Hybrid Event |
Invited Lecture |
Josip Rukavina (Vectrino Ltd., Rijeka, Croatia)
Underwater Digital Twins in Seaports and Marinas
Papers |
Z. Šinković, L. Pribisalić (University of Split Faculty of Law, Split, Croatia) Taxation of Cryptocurrencies with Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax 
Cryptocurrencies are unique digital coins that are impossible to copy or produce on your own. They function as electronic records of certain values stored in electronic banknotes on websites that provide this type of service. The impact of expansionary fiscal and monetary policy on the cryptocurrency market has led to the cryptocurrency segment rising to unprecedented proportions on the one hand, and cryptocurrencies are a completely new concept that changes not only the way we pay but also the way we experience money. Currently, different member states of the European Union define cryptocurrencies differently, and tax them differently, although most consider them capital gains. Therefore, this paper will analyze the legal issues of taxation of cryptocurrencies with income tax and corporate income tax. The de lege ferenda will also analyze the introduction of universal rules for the whole European Union in order to protect all investors, equal rules within the European Union for all cryptocurrency issuers and all service providers, remove legislative barriers to innovation and cover technological development and future types of cryptocurrencies.
M. Holjevac (Five, Osijek, Croatia), T. Jakopec (Filozofski fakultet Osijek, Osijek, Croatia) Quality Assurance Procedures in Croatian IT Companies: Study into Employer's Perceptions and Experiences in Software Solution Testing 
The evolution of humanity can be seen as a continuous effort to make things better and more convenient through the improvements associated with the invention of new products or services. This is increasingly related to the development of software solutions. Every software development company aims to have satisfied end users and clients. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to put a quality product or service on the market. The goal of the quality assurance team is to eliminate as many potential errors that will lead users to dead ends because it is known that a software solution without errors does not exist. As a main tool of quality assurance, software testing is a process of analyzing a software solution in a way that detects the differences between currently developed features and the client’s requirements for them. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a survey conducted among employees of Croatian IT companies. The procedures implemented by individuals in IT companies to ensure the quality of software solutions will be investigated. The purpose of this paper is to give a concise overview of good practice in the field of testing software solutions.
S. Aksentijević (Aksentijević Forensics and Consulting, Ltd, Viškovo, Croatia), E. Tijan (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), N. Kapidani (Administration for Maritime Safety and Port Management, Bar, Montenegro), R. Mujalović (Jadroagent Bar, Ltd, Bar, Montenegro) Dynamic Identification of Modular Shipping Containers 
The aim of this paper is to research and describe the use of modular shipping containers to address the global issue of container imbalance. Empty containers remain in different locations in respect to the goods they need to transport, mainly due to trade imbalance. Considering that ports and shipping lines must optimize procedures and equipment to avoid such inefficiencies and bottlenecks without compromising their security standards, within this paper the digital technologies are identified, and procedures which need to be adapted are proposed for management of horizontally coupled or decoupled modular 20’ shipping containers. Proposed methodology can be implemented contributing to the restoring of container balance. The identified problem and proposed solution are in line with the scope of Horizon 2020 - EU.3.4 Programme and its ePIcenter – “Enhanced Physical Internet-Compatible Earth-frieNdly freight Transportation answER” project.
