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Round Table on Intelligent Production

Round Table on Intelligent Production is a continuation of already traditional initiative of the CTS Symposia Organizers to talk about actualities having a “Production” as a key-word. This thematic field is addressed by inviting experts to present their projects and achievements in a form of Invited Keynotes. Invited Keynotes are also used to introduce topics and motivate the work of the Round Table which takes part of the timetable of the CTS Symposia, but it is also open for a broader audience. With this we invite all to join us on Thursday May 23rd at 10.30 in “Galija” hall of Remisens Hotel Admiral in Opatija.

The upper initiative began on MIPRO 2017 in cooperation with the Italian company Danieli Automation from Buttrio and the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia. The same team continues to bring selected topics indicating development directions of Manufacturing. The first year the main interest area was the hierarchical classification scheme of Production Systems; an open discussion on usefulness and actuality on this model has been held. The year after we gave some interesting and indicating examples of so-called Level 1, 2 and 3 products. This year we concentrate our attention on “Intelligent Production” by three selected themes: (1) Danieli Automation approach to Intelligent Plant, (2) Automatic Scheduling, and (3) Industry 4.0: Experience of technology transfer from an academic laboratory to manufacturing sites.

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Friday, May 10, 2019

Dew Computing

A book on Dew Computing has been published

Springer has published a new book on Dew Computing as the entry level of the Dew-Fog-Cloud service hierarchy. 

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"MIPRO Gridvision" by Zorislav Šojat

Zorislav Šojat maintains Computer Science oriented pages, where many MIPRO Conference videos, interviews with scientists and other interesting material can be found:

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