o njima, imaju različite motive, pristupe, preferencije pa je osjetljivost na spolne razlike iznimno važna kako bi multimedijski obrazovni materijali bili primjereni za djecu oba spola. Budući da su spolne razlike u preferencijama prema obrazovnim softverima i igrama dokumentirane, svrha ovog rada je ispitivanje eventualnih preferencija prema multimedijskim obrazovnim sadržajima različite grupe kod dječaka i djevojčica. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom školske godine 2015./2016. i trajalo je 4 mjeseca. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 97 učenika iz pet razrednih odjela 4. razreda dviju osnovnih škola iz Koprivničko-križevačke županije te dviju osnovnih škola iz Međimurske županije. U istraživanju je korišteno šest grupa multimedijskih obrazovnih sadržaja u uvodnom dijelu sata Prirode i društva: asocijacije, videozapis, interaktivne priče, interaktivne karte, vizualni poticaji (fotografije) te kvizovi i križaljke. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su postojanje preferencija prema multimedijskim obrazovnim sadržajima ovisno o grupi multimedijskog sadržaja i spolu učenika. Djevojčicama su se više nego dječacima svidjele grupe sadržaja videozapis i vizualni poticaj. Interaktivne priče je grupa aktivnosti koja se najviše svidjela ispitanicima oba spola.
3.N. Hoić-Božić, M. Holenko Dlab, M. Ivašić-Kos, I. Franković (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Odjel za informatiku, Rijeka, Croatia)
Projekt Coding4Girls 
Coding4Girls je projekt sufinanciran Erasmus+ programom u okviru Ključne aktivnosti 2, Strateška partnerstva za područje općeg obrazovanja. Koordinator projekta je Sveučilište u Ljubljani (Slovenija), a partneri su iz Portugala, Grčke, Turske, Italije, Bugarske i Hrvatske koju predstavlja Odjel za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Krajnji cilj projekta je poticanje žena na uključivanje u obrazovanje za računalne znanosti. To je jedno od područja u kojem tradicionalno prevladavaju muškarci pa će se primjenom odgovarajućih metodoloških pristupa učenju nastojati prevladati postojeća neravnopravnost i učiniti računalne znanosti atraktivnim za sve. Coding4Girls za ciljnu skupinu ima učenike starijih razreda osnovne i mlađih razreda srednje škole (uzrast od 10 do 15 godina) jer je uočeno da upravo tada mnoge učenice gube interes za STEM i računalne znanosti. Glavni rezultat projekta bit će metodološki okvir za učenje prikladan za razvoj vještina programiranja, posebice kod djevojaka, temeljen na pedagoškom pristupu design-thinking i učenju uz pomoć didaktičkih igara. U radu se predstavlja Coding4Girls projekt te se opisuje njegov kontekst i razlozi za pokretanje, intelektualni rezultati koji će nastati u okviru projekta, najvažnije aktivnosti projekta te njegov očekivani učinak.
Upoznavanje Europske unije kroz nastavu informatike 
Kako bi ojačali svijest učenika o pripadanju europskom kulturnom krugu, glavni izvor informacija o Europskoj uniji trebaju biti nastavni sadržaji u školi, uz saznanja koja učenici otkrivaju putem medija, obitelji ili razgovora s prijateljima. Autorica je sudjelovala na seminaru stručnog usavršavanja “Edukacija o Europskoj uniji” u organizaciji Foruma za slobodu odgoja. Ova edukacija informira učitelje o bitnim aspektima Europske unije i predlaže im zanimljive radionice koje mogu provoditi u školi kako bi učenicima približili načine i područja rada Europske unije i kako ona utječe na naše živote. Europeana kao digitalna platforma Europske komisije za kulturnu baštinu omogućuje građanima pristup europskoj kulturi. Poticaj je učenicima na istraživanje bogate i raznovrsne kulturne baštine Europe kako bi štitili njezinu jedinstvenu vrijednost. MOOC „Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage“ u organizaciji European Schoolnet Academy pruža izbor testiranih aktivnosti u nastavi i resursa iz različitih europskih zemalja te osnažuje nastavnike u uvođenju kulturne baštine u nastavu. U radu su predstavljeni primjeri u nastavi informatike koji kroz projektnu nastavu uz druge nastavne predmete pomažu učenicima kod upoznavanja EU. Kroz međunarodne projekte kao što su Erasmus + i eTwinning projekti, brojne aktivnosti i primjena različitih digitalnih alata podupiru razvoj ključnih kompetencija učenika.
5.P. Tomljanović (I. tehnička škola Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia)
Položaj učenika i nastavnika pri odvijanju nastave na daljinu 
Suvremeno obrazovanje sve se više orijentira na dostignuća informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija. Razvoj suvremene tehnologije uvjetuje uvođenje novih pristupa u cjelokupnom sustavu današnjeg obrazovanja, koje u informacijskom društvu ima poseban značaj i posve novu dimenziju. Znatno je smanjen vremenski ciklus od otkrića do primjene tehnološkog rješenja pa se ova brzina promjene znatno odražava i na obrazovni proces. Znanstveno–tehnološki napredak prouzročio je korjenite promjene u svim sferama društva. Gospodarski razvoj današnjeg društva direktno ovisi o stupnju razvoja i primjene znanosti, a posljedično i o samoj kvaliteti obrazovanja. Međutim, možemo primijetiti da obrazovanje zaostaje u primjeni informacijske tehnologije u svim svojim dijelovima i procesima. Jedan od najpoznatijih znanstvenika na području ljudskih komunikacija sa stajališta medija, Marshall McLuhan, rekao je „mediji su produžena ruka čovjekovih osjetila, oni su posrednik u odnosu čovjeka i svijeta“. Učenici vole raditi s računalima zato što su računala beskonačno strpljiva, ne umaraju se i ne ljute, dozvoljavaju im privatnost pri radu, ne zaboravljaju pohvaliti ni ispraviti, poučavaju na individualiziran način, omogućuju isprobavanje različitih opcija, mnogo su objektivnija od učitelja i poučavaju u malim koracima. [Cotton, 1991] Kao inženjer elektrotehnike do sada sam se bavio uglavnom tehnološkim aspektom upotrebe informacijske tehnologije unutar cijeloga procesa obrazovanja na daljinu. On se može odvijati na raznim poznatim platformama (npr. MOODLE, LOOMEN…). Pri obavljanu posla nastavnika u srednjoj strukovnoj školi uočio sam specifičnosti položaja učenika i nastavnika kod ovoga procesa. Zbog toga mi se nametnulo i razmatranje ove problematike. Ovdje ću se baviti prvenstveno tehnološkim i organizacijskim aspektima obrazovanja na daljinu i samim položajem učenika i nastavnika u ovome procesu. Naime, potreban je i posebni metodološko-metodički model uz osiguranje same tehnološke platforme. Također je kod ovoga oblika obrazovanja potrebno posebnu pažnju posvetiti problemu vrednovanja znanja. Kao osnovna tema ovoga rada nameće se sam položaj i vođenje učenika kroz obrazovni proces, tj. koliko učitelj može usmjeriti njegovo učenje. Kao drugo važno pitanje postavlja se način i oblici testova, ispita i vrednovanja tako stečenoga znanja. Na ova i još neka zanimljiva pitanja pokušat ću dati odgovore.
6.M. Hajba, M. Špoljarić (Visoka škola za menadžment u turizmu i informatici, Virovitica, Croatia)
Programski paket GNU Octave u nastavi 
Programski paket GNU Octave je besplatni znanstveni programski jezik vrlo sličan Matlab-u. Sadrži matematički orijentiranu sintaksu i ima ugrađene vizualizacijske alate, a dostupan je za Linux, Windows, BSD i macOS sustave. U ovom radu demonstrirat ćemo neke primjene GNU Octave-a koj su primjenjivi u izvođenju nastave: rješavanje sustava linearnih jednadžbi, matrične dekompozicije, numeričko rješavanje diferencijalnih jednadžbi, a navesti ćemo i druga područja primjene. Za odabrane primjene bit će opisan problem te dano rješenje s koracima u GNU Octave-u.
7.M. Šprem (Privredna banka Zagreb, Varaždin, Croatia), G. Hajdin, M. Konecki (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia)
Suradnja roditelja i nastavnika u srednjoj školi i informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija koja se koristi u ovoj suradnji 
Kroz povijest se mijenjao odnos roditelja prema nastavniku i vlastitom djetetu. Nastavnici su stručnjaci za odgoj i obrazovanje, a roditelji bi trebali najbolje poznati svoju djecu. Za dobrobit djeteta, za njegov razvoj i napredak kroz što kvalitetnije obrazovanje potpomognuto korištenjem informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije važna je suradnja roditelja i nastavnika. U ovom radu opisan je pojam suradnje i važnost suradnje nastavnika i roditelja za dobrobit djeteta. Da bi se shvatilo zašto je suradnja roditelja i nastavnika važna, izrađen je kratki pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja vezanih za temu rada. U radu su također izdvojeni otvoreni izazovi i primjeri dobre prakse. U istraživačkom dijelu rada prikazani su rezultati istraživanja suradnje roditelja i nastavnika u srednjim školama, po uzoru na prethodna istraživanja. Prema rezultatima provedenog istraživanja, roditelji i nastavnici smatraju međusobnu suradnju vrlo važnom za uspjeh i napredak učenika. Navode kako kroz zajedničku suradnju mogu pomoći učeniku da ostvari svoj maksimum. Iako su svjesni koje su njene prednosti, kroz intervju se nije stekao dojam da suradnju i njezine mogućnosti u potpunosti koriste za boljitak djeteta odnosno učenika, što ostavlja prostor za daljnji napredak i usmjeravanje ove vrste suradnje. Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija u mnogim segmentima pruža brži i učinkovitiji način komunikacije. U okviru istraživanja provedenog za potrebe ovog rada istraženo je u kojem obliku roditelji i nastavnici koriste ovu vrstu tehnologije u svrhu bolje i učinkovitije komunikacije i suradnje.
