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Presented papers in English will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Event program
Tuesday, 5/21/2019 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
1.J. Raychev, G. Hristov, D. Kinaneva, P. Zahariev, E. Kyostebekov (University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Ruse, Bulgaria)
Workflow for Development and Integration of Digital Content for Holographic Displays 
Holographic technology as well as holographic displays have evolved tremendously during the past several years. Virtual and augmented reality have gained a lot of popularity, holographic technology and displays remains as one would say “the holy grail” of three dimensional content. Holography differs from the aforementioned VR and AR technologies and it is considered as the ultimate display technology. There are plethora of 360 degrees head mounted displays (HMD) that fill almost all of the cues by which we recognize depth but they cannot be called true holographic display as they do not have true depth and required eye focus change. The true holographic technology utilizes light diffraction to create virtual 3D image of a specific object and does not require any form of special 3D glasses or HMD for the viewer. Even though holographic displays are not so common nowadays in the near future they will be most likely everywhere around us. One key aspect of the technology is the lack of suitable digital content. The focus of this paper is to present a complete workflow for development digital content and how we could integrate it into a holographic displays. The process of creating a digital content could be achieved in myriad ways – from using simple photographs and videos to making more realistic three dimensional content by modelling the object or taking advantage of the photogrammetry. Our main focus is going to go over the use of 3D modelling software and photogrammetry for the creation of the digital content. The 3D modelling is a process of developing a mathematical representation of any object or a scene (real or fiction) by using the means of 3D software. Some of the well-known software are 3DS Max, Maya, Blender and others. Another way of building a 3D model of an object or a whole scene is by using the principle of photogrammetry. Photogrammetry is a process of making measurements from multiple overlapping photographs and extracting the exact position of each surface point. Photogrammetry is not a new technology but lately it has gained a lot of popularity because of the excessive need of 3D digital content. Despite the technology that had been used, after creating the digital representation of the required object or scene, the content have to be prepared and integrated into a holographic displays. There are plenty of holographic display available on the market. Our main objective is to build a three or four sided holographic pyramid at minimum cost. Those type of holographic displays differ from traditional displays because instead of using light scattering to achieve the holographic effect they are using a regular computer monitor or TV to display the digital content. The holographic effect is achieved by building a three or four (depending on the pyramid) high definition videos with a specific offset from each other and combine them into a single video file. In that way the presented video achieve a holographic effect (floating in the air). Besides the workflow for the creation of the digital content we are going to present and the full workflow for designing three or four sided holographic pyramid as well as all of the required components that power it.
2.M. Pejić Bach, K. Dumičić, B. Žmuk, A. Bartolić, J. Zoroja (Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Use of Hierarchical Clusters Analysis in Identification of Obstacles to Introduction of e-Commerce in European Countries 
e-Commerce has become extensively used across the globe with the purpose to simplify the process of communication between sellers and buyers. The objective of the paper is to investigate to what extent European companies use e-Commerce and what are the obstacles that they encounter. The analysis will be conducted by means of hierarchical cluster analysis. Results indicate that European countries can be divided into groups with similar characteristics regarding e-Commerce usage. On the other side, the intensity of e-Commerce usage in European countries is not linearly related to the level of economic development, measured by GDP and GDP change. In addition, companies in those countries which are leading by the usage of e-Commerce also perceive that the level of barriers towards e-Commerce is the highest. A possible conclusion is that companies which do not use e-Commerce stick to the old business model, and they do not perceive barriers as important simply because they are just not trying as hard as they could.
3.A. Skendžić (College for information Technologies - VSITE , Zagreb, Croatia), B. Kovačić (University of Rijeka - Department of Informatics, Rijeka, Croatia), L. Ljubičić (Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, Zagreb, Croatia)
Cost-effective Transition to Wi-Fi 5 Standard in Small Office / Home Office (SOHO) Environment 
