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Thursday, 5/25/2023 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
9:00 AM - 11:00 AMPapers 
1.F. Shahroury, I. Abuishmais, H. Ahmad (Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, Jordan)
Development of Renewable Energy Course for Electrical Engineering Program 
With the increased penetration of renewable energy in Jordan, higher education institutes are required to equip students with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the market. In response, this paper presents a newly developed course in renewable energy systems (RES). The designed course contains a practical part in addition to theoretical knowledge. The laboratory embedded in this course includes state-of-the-art equipment in the field of photovoltaic modules, an off-grid system with storage and a wind turbine. The course offers a unique teaching method that bridges theoretical and practical knowledge gaps. As this course is part of an ABET-accredited program, the course learning outcomes are designed carefully to align with ABET outcomes. Upon completing this course, students show a better ability to design and implement a renewable system. An example of a small-scale off-grid PV system is demonstrated in this work. At the end of the course, all students are asked to fill out a feedback questionnaire to assess the teaching method's effectiveness and evaluate if all learning outcomes are met. The results of this pilot project are auspicious and students' overall perception was very positive.
2.M. Kaluža (Student, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Čandrlić, M. Ašenbrener Katić (Fakultet informatike i digitalnih tehnologija, Rijeka, Croatia)
Hybrid Agile Approach in Software Engineering Education - A Case Study 
By definition, software engineering is a systematic approach to software development. However, to succeed in today's dynamic business environment, development teams must adapt and respond to change quickly. To prepare students for their role in real-world software development teams of which they will soon be a part, teachers attempt to create as realistic a project environment as possible. The software development education model presented in this paper is based on the hybrid agile approach. It combines both the agile approach, which is suitable for dealing with changes in requirements, and the planning-oriented, systematic approach, which is traditionally used in software engineering. In addition, the students' attitude towards this hybrid agile model is investigated.
3.M. Čolić (Ministarstvo obrane RH, Zagreb, Croatia)
Computer-supported Education of the Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces 
The modern environment of warfare and the development of technology, which are changing faster than ever in the history of mankind, require of members of the armed forces to acquire completely new and constantly develop and reshape the existing competencies (knowledge, skills, independence and responsibility). Current models of competence acquisition, especially for reserve officers, which are carried out according to the old model in which 'ex catedra' is almost the exclusive form of teaching, do not ensure the achievement of competences for the implementation of tasks in a modern environment. The paper will propose a new concept of education for reserve officers - computer-supported education. This new model implies a significantly greater application of modern education methodologies and can be adapted to different levels of education, lengths of time as well as forms of education, not only for reserve but also for active officers. In the paper, components of the education process are specified and described, with the fact that the preparation and implementation of the two-week final Computer Assisted Exercise (CAX), which is essential for achieving the desired learning outcomes, is specially elaborated.
4.N. Muškinja (University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia)
Design, Development and Control of a Ball-on-beam Control System Using Industrial Equipment 
This paper presents the design and implementation of a ball-on-beam system (BBS) using Mitsubishi industrial equipment. The system was implemented both mechanically and in simulations. An industrial servo motor with servo drive ensures the angle of the beam. An industrial PLC is used to control the system and an HMI display is used for the user interface. A dynamic mathematical model of the ball-on-beam system has been developed. The model was used in simulations to design the corresponding control algorithms and simulations of the designed algorithms were performed in the Matlab/Simulink environment. These algorithms were then implemented in the PLC, the hardware configured, and the on-screen HMI user interface created. We have measured the performance of the control on a real system and compared it with simulations. The device we have built allows us to control the position of the ball along the beam. Different control algorithms are available, and the controller parameters can be changed via the HMI interface. The developed system can be used as an alternative to commercial systems to learn control theory and at the same time to learn about industrial hardware and software.
5.V. Ruseva, A. Krasteva (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria)
Using the Matlab Programming Environment in the Course of Student Training in the Electrical Machines Discipline 
This article presents the results of the use of simulation models in the MATLAB software environment in the course of student training in the Electrical Machines discipline included in the curriculum for acquiring the Bachelor’s educational – qualification degree in Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment. The processes for implementing innovative educational technologies gained momentum during the Covid-19 pandemic and are currently increasingly being adopted. The students, pursuing this course, use various computer-based tools such as MS Excel and MATLAB in their training to plot the performance and mechanical characteristics of a DC motor with parallel excitation. The article presents an approach for plotting these characteristics using a virtual laboratory bench and analyses the students’ opinions on its use in the Electrical Machines discipline.
6.L. Petricioli, K. Skračić, J. Petrović, P. Pale (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Exploring Pre-scoring Clustering for Short Answer Grading 
Automated answer grading using NLP-based grouping of student responses
7.P. Spiesberger, L. Bürstmayr, R. Vallon, T. Grechenig (Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria)
Identifying Higher Software Engineering Education's Design-Reality Gaps in Rural India 