M. Vidučić (University of Zadar, Department of Information Sciences, Zadar, Croatia), M. Pribisalić (Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, Rijeka, Croatia), A. Pribisalić (Faculty of Informatics, Pula, Croatia) Applicability of Norms, Standards and Guidelines to Museum Documentation Process in a Hybrid Environment 
The Regulations concerning description and access to material in libraries, archives and museums present a theoretical frame for production of functional records of museum objects. It will include core descriptive elements required for identification of a museum object. Also, it will enable the users to access the museum objects, as well as to reach the information and data about the object. This paper investigates which descriptive elements are provided by the existing standards and schemes, such as CIDOC-CRM, CDWA, CCO, ISBD, Regulations concerning the content and management of museum documentation on museum material. Furthermore, it investigates which descriptive elements that are anticipated in the new Regulations concerning description and access to material in libraries, archives and museums can be applied to the description of museum objects. Specific museum objects exemplify its applicability. The aim of this research is primarily to examine the applicability of the Regulations concerning description and access to material in libraries, archives and museums to the description of particular museum objects in order to identify and access the material more easily. Moreover, this paper’s aim is to determine which descriptive elements of the museum object are specific to it (depending on the users’ needs) and to examine the applicability of the Regulations, to provide with the functional descriptions based on the Regulations and to compare them to the existing descriptions in the M++ database. Content analysis of the elements in a catalogue record, descriptive method and comparison were used in order to achieve this aim. This paper will contribute to the better understanding of the significance of formulating quality records on museum objects. Quality process of managing museum documentation is, in a way, a guarantee of cultural heritage preservation for the future.
This paper will contribute to the better understanding of the significance of formulating quality records on museum objects. This is important because quality process of managing museum documentation is, in a way, a guarantee of cultural heritage preservation for the future.
M. Boban, M. Klarić (University of Split Faculty of Law, Split, Croatia) Split Smart City – Future Perspective and Development Possibilities 
Development of modern cities presents various processes including economic, social, political and administrative measures to ensure sustainable development of modern urban areas. Previous transitions of the cities included phases of proto-urbanization, localization and communalization and the most important agenda for today’s cities are sustainability of urban communities and sustainable relation with their social and natural environment based on smart digitalization and implementation of Smart Cities doctrine which uses diverse types of electronic sensors to collect data to provide the information needed to manage assets and resources. Smart city is an urban area is based on implementation of various procedures and solutions for sustainable cities of future. The authors in this paper are giving are exploring City of Split as Smart City as the most important town in the middle of the eastern Adriatic coast and analyzing the present development as well as future perspectives and development possibilities.
D. Garbin Praničević , E. Jurun, V. Bašić (University of Split Faculty of Economics Business and Tourism, Split, Croatia) Digital Skills of Working Age Population in Croatia 
In the focus of this paper are digital skills of working age population in the Republic of Croatia as one of its fundamental pillars of scientific, technological, educational and overall socio-economic development. Moreover, this research perceives a certain level of digital skills development as an unavoidable precondition for Croatia's involvement in the overall development of the modern world. This research results are based on the comprehensive statistical analysis of the public opinion survey which has been carried during July and August 2021 with 429 respondents aged 18 to 65 years. The methodology involves hypotheses testing afterwards using a two-step random sample. Post stratification has been created on the basis of gender, age, size of residence, education level and working status of respondents. The analysis of the data showed that there is no statistically significant difference in digital skills between men and women and that there is a statistically significant difference in digital skills depending on the age and level of education of the respondents.
Z. Paladin, N. Kapidani, Ž. Lukšić (Administration for Maritime Safety and Port Management, Bar, Montenegro), T. Nicoletti (Engineering I.I., S.p.A., Milano, Italy), M. Moutzouris (SATWAYS Ltd., Athens, Greece), A. Blum (Secrétariat général de la mer - SGMER, Paris, France), A. Astyakopoulos (Center for Security Studies, Ministry of Citizen Protection, Athens, Greece) A Maritime Big Data Framework Integration in a Common Information Sharing Environment 
Ensuring a high level of vessel traffic surveillance and maritime safety is determined by exploiting innovative ICT technologies and international cooperation among maritime authorities. Therefore, initiatives for maritime surveillance, global and regional integrations are realised through a collaborative, cost-effective and interoperable Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE). Consisting of the institutional network of maritime authorities that cooperate on various domains like safety, border control, environmental and rescue missions at sea, CISE enables the efficient transfer and economic exchange of maritime data and information via different interoperable systems using modern digital technologies. The ever-increasing amount of data received from heterogeneous data sources requires specific processing through the adoption of a Big Data framework which hosts, manages and distributes data to maritime users, contributing with great overall benefits to the CISE network core functionality. Specifically, this paper analyses the advantages of the Data Lake infrastructure, including its processes, techniques, tools and applications used to enhance maritime surveillance and safety across the CISE network. This part contains the deployment and interoperability achieved through the components of the participating command and control (C2) systems.Last, as a case study, an overview of the EU project EFFECTOR is provided which aims to demonstrate an end-to-end interoperability framework of data-driven solutions for maritime situational awareness at strategic and tactical operations.
