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MIPRO 2020 - 43. međunarodni skup

ICTLAW - Pravo informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija

četvrtak, 1.10.2020 11:00 - 13:00, Collegium, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija

Virtualni događaj

Program događaja
četvrtak, 1.10.2020 11:00 - 13:00,
Collegium, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
11:00-13:00 Radovi 
1.L. Vejmelka, T. Katulić, M. Jurić (University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Lakatoš (URIHO- Foundation for Vocational rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons, Zagreb, Croatia)
Application of the General Data Protection Regulation in Schools: A Qualitative Study with Teachers, Professional Associates and Principals 
Current changes in legislation and the GDPR implementation challenges require specific compliance efforts of educational children institutions. The aim of this qualitative research is to find out the opinion of teachers, professionals and principals on the implementation of the GDPR and issues these institutions face. Data were collected using the focus group method (4 in total) and analyzed with simple content analysis. The results show that teachers and practitioners generally are not familiar with application of the GDPR in school settings, while the experiences of the principals are different. Some of them are fully or partially informed and part of them are not familiar with the application of the GDPR in schools. Most participants did express they need for additional training in this regard The findings of the research contribute to the understanding of experts from schools on the application of the Regulation and the national law and provide insight into their experiences in the implementation of the new framework. The results of the research can contribute to the development of educational content for professionals in educational settings that would facilitate the application of the GDPR precisely in its application to children, a vulnerable group with their specific needs.
2.G. Vojković, M. Milenković (Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, Croatia)
IoT Devices and the Need to Inform Utility Users of Collecting, Controlling and Processing of Personal Data 
The introduction of smart devices into households presents new challenges in terms of privacy and protection of personal data, given the wide set of data they collect. Replacing various meters that measure energy, water or natural gas consumption with smart meters brings many benefits, such as the ability to read data automatically, an approach to managing energy distribution based on real-time energy consumption, although on the other hand presents a new security risk. For example, by introducing a smart meter for electricity or water can be monitored to even obtain an information on how many household members are present in the house or the apartment, and when the household is empty, and what are their life habits. Under the current consumer protection framework in the EU, service providers are under no obligation to notify customers that new consumer connected devices capture a significantly larger set of data about them and pose a potential privacy risk. In this article, we consider the basic dangers to privacy and personal information brought by using IoT devices, and outline proposals to change the legal framework to inform consumers about the capabilities of these utilities to control devices bi-directional communication, coordination and the very need to monitor the data collected.
3.R. Matković (Public Health Institute of Split-Dalmatia County, Split, Croatia), L. Vejmelka (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Zagreb, Croatia), Ž. Ključević (Public health institute of Split-dalmatia county, Split, Croatia)
Use of Security Settings on Social Networks of Elementary and High School Students in the Split-Dalmatia County 
The use of the Internet and modern technologies provide various benefits in daily life and are almost impossible to avoid. Many forms of social behavior have "moved" into the virtual world. In the same time, potential dangers and risks for children and young people and also adults got their online dimension. During the academic year 2016/17 NZJZ SDŽ conducted quantitative study to identify patterns of behavior on the Internet with a particular focus on Internet security, participation in cyberbullying, Internet addiction and parental controls when using the Internet. The study involved elementary school students (N=286) and high schools (N=539) making a representative sample for the Split-Dalmatia County. The online survey questionnaire was applied. The aim of this manuscript is to present a part of the results of the mentioned research with focus on the use of security settings on social networks of children and young people. Almost an equal proportion of primary and secondary school students know how to use additional security settings on social networks (elementary school 85,7% and high school 85%). When asked if they use additional security settings on social networks, high school students use security settings more often than primary school students (primary school 69,2% and high school 74%). Furthermore, 22,4% of elementary school students and 25,6% of high school students have a publicly available profile on social networks. This habit is more commonly reported by boys (boys 28,8% and girls 16,3% in primary schools and boys 36,2% and girls 9,7% in secondary schools). Conclusion: The findings indicate the need to intensify preventive activities through continuous education of parents and students about security settings on social networks.
4.J. Opiła, T. Pełech-Pilichowski (AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland)
Visual Analysis of Similarity and Relationships Between Legal Texts 
Visualization of texts of legal acts, based on an assumption of high level of their informativeness, goes beyond the process of visualization of a text in a given file format. The large dimensionality of databases of legal texts, complex relationships between them (including multi-level and often time dependent references), ambiguity of terms used in various legal acts, specificity of regulations in different countries of EU and a number of other factors make difficult effective and ergonomic visualization of information to a user, including various user groups/profiles (for example, lawyers, judges, entrepreneurs). The article presents the issue of processing legal texts as non-standard texts, difficult to process with the natural language processing (NLP) tools. The aim of such tools is to achieve a high processing efficiency for input data containing texts written in everyday (common) language, mainly English one. Problems of visualization of texts of legal acts as a graphical presentation of the values and relations of attributes in analyzed legal text are discussed. Issues of "attributing" of legal texts are outlined to give a possibility of their further processing aimed at information and knowledge extraction, in particular for the purposes of analyzing a similarity of texts and their visualization.
5.M. Alić (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
Privacy Policy Understandability Analysis of Croatian Electronic Publications 
Information transparency in a field of data and privacy protection is not recent topic. For a long time it was approached from the perspective of software engineering and information system design, in which it was usually categorized as a non-functional requirement in relation to the functionality of the software, considered primarily as a quality issue and "second class” concept. But with enforcement of General Data Protection Regulation it has come in focus of research more prominently as a requirement in engineering privacy compliance. And for privacy instrument to be transparent, not only factor of informativeness, giving necessary information, needs to be adressed, but it's quality is also a prerequisite. Understandability is one of quality factors in achieving transparency. In paper, using readablity formulas, understandability of privacy instruments, privacy policies, of Croatia's most visited electronic publications is put to analysis.

