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innovative promotional partnershipDriving the Future with Smart and Intelligent ICT

Technical co-sponsorship

Opening ceremony
Tutorials - CRO

Hybrid Event

Event program
Tuesday, 9/29/2020 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM,
Camelia 2, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM Opening  
Chairs: Željka Car / Stjepan Golubić 
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM Break 
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Towards 5G Networks

Stjepan Golubić / Branko Mikac

1.T. Iliev (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria), G. Mihaylov (University of Telecommunications and Post, Sofia, Bulgaria), I. Stoyanov, E. Ivanova (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria)
LTE and 5G NR – Coexistence and Collaboration 
The initial introduction of new generation of mobile communications technologies is typically done in high traffic density areas and with high requirements for new service capabilities. This is followed by gradual further construction, which may be more or less rapid depending on the strategy of the operator. During this, a combination of new and legacy technologies will provide ubiquitous coverage of the operator network, with devices constantly moving out and out of the areas covered by the new technology. Therefore, seamless transmission between new and outdated technology is a key requirement.
2.D. Spasov (Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia)
Decoding of LTE Turbo Codes Initialized with the Two Recursive Convolutional Codes 
Turbo codes were the first error-correcting codes that demonstrated reliable communications near the channel capacity with practically feasible hardware. Due to their excellent error-correcting capability, they are part of many modern communication technologies, like 3G, 4G, LTE, etc. An LTE turbo encoder is a rate-1/3 systematic encoder made of a first 8-state recursive convolutional encoder and a second 8-state recursive convolutional encoder. Recursive convolutional encoders are identical, coupled in parallel concatenation scheme, and connected with pseudo-random QPP interleaver. The decoding of LTE Turbo codes is iterative. One iteration starts with decoding of the first convolutional code and continues with decoding the second convolutional code. In order to achieve higher decoding speeds, recursive convolutional codes are decoded with the MAX-Log-MAP algorithm. In this paper, we decode LTE turbo codes with two decoding processes. In one of the decoding processes iterations start with the first convolution code, wherein in the other decoding process iterations start with the second convolution code. We combine the results of both decoding processes to show a decrease in bit error rates. On the other hand, if the speed of decoding is the main design goal, this technique may be used to reduce the number of iterations, thus improving the decoding speed of the LTE turbo codes.
3.K. Kainrath, H. Flühr, W. Stocksreiter, R. Findenig (FH JOANNEUM, University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria), E. Leitgeb (Technical University of Graz, Graz, Austria), M. Gruber (FH JOANNEUM, University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria)
Evaluation of Commercial Off-The-Shelf LTE Antennas for Use on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 
In this study, different commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Long Term Evolution (LTE) antennas were evaluated for use on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Due to the existing infrastructure, the mobile radio network would be suitable for the use of UAVs. Therefore, antenna gain, reflection parameter as well as the radiation pattern of different, rather small and lightweight LTE antennas were measured. It was also investigated how the antenna pattern changes when two identical antennas are used and if the protective cover made out of glass fiber has an influence on the characteristic of the antennas.
4.M. Bongard, K. Grunert (Detecon International GmbH, Cologne, Germany), S. Aleksić (Leipzig University of Telecommunications (HfTL), Leipzig, Germany)
Techno-Economic Analysis of Deployment Options for Converged 5G Wireless-Optical Access Networks 
Currently, a lot of efforts are put in place to design and implement a high-capacity, flexible and highly efficient 5G network infrastructure. A very important consideration that should be kept in mind when designing future 5G networks is developing an adequate network architecture and high-capacity and future-proof backhaul and fronthaul links. Especially novel network concepts such as the cloud radio access network (C-RAN) set very high requirements on the backhaul and fronthaul connectivity and call for a solution that ensures high-capacity, flexibility, practicability and future readiness while providing an easy and economical migration path. This paper examines deployment options for converged optical-wireless access networks in urban areas regarding their cost efficiency and implementation flexibility. It presents results of a case study for a coordinated planning of optical fixed access and wireless backhaul solutions for 5G networks by considering following options: i) roll-out of a converged fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network infrastructure that provides both fixed internet access and integrated cellular backhaul, ii) use of the existing fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC) network infrastructure to provide the backhaul for cellular networks, and iii) deployment of a dedicated optical fiber network to act as backhaul of cellular networks. A techno-economic study was carried out to compare the economic viability of the three deployment options under realistic assumptions. The main result of this study is that a deployment of a converged FTTH-based optical-wireless infrastructure is favorable because it is future-proof and can offer higher implementation flexibility and easier operation as well as a reduction of the required investment by 8 % to 19 % in comparison to an uncoordinated deployment of optical fiber-based access networks and mobile networks.
5.S. Demirović, P. Kiš, J. Janković, Ž. Ilić (Faculty of electrical engineering and computing University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Resource Utilization – QoS Isolation Trade-off in 5G Networks Considering Network Slicing Reconfiguration Interval 
5G network is expected to support a wide range of use cases classified into three service types, eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC, with possibly conflicting QoS requirements and different traffic characteristics. The network slicing concept enables physical and logical separation of network resources and, therefore, QoS isolation. Network slices guarantee QoS requirements by allocating resources in a way that balances both demand and availability while considering resource scarcity. However, it is challenging to achieve effective end-to-end QoS isolation of network slices while maintaining resource utilization efficiency, which we call resource utilization – QoS isolation trade-off. Resource utilization is a performance metric that gives feedback on how efficiently network resources are allocated to slices. Considering the QoS policy of each slice, QoS isolation describes the ability of each slice to fulfill its QoS requirements. In this article, the goal is to describe how different network slicing reconfiguration interval affects the described trade-off and how to adapt it for the mentioned service types. We show through simulations that maximizing resource utilization decreases the QoS isolation and vice versa. As slice resources are granted for a fixed time window, i.e. reconfiguration interval, our article shows how its variations impact both resource utilization and QoS isolation.
6.A. Engelmann, W. Bziuk, A. Jukan (TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany)
Bounding Reliablity in Service Function Chaining 
In Network Function Virtualization (NFV), the reliability of Service Function Chain (SFC) is one of the most critical performance parameters. Since each SFC has different composition, placement, configuration and deployment requirements, the exact analysis of SFC reliability is a challenge. In this paper, we address this challenge by analyzing the end-toend service reliability as a combined function of SFC placement strategy over Inter- and Intra-DCNs and failures of hardware and software components. The analysis introduces a novel reliability benchmark, the so-called Affordable Component Failure which can take into account the interdependency of different component failures, i.e., failure of data centers, racks, servers and virtual network function as well as their impact on availability of other SFC components and the overall SFC reliability.
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM Break 
5:15 PM - 6:15 PM Internet Development & Energy Efficiency

