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Technical co-sponsorship

MIPRO 2015 - 38th International Convention

miproBIS - Business Intelligence Systems

Wednesday, 5/27/2015 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Bellavista, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija

Presented papers written in English and published in the Conference proceedings will be submitted for posting to IEEE Xplore.

Event program
Wednesday, 5/27/2015 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Bellavista, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
Invited Paper 
S. Bimonte (Irstea, Aubiere, France)
Spatial OLAP for Agri-Environmental Data and Analysis: Lessons Learned 
Spatial Data warehouses and Spatial OLAP (SOLAP) systems allow analyzing huge volumes of georeferenced datasets. SOLAP has been successfully applied in several domains such as marketing, health, urbanism, etc. Few of SOLAP applications in the agricultural context have been proposed. The analysis of work reveals specific issues related to spatio-multidimensional analysis of agricultural data. Therefore, in this paper, we present our theoretical and implementation framework for agricultural SOLAP applications.
I. Ivančić (King ICT d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia)
Izvještavanje i vizualizacija podataka 
Accepted Papers 
1.R. Miniakhmetov, A. Movchan, M. Zymbler (South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation)
Accelerating Time Series Subsequence Matching on the Intel Xeon Phi Many-core Coprocessor 
The problem of time series subsequence matching occurs in a wide spectrum of subject areas. Currently Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is the best similarity measure but despite various existing speedup techniques, it is still computationally expensive. Due to this reason science community is trying to accelerate DTW calculation by means of parallel hardware. There are implementations of DTW-based subsequence matching on GPU and FPGA but there none for coprocessors based on Intel Many Integrated Core architecture. This paper presents a parallel algorithm for time series subsequence matching based on DTW distance adapted to the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. The experimental results on synthetic and real data are presented and confirm the efficiency of the algorithm.
2.M. Banek, D. Osrečki, M. Vranić, D. Pintar (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Outlier Detection as the Primary Step for Promotion Planning in Retail 
Forecasting the increase of customer demand during promotions is a fundamental business assignment in retail, which can nowadays be performed by sophisticated data mining algorithms. The calculations are based on data gained during previous promotions. Apart from choosing the right mining algorithm, the quality of prediction models strongly depends on the quality of the training data. Outliers are points of data that do not conform to a defined notion of normal behavior and are therefore either excluded from the training set, or their impact on the model is weighted in a manner different from other data. In this paper we focus on two aspects of outlier detection. First, we drill through various granularity levels of data, constructing multiple subspaces, each of them being associated with its own unique outlier set. Second, we provide a comparison of different existing outlier detection algorithms and discuss the possibility of defining the resulting outlier set as a composition of several independently run algorithms.
3.T. Križan, M. Družetić (Poslovna Inteligencija d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia)
Data Warehouse in Era of Big Data Platforms 
One of emerging questions in analytical space is difference between implementations of traditional Data Warehouse systems and those based on Big Data technologies. Also, what about Data Warehouse appliances in era of fast evolving Big Data systems? Within this paper overview will be given of differences and/or similarities between traditional and Big Data option in analytic space, with focus on relevant cases for each of them.
4.I. Mekterović, L. Brkić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Delta View Generation for Incremental Loading of Large Dimensions in a Data Warehouse 
Incremental load is the preferred approach in efficient ETL processes. Fact tables are the ones who benefit most from this approach, since they are large in terms of row count. For the sake of simplicity, dimension tables are often ignored and populated in a full reload manner. However, big dimensions (e.g. Client) can also have a significant impact on the ETL process and should also be considered for the incremental load. Although they have a much smaller cardinality than a typical fact table, it usually takes much more resources to calculate one dimension row than to calculate a fact table row. Such dimension tables are based on a number of source tables, and it is not trivial to determine the changed records that should be considered for the incremental load because a change in any and all of underlying source tables must be considered. In this paper, we present an algorithm for the dimension’s delta view generation. Delta view for a dimension encompasses all its source tables and produces the set of keys (e.g. ClientIds) that should be incrementally processed. We have employed this approach in the real world project and have significantly reduced the loading time of big dimensions.
5.A. Özkök, A. Ercingöz, H. Dönmez, T. Dökeroğlu, V. İşler (SIMSOFT, Ankara, Turkey)
SimBusPro: A Simulation-Based Decision Support Tool used for the Optimization of Business Processes running on the Cloud 