Over the last decade one of the major challenges of the Indian higher education system has been a discrepancy between the skills of computer science graduates and the needs of the industry. The majority of India's private higher education sector is composed of over 38.000 affiliated colleges, most of which are based in rural India. We selected a college in rural India as a representative case to analyze the local computer science curriculum's implementation using a Design-Reality Gap Analysis. Our examination considers both students' and professors' points of view by conducting interviews and observations. Key findings suggest that inadequate professors skills, improperly implemented teaching methods and a missing curriculum evaluation, among others, play a major role in the Indian computer science graduates' skill deficiency.
8.L. Dorić, N. Luburić, J. Slivka, A. Kovačević (University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia)
Understanding the Teamwork Challenges of Software Engineering Students 
Developing collaborative skills in students is nontrivial. The fact that students work in teams does not mean they become skilled in teamwork. Students face varied challenges when working in teams that harm their skill development and attitude towards teamwork. To prepare students for the collaboration-intensive workplace, we researched and designed a catalog of challenges present in the teamwork of undergraduate software engineering students on 3-month projects. We created an initial catalog of 10 challenges by examining the literature, surveying 15 teaching assistants, and coding their opinions regarding the problems faced by student teams. Using the catalog, we crafted a survey for students nearing the end of their team project to assess which challenges were present in their teamwork. We surveyed students from multiple contexts, including teams of 3, teams of 4, and teams of 16 students. We analyzed 155 answers to determine the prevalence and intensity of the 10 challenges in student teams. We discuss our findings and best practices for resolving the most prevalent challenges. The catalog and recommendations are directly valuable for software engineering educators and can inform the broader community of collaborative learning researchers and instructional designers.
11:00 AM - 11:15 AMBreak 
9.I. Bosnic (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Kuveždić Divjak (Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb, Croatia), B. van Loenen (Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands)
Stimulating (Open) Data Literacy at the Basis of Society: Approaches for Active Learning and Teaching to Young Children 
Children in the primary educational level learn about fundamental reading, writing and mathematics skills as a basis for future learning. In some European Union countries, they are also taught basic informatics and computer usage. However, only a few efforts are made to start teaching them about (open) data literacy. When teaching about data, multiple stages of the data value chain can be tackled, adapted to children’s capabilities; from data production or collection to data usage or impact. Such teaching can be more theoretical, with already prepared examples, or a complete hands-on experience, where the data is collected from the environment, further analyzed, visualized and the conclusions about data are made. In this paper, we will present the currently available research on the approaches to teaching children about data. We will also discuss the potential benefits and the main issues impeding such an effort. Finally, we will propose the way forward for informal active learning about data for lower-level primary school children, based on the hands-on workshops using environmental data.
10.D. Delač (Electroindustrial and Trade School Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), D. Purković (University of Rijeka, Department of Polytechnic, Rijeka, Croatia)
The Relationship between Extracurricular Activities and Student Achievement in the Affective Domain: The Case of a Vocational Electrical Engineering School 
Student achievements in the affective domain is important to the learning process, as adopted values and attitudes can promote the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills. This paper examines the effects of extracurricular activities on student achievements in the affective domain and provides an analysis and comparison with the achievements of a similar group of students in traditional classes. The research was conducted through the extracurricular activity "Young Innovators", in which 18 third grade students of a vocational high school participated. The aim of activity is to develop new and innovate existing solutions in the field of electrical engineering and computer science. The achievements in the affective domain was observed and analysed in the students who participated in the extracurricular activity and in a similar group of students who did not participate. The results of the study indicate that students who participate in extracurricular activities communicate and cooperate better with other participants, and show a higher level of responsibility for completing classroom tasks than students who participate only in the traditional class. These findings suggest that there is a need to develop extracurricular activities that give every student the opportunity to participate in something that interests them.
11.A. Gero, B. Catz (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel)
Academic Motivation of Sophomore and Junior Electrical Engineering Students 
Given the importance of motivation in engineering education, the research described here analyzed the factors driving sophomore and junior students to study electrical engineering. The study involved 399 students (192 sophomore students and 207 junior students) at a leading technical university in Israel. At the beginning of the relevant year, the students filled out an anonymous Likert-like scale, based on self-determination theory. The questionnaire consisted of twenty statements reflecting the four major motivational factors, i.e., intrinsic motivation (interest and enjoyment), identified regulation (recognition of values), introjected regulation (internalized pressuring voice) and external regulation (external rewards). The statements were validated by two engineering education experts, and Cronbach’s alphas indicated good internal consistency. The data were statistically analyzed and the Relative Autonomy Index (RAI) was calculated. According to the findings, both sophomore and junior students were mainly driven by intrinsic motivation and identified regulation. It was also revealed that the intrinsic motivation of junior students was significantly higher than that of sophomore students, although no significant difference was found between the RAI of the two groups. The paper provides a possible explanation for these findings.
12.B. Pejcinovic (Portland State University, Portland, United States)
Teaching and Assessing Ethics in a Professional Skills Course 
