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Journals publishing selected
MIPRO papers




Special Issue with papers from DC VIS Conference on MIPRO 2015

SCPE Journal Published a Special Issue with papers from DC VIS Conference on MIPRO 2015.

With great pleasure we can announce that a Special Issue under the title „Distributed Computing with Applications and Bioengineering“ was published in the Journal of Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience. Papers were selected from Distributed Computing, Visualization and Biomedical Engineering (DC VIS) Conference, International Convention MIPRO 2015 and are presenting scientific achievements in the subject area.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Dew Computing

A book on Dew Computing has been published

Springer has published a new book on Dew Computing as the entry level of the Dew-Fog-Cloud service hierarchy. 

MIPRO opening collaboration with:
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"MIPRO Gridvision" by Zorislav Šojat

Zorislav Šojat maintains Computer Science oriented pages, where many MIPRO Conference videos, interviews with scientists and other interesting material can be found:

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