I. Radoš (Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Hajnić (Faculty of Information Studies, Novo Mesto, Slovenia), I. Radoš (Faculty of Economics and Business, Rijeka, Croatia) Applying Car Retail Data - Impact on the Business Flow Prediction 
Predicting car sales trends is an important part of designing sale plans, so the identification of user types (potential buyers) plays a big role in it. Data mining was utilized in this research to gather data from multiple sources for future predictions and achieve better service quality and consumer satisfaction. Gathered users (buyers) data from multiple sources were joined according to the defined logic and common key to get the total number of buyers that purchased cars, online by software platform developed for selling cars and offline in physical stores. This research was conducted on a real company Neostar which is a part of the biggest conglomerate in Croatia and brings answers on the impact of web advertising compared to the classic TV advertising campaigns. It also provides interesting results on the impact of geo-location where the car is physically located and the number of completed car purchases.
D. Medved (Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Zagreb, Croatia), L. Perinić (Regionalna energetska agencija Kvarner, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Jarak (WWF Adria, Zagreb, Croatia) The Challenges of Digitalization at Unije Island 
Digitalization and the introduction of new technologies into the everyday lives of islanders is a much bigger challenge than typically implied. The problems are numerous, from insufficient education and “not in my backyard” syndrome to a variety of different external obstacles as well as fixed action and behavioural patterns that make it harder to accept new ideas or initiatives. It is very often a mistake to take a "helicopter" approach to project implementation, where solutions are introduced without more thorough awareness-raising and education of the population, and this creates problems in the context of achieving longer-term sustainability. The example of the Croatian Island of Unije demonstrated in the context of the ongoing H2020 INSULAE project, dedicated to the introduction of innovative energy approaches and technologies on EU islands, clearly depicts what challenges the project team faced and how they approached them in order to reach the project objectives. The problem of technology and digitalization acceptance is common, however, to other small island communities. This paper presents practical experiences from the first phase of the Insulae project gained in interaction with the residents of the Unije and provides expert recommendations for a new approach to the digitalization of islands and calls for a more integrated management of island digital transition.
D. Oreški, D. Višnjić, N. Kadoić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia) Discretization of Numerical Meta-Features into Categorical: Analysis of Educational and Business Data Sets 
Meta-learning is the process of learning from previous experience gained during application of learning algorithms on different data. Meta-learning consists of three steps: (i) establishing meta-features, (ii) performing learning, and (iii) prediction. This paper focuses on the first step, meta-features. Meta-features are mix of numerical and categorical variables. We build upon the idea that learning from numerical meta-features is often less effective and less efficient than learning from categorical meta-features. Thus, the objective of this study is to discretize numerical meta-features into categorical values. In the paper, overview of meta-features is given along with a taxonomy of discretization methods and survey of major discretization methods. Then, discretization is performed on 60 datasets selected from two domains of social sciences: educational and business domain. Research results are discussed and contributions for meta-learning process improvement are provided.