Bežična povezivost postala je de facto standard u svakodnevnom korištenju računala, kako u kućnoj/malouredskoj okolini tako i u većim poslovnim organizacijama. Počeci bežičnog povezivanja sukladno IEEE 802.11x standardu započeli su 802.11b standardom koji je omogućavao teoretsku brzinu prijenosa podataka od 11 Mbit/s. Wifi Alliance je odnedavno odlučila pojednostaviti oznake bežičnih standarada pa će se tako sadašnji opće rašireni standard 802.11n (agregatne brzine do 600 Mbit/s) označavati sa Wifi 4, a standard 802.11ac (agregatno do 7 Gbit/s) sa Wifi 5 oznakom. Također, u pripremi je i Wifi 6 standard ili 802.11ax koji će omogućiti teoretske brzine do 10 Gbit/s. Mjerenjem performansi bežičnog standarda Wifi 4 i Wifi 5 prema kriterijima: snaga bežičnog signala u 2,4 i 5 Ghz frekvencijskom pojasu, prosječna propusnost - brzina prijenosa podataka (slanje i primanje podataka), maksimalna propusnost te reprodukcija 4K video materijala u simuliranom SOHO okruženju dati će odgovor na pitanje opravdanosti prelaska na Wifi 5 standard. --- Wireless connection is de facto standard in all-day computing at home or in small office home office (SOHO) enviroments and bigger business organisation as well. The beginning of wireless connection according to IEEE 802.11x has started by 802.11b standard which has allowed speeds of 11 Mbit/s in theory. Wifi Alliance has decided to make wifi standards much more simple to remember, so todays widespread wifi standard 802.11n (up to 600 Mbit/s) will tag as Wifi 4 and wifi standard 802.11ac (up to 7 Gbit/s) will tag as Wifi 5. Soon, Wifi 6 standard (802.11ax) will be prepared which will allow much more speeds up to 10 Gbit/s. This paperwork will take performance measurement of Wifi 4 and Wifi 5 according to criteria: wifi signal strenght at 2,4 and 5 Ghz frequence band, average bandwith – (sending and receiving data), maximal bandwith and 4K reproduction in simulated SOHO enviroment. All that will give an answer to the question of Cost-effective transition to Wifi 5 standard.
4.N. Žajdela Hrustek, G. Bubaš, A. Čižmešija (Fakultet organizacije i informatike Varaždin, Varaždin, Croatia)
Usluge e-uprave za studente: primjeri dobre prakse nekoliko zemalja i rezultati anketiranja studenata  
Jedno od načela razvitka državne informacijske infrastrukture jest dostupnost podataka iz javnih registara svim tijelima javnog sektora, građanima i drugim korisnicima. Nakon implementacije sustava e-Građani, u Hrvatskoj se ubrzano razvijaju i šire različite vrste e-usluga za građane, uključujući usluge namijenjene učenicima i studentima. Cilj ovog pilot-istraživanja bio je napraviti prikaz dostupnih e-usluga (na engleskom jeziku) za studente u nekoliko zemalja te ispitati koliko studenti u Hrvatskoj smatraju različite vrste e-usluga korisnima i potrebnima. U prvoj fazi istraživanja napravljen je anketni upitnik koji je provjeren u online verziji na prigodnom uzorku od 31 ispitanika. Nakon provjere i manjih korekcija nova verzija upitnika primijenjena je u papir-olovka formi na ukupno 305 ispitanika. Obradom podataka utvrđen je znatan interes za skoro sve oblike e-usluga javne uprave, lokalne samouprave, kao i javnih ustanova koje su potencijalno važne za studente visokih učilišta. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata ankete načinjena je preporuka za uvođenje novih vrsta e-usluga koje mogu implementirati nadležna državna tijela, lokalna samouprava i visoka učilišta.
5.N. Vlahović, Z. Baće (Ekonomski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Dedicated Wireless Personal Area Network Specification for Retail Shop Management 
RFID technologies have been used in retail industry over the last couple of decades. There are many examples of using RFID tags in retail stores as part of retail shop floor management. In this paper we will consider some of the most important solutions that are either being experimented with or already implemented to determine their potential in improvement of customer experience. Data collected through a well-organized RFID system in combination with mobile application can provide invaluable set of dynamic data that can further improve both back office operations and front office operations. Goal of this paper is to analyze the impact of employing this new technology and collected data on established customer experience services such as loyalty programs, promotions and overall customer experience. We propose establishing a dedicated specification that will cater for the information requirements of this type of applications in retail store in higher OSI layers.
6.M. Rašić (Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i menadžmenta, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Milenković, G. Vojković (Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, Croatia)
Electronic Auction in European and Croatian Public Procurement Law 
Electronic auction is the electronic process of implementation of a part of a public procurement procedure, which enables bid ranking by using automated evaluation methods, and it is recommended when technical specifications of the items of procurement can be accurately determined. We believe that this procurement process, which is envisaged by the EU legislation, as well as Croatian legislation, however, underutilised in the Republic of Croatia. As a consequence, an electronic auction has a very strong market match between the bidders, and thus the lower prices of procurement items. Likewise, this form of public procurement reduces the possibility of misuse. That is why we believe it is necessary to analyze in detail the possibilities of the E-governance, and the practice of its use in order to understand its advantages, which are significant in pursuit of a more transparent and more favorable public procurement.