Chairs: Željka Car / Branko Mikac

7.O. Jukić, I. Heđi, E. Ciriković (Virovitica College, Virovitica, Croatia)
IoT Cloud-based Services in Network Management Solutions 
Main goal of research in this paper is to improve resilience of network management in networks with IoT devices. To set up a network with a large number of IoT devices in the constrained environment can be a challenge. IoT objects refer to a wide variety of devices which are most often equipped with sensors. They can generate a large amount of real time data which can serve as an input to network management systems. If we consider the functional architecture of the TMN network, it is obvious that the QAF (Q adapter function) and MF (mediation function) will serve a great purpose in monitoring the above mentioned network architectures. These two functions enable the integration of data from multiple sources, in which we include the data from the other control systems. Collecting data from devices most often requires developing custom-made applications which imply time and cost consumption. If devices are connected to Internet there are several cloud providers offering connectivity between devices and the cloud. One of them is AWS IoT (Amazon Internet of Things). AWS IoT services can collect data from a large number of different devices and connect them to endpoints for other tools, like network management solutions. Authentication and authorization are covered. Also, rules engine can filter and uniform data. The rule is triggered when an message that matches some filter is received. This paper describes some aspects of implementation of such system. Performance is evaluated by connecting small, single-board device, like Raspberry Pi to cloud service through different scenarios.
8.A. Viskovic, D. Simunic (University of Zagreb, FER, Zagreb, Croatia), V. Franki (University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Innovation Platfirm – A Novel Energy Service Utility 
The industrial plan of NEW ENERGY SERVICE UTILITY (NESU) traced the lines of evolution of the company towards a modern positioning, of a multi-utility oriented towards the topics of Green and Smart City, a leader in the environmental context, in intelligent networks and new energy models. This strategy has triggered numerous interventions, which aims to mobilize young people in the company to translate the guidelines of the industrial plan into suggestions for improvement and business ideas. To this action of distributing the industrial plan within the company has been added an initiative of engagement which has required younger employees to contribute ideas & tips regarding the levels of the industrial plan and, for the classified groups, its implementation. How we worked: Platform design the approach to the project followed the methodology of Platform design according to the following macro process.
9.F. Tsvetanov, I. Georgieva (SWU "Neofit Rilski" Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)
Modeling of Energy Consumption of Sensor Nodes 
Power consumption is a significant problem in Wireless Sensor Networks. Most applications require wireless sensor networks to operate reliably over an extended period. It is essential to know the energy consumption of each sensor node as the life of the sensor network has a strong functional dependence on the life of the sensor node. Mechanisms for the more prolonged operation of wireless sensor networks by energy management are known. Or hardware solutions for sensor unit using renewable energy sources. The generation of an energy model for sensor nodes that can accurately reveal the energy consumption of nodes is a significant part of the development of protocols and the design of wireless sensor networks and assessment of performance in WSNs. Research shows that there is currently no standard research process to meet all the requirements of these networks. This article presents a model for determining the energy consumption of sensor nodes in the network using mesh topology, as energy is determined depending on the number of hops of sensor nodes, the size of the sensor communication range of sensors, and their electrical parameters. Determining the residual energy of the sensor nodes involved in the construction of the network topology allows us to predict the probability of failure of routes that build the communication in the network.
10.D. Švelec, M. Blažeković (HT-HRVATSKE TELEKOMUNIKACIJE d.d., Osijek, Croatia)
Čimbenici adresiranja i povezivanja za IoT usluge i aplikacije 
Za IoT se očekuje da će biti jedan od ključnih stupova 4IR. U svojoj infrastrukturnoj osnovici imaju M2M kao već poznatu ICT uslugu prijenosa podatka i 5G kao ICT infrastrukturnu osnovicu prijenosa podatka koja tek dolazi. Obje ove usluge imaju u svojoj pozadini korištenje prirodno ograničenih resursa, brojeva i adresa za M2M te frekvencijskog spektra za 5G. Ovi resursi nisu neiscrpni, a jedan od ključnih elemenata 4IR je masovno korištenje IoT usluga i potreba za velikom količinom krajnjih komunikacijskih točaka koje treba adresirati i međusobno povezati s visokom razinom kvalitete komunikacije. Rad razmatra načine rješavanja problema korištenja tih ograničenih resursa, s naglaskom na izazove koji tek dolaze, osobito u području 5G.
Wednesday, 9/30/2020 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Invited Lecture