8.I. Grabar, M. Dumančić (Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Stavovi roditelja i učenika o korištenju sustava e-Dnevnik u osnovnom obrazovanju 
Hrvatska akademska i istraživačka mreža – CARNET školske je godine 2011./2012. pokrenula sustav e-Dnevnik, to jest izradila aplikaciju namijenjenu vođenju razredne knjige u elektroničkome obliku. Sve je započelo uvođenjem e-Dnevnika u tri srednje škole, dok se danas njime koristi više od 1160 osnovnih i srednjih škola. Ovaj se rad bavi stavovima roditelja i učenika o korištenju e-Dnevnika, odnosno njihovim iskustvima s aplikacijom. U istraživanju su sudjelovali roditelji i učenici iz četiri osnovne škole na području Republike Hrvatske. Analizom podataka pokazalo se kako je većina roditelja i učenika vrlo zadovoljna aplikacijom e-Dnevnik zbog čega ju i kontinuirano koriste. Iz istraživanja vidljivo je da čak 32,08% roditelja izjasnila kako svakodnevno koriste aplikaciju. Istraživanje je također pokazalo kako 55,63% roditelja rjeđe dolazi na informativne razgovore u školu otkako koriste e-Dnevnik čime se gubi izravan kontakt roditelja i škole.
9.M. Matetić, J. Čanić, M. Brkić Bakarić (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Istraživačka analiza i model logističke regresije aktivnosti u LMS sustavu 
Vrijedan resurs koji se generira u okviru sustava za e-učenje su podaci koji se bilježe i iz kojih analizom možemo otkriti zanimljivo i novo ekspertno znanje o ponašanju i aktivnosti studenata pri korištenju samog sustava u procesu učenja. Primjerice, otkrivanje atipičnih ponašanja i karakterističnih tipova modela ponašanja studenata je temelj za slanje poruka studentima da bi na vrijeme dobili korisnu informaciju o svojem napretku i uspjehu u učenju. Naime, nisu samo bodovi iz raznih provjera i zadaća na kojima se direktno temelji ocjena bitni za konačni uspjeh. Podaci sustava za e-učenje sadrže znanje o aktivnostima kao što je primjerice gledanje video lekcija, odgovaranje na pitanja u samoprovjerama i druge aktivnosti temeljene na suvremenim edukativnim smjernicama koje se ne boduju. Te su aktivnosti izvrsni pokazatelji na temelju kojih se u svakom trenutku može predvidjeti u značajnoj mjeri i konačan uspjeh studenta. U radu se bavimo otkrivanjem znanja o takvim aktivnostima podatkovnom analizom izvedenom istraživačkom analizom podataka i logističkom regresijom u okviru e-kolegija Programiranje 2 Odjela za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci.
10.B. Musović, B. Raičković (IV. osnovna škola Bjelovar, Bjelovar, Croatia)
„Drvokod“ je projekt - stručni rad - koji je nastao kao rezultat interakcije predmeta biologije i informatike. Ciljevi projekta su učiniti nastavu zanimljivijom (kao korisnici projekta), te istraživački pristupiti izradi projekta korištenjem naprednih tehnologija. Cilj popularizacije bioloških sadržaja koje ćemo ostvariti istraživanjem vrsta drveća i grmlja u školskom dvorištu i označiti iste QR-kodovima. Želja nam je da učenici upotrijebe i primjene stečena znanja ne samo na nastavi nego i u društvenom kontekstu. Korisno je, da ne samo učenici nego i ostali sugrađani obrate pažnju na ono što se nalazi u njihovom okolišu, jer „učenjem i opažanjem, okoliš ćemo i bolje čuvati“. Sustav pločica sa QR-kodovima radi na principu, da korištenjem mobitela skeniramo kod, te učitamo sadržaje naše web stranice, tako da svatko može saznati o kojoj se biljnoj vrsti radi, karakteristike biljke i slike. Ovaj projekt je osmišljen za prezentiranje i drugim školama koje će pokazati interes za suradnju. Krajnji rezultat je proširiti bazu podataka na druge škole i izraditi jednu interaktivnu enciklopediju biljnih vrsta u školskim dvorištima diljem naše zemlje. Autori projekta su prof. biologije i kemije Bernarda Musović i učitelj mentor matematike i informatike Branko Raičković. U projekt su uključeni voditelji i učenici IV. osnovne škole Bjelovar.
11.N. Boj, A. Tonković (III. OŠ Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Izrada virtualnog modela školskoga atrija: Rezultat projektne nastave u III. OŠ Čakovec 
Projektna nastava omogućuje provedbu projekata u nastavi, pri čemu učenici preuzimaju ulogu aktivnih sudionika. U vrijeme informatizacije i digitalizacije odgojno-obrazovnog procesa učitelj djeluje kao mentor, medijator i koordinator. U III. OŠ Čakovec provedena su istraživanja o mjeri zastupljenosti projektne nastave u školi te o zainteresiranosti učenika za sudjelovanje u projektnoj nastavi. Obuhvaćeni uzorak (za oba istraživanja) odnosio se na sve više razrede. Rezultati su ukazali na slabu opću zastupljenost projektne nastave (pri čemu je ona najzastupljenija u nastavi informatike i građanskog odgoja) te na izrazito veliku motiviranost učenika. Prikupljeni i analizirani podaci statistički su (kvalitativno i kvantitativno) obrađeni. Proveden je projekt izrade virtualnog školskog atrija s učenicima osmih razreda, u sklopu nastavnih predmeta matematike i informatike. Cilj projekta bio je analizirati stanje trenutne uređenosti školskog atrija te kreiranje virtualnog modela koji prikazuje njegovo unaprijeđeno stanje. Zadatak učenika bio je napraviti troškovnike trenutnog i zamišljenog novog atrija te digitaliziranje modela novog atrija. Primjenom matematičkih znanja, učenici su izračunavali troškovnike, vršili geometrijska mjerenja prostornog modela te napravili tlocrt u umanjenom mjerilu. Primjenom informatičkih znanja, na Internetu su pretraživali postojeće cijene određenih konstrukcijskih materijala, računali konačne iznose u programu za tablična kalkuliranja te digitalizirali tlocrt i model zamišljenog novog atrija. E-poštom su kontaktirali stručnjake vezano uz cijene za izradu nove arhitekture.
12.K. Blažeka (Tehnička škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Razvoj kreativnosti i suradnje upotrebom GitHub platforme u srednjoškolskom strukovnom obrazovanju  
Važno mjesto u preporukama Vijeća Europe posvećenim poboljšanju iskustva učenja zauzima kolaborativno učenje i poučavanje uz mogućnosti aktivne participacije i utjecaja učenika. U realizaciji strukovnog obrazovanja u sektoru Elektrotehnika i računalstvo takav pristup prilikom usvajanja vještina razvoja programskih rješenja može biti potenciran kolaborativnim mogućnostima GitHub digitalne platforme. Kako savladavanje obrazovnih ishoda za stjecanje kompetenecija u zanimanju Tehničar za računalstvo obuhvaća usvajanje znanja i vještina vezanih uz različite programske jezike odnosno tehnologije (C, C++, C#, HTML, JavaScript, Java, CSS…) koje ova platforma podržava čini se korisnim osvrnuti se na njene mogućnosti korištenja u nastavne svrhe što je podržano primjerice i kroz GitHub Education. U radu su navedena neka iskustva kako GitHub okolina može pomoći i pridonijeti kvaliteti obrazovnog procesa za učenike i nastavnike, te se predlažu neke mogućnosti primjene u domeni srednjoškolskog obrazovanja.
13.I. Ružić (I. osnovna škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia), L. Zima Krnelić (OŠ Vežica, Rijeka, Croatia), N. Mota (Agrupamento de Escolas de Vale de Ovil, Baiao, Portugal), M. Forte (Istituto Comprensivo Carducci Paolillo, Cerignola, Italy), F. Diramali Dildar ( Akçansa Fatih Sultan Mehmet Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turkey)
Young Entrepreneurs in Action 
Key competences for lifelong learning are the combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes that suit the context. They are especially needed for personal fulfillment, development and social inclusion of an active citizen. Key competencies are essential in the knowledge society, providing greater flexibility, enabling the individual to adapt more rapidly to constant changes in a connected world. They are also a major factor in innovation, productivity and competitiveness, and contribute to motivation and individual satisfaction and quality of work. Key competences need to acquire young people during their compulsory education and training, preparing for adult life, and adults throughout their life through the process of developing and updating skills. This paper presents the development of digital competences, enterpreneurship and financial literacy of students in elementary education, their parents and teachers as part of the international project. and cooperation.
14.M. Filipovic Tretinjak (Electrical Engineering Vocational School, Zagreb, Croatia)
Methodology for Using Games as an Educational Tool 
Abstract – To motivate today’s students that have access to the various learning online platforms, use computers and different mobile devices in a daily use, as a teacher I am forced to constantly change and use a variety of teaching methods.. This paper will describe the methodology for the following types of games: Guessing games, Conclusion games, Competition games, Memory games, Knowledge and validating resources games, Games played in pairs. These games are intended primarily for teaching computer science subjects. Activities listed in this paper can help create an active learning environment and encourage teachers to look further for the better solutions of their application.
15.M. Sertić (Industrial craft school, Slavonski Brod, Croatia)
Implementation of Blended Learning in Computer Science 
The main objective of this paper is to test the effectiveness of blended learning when compared to the traditional approach in teaching Computer Science. Three hypotheses were formed to measure students’ knowledge levels after attending classes implementing one of the two teaching approaches. The first hypothesis predicted that teaching Computer Science without the use of ICT will meet students’ educational needs and objectives (H1). The second hypothesis predicted that the use of electronic materials in Computer Science classes will enable students to reach a higher level of knowledge in Computer Science (H2), whereas the third hypothesis stated that the students who attend Computer Science classes in which the teaching method included electronic learning will be more satisfied with the acquired knowledge than other students (H3) .