7.M. Alić, V. Antolović (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Percepcija društveno odgovornog poslovanja kod generacije Z 
Kako pripadnici generacije Z, koji su odrasli s IKT tehnologijama od najranije dobi, polako preuzimaju svoj dio u kupovnoj moći, njihovi zahtjevi i navike postaju bitan segment proučavanja u današnjem korisničko-centričnom poslovanju. Kao izrazito „povezanoj“ generaciji, društveni mediji čine ključan element oblikovanja njihovog svjetonazora, pružajući transparentnost iskustva i povratnih informacija drugih korisnika, potrebnih u donošenju odluka. Prema istraživanju Sveučilišta Northeastern iz 2014., pripadnici post-milenijalaca, kao još jednog naziva za Z generaciju, vrlo su progresivni po pitanju socijalnih politika, sa sve većim težnjama prema ravnopravnosti svih ljudi, neovisno o seksualnoj orijentaciji te nacionalnoj pripadnosti. To je generacija koju je oblikovala recesija 2008. godine, pojava ISIL-a i porast terorizma. Radom se analizira percepcija društveno odgovornog poslovanja (DOP) kod generacije Z prema prehrambenim trgovinskim lancima u Hrvatskoj, temeljem istraživanja provedenog tijekom lipnja i kolovoza 2018. nad 112 ispitanika godina rođenja između 1995. i 2001. godine.
8.M. Jović, E. Tijan (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Aksentijević (Aksentijevic Forensics and Consulting, Viškovo, Croatia), D. Čišić (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia)
An Overview of Security Challenges of Seaport IoT Systems 
Introduction of Internet of Things and accelerated ditigalization have globally improved productivity of seaports. Underlying problem of IoT is data vulnerability, and the effects are more pronounced within the complex business processes that take place in seaports. The main consequences of the unprotected connected devices are unauthorized access, theft of important information, and loss of information control. In the future, new ways of unauthorized intrusions will be developed, and it is important to anticipate possible weaknesses. Furthermore, IoT data must be continuously backed up in remote locations as it facilitates prevention of irrecoverable loss of data. Some seaports, where large volume of traffic is present, demonstrate that it is possible to use IoT advantages after the correct implementation and monitoring of the entire system, while minimizing mistakes or consequences of security attacks.
9.S. Bizant (ŠC Kranj, Kranj, Slovenia)
Financijska pismenost studenata Više stručne škole ŠC Kranj 
U svakodnevnom životu suočeni smo s odlukama koje imaju financijske implikacije na svakom koraku. Ne samo kada odlučujemo gdje pohraniti štednju, na naše financije utječu odluke o dnevnim i budućim kupnjama, o odabiru škole, usluge itd. Studenti trebaju neke vještine, znanje i strategije kako bi olakšali svakodnevno donošenje odluka. Zbog situacije koja se brzo mijenja, financijsko obrazovanje postat će doživotno iskustvo za studente tehničkih programa. Za potrebe istraživanja napravljena je anketa koja je analizirana u radu. U ovom smo radu proučavali financijsku pismenost među studentima tehničkih programa i saznali koji će se sadržaj morati usredotočiti na financijsko obrazovanje.
10.N. Novak, M. Rabiee, A. Tjoa (Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria)
ICTs for Education: An Inclusive Approach to Addressing Challenges Faced by Roma Communities in Europe 
Despite the fact that education is a basic human right, children and youth from marginalized communities often, lack access to quality education programs. Applying ICTs as a tool to education, rather than the solution, has great potential to narrow existing education gaps, while conveying skills and competences necessary for economic and social survival in today’s connected and digitalized societies. Roma are Europe’s largest ethnic minority group, and despite multiple efforts to improve the living conditions of Roma people, the majority of Roma households continues to live in deep poverty, is subject to social exclusion and discrimination. Moreover, four out of five students from Roma communities, lack basic cognitive skills and competences. This paper introduces the Head in the Clouds Project (HIC), an innovative learning program based on self-organized learning environments, the use of state of the art IT devices and the innovative learning approach MINIMAX while shedding light on the use of ICTs in marginalized communities. It focuses on the educational approach, the structure and content of the ICT based educational modules of the HIC project, evaluation aspects and presentation of results. Particularly it discusses potential long-term impacts of ICT enabled self-organized learning environments on creating more inclusive educational programs and societies, and the potential contribution of inclusive and IT supported learning environments towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
11.J. Miočić, L. Zekanović-Korona (University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia), B. Bosančić (University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia)
Information Systems in Sports Organizations: Case Study of the Sports Association of the City of Zadar 