D. Antonova, N. Venelinova (University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Ruse, Bulgaria) The Role of Digital Distributed Research Infrastructures for the Accelerated Digital Transformation of the Regions 
The paper presents the experience of University of Ruse (Bulgaria) in strengthening the digital transformation of macroregional level by planning and developing a hybrid type of research infrastructure (RI) which combines the features and the advantages both of the digital and the distributed RIs. It provides a systematic overview of the need for establishment of such kind of RI, focusing mainly on the challenges in accelerating the sustainable development of the regions along the Danube river. The proposed concept of RI clarifies the relationships with other vital components (“nodes”) in the strategic planning of digital distributed RIs. The example summarizes the results achieved from SWOT analysis, needs analysis of the region and on-desk research of RIs types, all prepared for the purpose of properly planning the development of the presented hybrid RI. The last was established by 11 academic institutions and 13 international associate partners acting on the territory of the Danube macro-region. The project for the presented RI is part of the National Research Infrastructure Road Map 2020 -2027. It is the only one with macro-regional impact based on digitalization and scientific achievements. Considering the multidisciplinary and the mutual complementarity between businesses, science, and education as essential for achieving high-quality research, we have recognized it as a stimulus for sustainable development and establishing dynamic and adaptive digital environments.
P. Bogović, D. Aljević, B. Kovačić, S. Martinčić-Ipšić (Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, Rijeka, Croatia) The NLP Powered BI Toolkit: The Case of MESOC 
In this paper, we present a business intelligence (BI) toolkit based on natural language processing (NLP) methods for the arts and culture domain, collected in the Measuring the Social Dimension of Culture (MESOC) project. The main NLP methods in the underlying pipeline are keyword extraction, multi-label classification of texts, and detection of potential social impacts of cultural policies and practices, all trained on texts from open-access academic publications. The MESOC Toolkit is a georeferenced visualization tool for analyzing impact on social value creation in the areas of health and well-being, urban regeneration, and social cohesion, and enables semantic search for content in the MESOC domain. Therefore, the presented research can serve as a prototype for measuring societal value by identifying recurrent pathways of transformational processes in society that reach beyond the selected field of art and culture.
A. Barišić (University North, Varaždin, Croatia), M. Tomić, M. Pejić Bach (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Croatia) Adoption of Human Resource Information Systems: Impact of Industry, Size and Market 
The key to the human resource management progress from a traditional to a strategic function is implementing information technology (IT) solutions, enabling fast, accurate, and effective decision making. The trends are certainly going in that direction; since Human Resources Information System (HRIS) has proven to be one of the widely used tools in organizations at the beginning of this century. This study's objective is to determine the characteristics of the companies according to their usage of HRIS. The following characteristics were investigated: the company's size (measured in the number of employees), size of the market at which the company operates, growth of the market at which the company operates, and company industry. The logistic regression model was developed to investigate to what extent the characteristics mentioned above impact the decision of the company to use HRIS. The results indicate that size, market size, and market growth impact the decision to use HRIS, while there were no differences according to industry types.
A. Skendžić (College for Information Technology VSITE, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Kovačić (Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, Rijeka, Croatia), B. Balon (College for Information Technology VSITE, Zagreb, Croatia) Management and Monitoring Security Events in a Business Organization - SIEM system 
Business organizations are increasingly facing advanced threats, which have been particularly affected by new circumstances such as remote work. In such circumstances, members of IT security need to have appropriate systems that are ready to respond to this new security threats. In order to successfully manage and monitor security events and incidents, it is necessary to establish a Security Operations Center (SOC) or Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system. This paper gives an example of monitoring Security Events by Tier 1 and Tier 2 level support in installed SIEM system in a business organization.
M. Pejić Bach (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Croatia), A. Topalović (AISMA SRL, Milan, Italy), I. Jajić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, ZAGREB, Croatia) Preliminary Analysis of Data Mining Adoption in Italian SMEs Using PLS-SEM Method 
Data mining has become the omnipresent requirement in the business environment of abundant data. At the beginning of data mining development, the one-solution approach was mostly used. In the last 20 years, mostly due to the development of various educational programs and the availability of open-source software, data mining has evolved into a mature-leveled software solution that does not necessarily require high-level expertise since numerous prototype solutions have emerged. SMEs are still lagging behind large companies in data mining implementation, which raises the question of the determinants of data mining adoption. This paper aims to test the preliminary model of data mining adoption using the Technology-Organization-Environment framework. The survey on the sample of Italian SMEs was conducted to test the model, and the collected data were analyzed using the PLS-SEM approach.