16.D. Radolović (Talijanska srednja škola Dante Alighieri, Pula - Scuola Media Superiore Italiana Dante Alighieri, Po, Pula Pola, Croatia)
How Much has Technology Dehumanized Us in School 
The world of education is changing and the changes affect all its aspects. The development of education is directed toward learning processes that aim at acquiring basic knowledge, the capability to solving problems and preparing one for the challenges of the future by developing skills and lifelong learning. In this context, the information and communication technology has made great progress. Today, after we started using computers in teaching and learning, we ask ourselves how much we gained and how much we may have lost in the process. This paper researches and analyzes the attitudes of the teachers to the use of ICT in teaching and the use of computers in learning. In our efforts to direct education towards the labour market and look at certain professions from that aspect, we grow distant from Humboldt’s concept of education and lose the humanistic aspect. How do we maintain education as a development of independence, competence, innovativeness, capability to maintain and renew skill by shaping better and more humane mutual social relationships. How much technology in the teacher – student communication and what students think of e-learning as a concept they would like to embrace in education. Today, considering the needs and demands of the modern world, the orientation of education toward ICT seems necessary and inevitable. The question is where does one set the limit. This paper addresses the importance of ICT in teaching and education. Special attention is given to the issue from the aspect of national minority schools where the use of ICT means a more open and cheaper access to study materials from the country of origin, while from the aspect of teaching we shall address the issue of ICT competition for teachers. The aim of this paper is to present the usage of ICT in teaching and learning as well as the attitudes of teachers and students. Approach/methodology: The qualitative approach and analysis shall show the advantages and disadvantages of the use of ICT in schools. Results: It is expected that a systematic review of the use of ICT in schools (case studies) shall yield a clearer picture of the importance and role of ICT in education, especially in the school where I work. Originality/value: The paper fills a relative void in the existing literature on the usage of ICT in education.
Tuesday, 5/21/2019 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Congress hall, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
3:00 PM - 4:30 PMPanel (In Croatian) 
Mogu li gospodarstvenici utjecati na ishode učenja za ICT područje? 
4:30 PM - 7:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Hannu Jaakkola and Jaak Henno

1.H. Jaakkola (Tampere University, Pori, Finland), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland), B. Thalheim (Christian Albrechts University at Kiel, Kiel, Germany)
Artificial Intelligence Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the current emerging technologies - technologies that have potential for fast growth and impact on a variety of situations and applications in society. The key issue in AI-based applications is learning capability – the system is first taught to handle expected situations and ultimately it is able to learn new facts by experience. If we look back to the history of computing, it is easy to recognize that AI has been in the role of emerging technology earlier, in almost every decade since the 1950s in fact, when the term “Artificial Intelligence” was coined. In those days the programming language Lisp was invented and used to implement self-modifying applications. The novelty – compared to the handful of earlier programming languages – was the ability to implement software that was able to modify its code in run time. The second time that AI was described as one of the frontier technologies was in the 1970s, when Expert Systems (ES) were developed to support human users in “rule-based” decision making. A decade later AI was again at the forefront when the Japanese government initiated one of its biggest research and development efforts with the goal of developing AI-based computer architecture – an inference machine architecture with a Prolog-like machine code (i.e., AI in the computer architecture) called the Fifth Generation Computer System (FGCS). Currently in the 2010s, AI is again expected to change the world in the form of (self-)learning systems manifesting in various robot applications, smart hubs, intelligent data analytics, etc. What is the reason for the reappearance of AI in reincarnation cycles and for taking the role of emerging technology in different renewed forms? In our paper we give a brief description of the history of AI and also one answer to the question above. We feel that the current AI “cycle” has the capability to change the world in many ways. The main goal of our paper is to raise discussion about these changes. In the context of the CE conference context, it is important to understand the changes it will cause in education, the skills expected in different professions, and in society at large.
2.J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori Department, Pori, Finland), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland)
Teaching for Virtual Work 
Universities are still mainly preparing students for the world, where 'do something useful', i.e. 'do something with your hands' was the main principle and work was done during strictly regulated time. But world has changed. Traditional areas of human activity (what also are the main target in University courses) are rapidly diminishing. Our values, the GDP produced in whole world use less and less input from our natural environment - agriculture is producing only 5%, construction – 10%, manufacturing 15% of all values of the GDP produced in the World [ ] and all these numbers are decreasing. The remaining 70% of human values are produced inside human society itself, using as input data produced mainly already inside human society and the production ('work') goes on all around the clock, using our new tools – laptops, mobile phones, tablets. These mostly virtual products – video games, computer programs, mobile apps, social networks, new types of digital currencies, IOT (voice in your bathroom suggesting to buy the next model of Alexa) etc. For instance, many young people make living playing computer games, producing YouTube videos or publishing on social networks. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) declared in 2017 that eSport (competitive video gaming) could be considered a sporting activity; in Singapore was launched eSport Academy; eSport market is growing 40% yearly, has multimillion-dollar prizes and international audiences, streaming game sites (Twitch) have more viewers than CNN, Netflix and NBA finals. Should these new skills be thought in universities and if, then who will teach them – the current teaching staff is not very likely to do this... REFERENCES The World Bank. Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP).
3.A. Milenkovic (Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia), D. Takaci (Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia)
The Effects of Integrating Mobile Technology for Determining the Boundaries of Multiple Integrals 
Mobile devices such as mobile phones and laptops can have great impact on learning in classroom and on learning through homework assignments. The authors described the influence of the mobile devices (mostly mobile phones) as learning tools, on students’ learning achievements of the two-dimensional functions, and in particular, double and triple integrals. The research was conducted at the University of Kragujevac and two groups were tested. In the experimental group students used their mobile devices and the online materials (which were made by their teacher in Geogebra) to observe surfaces and graphs of multivariable functions and their intersections. For the students in control group, materials were presented without the use of mobile devices. Students’ achievements were compared and analyzed. The impact of using mobile learning has been examined through the students' competence to correctly determine the domain of integration and limits for integration. Differences in students’ motivation were also analyzed.
4.T. Babić, S. Papić (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Babić (Zagreb City Libraries, Zagreb, Croatia)
Intuitive Communication versus Rational Communication among Students of Computing at the Algebra University College 
Communication is not just what is said, it is also what has not been said; its efficacy reflects in the response we get. In formal education, cognitive processes and problem-solving are taught through the prism of rationality with an emphasis on logic and rational approach, according to which everything must be justified and argued. It also prevails that communicative skills can be learned if certain rules are followed. However, it is active listening, empathy and connecting with an interlocutor, that makes possible to influence the behavior of those we communicate with. The intuition is based on an inner feeling that enables us to make decisions without logical resonance, it represents wisdom that we often can not explain how we possess it. The aim of research conducted among students of computing at the Algebra University College was to determine whether students rely on the „ratio“ or on the "inner voice" while they communicate. The results showed that although students consider intuition should be taken with a dose of reserve due to possible non-objective influences and give priority to rationality in business related actions, they also opine that the best results are achieved while intuition and rationality are combined.
5.V. Bušelić (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
Information Literacy and Critical Thinking Freshman Course Experience 
The aim of the research is to prove author’s intention of designing a successful high school freshmen course that can improve students’ generic skills and competences needed to empower them on a journey to become valuable contributors of modern society. Literature review of similar successful courses was used for general course design technique with some learning outcomes modified from information literacy and critical thinking international standards. All main design principles of “Information literacy and Critical thinking” course syllabus is elaborated. Discussion part concerning students’ satisfaction and skills improvement is followed after the analysis of two types of surveys conducted over the first two generations of students. This particular course is very rare, if not unique, as an approach for freshmen generic skills improvement in Croatian High Education society. This elaborated experience is excellent opportunity to provoke wider society discussion in order to establish formal ways to improve employability skills of Croatian students.
6.V. Kalajžić, M. Ražnjević Zdrilić (Sveučilište u Zadru, Zadar, Croatia)
Use of the System for Authenticity Verification at the Tourism and Communication Sciences of the University of Zadar 
Development of information and communication technology and Internet gave education an additional incentive and opened new possibilities in education. Today the importance of education, improvement of the educational process and education as initial capital are increasingly highlighted, and the word combination “society of knowledge” is frequently mentioned. The Internet has made information more accessible, but it has also enabled unauthorized taking up and plagiarism of someone else’s content, sometimes unintentionally, out of pure ignorance, and sometimes intentionally. It is therefore not surprising that today the discussion on academic integrity and safeguarding of academic integrity is increasing. In this endeavour, the academic world increasingly uses anti-plagiarism software, i.e. verification systems for authenticity of academic papers, as a means for dealing with non-academic actions. On the basis of a conducted survey the attitudes of students of undergraduate and graduate studies on the Tourism and Communication Sciences Section of the University of Zadar were analysed on the use of Turnitin system, the mode of approach, benefits and disadvantages of the system, self-evaluation of students on the contribution of Turnitin to the quality of academic papers, and thus education as a whole. The paper gives particular attention to understanding of the notion of academic integrity, quotation, paraphrasing and plagiarism. Method of descriptive statistics was used for presentation and interpretation of research results.
7.J. Zoroja, M. Pejić Bach (Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagrb, Zagreb, Croatia), I. Miloloža (Faculty for Dental Medicine & Health, University of Osijek, Zagreb, Croatia)
Developing Leadership in a Simulation-games Environment 
Leadership is a process of inspiring people in pursuit of various goals and various activities. Leadership is often discussed in the context of project management, and leaders referred to as being able to organize and motivate a group of people to successfully finish a given project. In order to inspire, organize and motivate others, leaders need to have advanced social skills. Successful leaders are constantly trying to improve their social skills and knowledge. Life-long learning is important for leaders, especially learning by experience and in a real-time environment. Simulation games enable participants to learn by doing which gives them the opportunity to understand real everyday situations and possible consequences better. During simulation games, users train, analyze and predict possible actions which help them in the decision making process. The goal of this paper is twofold. The first goal is to present and analyze the usage of simulation games in leadership, their desirable characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages in the area of leadership. The second goal is to present relevant platforms for using simulation games for leadership activities and to discuss them in the context of students learning.