The sport system is not a closed system. It is instead conceived as a segment of an integral information system of sports that connects all other information subsystems. Information systems are now used in all activities and greatly facilitate the operation and operation of sports organizations. This paper analyses the information system within the sports organization in the City of Zadar. The introductory part of the paper focuses on the theoretical overview of information systems with a particular emphasis on their presence within sports organizations. The aim of the paper is to present a systematic approach to the use and construction of an information system of sports organizations, together with examples of the information system of the Sports Association of Zadar and the Sports Association of the City of Zagreb, more precisely the particular structure of their information systems together with the subsystems that are particularly related to the valuation of sports and indicators of the information system. This paper provides an overview of the application of the information system as an evaluation support for sports and indicators of the information system of the Sports Association of the City of Zadar. The analysis is based on the survey results conducted with the members of the Sports Association of the City of Zadar.
12.F. Gabela (BH Telecom d.d. Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), A. Gabela, J. Gabela (BH Telecom, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Informacijske tehnologije i intelektualno vlasništvo s osvrtom na regulaciju kaznenih djela protiv intelektualnog vlasništva u Bosni i Hercegovini 
Razvojem informacijske infrastrukture porasla je i važnost intelektualnog vlasništva. Internet i intelektualno vlasništvo su dva fenomena koji posjeduju dva suprotna svojstva. Internet kao globalna računalna mreža koja omogućava pristup informacijama te olakšava komunikaciju, predstavlja komunikacijski medij koji po prvi puta omogućava komunikaciju mnogih s mnogima i to na globalnoj razini. Činjenica da internet ne poznaje granice, postavlja pitanje o odgovornosti pružatelja internetskih usluga koji poslužuju internetske stranice kojima se ne poštuju prava intelektualnog vlasništva. Zaštita intelektualnog vlasništva zasnovana je na teritorijalnom principu, za razliku od Interneta koji je neteritorijalan. U radu se ispituje odnos prava korisnika usluga pristupa Internetu i nositelja prava intelektualnog vlasništva, u kontekstu zaštite intelektualnog vlasništva, koje se ne poštuje na Internetu. Ono što je neophodno u suzbijanju kršenja prava intelektualnog vlasništva jest stabilan pravni sustav s jakom zakonskom regulacijom.
Tuesday, 5/21/2019 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
Invited Lecture
M. Mauher, D. Salamon (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia)
Exogenous and Endogenous Drivers of Digitized Economic and Social Transformations 
1.E. Misaki (College of Business Education, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania), M. Apiola (University of Turku, Turku, Finland), S. Gaiani (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy)
Developing Communication Application System for Chamwino Small-Scale Farmers in Tanzania: A Participatory Design Research 
Small-scale farmers in Chamwino Tanzania, lack reliable means of communication for facilitating information flow between farmers themselves and other crop farming stakeholders. This study, therefore, sought to develop a mobile phone application system to support farming decision-making. The study employed a participatory design approach that used interviews, focus group discussions, and brainstorming for data collection and a software developer for the creation of a prototype. Thematic analysis was conducted, and the findings show that farmers require information on farming input, weather, transportation, market, crop farming policies and on agricultural research reports. Thereafter, convergent thinking facilitated the development of a mobile phone application system (mobileCHAPONA). The system enables two-way farming information flow among stakeholders (farmers, extension officers, advisory services and mediators). The system assists in the coordination of stakeholders towards improving production. Also, it is easily usable and adoptable by stakeholders aged between 24 to 44 years old, while elders above 45 years old may require a long run training to cope with innovation. It is expected that in the future, software developers, development practitioners, and policy experts will use the system, and improve it further in a manner that keeps into consideration the ecological perspectives in Sub-Saharan Africa.
2.O. Kudrina, V. Omelyanenko (Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine), O. Saenko (Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University , Starobilsk, Ukraine), Y. Hurbyk , V. Petrenko (Melitopol Bohdan Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University, Melitopol , Ukraine)
Smart Specialization within Industry 4.0 Network Strategies 
The article is devoted to the analysis of high-tech sectors development within Industry 4.0 and the features of innovation linkages between them based on network approach. The conceptual base for creating of networks in high-tech sectors based on system integration approach are proposed and the main advantages of given approach are determined. An algorithm for determining the development options for certain inter-sectoral networks, considering the Smart Specialization and international component of national security, has been developed.