In this study, SimBusPro, a novel business process modelling and optimisation tool that runs on Cloud, is introduced. The tool is developed during a project called SCI-BUS (Scientific Gateway-Based User Support) under the seventh Framework of the European Commission. SimBusPro has a visual editor that uses BPMN 2.0 notation. A wide range of commercial and academic workflow processes can be modelled, simulated and optimised using SimBusPro. The distributed computational architecture of the tool is capable of completing complex simulations in reasonable times. In addition to these features, with the alternative resource planning module, SimBusPro allows optimal resource assignments to be made for the processes that have been modelled.
6.T. Hlupić, F. Jandrijević, J. Kovačev, L. Petricioli, T. Gracin, M. Baranović (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
System for monitoring and advanced analysis of handball matches 
This paper is the result of a research project carried out by three teams of bachelor and master programme students. The research analyses the possibility and usability of connecting different technologies. The project resulted in a system prototype based on a web application with a relational database, mobile application using CouchDB database and data warehouse for business intelligence purposes. The three parts of the system communicate through a web service based on a node.js environment and MongoDB database. The developed system provides real-time reporting that helps decision making during handball matches and, by using online analytical processing and data mining, detailed post-match data analysis. The advanced handball statistics system offers a complete perspective of match dynamics and cumulative player and team efficiency by game segments in the time domain. This way it provides coaches with highly usable data, allowing the analysis and adaptation of training methods, coupled with efficient game dynamics monitoring and the detection of players’ behavioral patterns during matches. Finally, the paper presents the experiences connected to distributed software development, teamwork and organization. Further research will lead to a self-learning system based on machine learning techniques which would detect and show various anomalies, usable in handball team optimization.
7.I. Žarkić, Z. Lipošćak (HEP-Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia), M. Malovrh (Landis+Gyr d.o.o., Sencur, Slovenia)
Planiranje i nabava energije za pokriće gubitaka u distribucijskoj mreži 
Operator distribucijskog sustava za električnu energiju dužan je osigurati električnu energiju za pokriće gubitaka u distribucijskoj mreži. Gubici električne energije u sustavu distribucije električne energije su jednaki razlici energije koja je ušla u distribucijsku mrežu i energije predane kupcima. Pritom se uzimaju u obzir izmjerene vrijednosti energije na ulazu u distribucijski sustav (iz prijenosne mreže, susjednih distribucijskih sustava i elektrana priključenih na distribucijsku mrežu) i izmjerene vrijednosti energije na mjestu priključka kupca. Tako definirani gubici električne energije dijele se na dvije grupe: tehnički gubici i netehnički gubici. Gubici električne energije se uobičajeno izražavaju kao relativna vrijednost u odnosu na energiju koja ulazi u distribucijsku mrežu. Tehnički gubici (gubici u užem smislu) nastaju isključivo u elementima mreže svih naponskih razina , a netehnički gubici nastaju zbog pogrešaka uzrokovanih složenim poslovnim procesom očitanja i obračuna potrošnje električne. Pitanje određivanja razine gubitaka proračunom složeno je zbog velikog broja elemenata mreže i različitih intenziteta struje koje kroz njih protječu te problema nemjerenja svih izlaza u isto vrijeme. Planiranje gubitaka na godišnjoj razini za iduću godinu (G+1) je utvrđivanje 8760 (8784 za prijestupnu godinu) satnih iznosa gubitaka snage odnosno energije. Osnovni je problem kod predviđanja potrošnje električne energije njena stohastička i nestacionarna priroda, kao i činjenica da je uvjetovana velikim brojem faktora, prije svega ponašanjem krajnjih korisnika, hidrometeorološkim uvjetima i ekonomskim uvjetima. Planiranje gubitaka na dnevnoj, tjednoj i mjesečnoj osnovi radi se korištenjem različitih matematičkih modela čiji je rezultat u prvom koraku predviđanje ukupnog opterećenja distribucijskog sustava. Iz predviđenog opterećenja sustava, iznos potrebne energije za pokriće gubitaka u sutrašnjem danu, tjednu ili mjesecu, dobije se koristeći jednu od dvije metode: linearno množenje iznosa predviđenog opterećenja sustava s prosječnim fiksnim udjelom energije gubitaka ili korištenjem polinoma drugog reda. U radu je kratko opisana problematika gubitaka energije u distribucijskoj mreži, matematički modeli kratkoročnog predviđanja ukupne satne potrošnje energije u distribucijskom sustavu, model predviđanja dugoročne (godišnje) satne potrošnje energije u distribucijskom sustavu te izračun energije potrebne za pokriće gubitaka.
8.V. Horvat, K. Bokulić (Multicom d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia)
Automatska monotona kategorizacija numeričkih varijabli 
Rad se bavi područjem kategorizacije (engl. Data Binning ) varijabli za rudarenje podataka (engl. Data mining). U radu je opisano automatsko rješenje pronalaženja granica kategorizacije kontinuiranih numeričkih varijabli s obzirom na ciljnu varijablu. Ciljna varijabla može poprimati dvije vrijednosti. Svakom razredu pridružena je WOE (engl. Weight of Evidence) težina, te je raspodjela težina monotona. Algoritam ima dva moguća rezultata: monotonu kategorizaciju s najvećim mogućim brojem razreda i kategorizaciju s maksimiziranom IV (engl. Information Value) vrijednošću. Rješenje je razvijeno u programskom jeziku R koristeći Rstudio. Sastoji se od R paketa i R skripti, koje je Oracle PL/SQL upitom moguće pozvati na Oracle Data Miner (ODM) alatu.