Chairs: Stjepan Golubić / Željka Car

Biljana Cerin (Ostendo Consulting, Zagreb, Croatia)
Cybersecurity Risk is a Board-Level Issue 
3:30 PM - 3:45 PM Break  

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Smart Cities and Chalenges

Stjepan Golubić / Dragan Jevtić

1.V. Mihoković, L. Zalović, V. Zalović (Geocentar d.o.o., Čakovec, Croatia)
Establishing the Utility Charges Spatial Database Using Digital Twin Technology 
Digital twin technology is getting more attention when it comes to smart city management. Digital twins or 3D models of cities are created by utilizing 3D laser scanning, unmanned airborne vehicles (UAV) and mobile mapping systems. Photogrammetry based UAVs are increasingly used for land surveying and infrastructure mapping. In comparison to other techniques, photogrammetry can be used to collect large amount of geospatial data in relatively short time. Current techniques used to maintain and manage utility charges database often relies on long lasting field measurements and manual data collection. Such approach may result in incorrect, unreliable and outdated information about building area and floor count, which significantly affect the utility charge amount. This paper presents a methodology of establishing geospatial database by utilizing digital twin technology, photogrammetry and a fixed wing UAV with precise GNSS (GPS) receiver. Mentioned UAV has the ability of taking oblique images of terrain, buildings and infrastructure, which are then used to reconstruct 3D model (digital twin) of the city. It is presented how data extracted from 3D model is used to establish digital geospatial database containing building layouts, floor count and area. These information were compared to official data, which showed all the benefits of digital twin technology, but also all the issues of current utility charge system. Finally, the focus is turned to other applications of digital twin technology and its involvement in Industry 4.0, together with autonomous vehicles, 5G networks and IoT.
2.M. Spahic, A. Secerbegovic, V. Mesic, H. Hadzic, A. Hasanbasic, O. Jahic (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Smart Home IVR-based System with South Slavic Language Integration 
The smart home concept is rapidly becoming a key component in the emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT) society. Home automation systems help customers by improving energy-efficiency, allowing for security monitoring and convenience with simplistic control over smart IoT devices. However, it has been determined that the older population has difficulties interacting with complex technical devices. Our proposed solution to this problem would be involving Interactive Voice Response (IVR) machine, which would enable intelligent smart home control based on the information it gathers from voice-based commands. We explore the concept of a smart home with the integration of voice over IP (VOIP) and IVR technologies, along with smart IoT devices and cloud-based services. The presented smart home concept uses voice-assistance which allows for fluid and intuitive interaction. We have modified existing solutions applied for the English language and accommodated them to work for south Slavic languages. The design and implementation of the prototype for the IVR-based smart-home system are explained.
3.M. Begić, M. Cirimotić , I. Farkaš, I. Skorić, Ž. Car , I. Rašan, M. Žilak (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Enginnering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Software Prototype Based on Augmented Reality for Mastering Vocabulary 
The interactive experience of Augmented Reality that is created by deploying virtual objects in a real user environment, and its augmentation by audio-visual elements as well as the possibility of touch, provides added value for learning, especially regarding content multimodal presentation, increasing learner's motivation and level of engagement. This is very promising, especially in the field of education and rehabilitation, where current research slightly takes focus in this technological direction. In order to conduct this type of research, the prerequisite is to have a quality prototype with features, easy to understand and use by users of different cognitive skills, and yet sophisticated enough to carry out the research. The paper will present a software prototype based on Augmented Reality aimed at mastering vocabulary for children with complex communication needs. The solution was developed in the multidisciplinary cooperation of students and teachers from the technical field and professionals from the education and rehabilitation field. The overall development process and initial evaluation are described, as well as the developed prototype from the technological and user perspective.
4.L. Prelog (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), L. Bakić-Tomić (Veleučilište Baltazar, Zaprešić, Croatia)
The Perception of the Fake News Phenomenon on the Internet by Members of Generation Z 
Recent surveys from Reuters Institute and Eurobarometer show that most Europeans are often confronted with fake news and disinformation in the media. Members of Generation Z (born in the mid-90s to mid-2000s) are a younger demographic group and by 2020 they will represent a third of the world's population. In the near future, members of the Gen Z will become an influential group of citizens whose habits in the context of media consumption and perception of the phenomena of fake news and misinformation will be very respectable. The aim of the study is to examine how members of Generation Z consume and evaluate the information they receive through a variety of media, including the Internet, what attitude they have with dismisinformation and fake news, and to what extent they differ in their attitudes relative to citizens older than Generation Z. The survey was conducted during 2019 with the same questionnaire on two samples: 170 citizens from all over Croatia, 100 students at the Zagreb Center for students (SC) - Z generation. The research indicates that differences in attitudes between the Z generation and older generations do exist.
5.D. Švelec (HT d.d., Osijek, Croatia), N. Bjelčić (HT d.d., Zagreb, Croatia), M. Blažeković (HT d.d., Osijek, Croatia)
Smart Cities as an Opportunity and Challenge for People with Disabilities 
The paper analyzes the possibilities and potential for future IoT Smart City applications which could improve the living and working conditions of people with disabilities (PwD) and considers several key factors for achieving this goal. It shows the presence of PwD in the general population, their actual social significance, and the specific necessities for their integration into regular life and work. Next part relates to the capabilities of the communication and information infrastructure related to this specific objective. Furthermore, the important factor is development of IoT Smart City applications obeying the principles of universal design. The appliance of Digital Twin Technology could play a significant role in this development. In conclusion, the paper provides a vision of an approach to the sustainable development of IoT Smart City applications that are highly tailored to the needs of PwD.
 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM Break 