3.M. Marolt, A. Pucihar, G. Lenart, D. Vidmar (University of Maribor, Kranj, Slovenia)
Digital Transformation Scoreboard – Case of Slovenia and Croatia  
Implementation of digital technologies leads enterprises and governments towards digital transformation. While some enterprises are successful in their digital journey, many still remain behind. Digitalization and digital transformation are of key importance for increased efficiency, improved value proposition, innovation and overall growth of the economy as well as wellbeing of the society. For that reason, decision makers and policy makers need to understand current situation of digital transformation in enterprises to set up proper actions and policies for its expansion. Digital transformation is measured with various digital indicators and assessment techniques on country and enterprise level. Based on the open data provided from different reports on digital transformation this paper summarizes current state of digital transformation in enterprises in Slovenia and Croatia. Furthermore, we provide comparison between analysed countries and EU average. Based on the findings we provide recommendations for decision and policy makers for more effective digital transformation.
4.M. Jović (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia), N. Kavran (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia), S. Aksentijević (Aksentijević Forensics and Consulting, Viškovo, Croatia), E. Tijan (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia)
The Transition of Croatian Seaports into Smart Ports 
In present time, the most advanced cargo-related business process management model is a smart port. Not all seaports are in the same phase of system implementation that will allow uninterrupted data flow and interconnections. For example, some Croatian cargo ports represent “ports in development”, which are aimed at simplifying business processes. The Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure has a big role in the development of Croatian seaports as it has recognized the importance of digitalization and connectivity of stakeholders (shipping, freight forwarders, maritime agents, etc.), and therefore has taken concrete measures to achieve it. Initially, it is necessary to enable system integration and stakeholder connectivity within the ports, and subsequently connect them among themselves. As the information technology is the basis of intelligent ports, the transition of Croatian cargo seaports into smart ports (final phase of the port development) is possible.
5.J. Glavaš (J. J. S. University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics, Osijek, Croatia), I. Uroda (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business, Rijeka, Croatia), B. Mandić (J. J. S. University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics, Osijek, Croatia)
Students’ Perception of Studying in Digital Environment and Preparedness for Workplaces in Digital Economy - Current State and Perspectives 
In order to utilise modern technologies in efficient, effective and reliable ways within higher education, it is necessary to fulfil certain framework conditions. Modern technologies need resources, infrastructure and human resources who will utilise and implement them in economically justified way. Also, it is absolutely necessary to integrate them in curriculums, while learning outcomes obtained by utilizing those new solutions must be evaluated and at, both, the national level and the international level. Necessary measures for the implementation of those improvements require long-term strategic planning, positive changes in the business environment and the allocation of optimally adequate financial funds. Therefore, the main challenge of this scientific paper is to analyse and, based on the achieved results, evaluate tendencies of utilisation and further possibilities of utilisation of modern technologies in the teaching process and in the learning process. Whereas, the main focus was put on perception of studying in digital environment and consequent preparedness for workplaces in digital economy. With scientific questionnaire authors have included students and lecturers at selected higher learning institutions in the Republic of Croatia. Thus, in the context of scientific paper, analysis is used to evaluate the current state and synthesis is used to gain proper perspectives.
6.I. Kedmenec, K. Detelj (University of Zagreb, Faculty of organization and informatics, Varazdin, Croatia), N. Kadoić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of organization and informatics, Varaždin, Croatia)
The Potential of ICT-Enabled Social Innovation 
Even it is an old paradigm; social innovations appeared as a separate course in the last approximately ten years. The educational institutions recognised the necessity of this field due to new challenges and obstacles that the world is facing. The courses regarding the social innovations give the students valuable knowledge and skills related to solving different social problems, increasing the motivation for being active in the society, and raising awareness about specific topics that need attention. An important role in implementing social innovation have ICT technologies. The role of the ICT is multiple: (1) administrative (members of the certain social initiative collaborate on the project through different ICT tools that enable communication and information organization), (2) disseminative and educational (the topic of the social initiative is disseminated through different tools and social media), and sometimes (3) topical (it the topic of social innovation project is directly connected to specific ICT technology). In this paper, a review of several social innovation courses in the world is presented. More specific, a more in-depth analysis is made considering the inclusion of the ICT in the course syllabus. Finally, the paper concludes with best practices that can be integrated into a new course related to the social innovations that is planned for implementation at Faculty of organization and informatics starting from 2020.