Ethical considerations are featured prominently in the professional codes of ethics of various engineering professional societies. Arguably, having a code of ethics is a requirement for a field to be recognized as “professional.” The importance of ethics is further exemplified by accreditation requirements from, e.g., ABET. One of seven ABET Student Outcomes states: “4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts” [1]. The teaching of engineering ethics would ideally be done across the curriculum and in a proper engineering context. However, due to many practical considerations, this is done in a few, often specialized, courses. In this paper, we will report on the implementation of ethics education in one such specialized course at the senior (fourth year) level. We will discuss the course structure and how we use rubrics to assess students’ attainment of course outcomes related to ethical reasoning. We will also provide guidance on scaffolding teaching materials and constructing assignments.
13.V. Putarek ( , Zagreb, Croatia), J. Petrović (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Level and Differences in Professional Identity in Engineering Undergraduates 
This paper explores the level and differences in professional identity in engineering undergraduates.
14.G. Ivanova, A. Ivanov, L. Zdravkov (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria)
Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mechanical Engineering Education 
Nowadays innovative technologies are entering the educational process with the aim of learners easily understanding and learning the material provided. The technologies used and/or based on virtual and augmented reality in the educational process affects today's digital generation and motivation of learners, giving them the opportunity to use their smartphones in the learning process. The aim of the paper is to show the main positive aspects of 3D Virtual Reality environments and 3D Augmented Reality Learning environments in mechanical engineering education. An interactive Mobile Apps for 3D Augmented Reality Learning environment and 3D Virtual Reality Learning environment for setting up and operating a variety of Grinding Devices for Cutting tool sharpening are presented. The Mobile Apps are using Mobile Virtual Glasses suitable for smartphones. The use of 3D Virtual learning and 3D Augmented learning reality in the training of Cutting Tools has been tested with students from the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering of the University of Ruse. With the Mechanical engineering students, comparative research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the learning and students’ experience level in a 3D Augmented and Virtual Reality Learning environment versus that of a real learning laboratory.
15.R. Habash (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ottawa, Canada), N. Abdulkadir (Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei, Brunei Darussalam)
Video Creation as a Catalyst of Value Change in Engineering Education 
Digital media in general and educational videos in particular have become a significant source of value creation for enhancing teaching and learning. They represent an important educational value to promote knowledge creation and translation for in-class, blended, and online learning. Pedagogical modes of developing and sharing videos are enriched when instructors consider several principles: how to promote digital literacy in the class environment; how to maximize student engagement in making and sharing videos; how a video can make a tangible difference in the education landscape, and how to utilize this process to advocate knowledge creation as an explicit value mindset in the practice of learning. This article reviews literature relevant to each of these principles and presents a case of producing educational videos in the context of value creation in teaching ethical professional practice in engineering and computing. The experience recommends practical approach instructors may adopt to enhance the teaching-learning process. This requires the integration of several pedagogical practices including knowledge creation and translation, reflective practice, digital engagement, and digital competence.
Thursday, 5/25/2023 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM,
Nava 2, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 5:45 PMPapers 
1.Juraj Petrović (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Media Literacy Levels in Croatian Universities - Results of the Project "Media Literacy is Important"
2.G. Collins (University College London, London, United Kingdom)
Ensuring Global Perspectives within Reading Lists to Increase Students’ Engagement 
University College London attracts students worldwide and provides students with the latest research opportunities to meet global challenges. The Department of Computer Science within the university has won recognition for its diversity and inclusion initiatives. During 2022 a series of AI ethics lectures were developed for the software engineering professional practice module to help prepare students for their research projects. Teaching was through the viewpoints on power imbalances relating to AI and green technologies, including resource extraction. The AI ethics series was designed as online flipped lectures. Students were encouraged to read specific research papers beforehand, which were discussed during the lecture. Students had previously outlined their interests in leading-edge AI concepts and how AI can reduce energy consumption and protect the environment and biodiversity. Students completed questionnaires to help the lecturer understand their level of knowledge of the topics. Quantitative analysis of the reading material using ATLAS.ti provided insight to select schemas to scaffold students' knowledge and reduce cognitive load. Analysis of questionnaires and discussions indicates students’ increased engagement in topics relating to a more sustainable future. Students also preferred diverse perspectives from around the world within the reading list that reflect the global community within the class.
3.P. van Duijsen, D. Zuidervliet (THUAS , Delft, Netherlands)
Virtual Electric Machines Laboratory, Requirements and Practical Realization 
A fully equipped electrical machine laboratory can become a costly factor. However the look and feel of electrical machines behavior in operation, is indispensable and very informative for students. Not only do they learn how to connect and operate the machines, but also the limitations of each type of machine, becomes visible. Not only equipment is costly, also laboratory room space, service and safety can become an issue. To reduce those laboratory costs, often simulation is used as an alternative. However, the look and feel of the real machines, is in many cases lost. In this paper a virtual electric machines laboratory is proposed, where students can be trained, using digital twins of the electric machines from the laboratory. The look and feel of the digital twins, the way the machines are connected electrically and mechanically, should represent their physical counterparts in such detail, as required in a real physical training set up. Nameplate parameters ease the selection of machines size and power level. Adding measurement devices, such as voltage and current meters, as well as measuring torque and rotational speed, should resemble the real measurement set up as close as possible.