8.A. Lovrić, A. Sovic Krzic (Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Using Robots to Master Simple Mathematical Assignments 
In this paper, an educational robot-scanner for solving simple mathematical assignment is presented. The robot (i) scans the mathematical assignment that consists of three characters: two one-digit numbers and a mathematical operation, (ii) recognizes the numbers and the operation using optical char-acter recognition, and (iii) gives the solution. The robot-scanner was de-signed and programmed using MATLAB and LEGO Mindstorms EV3. The scanner can be used in teaching basic calculus. After solving the assignment by their own, pupils can check their solution using the robot-scanner. Fur-ther, the scanner can be used by secondary school students for teaching them basics of mechanics and programming.
9.F. Urem (Veleučilište u Šibeniku, Šibenik, Croatia), E. Ban (Education and Teacher Training Agency, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Jureković (Oracle Hrvatska d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia)
Engaging Students in Computer Science with Extracurricular Projects – Oracle Academy Workshops in a Box Use Case 
Today's students have been surrounded by information technologies since birth and most often have no patience to learn programming as it is commonly defined in the traditional curriculum. The modern Croatian Curriculum of Informatics in Elementary and Secondary School defines the learning outcomes and (with certain recommendations) is giving complete freedom and responsibility to the teacher in the design of teaching during which the students will achieve the anticipated learning outcomes. However, today's society and the national economy expect a growing number of educated professionals in the field of information technology, but it is unfortunately not happening. In addition to motivating students, different extracurricular activities can be provided by the teacher, as well as other stakeholders who may not specialize in teaching in cooperation with the school (parents, volunteers, sponsors …). Taking into account the already implemented examples of good practice in Croatian schools, this paper lists examples of globally successful curriculum from Oracle Academy program, which are better known under the name Workshops in a Box. The paper also presents a short survey on the current implementation of computer science extracurricular programs in the Croatian schools.
Wednesday, 5/22/2019 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
Chairs: Robert Repnik and Marjan Krašna  
1.M. Džeko, N. Kadoić (University of Zagrab, Faculty of organisation and informatics, Varaždin, Croatia), Ž. Dobrović (The University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia)
Metamodeling SNAP, a Multi-Criteria Method for Effective Strategic Decision Making on e-Learning Issues 
Many e-learning decision-making problems are multicriteria problems, and their analysis requires the application of appropriate decision-making method. Since e-learning is a domain which is characterised by the existence of influences and dependencies between the decision-making elements, some of the most suitable methods for the multi-criteria analyses are the Analytic Network Process (ANP), Weighted Influence Non-linear Gauge System (WINGS) and Social Network Analysis Process (SNAP). ANP is the most well-known and most often used multi-criteria decision-making methods appropriate for the domains which are characterised by the existence between influences and dependencies between the decision-making elements, such as the e-learning domain. This paper presents the basic steps of the relatively new method, SNAP method, and its ERA metamodel. The SNAP method combines two methods, ANP and Social Network Analysis. The integration of those two methods diminishes some of the weak-points that appear in the application of the ANP. The role of the ERA metamodel of SNAP is double: it helps in the understanding of the SNAP steps, and it is a base for potential SNAP software support development.
2.Y. Petrenko (Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine), V. Zigunov, D. Balashov, D. Bermudes, I. Shishenko (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine)
Use of the Software BIOMECHANICS in Physical Culture and Sports Specialists’ Preparation 
The use of computer technologies allows qualitatively forming theoretical knowledge and practical skills of future physical culture and sports specialists. Software "Biomechanics" was developed in order to improve the assimilation of biomechanical knowledge and increase the level of kineziological competence of students of Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture and the Institute of Physical Culture of Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University (Ukraine). It includes educational and methodological information that will enable the student to acquire practical skills and abilities for the independent use of the theory and methods of biomechanical measurements, biomechanical analysis and didactics of motor activity in physical education and sports training. The software contains different parts (theoretical, practical, references control). The practical part provides for execution of calculation and graphic works aimed at determining the geometry of the human body mass, measuring the kinematic characteristics of motor actions, finding the center of masses by analytical and graphical methods, etc. The software enables physical education and sports professionals to train with the use of basic biomechanical positions, improve motor programs, and promote health and safety in the process of physical education at school, in the performance of sports coaching and physical rehabilitation of patients and athletes.
3.O. Semenikhina, M. Drushlyak, Y. Bondarenko, S. Kondratiuk, I. Ionova (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine)
Open Educational Resources as a Trend of Modern Education 
The article presents the results of the study of open educational resources in mathematical disciplines. The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of teaching mathematical courses based on quantitative analysis of the corresponding open educational resources and determination of ways of using such resources in the conditions of Ukrainian universities. The definition of open educational resources and their specific features are specified, in particular, support of different formats for presentation of materials, their publication under conditions of an open license, provision of free access, the possibility of modification of materials by other users. The analysis of the number of open educational resources Coursera, Edx, Udemy, and INTUIT has revealed that the bulk of mathematical courses in relation to others is not large, which suggests a reduction in young people's interest in purely mathematical disciplines. At the same time, it was noted that the presence of such resources on the site of the university contributes to the formation of its positive image within the country and the world. The own experience of studying mathematical online courses on Analytical Geometry, Linear Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Philosophy is described.
4.V. Slavuj, B. Kovačić, I. Jugo (Odjel za informatiku, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
User Evaluation of an Adaptive Language Learning System Prototype 
In order for a piece of educational software to be accepted and continuously used by the target group of users, it needs to cater for the majority of their needs and deliver its services in a user-friendly way. That is why it is crucial to evaluate user satisfaction with a system during its developmental phase, so that issues may be dealt with even before it is introduced into day-to-day use. The paper at hand presents the results of examining user satisfaction with a prototype of Language Learning System (LLS) – an adaptive, web-based system for language learning developed at our institution – using an adapted version of a previously developed and verified questionnaire. It reports on the strengths and weaknesses of the system in question with a special emphasis on its content (tests, language tasks, learning materials and feedback opportunities), adaptive capabilities, and the overall graphical design, and, where appropriate, suggests ways for improvement. The results further reveal certain usage and study patterns of students and their general attitudes regarding computer aided language learning. A total of twenty university-level students, who were systematically preparing for a language comprehension test over a period of three weeks, participated in the study.
5.P. Matkovic, M. Sakal, P. Tumbas, . Pavlicevic (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Subotica, Serbia)
Competence-based Curriculum Development for Business Informatics 
This paper presents the theoretical and methodological approach used in the development of bachelor and master Business Informatics study programmes at the University of Novi Sad, in the field of social science. The paper advances the theoretical perspectives of competency-based curriculum as steps taken toward innovative curriculum development efforts, with further focus on the developed theoretical framework used in the analysis and design of a competency-based curriculum for a business informatics study programme.
6.M. Homen Pavlin (The Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb , Zagreb, Croatia), M. Sužnjević (University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing., Zagreb, Croatia)
The Opinions and Attitudes of Students - Future IT Teachers - on the Use of VR and AR in Teaching  
Recent technological advances in the field of Virtual Reality (VR) have resulted in market release of multiple head mounted displays such as Oculus Rift, Sony Gear VR and HTC Vive. This new technology brings great possibilities in education in terms of new methods of learning and its applications in teaching have already been studied in several studies worldwide. Augmented Reality (AR), as an emerging technology, has been predicted with even more potential usage than VR both in education and other areas. The advantages of AR are increased freedom, lack of simulator sickness, and broader application range. The aim of this paper is to investigate the opinions and attitudes of students who will presumably after the graduation teach ICT in primary education schools. Do they feel prepared for the upcoming technological advances and what are they ides about utilizing those technologies in teaching? The research method is based on online questionnaire taken by students from the ICT module of the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb.
7.P. Larsson, M. Apiola, M. Laakso (University of Turku/Department of Future Technologies, Turku, Finland)
The Uniqueness of Computational Thinking 
The concept of computational thinking is timely. It is widely agreed that in order to benefit and thrive in a digital world, more than digital literacy is required. Computational thinking promises understanding of information technology and its utilization without necessarily knowing how to write code. According to many authors, skills in computational thinking include the ability to evaluate and design solutions to problems. However, the vision for computational thinking, laid out by a number of scholars, is even bigger than this. It proposes that thinking habits from computer science are beneficial for any kind of problem solving and that those thinking habits form a central part of modern sciences. It might be that components of computational thinking are indeed useful in problem solving and that they play an important part in other sciences. However, computer science combines three types of thinking traditions: theoretical (mathematical) tradition, engineering tradition and scientific tradition, and it is important to differentiate between what is an aspect in one or more of these traditions and what is unique for computer science. This clarification will support the application and teaching of computational thinking. This paper explores the uniqueness of computational thinking and its roots in theoretical, engineering and scientific traditions of computing.
8.L. Reveszova (Faculty of economics, Technical university of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia)
Development of Human Capital via Modern Informatics Education 
In the new digital world, information is available anywhere at any time, computer power is ubiquitous, communication of vast amounts of information is almost instantaneous, and storage capacities seem infinite. But these powerful possibilities are beneficial only for those who have learned to use them effectively. Educational system should be able to react appropriately to the development and trends. We educate our students for the future. They will face many changes in their future careers and lives. Their school knowledge and skills become obsolete within a short time. That is why they must be robust enough to meet the challenges of the rapidly changing world, and also enable the students to cope with the changes. It is important to consider that the knowledge and skills for today must be adaptable to serve future needs. The core of education must be independent of the changes in tools and technologies. Nowadays, not only classical literacy (reading, writing, counting) is needed, but also the high level of digital literacy, creative, logical and critical thinking, and last but not least, the potential for permanent development of human capital. The article summarizes the experience in teaching Informatics at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University, Košice.