Osnovni podaci:

Tihomir Katulić (Croatia), Hrvoje Lisičar (Croatia)


Dražen Dragičević, predsjednik (Croatia), Nina Gumzej (Croatia), Marko Jurić (Croatia), Tihomir Katulić (Croatia), Hrvoje Lisičar (Croatia), Lucija Vejmelka (Croatia), Goran Vojković (Croatia)

Programski odbor:

Tihomir Katulić (Croatia), Hrvoje Lisičar (Croatia), Marko Jurić (Croatia)

Do 14.9.2020.
Od 15.9.2020.
Članovi MIPRO i IEEE
Studenti (preddiplomski i diplomski studij) te nastavnici osnovnih i srednjih škola

Popust se ne odnosi na studente doktorskog studija.


Tihomir Katulić
Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Trg Republike Hrvatske 14
10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska

Tel.:+385 91 510 3860

Najbolji radovi bit će nagrađeni.
Prihvaćeni radovi bit će objavljeni u zborniku radova s ISSN brojem. Prezentirani radovi na engleskom jeziku bit će poslani za uključenje u digitalnu bazu IEEE Xplore (iznimno će se za objavu uzeti u obzir radovi autora s opravdanim razlogom nemogućnosti prezentiranja rada).
Postoji mogućnost da se odabrani znanstveni radovi uz određenu doradu objave u međunarodnom časopisu Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT).


Mjesto održavanja:

Opatija, sa 170 godina dugom turističkom tradicijom, vodeće je ljetovalište na istočnoj strani Jadrana i jedno od najpoznatijih na Mediteranu. Ovaj grad aristokratske arhitekture i stila već 170 godina privlači svjetski poznate umjetnike, političare, kraljeve, znanstvenike, sportaše, ali i poslovne ljude, bankare, menadžere i sve kojima Opatija nudi svoje brojne sadržaje. 

Opatija svojim gostima nudi brojne komforne hotele, odlične restorane, zabavne sadržaje, umjetničke festivale, vrhunske koncerte ozbiljne i zabavne glazbe, uređene plaže i brojne bazene i sve što je potrebno za ugodan boravak gostiju različitih afiniteta. 

U novije doba Opatija je jedan od najpoznatijih kongresnih gradova na Mediteranu, posebno prepoznatljiva po međunarodnim ICT skupovima MIPRO koji se u njoj održavaju od 1979. godine i koji redovito okupljaju preko tisuću sudionika iz četrdesetak zemalja. Ovi skupovi Opatiju promoviraju u nezaobilazan tehnološki, poslovni, obrazovni i znanstveni centar jugoistočne Europe i Europske unije općenito.

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