5:15 PM - 6:00 PM Computing in Telecommunications

Stjepan Golubić / Dragan Jevtić

6.A. Rista, J. Ajdari, X. Zenuni (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Cloud Computing Virtualization: A Comprehensive Survey 
Cloud computing technology nowadays is a leading IT technology and introduces the next generation of distributed systems with a great acceptance and impact in the businesses. It influences the businesses on structural and operational processes with potential to reduce total costs and increase revenues. This technology is mainly service oriented and focuses on cost reduction, like hardware reduction, reduction on maintenance and total cost of ownership, and with different pricing models such as pay-per-use. Virtualization is the foundation process and technology in Cloud computing, as it hides the complexity of underlying hardware and software resources. It is the objective of virtualization to achieve an improvement in data security aspects, to provide flexible operations and data transfer, elimination (masking) of system failures and to ensure economic benefits. The aim of this research is through a systematic literature review of the existing work to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role and significance of virtualization within the domain of Cloud Computing.
7.N. Soni (Amazon Web Services, Cape Town, South Africa), R. Malekian (Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden), D. Capeska Bogatinoska (University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle”, Ohrid, Macedonia)
Algorithms for Computing in Fog Systems: Principles, Algorithms, and Challenges 
Fog computing is an architecture that is used to distribute resources such as computing, storage, and memory closer to end-user to improve applications and service deployment. The idea behind fog computing is to improve cloud computing and IoT infrastructures by reducing compute power, network bandwidth, and latency as well as storage requirements. This paper presents an overview of what fog computing is, related concepts, algorithms that are present to improve fog computing infrastructure as well as challenges that exist. This paper shows that there is a great advantage of using fog computing to support cloud and IoT systems.
8.M. Bensalem, J. Dizdarević, A. Jukan (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany)
DNN Placement and Inference in Edge Computing 
With the edge computing becoming an increasingly adopted concept in system architectures, it is expected its utilization will be additionally heightened when combined with deep learning (DL) techniques. The idea behind integrating demanding processing algorithms in edge devices, such as Deep Neural Network (DNN), has in large measure benefited from the development of edge computing hardware, as well as from adapting the algorithms for use in more resource constrained devices. The implementation methods, on the other hand, that would allow for optimal selection and placement of different DL models in edge nodes is still an open issue. In this paper, we propose the first Deep Neural Network (DNN) Placement and Inference model in edge computing. We present a mathematical formulation to the DNN Model Varian Selection and Placement (MVSP) problem considering the inference latency of different model-variants, communication latency between nodes, and utilization cost of edge computing nodes. In addition, we provide a simple analysis of the effects of hardware sharing on inference latency, on an example of GPU edge computing nodes shared between different DNN model-variants. We evaluate our model numerically, and show the benefits of sharing resources between DNN models for latency demanding applications.
Thursday, 10/1/2020 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Invited Lecture