Basic information:

Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Marko Banek (Croatia)

Program Committee:

Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Marko Banek (Croatia), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Ljiljana Brkić (Croatia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Jamel Feki (Tunisia), Dragan Gamberger (Croatia), Paolo Garza (Italy), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Igor Mekterović (Croatia), Damir Pintar (Croatia), Zoran Skočir (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland)

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Before May 11, 2015
After May 11, 2015
Members of MIPRO and IEEE
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers


Boris Vrdoljak
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Unska 3
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: +385 1 6129 532
Fax: +385 1 6129 915

Opatija - 170 years of tourism:

Opatija – the cradle of European and Croatian tourism, a favourite destination of the aristocracy, film and music stars, artists, writers and visitors from all over the world, who come here every year to enjoy the charm of this Adriatic town – this year celebrates its 170th anniversary as a tourist resort.

This is a tradition that provides certain obligations, but is also a guarantee of quality. The reputation of a top destination that stretches back seventeen decades is today reflected in the wide range of facilities and services on offer that all together make Opatija an attractive destination for all seasons.

Opatija owes its unique image to its ideal location on the spot where the wooded slopes of Mount Učka descend all the way down to the coast, providing perfect shade along the thirteen-kilometre-long Lungomare seafront promenade. Just as the Opatija area is a meeting point of the sea and the mountain, its visual impression is a blend of different styles, as this is a melting pot where magnificent Central European elegance, playful Mediterranean charm and the historically-rich medieval architecture of the small towns in the hinterland come together. 

In addition to the architecture that leaves a strong impression on every visitor, especially when the town is viewed from the sea, and its lush parks and gardens that have been Opatija's trademarks since its beginnings as a tourist resort, Opatija also has hotels and restaurants whose quality ranks alongside that of any other European destination. Opatija's gastronomic offer is based on a Mediterranean cuisine rich in fresh fish and seafood and locally grown seasonal ingredients, while the traditional recipes of this region reveal a wealth of flavours and can be sampled in the area's numerous taverns. 

Opatija entered the European stage in the mid-19th century as a health resort for the European nobility, and health tourism has remained one of the main segments of the town's tourism offer right up to the present day. However, top medical experts and a wide range of spa & wellness services are just one of the reasons for visiting this town located at the top of Kvarner Bay. Also known as "the town of festivals", Opatija boasts a number of events throughout the year. The theatrical performances and concerts that take place at the magnificent Open Air Theatre are particularly impressive.

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