9.L. Kakalejčík (GrowthPro, Košice, Slovakia), D. Paľová (Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia)
Enhancement of Students’ Skills via Project-based Learning 
The increase in employment, productivity and social cohesion are pillars of the smart growth of the European Union. Specialized agendas and action plans (Digital Agenda, Education and Learning, E-skills and Employment) were designed to support these objectives. To increase the employment of European Union citizens, the part of the above-mentioned agenda is focused on the employment of the young people, especially recent graduates. Excessively theoretical approach to educate youth was identified amongst the major problems in the educational system. The educational system should empower the students to acquire practical experience, which represents the advantage when applying for a job, or choose to develop their own business. Moreover, making graduates able to implement their knowledge, skills and experience to solve practical problems via project-based learning to enhance their motivation and involvement in the educational process. The paper describes the setup of the newly developed course, its content, evaluation by students and lecturers, achieved results and concept describing our future work related to Europe2020 objectives.
10.M. Vejačka (Faculty of Economics, Technical university of Košice, Košice, Slovakia)
Electronic Commerce Entrepreneurship Education Using Virtual Laboratory 
The information and communication technologies (ICT) allow educators to transform education still more and more. Education in the area of entrepreneurship might be supported by the usage of virtual laboratory of electronic commerce as in the case of our faculty. Future entrepreneurs get the opportunity to try out the establishment and operation of their own businesses in the form of virtual companies as part of their studies. The aim of this paper is to present how virtual lab of electronic commerce might serve for educational purposes. Entrepreneurship education is supported by virtual laboratory of electronic commerce at our faculty for several years already and our students gain practical experience of establishing and managing small virtual business. These students’ businesses operate in the field of ecommerce and their functioning is supported by virtual bank, electronic registry, virtual certification authority, virtual e-shops and learning management system. Experience from each year is further incorporated into the educational process of the subject and our results show that virtual lab of electronic commerce is useful tool for entrepreneurial skills development.
11.G. Durovic (University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Holenko Dlab, N. Hoic-Bozic (University of Rijeka, Department of Informatics, Rijeka, Croatia)
A Model of an Online Evaluation System for STEM Education 
To achieve better learning results students need to be adequately motivated to continuously approach learning. This is particularly important in areas such as STEM, where for the adoption of new material, it is necessary to master the topics that preceded it. This paper describes a work in progress with the aim to develop an online evaluation system for STEM education based on the principles of Education Recommender Systems. The structure of the proposed system will include a domain model, student model, activity model, and a recommender module. Domain model will represent concepts of subject matter. Student model will be built on data gathered during continuous evaluation together with students’ learning styles and foreknowledge about digital tools. Activity model represents items that will be recommended: learning materials, tasks for learning using digital tools, and colleagues for teamwork. Recommender module will include original pedagogical rules for generating recommendations. The proposed model should encourage and motivate students for continuous learning and consequently lead to better learning results.
12.B. Rodič (Faculty of Information Studies, Novo mesto, Slovenia)
Decision Support in a Telecommunications Enginering E-Learning Platform 
This contribution presents the development of an expert system to be used by students for decision support in selecting a filter modeling tool based on specific selection criteria. The expert system design implements multi-criteria decision modeling using a Decision Matrix and combines set theory based option filtering with the MAUT method for option ranking. The inference engine is rule based, while the knowledge base is designed as a decision matrix and implemented in a relational database. The user interface is to offer two types of user experience for beginners and advanced users. The expert system is developed as an integrated part of a telecommunications engineering online learning system “Online-CADCOM”, and is designed to be open-ended to incorporate additional filter modeling tools and decision criteria.
13.T. Georgiev (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria)
Students’ Viewpoint about Using MIT App Inventor in Education 
The paper presents Ruse University students’ point of view about using Android application development environment MIT App Inventor in different levels of education. The research was done via the survey method. A questionnaire was made for the purpose. It consisted of 21 questions, merged in several parts: personal information about the respondent (age, gender, speciality, year of education, mobile devices possessed, programming skills and experience), students’ opinion about the qualities of the environment, its user-friendliness and which level of education it is most suitable for. The final part of the questionnaire included 2 open questions and the answers had to contain the advantages and disadvantages of MIT App Inventor compared to other programming environments. Within three consecutive years – 2016, 2017 and 2018 – a total number of 73 students (11 women and 62 men) from Computer Systems and Technologies master program were asked to answer the questions. The analysis of the results from all the three years shows that, according to Ruse University students, MIT App Inventor is most appropriate for use in a bachelor degree of education, followed by a master degree and a secondary school.
14.D. Bjelobrk Knežević, V. Tadić, Ž. Širanović (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
Flipped Classroom Model for Advanced Networking Courses 
Gaining competences in the field of Computer Networks is almost impossible without practical skills. Since theoretical knowledge is not enough, courses related to networking, especially advanced ones, should put emphasis on gaining practical knowledge. Traditional classroom teaching style is not very well suited for that purpose. To try to overcome that problem, we decided to implement Flipped Classroom, with its learner-centric methodology, on some of our advanced networking courses. This approach leaves more classroom time to be dedicated to the higher level concepts, more hands-on practices and it should give students an opportunity to go with the lecture at his or hers own pace. In this paper, we introduce a concept of Flipped Classroom, discus its advantages and disadvantages and describe how we applied it in our courses.
15.P. Bernad, N. Vaupotic, R. Repnik (Faculty on Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia)
Teaching the Physics behind a 3D Cinema through Experiments Supported by ICT 
At teaching physics, it is always a challenge to present three-dimensional (3D) objects graphically. Often we are limited to two dimensions. The use of ICT enable us to show how 3D projection works by using the 3D polarising glasses and polarised light. That effect is well known and used in the cinemas and it is attractive for high school students. We prepared a workshop to explain how linear and circular polarizing glasses for 3D cinema work, by preparing appropriate theoretical explanation and experiments, supported by our computer animations and simulations. Those are necessary, since the complex theory behind the experiments and 3D cinema is difficult to comprehend without the proper visual representation and understanding. We will execute the workshop in January for a group of selected physics-interested high school students. Firstly, we will orally assess the knowledge that they have gained through primary school and first years of high school. We assume that their knowledge about light polarisation used in 3D cinema is inadequate. After the workshop, we will execute a short-written test to assess the newly acquired knowledge. The assignments will be set on different levels of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy in order to evaluate the workshop.
16.B. Musil, S. Gartner (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia), I. Pesek (University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Maribor, Slovenia), M. Krašna (University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia)
ICT Competences Assessment through ICT Escape Room 
We can use tests or work assignments to assess the competences. Tests are a bit more reliable because they are conducted in the controlled environment. However, the tests are also time limited and stressful therefore not entirely encouraged surrounding for competences’ assessment. Work assignments are usually more time consuming, done outside the controlled environment, hence less reliable. In our experiment, we wanted to prepare alternative type of tests of the IT competences using the IT escape room. The background idea is based on escape rooms. In our experiment, person or two cooperate solving IT problems to gain "freedom" at the end. In this environment, the stress is inherent but it has fun components. Participants do not feel them as tests and the stress of failure is less evident. Each experiment participant can learn his or her IT weak points. It takes around one hour to find the way out of the room, therefore we cannot have statistically suitable sample for quantitative analysis; we have opted for qualitative analysis instead. Participants are asked to complete the survey before the entrance into the IT escape room and this survey is later used in the discussion, which is the base for the qualitative analysis. It is not easy to prepare the suitable assignments and clues to solve them. We have also discovered that there are problems of understanding of the IT terminology hence the clues, which are perfectly understandable to the IT specialist, are generally not suitable for experiment’s participants.
Thursday, 5/23/2019 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
Chairs: Daniela Tuparova and Georgi Tuparov 
1.T. Hynninen (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Mikkeli, Finland), A. Knutas, M. Hujala, H. Arminen (LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland)
Distinguishing the Themes Emerging from Masses of Open Student Feedback 
Student feedback is one of the key methods for assessing the quality of teaching in higher education. Feedback is often collected using both Likert-type scales and open-ended questions. However, open-ended text answers are a difficult resource to utilize because of the manual work involved in qualitative analysis, and it is a challenge to gain insight of the underlying themes or issues behind the feedback. This paper presents a case study in which we create and analyze topic models from open-ended course feedback. We collected a total of 6087 individual student evaluations from university courses between two academic years, from 2016 to 2018. Then we created topic models from the feedback texts using the latent Dirichlet allocation method with the R programming language and environment for statistical computing. After our analysis, we could distinguish six categories of feedback: 1) Positive comments about arrangements, 2) dissatisfaction in the teaching, 3) comments about course arrangements and deadlines, 4) lack of student motivation, 5) interest in the topic and understanding the material, and 6) comments about interesting, rewarding but challenging courses. We discuss these results to provide an insight into the automatic analysis of student feedback.
2.E. Pajić, V. Ljubovic (Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Improving Plagiarism Detection Using Genetic Algorithm 
Detecting instances of plagiarism in student homework, with program code in particular, is a subject of active research for over 30 years. One of the early proposed methods was extraction and comparison of source-code metrics. Even though this approach has low algorithmic complexity, it is rarely used in recent papers with some authors claiming that better results are obtained using other methods. In this paper, plagiarism detection is treated as an information retrieval problem, specifically query-by-example (QbE). A feature vector is constructed from source metrics and compared using common similarity measures. Further, evolutionary computation methods are used to optimize the similarity measure. It is shown that, by several metrics used, detection results are on par with state-of-the-art methods with significantly lower execution time.