4.D. Zuidervliet, P. van Duijsen (THUAS , Delft, Netherlands)
Hierarchical Approach in Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronics for Education 
For teaching power electronics circuits, circuit simulation is well adapted, to show the working principles of the various types of power electronics converters. However, depending on the complexity of the used models, the teaching purpose might be troubled by the implementation details, required for the specific simulation program. Instead of focusing on the power electronics working principles, limitations and/or parametrization of models becomes a disturbing factor. Depending on the goal of the simulation results, the modeling should be fitted exactly to the knowledge level and availability of parameters, for the models used in the simulation. In this paper a hierarchical modeling method is presented, which allows the simulation, of basic principles, up to detailed circuits. Starting with easy to understand linear models and open loop operation, for the principle. Generic models are added to simulate closed loop behavior. Detailed component models, for the simulation of closed loop feedback and thermal behavior. Adding parasitic components, for detailed electromagnetic interference and component stress simulation. The basic working principles are modeled using simple models, and then depending on the required simulation results, the models are expanded into more detailed models.
5.S. Manoharan, X. Ye (University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand)
Teaching Introductory Parallel Programming Using Two-Player Online Games 
Parallel programming is a powerful tool for computing tasks faster and more efficiently. Teaching an introduction to parallel programming requires explaining the fundamentals of parallelism, the various types of parallel programming, and the tools and techniques used to build and debug parallel programs. Teaching introductory parallel programming can be a challenging task. This paper is an experience report, detailing how a two-player online game is built as a motivating focal point to engage students and explain various parallel programming concepts and constructs.
6.M. Derda, M. Wedel, M. Albrecht (Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
Curriculum Development for Socially Responsible and Sustainably Acting Engineers 
The university's mission is to provide students with knowledge and skills that we as a society need to shape our future responsibly and sustainably. There seems to be a university-wide consensus that content on ethics, sustainability, digitization, diversity and scientific practice should therefore be conveyed. What at first appears as a gap between industrial demands and societal norms is actually a response to the needs of industry and business, which require engineers, thinking systemically and reacting adequately to changing societal conditions. Another point concerns the attractiveness of engineering courses: more women will probably be motivated to study engineering through greater visibility of future and socially relevant topics. However, there seems to be no consensus on how to implement this task. In our opinion, the content should not (only) be conveyed detached from subject content, but be interlinked with it to encourage students to reflect on and apply these current and future challenges in the context of their respective subject. Because that is exactly what is required in their professional practice to shape our future responsibly. How the further development of the curricula can work in the manner described, including all status groups, is to be discussed in our contribution.
7.A. Tecilazić (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia)
Income Prospects of Engineering Graduates in Croatia 
Research on the employability of graduates based on data collected in the Eurograduate Pilot Survey shows that the field of study is one of the three most important factors for graduates with a professional bachelor's degree in Croatia to obtain a job with a higher monthly income. The results of the analysis conducted on a sample of graduates with bachelor's degrees obtained in 2016/2017 from professional higher education institutions in Croatia show that graduates in the broad field of "Engineering, manufacturing and construction" (ISCED F) find employment in occupations with a gross monthly income that is on average EUR 676 higher than the gross monthly income of graduates with comparable qualifications in the reference educational field. Factor analysis was applied to reduce the number of measured variables indicating the same constructs of human, social or cultural capital to produce factor scores that were used as predictors of monthly income in a multiple linear regression analysis. These research findings support the core propositions of human capital theory that investing in quality and relevant education and training brings economic benefits to individuals and society.
8.A. Tecilazić, L. Mršić (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia)
Vertikalna i horizontalna usklađenost inženjerskog obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj: rezultati istraživanja EUROGRADUATE 
Istraživanje o zapošljivosti osoba s kvalifikacijama visokog obrazovanja stečenima u Hrvatskoj, provedeno u sklopu europskog istraživanja EUROGRADUATE, daje relevantne uvide o horizontalnoj i vertikalnoj usklađenosti obrazovanja inženjera sa zanimanjima u kojima se zapošljavaju nakon stjecanja kvalifikacije. Teorijski okvir istraživanja obuhvaća ekonomsku teoriju ljudskog kapitala i sociološku teoriju socijalnog i kulturnog kapitala, a konceptualni okvir proizlazi iz povijesnog razvoja konstrukta zapošljivosti. Rezultati logističke regresije napravljene na uzorku prvostupnika s kvalifikacijama stečenima na sveučilištu 2016./2017. godine, u širem obrazovnom području „inženjerstvo, proizvodnja, građevina“ (ISCED-F), pokazuju da je omjer šansi za njihovo zapošljavanje u zanimanju koje je u skladu s razinom stečene kvalifikacije veći 328% u odnosu na omjer šansi pojedinaca koji su kvalifikaciju preddiplomske razine na sveučilištu stekli u referentnom obrazovnom području. Također, rezultati analize pokazuju da je za istu skupinu omjer šansi za zapošljavanje u zanimanju koje je u skladu s područjem studijskog programa veći 423% u odnosu na omjer šansi pojedinaca referentne skupine. U provedbi regresijske analize kontrolirani su ostali mogući prediktori zapošljivosti osoba s kvalifikacijama visokog obrazovanja koji su faktorskom analizom reducirani na manji broj latentnih faktora indikativnih za konstrukte ljudskog, socijalnog i kulturnog kapitala.