7.K. Klarin, I. Nazor (University of Split/University Department of Professional Studies, Split, Croatia), S. Celar (FESB, Split, Croatia)
Ontology Literature Review as Guidelines for Improving Croatian Qualification Framework 
Development of information systems dealing with education and labour market using web and grid service architecture enables their modularity, expandability and interoperability. Application of ontologies to the web helps with collecting and selecting the knowledge about a certain field in a generic way, thus enabling different applications to understand, use, reuse and share the knowledge among them. A necessary step before publishing computer-interpretable data on the public web is the implementation of common standards that will ensure the exchange of information. Croatian Qualification Framework (CROQF) is a project of standardization of occupations for the labour market, as well as standardization of sets of qualifications, skills and competences and their mutual relations. This paper analysis a respectable amount of research dealing with application of ontologies to information systems in education during the last decade. The main goal is to compare achieved results according to: 1) phases of development/classifications of education-related ontologies; 2) areas of education and 3) standards and structures of metadata for educational systems. Collected information is used to provide insight into building blocks of CROQF, both the ones well supported by experience and best practices, and the ones that are not, together with guidelines for development of own standards using ontological structures.
8.M. Rantanen, J. Koskinen (University of Turku, Turku, Finland), S. Hyrynsalmi (Tampere University, Pori, Finland)
E-Government Ecosystem: A New View to Explain Complex Phenomenon 
Different kinds of e-governmental services have taken into use in several countries all over the world. The transition is often driven by the seen benefits in, e.g., efficiency, money savings as well as empowerment of citizens. Different egovernmental systems have been studied and analysed by using different theories and models; however, the current models often do not succeed to take a citizen—the customer—into account enough. This study propose of using an ecosystem viewpoint to define and explain this phenomenon and presents the concept of ‘e-government ecosystem’. The concept is based on philosophical foundation on citizenship. In addition, an existing maturity model is extended and future research areas proposed.
9.M. Kljajić Borštnar (University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj, Slovenia), T. Ilijaš (Arctur, d.o.o., Nova Gorica, Slovenia)
Assessment of High Performance Computing Services Potential of SMEs 
High Performance Computing (HPC) enables solving complex problems that would be otherwise impossible to compute with ordinary desktop computers in an acceptable time. HPC services, offered in the cloud could provide a breakthrough in using HPC in Small and Medium sized enterprises (SME) which would strengthen competitive advantage. However, cloud HPC services adoption among SMEs is still scarce and not all SMEs are viable to use HPC. To address this problem we have developed a web assessment tool to measure the potential of the SMEs to use cloud HPC services. The goals are to raise awareness of the services and analyze the potential. In this paper we present the analysis of 61 assessed organizations. The analysis offers a limited insight into the state of the European SMEs and other organizations, but is important for understanding the needs and opportunities, that the cloud HPC services offer.
10.P. Karanikic, M. Matulja (University of Rijeka Department of Biotechnology, Rijeka, Croatia), E. Tijan (University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia)
Technology Transfer Process in Digital Economy: An University Perspective 
Results of scientific research developed at universities have significant impact both on technological and economic development. Commercialization of scientific research is a challenging task for every university. Successful commercialization depends on the well-established technology transfer systems at universities that will enable the effective technology transfer process of transforming scientific research results into viable products and services on the market. Intellectual property rights have an important role in technology transfer process. In the light of emerging digital economy intellectual property rights are faced with many challenges. In this paper the main factors for efficient technology transfer systems will be discussed as well as different models of technology transfer process. The technology transfer system of the University of Rijeka will be presented.