3.S. Ivanova, G. Georgiev (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria)
Towards a Justified Choice of Gamification Framework when Building an Educational Application 
Gamification has been a leading global phenomenon since 2010 and represented in variety of domains including education. Yet whether the application of game elements in non entertaining contexts is effective, still sparkles an ongoing debate which aims to be solved by the application of gamification frameworks. A gamification framework analyses the core drives in human motivation in a system that can be easily applied to produce an effective strategy for successful implementation of gamification. On our journey to design and develop an educational application, implementing game design elements, that supports university students enrolled in Web development course, we analyzed a variety of gamification frameworks in order to define the right one for our needs. In this paper we presents an in-depth analysis of the different gamification frameworks, leading towards a justified choice in the context of our research. Outcomes of our study and a work-in-progress implementation of the educational application are also summarized.
4.I. Almeida, J. Ribeiro, A. Moreira (Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal)
Assistive Technologies for Children with Cognitive and/or Motor Disabilities: a Diagnosis of the Training Needs of Informal Caregivers 
Assistive technologies promote communication, personal and social independence as well as the inclusion of children with cognitive or motor disabilities. Despite the human and material resources available, the practical implementation of assistive technologies is still emerging in many family settings. Resorting to action research methodology we intend to assess the training needs of informal caregivers related to the use of assistive technologies at home. Therefore, we are conducting a focus group on that topic with therapists, special education teachers, and an educational psychologist and analysing the content of the discussion. The data gives a perspective on (i) how thorough informal caregivers’ knowledge is of what assistive technologies are and their advantages, (ii) difficulties reported by informal caregivers when using them with their children, (iii) reasons that may lead them to abandon an assistive technology device, (iv) how they can develop their skills and use the technology more effectively and (v) how information on assistive technology can be made available to them. Therefore, this research aims to contribute to reducing technology abandonment and to enhancing its use in the family setting by children with cognitive and/or motor limitations. Some preliminary results are put forward.
5.P. Pürcher (University of Graz, Graz, Austria), M. Höfler (Danube University Krems, Krems, Austria)
Measuring Eye Movements in Learning Research: A Useful Window to Cognition  
Analyzing the eye movements made while inspecting a visual environment can be of valuable help to get insight in the involved cognitive processes. With the help of state-of-the-art eye-tracking systems and using various paradigms, researchers are able to measure and interpret different eye movement parameters such as fixations, saccades, pupil size and scan paths when evaluating visual surfaces (e.g. in consumer research or user interface design). These analyses allow to widen the knowledge on complex processes, such as decision-making, or to investigate e.g. learning strategies. The current article aims at giving an overview of how eye-tracking and the analysis of eye movements, respectively, might be useful in the emerging and changing field of Learning Research: Firstly, the physiological and anatomical basics of eye movements are reflected, then the concept of eye-tracking and different technological systems for that purpose are introduced. Moreover, we will summarize eye movement parameters and finally end with a reflection of eye-tracking in Learning Research.
6.D. Tuparova, V. Veleva (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria), G. Tuparov (New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria)
About Some Barriers in Using of Educational Computer Games by Teachers in STEM 
In this study we present the opinion of 114 Bulgarian teachers in STEM (mathematics, physics, chemistry and technology and entrepreneurship) concerning the barriers in using educational computer games in their teaching practice. There are various obstacles in the process of using educational computer games. They are associated with a high cost of existing educational games, the provision of content-quality games, technical equipment, the need for additional teacher training for the use of educational computer games, a time constraint within the classroom, the lack of match of curriculum games. We analyze the teachers’ opinions with relevance to existing school polices for use of educational computer games, experience in use of educational computer games, teaching experience, age, school subject and school level – primary, low secondary or upper secondary school.
7.D. Radošević (Faculty of organization and informatics, Varaždin, Croatia), A. Bernik (University North, Varaždin, Croatia), J. Dobša, M. Kaniški (Faculty of organization and informatics, Varaždin, Croatia), N. Mrvac (Faculty of graphic arts, Varaždin, Croatia)
Dynamic Machine Translation of Croatian Academic Web Sites 
Web sites internationalization of Croatian web sites is a problem remained from the beginnings of web. In most cases, only some general information that are rarely changed are available in foreign languages, and the reason for that is the lack of human resources to make translations, as well as the need of software adaptations to support multilingualism. This paper analyses some lexical characteristics of the selected Croatian academic web sites, compared with some other, like daily newspapers and culinary web sites in order to find out their suitability for machine translation. The findings are compared to the actual state of our dynamic translation system for web contents, named as Domain Translator expressed in the coverage of words and phrases and accuracy of translation.
Thursday, 5/23/2019 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
Chairs: Lejla Abazi and Igor Jugo
1.M. Apiola (University of Turku, Turku, Finland), T. Karunaratne (University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden), E. Kaila, M. Laakso (University of Turku, Turku, Finland)
Experiences from Digital Learning and Learning Analytics in Finland and Sweden: A Collaborative Approach 
Digital learning management systems (LMS) are revolutionizing learning in many areas, including computer science education (CSE). They are capable of tracking learners' characteristics, such as prior knowledge, and other learning habits, and may offer more personalized learning or guidance on useful learning practices. Modern approaches include learning records, learning preference cards, mobile- and eye-tracking devices, and flexible classroom designs, including simulated social presence. As a result of interactions with it, LMS collect large amounts of data. Proper processing of such collected data can offer valuable comprehension about the learning process, support for increasing learners' success, insights on learner's dropping out, and so on. In this paper, we briefly review and discuss the global trends in digital learning and Learning Analytics (LA), specifically from the viewpoint of two LMS systems and related LA research, one in Finland and one in Sweden. In this paper, we address the context-, and course-specific nature of LA by developing the idea of cross-country and cross-systems learning analytics. Second, we consider our research especially from an educational perspective to identify the most beneficial practices for teachers and students. Third, we discuss, based on findings from our projects, future avenues for collaborative LA research in CSE.
2.T. Alajbeg, M. Sokele (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Implementation of Electronic Design Automation Software Tool in the Learning Process 
Design of analog and digital electronic circuits is an integral part of the electrical engineering curriculum. Software tools for personal computers, which enable design, simulation, measuring and circuit analysis as well as PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design, are called EDA (Electronic Design Automation). The paper describes the introduction of EDA software in the first semester of the professional study of electrical engineering at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences within course Personal Computers in Electrical Engineering. Examples of laboratory exercises related to electrical circuit diagrams, use of component libraries, work in standard laboratory environment (power supplies, function generators, voltmeters, ammeters, oscilloscopes, etc.), circuit analysis in a DC and AC mode as well as in time and frequency domain are described. Focus is on the optimal implementation of EDA tool NI Multisim and its integration with the existing LMS Moodle as a platform for exercise learning and knowledge assessment.
3.M. Duić (University of Zadar, Department of Information Sciences, Zadar, Croatia)
How Faculties from Pula, Dubrovnik, Varaždin, Koprivnica and Osijek Use Web-based Scientific Literature: Analysis Based on Their Age, Gender, Field of Science and Literature Exchange Practices 
For their activities related to teaching and research, faculty needs to have access to scientific literature. Various web sources of scientific literature are available. They are very important for activities of faculty. For example, academic search engine Google Scholar is used by many members of faculty from all around the world, including Croatia. Croatian portal Hrčak is also very popular among Croatian university employees. The research goal of this paper is to explore the use of these and other web sources of scientific literature by members of some Croatian faculties, as well as their practices and attitudes related to this topic. The research results will be analyzed with regard to these variables: age and gender of respondents; their practices of exchanging scientific literature; field of science in which they are working. Insights will be acquired using the questionnaire sent to members of the faculty of the following four Croatian universities located in five cities: Pula, Dubrovnik, Osijek, Koprivnica, Varaždin.
4.M. Fetaji (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia), B. Fetaji, M. Ebibi (University Mother Teresa, Skopje, Macedonia)
Analyses of Possibilities of Flipped Classroom in Teaching Computer Sciences 
Flipped classroom is a new pedagogical model where lectures and lab classes with practical elements of a course are given to students prior to their class. Using new technologies students can organize their learning process independently and become an active learner instead of the passive learner Four broad categories of instructional approaches for use in an flipped learning have been identified: (a) individual activities, (b) paired activities, (c) informal small groups, and (d) cooperative student projects. The research study is based on the theory of Bloom's revised taxonomy of cognitive domain. This taxonomy provides six levels of learning discussed in the research methodology section. In order to analyze all this, a case study experiment was realized and insights as well as recommendations are presented.
5.D. Tuparova (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)
Teaching of Computer Programming in Bulgarian Primary School – Challenges and Solutions 
In this paper the new school subject in Bulgarian primary school - “Computing modelling" is presented. The subject is introduced to all Bulgarian schools in 2018/2019 year as a core course in third grade (9 years old students). The curricula for 3rd and 4th grade are outlined and some challenges and problems in implementation of the new school subject are discussed. Also several examples for solutions of main challenges are presented.
6.V. Atanasov (National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria), A. Ivanova (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria)
A Framework for Measurement of Interactivity of Digital Learning Resources 
The Digital Education Action plan, adopted by the European Commission is setting out a strategy to help EU Member States meet the challenges and opportunities of education in the digital age. Action 9, which covers the third priority of the plan is intended to measure the progress in the use of digital technologies in school education. Measuring the progress itself requires establishment of measurable criteria. When we consider digital education, the digital learning content becomes one of the crucial components of the educational process. At the same time the growth of the interactive technologies transforms the digital generation to a generation demanding a highly interactive experience in the classroom. The research presented in this paper identifies a necessity to be established a detailed specification of criteria measuring the interactivity of digital learning content in order to assure a learning process adequate to the learners needs, attitudes and expectations. An abstract concept of learner-content interaction in a digital context is provided and a framework of identificators, measuring the interactivity of various formats of digital learning content is proposed.