Chairs: Željka Car / Dragan Jevtić

Vlado Delić (Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia)
Human-Machine Speech Communication X & Y vs. Z & α Generation 
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Break 

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Machine Learning Applications

Chairs: Dragan Jevtić / Branko Mikac

1.A. Rista, J. Ajdari, X. Zenuni (SEE University/Faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Predicting and Analyzing Absenteeism at Workplace Using Machine Learning Algorithms 
Absenteeism is the usual or recurrent absence from work is continuously causing disruption in the smooth running of business, affecting the organizational performance and productivity and impacting on the employees’ morale. The Oil Refinery in Albania (ARMO), employing 1200 employees is facing high rate of absences. If necessary measures are not being serious dealt with, the issue of absenteeism may jeopardize the operation and production. Prediction of absenteeism is too complex influenced by many factors. Usage of data mining and machine learning algorithms is a good solution to predict and analyze it. The aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate the appropriate ML algorithms to predict and analyses absenteeism at workplace. The dataset taken into account consists of some attributes such as: age, education, employment category, day, month, length of service ect, and 125000 records are considered. Analysis and comparison of various algorithms in terms of accuracy, precision and sensitivity are done in Weka tool.
2.R. Haluška, L. Ovseník, P. Šuľaj (Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia)
Example of Using Algorithms for Switching Hybrid FSO/RF Systems 
This article discusses the problem of optical communication with Free Space Optics (FSO), its use, and the conditions that affect it. This paper deals with the practical design and construction of the monitoring system. Such a device is designed to collect and process data characterizing the nature of the conditions along the transmission path. Because of the vulnerability of the FSO transmission channel to weather conditions, it is necessary to predict the weather condition and subsequently switch to a backup line using machine learning method called decision tree.
3.O. Llaha (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Crime Analysis and Prediction Using Machine Learning 
Data mining and machine learning have become a vital part of crime detection and prevention. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate data mining methods and their performances that can be used for analyzing the collected data about the past crimes. We will identify the most appropriate data mining methods to analyze the collected data from sources specialized in crime prevention by comparing them theoretically and practically. Some attributes of this data set are, gender, age, employment status, crime place. Methods will be applied on these data to determine their effectiveness in analyzing and preventing crime. Evaluations on the data showed that the method with a higher performance is “Decision Tree”. This was achieved by some performance measures, such as the number of instances correctly classified, accuracy or precision and recall, that has brought better results compared to other methods. We come to the conclusion that the data mining methods will contribute to the predictions on the possibility of occurrence of the crime and as a result in its prevention.
4.Z. Limani Fazliu, H. Maloku, M. Ibrani (University of Prishtina, Pristina, Kosovo), M. Limani (Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo), B. Gashi (University of Prishtina, Pristina, Kosovo)
A Machine Learning Approach for Analysis of Spectrum Availability in Kosovo based on Experimental Measurements 
Establishing the utilization level of spectrum resources is an essential step in evaluating the true availability of the frequency spectrum which could potentially become available for opportunistic use. Such assessments typically require extensive measurement campaigns, in order take into account various factors which may affect the availability of spectrum, such as frequency allocation at national level, and the particulars of the environment and terrain. In this study, we focus on the bands usually reserved for TV broadcasters, since studies show that these bands tend to be least efficiently utilized. In addition, we take advantage of a large set of data obtained from an extensive spectrum measurement campaign conducted over the entire territory of Kosovo, which enables us to attain a comprehensive picture of spectrum availability in TV bands. Spectrum sensing techniques using energy detectors are applied in order to determine whether the spectrum is utilized. However, due to the significant amount of measurement data collected, machine learning techniques can be leveraged to improve the accuracy of the approach, by improving the detection and false alarm rates. As an end result, a highly accurate spectrum availability map is obtained which can be in turn used by cognitive radio network to opportunistically access the spectrum.
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM Break 