D. Ogrizovic, A. Perić Hadžić (Sveučilište u Rijeci, Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), O. Rafajac (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Enhanced Connectivity and Harmonization of Data for the Adriatic Intermodal Network Using Modular Integrated Software 
The realization of a modular integrated software for the management of intermodal transport services in port areas for passenger transport will enhance connectivity and harmonization of data for the Adriatic Intermodal Network in order to improve the efficiency, quality, safety and environmental sustainability of maritime and coastal transport services. Design and development of the services, interfaces and main functions integrated in modular software platform will be presented. The presented research has been supported by the European Regional Development Fund, under the Interreg V IT-HR CBC programme, project ID: 10048282 (E-CHAIN).
A. Perić Hadžić (Pomorski fakultet u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia) Prilog analizi troškova i koristi uvođenja virtualne stvarnosti u visoko obrazovanje 
Razvojem i primjenom informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologija u današnjem digitalnom društvu, pred visoko obrazovanje postavljeni su novi izazovi u modernizaciji nastavnog procesa. Radi podizanja učinkovitosti obrazovanja, nužno je razviti i eksperimentirati s odgovarajućim nastavnim alatima, istražiti njihove koristi i učinkovitosti te ih integrirati u postojeće strategije učenja. U sklopu mjera za provedbu Strategije obrazovanja, znanosti i tehnologije, Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja potiče stjecanje znanja i vještina učenjem kroz rad (eng. Work-based learning) i učenjem kroz iskustvo (eng. Experiential learning, ExL). Upravo uporaba Virtualne stvarnosti (eng. Virtual Reality – dalje u tekstu VR), odnosno prividne simulacije okoline i svih popratnih interaktivnosti uz pomoć računala, u obrazovanju doprinosi iskustvenom učenju, produbljivanju i proširivanju stručnih znanja stečenih drugim oblicima nastave. Testiranje tih znanja u virtualnom okruženju, doprinosi razvoju mekih vještina studenata kao što su: razvoj kreativnosti, sposobnost rješavanja problema, donošenje odluka bez straha od potencijalnih posljedica. U digitalnom okruženju brže se i učinkovitije uči i uz manje rizika, međutim cijena razvoja VR sustava nije zanemariva što je ujedno i najveća prepreka većoj implementaciji VR sustava u obrazovanje. Iz tog razloga, u ovom radu će se napraviti kratka analiza troškova i koristi uvođenja VR sustava u ovisnosti o stupnju vizualizacije, što može poslužiti kao teoretska procjena prilikom uvođenja takvih sustava kao nastavnih alata u visoko obrazovanje.
Basic information:
Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Edvard Tijan (Croatia)
Steering Committee:
Dragan Čišić (Croatia), Alen Jugović (Croatia), Đani Juričić (Slovenia), Anđelko Milardović (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Ana Perić Hadžić (Croatia), Davor Salamon (Croatia), Vjeran Strahonja (Croatia), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), Marijana Vidas-Bubanja (Serbia)
Program Committee:
Saša Aksentijević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Edvard Tijan (Croatia)
Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Up to 9 May 2022
From 10 May 2022
Members of MIPRO and IEEE |
230 |
260 |
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers |
120 |
140 |
Others |
250 |
280 |
The discount doesn't apply to PhD students.
Mladen Mauher
Polytechnic of Zagreb
Vrbik 8
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
GSM: +385 98 279 004
E-mail: mladen.mauher@tvz.hr
Edvard Tijan
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Maritime Studies
Studentska 2
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Phone: +385 51 338 411
E-mail: etijan@pfri.hr
The best papers will get a special award.
Accepted papers will be published in the ISSN registered conference proceedings.
Presented papers in English will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
There is a possibility that the selected scientific papers with some further modification and refinement are being published in the following journals: Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT), MDPI Applied Science, MDPI Information Journal, Frontiers and EAI Endorsed Transaction on Scalable Information Systems.

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