7.R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Education in Science Literacy outside the Classroom: Case of Libraries 
Education in science usually is related to diverse science activities undertaken in schools and at universities. School and university students have mostly unobstructed access to scientific knowledge and instruction in scientific methods as part of their daily educational activities, while citizens outside the domain of formal education are in less favorable position. As a result, they seek scientific content and activities online or in libraries, including public libraries, which are by their definition accessible to all citizens regardless of their age, education, gender, religion etc. and offer diverse learning opportunities to their users. Public libraries in Croatia have been helping citizens to become familiar with recent developments in science and to become informed individuals who will be able to make important decisions in their lives based on their knowledge about the world that surrounds them. This paper aims to introduce public libraries in Croatia as places at which science education is not only possible but it is already done rather intensive and widely accepted by the different generations of library users.
8.A. Yurchenko, O. Udovychenko (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine), A. Rozumenko (Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine), Y. Chkana, M. Ostroha (Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine)
Regional Computer Graphics Competition as a Tool of Influence on the Profession Choice: Experience of Sumy Region of Ukraine 
Recently, the IT-industry has become increasingly popular in Ukraine. Young people are aware of the prospects of their own realisation as programmers, system administrators, web designers, etc. At the same time, the prestige of teachers’ work decreases. Pedagogical universities face the problem of small recruitment for pedagogical specialties, where the specialty of a computer science teacher is not an exception. The article describes the experience of the regional computer graphics competition “Colour Your Life” as one of the solutions to the problem of professional orientation of young people in the computer science teaching profession in Sumy region of Ukraine. The authors studied the following problems: 1) confirmation of the competition status as a regional level competition by determining the geography of the participants; 2) determining the most popular graphic editors among youth; 3) determining the preferences of the competition participants for the future profession choice; 4) confirmation of the relationship between the number of participants and the number of applications for the specialty “014 Secondary Education. Computer science” (results are illustrated with infographics). Based on correlation analysis, a direct relationship between the total number of participants and the number of applicants to Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University was confirmed.
9.M. Wagner, C. Ungermanns, W. Werth (CUAS, Villach, Austria)
Benefits of Experimental Supported Teaching 
As physics is an essential part of natural sciences, it is always included in the curriculum of study fields in engineering. In conventional physics lectures, a typical approach consists of a theoretical part presented in class and additional exercises in lab performed by the students themselves. Here, the question arises whether this didactic approach is sufficient for students to comprehend the complex contents and to develop a better understanding of physics. In order to answer this question, a project at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences dealt with the question if and how the implementation of experimentally supported teaching during the lecture can improve the learning outcomes. In our case, basic experiments in the field of mechanics have been defined and prepared taking into account the inhomogeneous knowledge of the beginners. An important question to be answered in the project was the contribution of the experiments on the overall learning progress in Systems Engineering. A feedback directly after the lecture and one month later shows that this method receives strong approval, leads to an improved understanding and supports to reach educational objectives.
10.P. Zlatarov, G. Ivanova, D. Baeva (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria)
A Web-Based System for Personalized Learning Path Tracking of Doctoral Students 
High-quality training of doctoral students for valuable and thorough scientific research imposes high academic standards. The new academic generation of young scientists needs to be trained in creativity, critical thinking and autonomous intellectual conclusions. Doctoral students need to find suitable conditions for work, so that they can become independent researchers who at an early stage take responsibility for the scope, direction and progress of their projects. This defines the main purpose of doctoral education, which needs to be led at a high academic and methodical level. The highly acclaimed and well-popularized doctoral information system, developed at the University of Ruse, provides a wide array of possibilities for personalized learning path tracking. This enables the status of each doctoral student to be determined accurately and timely. The software allows for keeping detailed portfolios for each participant, and makes generation of various progress visualization tools, such as reports and graphs, effortless. Generating reports quickly and efficiently is an important benefit, compared to the conventional manual methods widely used in educational institutions. The paper explores the developed software system, and provides some sample analysis based on personal learning paths of doctoral students enrolled in the recent few years.
11.D. Bunić, I. Jugo, B. Kovačić (Odjel za informatiku Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Analysis of Clustering Algorithms for Group Discovery in a Web-based Intelligent Tutoring System 
DITUS is a web-based intelligent tutoring system developed and used at our institution as an additional learning platform. To make the system even more adaptive we expanded its architecture with several modules that perform educational data mining tasks such as clustering, to discover groups of students that use the system in a similar manner, and high-utility sequential pattern mining to discover efficient learning paths through the knowledge domain. The results of these modules enable the system to offer hints to students on which knowledge units to learn before or after the currently selected unit. One of the main pre-conditions of the quality of hints is the clustering phase in which we discover groups of students that are using the system in a similar manner in terms of learning activity and efficiency. In this paper, we analyze the results of several well-known clustering algorithms on our datasets, to determine which one is best suited for the needs of our system.
12.L. Abazi-Bexheti, A. Kadriu, M. Apostolova-Trpkovska (SEEU, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Investigating Gender Gap in Computer Science Research Community 
With the emerging information age, the worldwide concerns about the gender gap in computing careers are gaining more importance. Although there are many initiatives going on, still continues the presence of a notable absence of women in the field. This study includes a literature review of the research papers that tackle the issue of the gender gap in computer science from various perspectives. Many of the papers analyze the reasons behind this phenomenon and give recommendations on how to increase the participation of women in computer science. The participation in some papers represents the gender gap in the number of students, in other the number of graduates or number of employees. The study presented in this paper also includes a concrete investigation of the gender gap based on the research publications by exploring the DBLP. The study shows the methodology for gathering these papers from the DBLP database, including their authors. It also presents the results from this study showing how the gender percentage among the authors of the papers is distributed through years and in different categories
Friday, 5/24/2019 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
Chairs: Snježana Babić and Ivan Kaštelan
1.K. Šorić (Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Zagreb, Croatia)
Teaching Business Mathematics Using Computers 
We are living in the digital world. Are universities actually ready to educate the future experts? Are we ready to teach our students for the future globalized competitive labor market for the jobs that today don’t exist? Zagreb School of Economics and Management started the new four year undergraduate program Business Mathematics and Economics for challenging this issue. The main point is in educating the experts who will fill the gap between business practice and the developing digital technologies and STEM. We are teaching business mathematics through case studies, real data and optimization algorithms. How do we do it? In this work we will present some case studies from our university practice where we use the technology for more dynamic mathematics class.
2.I. Kaštelan, B. Pavković (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia), M. Vranješ (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Osijek, Croatia), M. Popović (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia), G. Velikić (RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia)
Modernizing Laboratories for New Courses in Automotive Software Engineering 
Rapid expansion of information-communication technology (ICT) sector, although promising, does not have a satisfactory support in education which can adapt fast to trends and demands of the automotive industry. In addition, one of the leading European employers – the automotive industry, has included in its focus the software and embedded systems. With growing need for engineers with adequate skills, university roles are shifted to take active part in creating healthy business environment, but the needed skills are not sufficiently acquired at universities in the region. The Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology in Osijek have started the common project DRIVE as part of the IPA Cross-Border Programme, with the goal of equipping the laboratories and developing the course materials in the field of automotive software engineering. Four laboratories have been set up to support the project goals and accompanied materials, such as books and tutorials, will be created. The materials will be used in new and updated courses at the upper years of undergraduate studies and graduate studies. This paper gives an overview of the procured equipment and plans for establishment of new courses in automotive software engineering.
3.S. Babić (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), T. Orehovački (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Informatics, Pula, Croatia)
Perceived Hedonic and Content Quality of Social Networking Sites 
The implementation of social network sites (SNS) in the higher education curriculum is related to their adoption by students. The aim of the work presented in this paper was to examine hedonic and content quality of social networking sites (SNS) as perceived by students. For that purpose, an empirical study was carried out in which students from two Croatian higher education institutions constituted a representative sample of users. Analysis of the collected data revealed the advantages and disadvantages of four SNS included in the study. Reported findings can be used as a backbone for future advances in the field of evaluating quality of SNS as well as improving their integration in educational ecosystem.
4.Z. Prohaska (Education and Teacher Training Agency, Rijeka, Croatia), Z. Prohaska, I. Uroda (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business, Rijeka, Croatia)
Learning of Color in Croatian Primary Schools 
In this article the learning of color will be analyzed by presenting concrete illustrations of art problems, which pupils are solving by reproductions of art masterpieces. The reproductions are examples from the teaching program for the subject visual art in primary schools from the 5th to 8th grade. After the theoretical part of the learning of color, the use of a database of art reproductions for pupils and teachers will be elaborated as an useful application in practice. For this purpose examples of paintings are stored in an original computer program previously developed by the authors.
5.V. Zuppa Bakša (Elektrotehnička škola, Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Bednjanec (Elektrotehnička škola u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Project Teaching In Computer Subjects 
The research of the attitude towards the project teaching among students of the second, third and fourth grades of the School of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb who are currently studying in the field of Computer Technician for the new and old vocational curriculum was conducted. With the help of this analysis it is possible to determine in which way the project form of teaching helps to students in mastering the teaching content. The project teaching conducted at the School of Electrical Engineering is based on the correlation between various subjects, encouraging students to attain a higher level of knowledge, motivating them to research associating them with practical examples, having clearly defined rules and steps to be developed. By presenting project tasks, students present a public performance and presentation of their own work. They are asked to study additional content on the Internet and thus use the computer for positive and useful purposes. Through various types of project assignments the students give their views and collaborate on the group or project tasks preferring to work independently.