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Signal Processing

Branko Mikac / Stjepan Golubić

5.T. Iliev, I. Stoyanov (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria), S. Sokolov (University of Telecommunications and Post, Sofia, Bulgaria), I. Beloev (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria)
The Influence of Multipath Propagation of the Signal on the Accuracy of the GNSS Receiver 
The GNSS system allows on a planetary scale to fulfill navigation functions, that is, to determine the current location of consumers of navigation information and their speed and to carry out accurate time on the Earth's surface and in near-Earth space. There are several sources of errors that distort the code and the carrier of the navigation signal. The noise floor of the receiver error and the errors from multipath propagation of the signal are independent for each receiver. Multipath propagation of the signal is the main source of errors for high-precision navigation. In this paper we propose a methods for estimation of these errors, which are based on the properties of the time correlation of the multipath propagation of the navigation signal.
6.C. Phung, A. Engelmann, A. Jukan (Technische Universit¨at Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany)
Error Correction with Systematic RLNC in Multi-Channel THz Communication Systems 
The terahertz (THz) frequency band (0.3-10THz) has the advantage of large available bandwidth and is a candidate to satisfy the ever increasing mobile traffic in wireless communications. However, the THz channels are often absorbed by molecules in the atmosphere, which can decrease the signal quality resulting in high bit error rate of received data. In this paper, we study the usage of systematic random linear network coding (sRLNC) for error correction in generic THz systems with with 2N parallel channels, whereby N main highbitrate channels are used in parallel with N auxiliary channels with lower bit rate. The idea behind this approach is to use coded low-bit rate channels to carry redundant information from high-bit rate channels, and thus compensate for errors in THz transmission. The analytical results evaluate and compare the different scenarios of the THz system in term of the amount of coding redundancy, a code rate, transmission rate of auxiliary channels, the number of THz channels, the modulation format and transmission distance as required system configurations for a fault tolerant THz transmission.
7.H. Maloku, Z. Limani Fazliu, M. Ibrani (University of Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo), M. Limani (Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo, Prishtina, Kosovo), B. Gashi (U1Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prishtina, Kosovo)
Measurement-based Optimized Propagation Model for Urban, Suburban and Rural Environments for UHF Bands in Kosovo 
Severe spectrum shortage in conventional bands used for wireless communications has encouraged an increased interest in researching alternative frequency bands, which could potentially accommodate the exponential growth of various wireless technologies. The ultra-high frequency (UHF) band, traditionally reserved for TV broadcasters, in particular, has garnered interest, due to the fact that studies have consistently shown that the spectrum in this band is heavily under-utilized. However, in order to study the true availability of the spectrum and analyze potential scenarios for opportunistic use, it is necessary to have an accurate propagation model for the channel. In this paper, such a model is derived by using country-wide experimental spectrum measurements conducted in the territory of Kosovo. The large set of measurement is in turn used to optimize the parameters of known propagation models shown to fit the geographical terrain of Kosovo. The measurement locations were spread over different areas and different terrains, therefore the model is extended to encompass urban, suburban and rural environments. The model is verified against an additional set of experimental measurement data and shows a high level of accuracy.
11:45 AM - 12:00 AM Break 