Basic information:

Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Edvard Tijan (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Saša Aksentijević (Croatia), Dragan Čišić (Croatia), Alen Jugović (Croatia), Đani Juričić (Slovenia), Anđelko Milardović (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Ana Perić Hadžić (Croatia), Davor Salamon (Croatia), Vjeran Strahonja (Croatia), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), Marijana Vidas-Bubanja (Serbia)

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Up to 6 May 2019
From 7 May 2019
Members of MIPRO and IEEE 200 230
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers 120 140
Others 220 250

The discount doesn't apply to PhD students. 


Mladen Mauher
Polytechnic of Zagreb
Vrbik 8
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

GSM: +385 98 279 004

Edvard Tijan
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Maritime Studies
Studentska 2
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia

Phone: +385 51 338 411

The best papers will get a special award.
Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN registered conference proceedings. 
Presented papers in English will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
There is a possibility that the selected scientific papers with some further modification and refinement are being published in the Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT).

Opatija, with its 170-year-old tourism tradition, is the leading seaside resort of the Eastern Adriatic and one of the most famous tourist destinations on the Mediterranean. With its aristocratic architecture and style, Opatija has been attracting artists, kings, politicians, scientists, sportsmen, as well as business people, bankers and managers for more than 170 years.

The tourist offer in Opatija includes a vast number of hotels, excellent restaurants, entertainment venues, art festivals, superb modern and classical music concerts, beaches and swimming pools – this city satisfies all wishes and demands.

Opatija, the Queen of the Adriatic, is also one of the most prominent congress cities in the Mediterranean, particularly important for its ICT conventions, one of which is MIPRO, which has been held in Opatija since 1979, and has attracted more than a thousand participants from over forty countries. These conventions promote Opatija as one of the most desirable technological, business, educational and scientific centers in South-eastern Europe and the European Union in general.

For more details, please visit and

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