Basic information:

Predrag Pale (Croatia), Branimir Pejčinović (United States), Juraj Petrović (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Leslie Martinich (United States), Predrag Pale (Croatia)

Program Committee:

Tomislav Jagušt (Croatia), Branimir Pejčinović (United States), Juraj Petrović (Croatia), Ana Sović Kržić (Croatia)

Registration / Fees:

Price in EUR
Up to 8 May 2023
From 9 May 2023
Members of MIPRO and IEEE 230 260
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers 120 140
Others 250 280

The discount doesn't apply to PhD students.


Predrag Pale
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Unska 3
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia


Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN registered conference proceedings. Presented papers in English will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
There is a possibility that the selected scientific papers with some further modification and refinement are being published in the following journals: Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT)MDPI Applied ScienceMDPI Information JournalFrontiers and EAI Endorsed Transaction on Scalable Information Systems.


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The tourist offer in Opatija includes a vast number of hotels, excellent restaurants, entertainment venues, art festivals, superb modern and classical music concerts, beaches and swimming pools – this city satisfies all wishes and demands.

Opatija, the Queen of the Adriatic, is also one of the most prominent congress cities in the Mediterranean, particularly important for its ICT conventions, one of which is MIPRO, which has been held in Opatija since 1979, and has attracted more than a thousand participants from over forty countries. These conventions promote Opatija as one of the most desirable technological, business, educational and scientific centers in South-eastern Europe and the European Union in general.

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