12:00 AM - 1:00 PM Business Proceses and Databases

Chairs: Branko Mikac / Stjepan Golubić

8.J. Lorincz (FESB, Split, Croatia), V. Huljić (KRON d.o.o, Split, Croatia), D. Begušić (FESB, Split, Croatia)
Transforming Product Catalogue Relational into Graph Database: a Performance Comparison 
Due to the continuous expansion of telecom operators (TOs) services and subscriber’s base, a number of objects in TO product catalogue (PC) traditionally developed employing some relational database (RD) rapidly increase. This can result in degraded PC database performance in terms of reduced object visibility or slow query response time, which mandates a search for new types of databases that can cope with such challenges. A possible solution to these challenges is the transformation of RD into some graph database (GD), with visualisation and organisation capabilities that can cope with the increasing complexity of PC RDs. Hence, in this paper, a novel implementation concerning the transformation of a set of PC data and functions of the TO RD into ArangoDB GD is proposed. The proposed approach allows the upgrading of PC RD into a higher presentation layer through the implementation of the GD, which enables advanced data analysis and visualization. The developed solution shows that GD with appropriately structured queries, data and links between them, improves the visibility and simplifies the entire search process. Obtained results show that GD outperforms RD in terms of search query response time for different functions executed on an equal amount of database objects.
9.D. Markulin, K. Musa, A. Mršić (HT d.d., Zagreb, Croatia)
Značajka analitičkog pristupa u dizajnu, optimizaciji i održavanju poslovnih procesa 
Za uspješan dizajn novih poslovnih procesa ili optimizaciju već postojećih, potrebna je primjena različitih metoda pristupa u razvoju poslovnih procesa. Dobro dizajnirani poslovni procesi na području telekomunikacija preduvjet su za uspješnu realizaciju usluga, a isto tako i osnova za uspješnu analizu i optimizaciju postojećih poslovnih procesa. Različite metode pristupa koriste i različite alate, kako za dizajn, tako i za detaljnu analizu kvalitete dizajna samih procesa. Za dizajn procesa mogu se koristiti različiti alati kao što su Visio, UML ili BPMN. Neki od alata koji se koriste za analizu poslovnih procesa mogu biti Excel, pivot tablice ili PBI (power business inteligence) alati. Korištenje tih alata preduvjet su za uspješnu analizu i definiranje uskih grla u procesu. Jedan od važnijih segmenata novih alata za analitički pristup je vizualizacija koja znatno pospješuje njihovo uspješno korištenje u dizajnu, optimizaciji i održavanju složenih poslovnih procesa kao što su telekomunikacijski poslovni procesi.
10.D. Korent (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia)
Komparativna analiza upravljanja obrtnim kapitalom u odjeljcima područja djelatnosti Informacije i komunikacije u Republici Hrvatskoj 
Upravljanje zalihama, distribucija trgovačkih kredita kupcima i sposobnost poduzeća da prolongira plaćanje obveza prema dobavljačima, pa u skladu s time i potrebe za obrtnim kapitalom, razlikuju se među poduzećima iz različitih djelatnosti. Razlog tome su tradicija i priroda poslovanja koje nerijetko određuju potrebe za obrtnim kapitalom i ciklus konverzije novca u pojedinoj djelatnosti. Posljedično, može se provocirati hipoteza da ulaganja u obrtni kapital značajno ovise o djelatnosti. Nastavljajući se na prethodno, vjerojatnim se čini da će poduzeća iz različitih djelatnosti u nastojanju ostvarenja ciljeva slijediti i različite strategije upravljanja obrtnim kapitalom. Upravo iz tog razloga, svrha ovog rada jest analizirati, ispitati značajnost i utvrditi postojanje sličnosti odnosno razlika u upravljanju obrtnim kapitalom u odjeljcima područja djelatnosti Informacije i komunikacije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Upravljanje obrtnim kapitalom u navedenima analizira se u kontekstu pokazatelja istog. Kao izvor podataka za izračun pokazatelja koriste se baze podataka Financijske agencije i Državnog zavoda za statistiku za promatrano razdoblje od 2008.-2015. godine. Pored deskriptivne analize, komparativna analiza upravljanja obrtnim kapitalom uključuje i testiranje signifikantnosti razlika među pokazateljima upravljanja obrtnim kapitalom predmetnih odjeljaka djelatnosti. Rezultati analize ukazuju da su spomenute signifikantne. Potonje se može objasniti inherentnim strukturnom-poslovnim obilježjima odjeljaka područja djelatnosti Informacije i komunikacije.
11.M. Bubanić (Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin, Croatia)
Pregled performansi djelatnosti J61 Telekomunikacije u Republici Hrvatskoj 
Djelatnost telekomunikacija smatra se jednim od značajnijih segmenata razvoja svakog gospodarstva, pa tako i hrvatskog. Cilj rada jest utvrditi performanse poduzeća klasificiranih prema Nacionalnoj klasifikaciji djelatnosti 2007. u područje J61 Telekomunikacije u Republici Hrvatskoj. U radu su analizirani strukturno-poslovni pokazatelji područja djelatnosti J61 Telekomunikacije, izračunati temeljem podataka iz baze podataka Financijske agencije (Financijski rezultati poslovanja poduzetnika Republike Hrvatske obveznika poreza na dobit) za razdoblje od 2008. do 2017. godine. Analiza uključuje analizu stanja i kretanja broja poduzeća s osvrtom na kategorije veličine poduzeća, kao i analizu stope preživljavanja poduzeća. Kretanja unutar populacije poduzetnika telekomunikacijskih usluga ukazuju na pozitivan demografski prirast mjeren neto ulaznim stopama. Osim poslovne demografije, analiza uključuje analizu likvidnosti i profitabilnosti, produktivnosti rada, te analizu koncentracije. Provedena analiza performansi, predstavlja temelj za ocjenu tržišne strukture djelatnosti telekomunikacija u Hrvatskoj.
Thursday, 10/1/2020 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Implementations of Standards and Best Practices