6.I. Dunđer, M. Pavlovski (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Through the Limits of Newspeak: an Analysis of the Vector Representation of Words in George Orwell’s 1984 
The era of fake news, media manipulation and information wars has been beneficent to the lasting fame and continuous acclaim of George Orwell’s 1984. The novel, published in 1949, influences to the present day the terminology of various political and social analysts through the use of its fictional language called Newspeak. The question arises – can the inner connections of the concepts present in Orwell’s 1984, when analysing the text on a semantic level of the words in their contextual environment, be used to further the understanding of the inner-workings of the novel’s language itself? More specifically, the aim of this paper is to examine whether a reader without knowledge of the subject of a fictional work of art, exemplified by Orwell’s 1984, could gain deeper comprehension of the text just from a survey of vector representations of words, without the use of external resources and only through an overview of the established similarities on the semantic level of words in a given text. In fact, word vector representations, as a form of word embeddings in a vector space model, are a machine learning technique sometimes applied in natural language processing, which attempts to identify semantically similar words.
7.M. Odak, A. Miljko, L. Mandić (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilište u Mostaru, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Information Technology as a Support to Education 
The right to education is guaranteed to all persons by the international system of human rights based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document that was adopted by the international community seeking better and humane future after the two world wars. By exercising that right, everyone is given a chance to develop to its full potential and to achieve intellectual, spiritual and societal autonomy by acquisition of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. To be able to consume that right, persons with special needs, especially the blind and visually impaired, require a text to speech conversion/adaptation. In that context, the right to education requires the possibility of conversion (adaptability). Adaptability refers to the state’s obligation to adapt education to various groups of children and young people, such as minority members, children with special needs, refugee children, etc. Adaptability implies that upbringing and education are flexible and can be adjusted to the different needs of different learners, and not that learners have to adapt to school, which unfortunately is a common practice. To secure the right to education for blind and visually impaired persons, the Department of Information Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy in Mostar, together with the Faculty Library, has launched a project for the adaptation of teaching materials for blind and visually impaired persons. The question is how to tailor the teaching materials and literature needed for learning blind and visually impaired persons as well as selection of the proper method for adaptation. Through the pilot project we have tried to find out what is happening with the information the listener receives by signals through the audio channel and whether the information is better perceived when the signal is human speech rather than artificially synthesized sound on the computer. Methodology: The audio recording of the teaching units has been made from several teaching courses, after which the recordings were edited for reproduction. That was the first test set. The second test set was a textual teaching material adapted for sound reproduction on a computer using computer speech synthesis software. There was no overlap between the test sets. The amount of perceived information was tested for both test sets and a comparison of results was made. The purpose of the research was to find the optimal solution for adapting teaching materials to blind and visually impaired in order to provide such persons with the same opportunities as persons without such impairments.
8.T. Babić, A. Lacković, M. Matejić (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia)
Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking - the Self-assessment of Algebra University College Students  
During the twentieth century, it became clear that national economies can make progress only by investing in human capital. Knowledge increases human productivity and creativity, and society can prosper only through human self-awareness, understanding of the world around them and by increasing the quality of their lives. In the information age, progress was made through information and technology, with particular emphasis on critical thinking. But in the conceptual economy of the 21st century, influenced by three key developments; over-supply, outsourcing, and automation, it became clear that critical thinking, even with the help of high technology, is no longer sufficient to make a living or to be competitive in the labor market. In 'Value age' these capabilities need to be complemented by highly conceptual and highly sensitive traits. The integration of critical and creative thinking is a fundamental factor in personal productivity and the essential condition for achieving sustainable economic development. The self-assessment of Algebra University College students was designed to investigate the extent to which students integrated critical and creative thinking in their own case and explore whether there is a correlation between the type of thinking they are more inclined and the type of study program they are studying.
9.F. Škopljanac-Mačina, B. Blašković (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia), I. Zakarija (Sveučilište u Dubrovniku, Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Automated Analysis of e-Learning Web Applications 
In our paper we are exploring the use of formal methods for testing and verification of interactive e-learning web applications. These programs can be highly interactive and are often used for knowledge assessment and on-line tutoring purposes. They are written in web standard languages and executed in client browsers. Even simpler web applications can have various different interaction scenarios which makes them hard to test reliably. Therefore, we are using formal methods tools such as Spin model checker and its Promela language to improve web application testing process. We create semi-automatically Promela process models from web application source code, and run their simulations, as well as verification using Spin. Using these techniques we want to identify flaws in web application design, and find and visualize all interaction scenarios using finite state automata. We will present use case example based on tutoring web application from our e-learning system used on our course Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering.
10.A. Špernjak, T. Bastašić (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), J. Dolenšek (Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia)
A ˝Fingerbeeper˝ School Monitoring Device 
One of the European key competences is entrepreneurship. The focus of entrepreneurship education is on teaching practices that aim to create and enhance students’ capacity to act responsibly, to be active, creative and able to seize opportunities, to assess and take controlled risks, and to plan and manage projects of suitable size. In the Slovenian national project, ‘Po kreativni poti do znanja’ (translated roughly ‘Creative career leading to knowledge’), students deployed all elements of entrepreneurship. Even more, they combined (i) electrical engineering and (i)) digital competence with entrepreneurship, thereby enriching their competences. During the project, the students developed and manufactured a finger pulse plethysmograph measuring device called the ‘Fingerbeeper’ which can detect and display the heart rate. The main advantages of the device are as follows: its simplicity of use suits it for (lower) secondary school; output of the device is straightforward to interpret by users as well as teachers; and perhaps most importantly, it has low production and maintenance costs. These make the ‘Fingerbeeper’ device superior to other heart rate sensors on the market. The students were challenged by failures during development and production; however, with persistence and creativity, they reached their final goal of a working product suitable for several school levels. In this paper, the properties, advantages and disadvantages of the ‘Fingerbeeper’ device will be presented.
11.D. Vrkić (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine / Central Medical Library, Zagreb, Croatia)
Learning Analytics and Academic Libraries in Croatia - Are We Ready for It? 
It is not unusual for academic libraries to modify their services around (library-created) data. Data is information, one of the critical inputs among other variables that we can measure in the libraries. Librarians are familiar with the statistical methods and its full potential in library analytics for creating data-informed or data-driven decisions about collection management, library catalogue searches, logs to online resources, etc. Learning analytics, on the other hand, is focused on the data about learners and their context for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environment in which it occurs. Academic library as a part of the higher education ecosystem is a natural partner with data sources that can combine with other institutional systems and generate new information about our learners, learning and instruction. Although it is a novelty for libraries, they are using learning analytics to evaluate the impact of libraries services, collection and student learning. The literature states that librarian investment in learning assessment to involvement in learning analytics is a natural one - but are we ready for it?
12.A. Papić, M. Buhin (Filozofski fakultet Osijek, Osijek, Croatia)
Mapping the Hot Topics in Library and Information Science Field in Period 2015-2018 Year 
Scientometrics encompasses evaluations of science and is often called science about science. In this paper scientometrics analysis was conducted in purpose of science mapping to provide better understanding of library and information science (LIS) field. The scientometrics analysis, in period 2015-2018 year, encompassed the total of 21 of LIS journals included into the first quartile within scholarly database Web of science. The total of 460 the most cited documents were extracted and analysed. The keywords of these 460 the most cited documents were grouped quantitatively according to their frequencies and qualitatively according to their semantics into ten broader categories or so called hot topics. The following ten hot topics in LIS field were recognized: scholarly communication, social media, information security and privacy, internet of things, big data analytics, electronic/mobile health, e-government, knowledge management, information retrieval and information behaviour. The revealed hot topics within the LIS field could be used as the directions for teachers, librarians, publishers, managers, students etc.
13.S. Vukmirović, Z. Čapko, A. Babić (Ekonomski fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
The Exhaustive Search Algorithm in the Transport network optimization on the example of Urban Agglomeration Rijeka 
The paper presents the use of Exhaustive Search Algorithm and model of Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) in the transport network optimization, on the example of Urban Agglomeration Rijeka. The aim is optimal routing design between cities and municipalities of Urban Agglomeration Rijeka. In creating of Urban Agglomeration Rijeka has been defined the criteria of sustainability of transport and infrastructure systems covering the most important existing and planned economic zones, infrastructure buildings and traffic hubs (rail, highway, port, airport), located in cities and municipalities in the wider Rijeka area.The transport network of Urban Agglomeration Rijeka should provide optimal supply of cities, municipalities, and their distribution centers in the area of agglomeration. Choosing the relevant information technology and computer software to enable us to create optimal node connections (cities, distribution centres, ports, and terminals), and arrange the optimal transportation routes, is the key factor of transportation network modelling for an effective distribution of goods. Visual and object-oriented methods of modelling and programming allows us to use and visualize the Exhaustive Search Algorithm in the transport network optimization, in the way to identify multiple optimal solutions with a clear interpretation of the results not only of the optimal value but also at approximately equal values and their deviations from the optimal value. Given that Urban Agglomeration Rijeka covers 10 cities and municipalities, Exhaustive Search Algorithm is suitable for designing the transport network. In making the program based on the Exhaustive Search Algorithm have been used Visual Basic for Application in Excel spreadsheet interface. The Exhaustive Search Algorithm, with the calculation of the optimal relation, also allows the calculation of suboptimal relations whose values within an acceptable deviation from the optimal value. The calculation and insight into the more optimum relationships can significantly support the reduction of transport costs, but also the creation of greater opportunities for the carrier with the more flexible design of the structure of goods flows and gaining more profit.

Basic information:

Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Snježana Babić (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Michael E. Auer (Austria), Marjan Krašna (Slovenia), Dusko Lukac (Germany), Robert Repnik (Slovenia), Slavomir Vukmirović (Croatia)


Grad Rijeka, Primorsko-goranska županija

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Up to 6 May 2019
From 7 May 2019
Members of MIPRO and IEEE
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers

The discount doesn't apply to PhD students.


Marina Čičin-Šain
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Economics
I. Filipovića 4
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia

GSM: +385 91 735 9423

The best papers will get a special award.
Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN registered conference proceedings. Papers written in English and presented at the Conference will be submitted for posting to IEEE Xplore.
There is a possibility that the selected scientific papers with some further modification and refinement are being published in the Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT).


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