Chairs: Stjepan Golubić / Željka Car

1.D. Valenčić (Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia)
Implementation of NETCONF Standard by Major Customers in Croatia  
The traditional way of managing and configuring network devices is by using Command Line Interface (CLI) method with SSH protocol and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). CLI has proven to be a very complex and ineffective solution, especially with fast development and more complexity in the computer networking area. To solve these issues, IETF standard organization created in 2006 the NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol) standard. Using the NETCONF standard should enable standardized, simpler, programmatic and more efficient configuration of R/S (router/switch) devices. Today, more than ten years after the creation of the NETCONF standard there is the question about the actual acceptance of the NETCONF protocol in current customers’ networks and about the actual maturity of the NETCONF standard. The scope of this paper is to show the results of the scientific research (qualitative or quantitative) made with major customers (partners and end customers) in Croatia with R/S network devices: in which networks and on which type of devices NETCONF is implemented, what are the reasons for NETCONF (non)implementation, their knowledge about the NETCONF standard, their view of availability of NETCONF training and documentation, etc.
2.D. Valenčić (Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia)
Vendors’ Implementation of NETCONF Standard on Routers and Switches 
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard organization created in 2006 the NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol) in order to define the standard solution for command-oriented CLI (Command Line Interface) user interface for the configuration of network devices (routers and switches) of different vendors. Using the NETCONF standard should enable standardized, simpler, programmatic and more efficient configuration of R/S (router/switch) devices. Today, more than ten years after the creation of the NETCONF standard there is the question about the actual acceptance of the NETCONF standard by vendors on their R/S devices and about the actual maturity of the NETCONF standard. The scope of this paper is to show results of the scientific research (qualitative with interviews) made with major worldwide vendors of network devices (routers and switches): on which type of devices the NETCONF is implemented, what are the reasons for NETCONF (non)implementation, the availability of the NETCONF training and documentation, etc. Also, it is shown (quantitative research with questionnaire) how major customers in Croatia see the vendors’ implementation of the NETCONF standard and how it could be improved.
3.D. Muratović (SPAN d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia), R. Barišić (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia)
Dohvat novih ključeva za mobilnu aplikaciju na bankomatu prema ITIL najboljoj praksi 
Retrieve mobile banking keys at ATMs is a blend of the traditional channel and the modern IT technology. As the banking system is subject to various regulatory obligations, due to the sensitivity of the information it provides, there has not been a wide selection of new ways to retrieve the keys. Since the service already exists in Internet banking, this paper proposes the equivalent of a token which is already used by existing users - an account card. The card, as well as the token, is protected by a PIN, which guarantees the users safety in using the service. Retrieving mobile banking keys at an ATM relies on ITIL best practice. The great advantage of ITIL is that it is not a standard but a set of best practices and is less complex to implement and adaptable to the specific needs and requirements of each individual organization. This paper presents the introduction of a new key retrieval service for mobile banking and collaboration across multiple banking sectors, which ultimately results in quality implementation and continuous improvement of the service introduced.
4.K. Brodnjak (KBC Sestre Milosrdnice, Zagreb, Croatia), R. Barišić (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia)
Uvođenje usluge bežičnog pristupa internetu pomoću ITIL smjernica 
Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kako smisleno uz preporučene smjernice, opet ne standarda, uvesti novu uslugu u rad, kako upravljati njome i poboljšavati je. Potrebno je prilikom toga proći kroz sve faze uvođenja usluge, od same ideje za uvođenje usluge do konačnog puštanja u rad, ispravljanja nedostataka do poboljšavanja rada usluge uz moguća proširenja i opsega same usluge u budućnosti. Kao usluga je navedena usluga bežičnog pristupa internetu, ali sami koncept rada je primjenjiv na bilo koju uslugu. Za smjernice je odabran ITIL kao temelj zbog svoje opsežnosti praćenja usluge od ideje do korištenja i daljnjeg unapređenja. Kroz rad je prikazan pristup uvođenju usluge kroz sve njezine faze.
4:00 PM - 4:15 PM Closing 
Chairs: Stjepan Golubić / Željka Car 

Basic information:

Željka Car (Croatia), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Slaviša Aleksić (Germany), Krešo Antonović (Croatia), Gordan Gledec (Croatia), Darko Huljenić (Croatia), Oliver Jukić (Croatia), Ozren Jureković (Croatia), Erich Leitgeb (Austria), Velimir Švedek (Croatia)

Program Committee:

Željka Car (Croatia), Vlado Delić (Serbia), Saša Dešić (Croatia), Renato Filjar (Croatia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Robert Inkret (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Admela Jukan (Germany), Marko Lacković (Croatia), Dražen Lučić (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Mladen Sokele (Croatia), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Darko Švelec (Croatia), Miroslav Vrankić (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Mario Weber (Croatia)

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Up to 14 September 2020
From 15 September 2020
Members of MIPRO and IEEE
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers

The discount doesn't apply to PhD students.


Zeljka Car
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Unska 3
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: +385 1 6129 787
GSM: +385 91 507 3452

The best papers will get a special award.
Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN registered conference proceedings. Presented papers in English will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library (and exclusively not presented papers with the justified reason for not being able to be presented).
There is a possibility that the selected scientific papers with some further modification and refinement are being published in the Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT).

Opatija, with its 170-year-old tourism tradition, is the leading seaside resort of the Eastern Adriatic and one of the most famous tourist destinations on the Mediterranean. With its aristocratic architecture and style, Opatija has been attracting artists, kings, politicians, scientists, sportsmen, as well as business people, bankers and managers for more than 170 years.

The tourist offer in Opatija includes a vast number of hotels, excellent restaurants, entertainment venues, art festivals, superb modern and classical music concerts, beaches and swimming pools – this city satisfies all wishes and demands.

Opatija, the Queen of the Adriatic, is also one of the most prominent congress cities in the Mediterranean, particularly important for its ICT conventions, one of which is MIPRO, which has been held in Opatija since 1979, and has attracted more than a thousand participants from over forty countries. These conventions promote Opatija as one of the most desirable technological, business, educational and scientific centers in South-eastern Europe and the European Union in general.

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