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Presented papers written in English and published in the Conference proceedings will be submitted for posting to IEEE Xplore.

Event program
Tuesday, 5/26/2015 3:00 PM - 7:30 PM,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 3:15 PMOpening
Chair: Branko Mikac 
3:15 PM - 4:30 PMTelecom Market and Regulations
Chair: Branko Mikac 
1.N. Banović-Čurguz , D. Ilišević (Telekomunikacije RS a.d., Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Effective Strategies for Implementation of Customer Experience Management in MSPs in Bosnia and Herzegovina  
One of global trends and key areas of interest for mobile service providers (MSPs) today is introduction of Customer Experience Management (CEM). MSPs that build high-performing networks, recognize and predict user’s needs, provide real-time information and offer more innovative services will secure their market position. In this paper, we have presented short overview of three different approaches for CEM implementation in telecom area. We have analyzed current state in performance/customer management segment for mobile service providers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of giving the most important CEM recommendations.
2.S. Hadžović, D. Serval, S. Kovačević (Communications Regulatory Agency BH , Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Regulatory Aspects of Child Online Protection 
Every day, children around the world are exposed to many online dangers. In this paper we try to give an overview and comparison of current EU and BiH regulatory measures and self-regulatory activities regarding the protection of children against child pornography and other forms of sexual abuse and exploitation through information and communication technologies. Communications Regulatory Agency of BiH like regulators in EU does not have jurisdiction to regulate Internet content, but it has responsibility for protecting the interests of end users of telecommunications i.e. children as the most vulnerable groups of end users too. Additionally, Communications Regulatory Agency of BiH has been involved in drafting state level action plans in order to improve the system for combating child pornography and other forms of sexual exploitation and abuse through Information and Communication Technologies in BiH. In the view of recently adopted regulations and the latest action plan, it is expected significantly improving the level of protection of children on the Internet in BiH in the future.
3.M. Ptiček (Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia), V. Čačković (Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Pavelić, M. Kušek, G. Ježić ( Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Architecture and Functionality in M2M Standards 
Over the last few years OneM2M global initiative has been working on creation of global specification and standards for M2M. In order to facilitate the development of future M2M applications, which will be consolidated with this M2M standard, this paper compares OneM2M standard with ETSI M2M standard, which was defined by European Telecommunications Standards Institute, and presents ETSI M2M and OneM2M latest specification versions in the scope of architecture model and the functionality of the M2M platforms.
4.A. Džebo, A. Krivošić (Regulatorna agencija za komunikacije , Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Metodologija procjene kapaciteta RF spektra za potrebe implementacije mobilnih servisa u periodu do 2020. godine sa primjenom u BiH 
Zahtjevi za brzi prenos velike količine podataka podrazumijevaju i povećanu potrebu za dodatnim resursima RF spektra uzimajući u obzir trendove korištenja različitih mreža, upotrebu superiornijih modulacionih postupaka, nove tehnologije, digitalnu agendu kao inicijativu u sklopu strategije razvoja Europa 2020 te niz drugih faktora. Za procjenu zahtjeva za frekvencijama, novi modeli moraju biti razvijeni i procijenjeni na način da omoguće prostornu i vremensku korelaciju između telekomunikacijskih usluga imajući u vidu uslove na tržištu i scenarije mrežne implementacije. U radu je prezentirana modifikovana verzija metodologije procjene kapaciteta spektra definirana ITU preporukama, prilagođena uslovima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Cilj je pokazati realne potrebe za RF resursima upotrebom parametara i pokazatelja rasta i razvoja mobilnih mreža koji korespondiraju sa realnim i konkretnim parametrima koji egzistiraju na tržištu telekomunikacija. Proračun potrebnog spektra za mobilne komunikacije bazira se na principima definiranja servisa, tržišnog kretanja i očekivanja te tehničkog i operativnog okvira za proračun. Pored toga rad pokušava dati odgovor na problematiku budućih koraka replaniranja RF opsega koji su nužni za razvoj mobilnih komunikacija usklađenog sa prililkama i potrebama u BiH imajući u vidu predložene modele procjene kapaciteta RF spektra za implementaciju mobilnih servisa u narednih pet godina.
5.D. Markulin, K. Musa (HT d.d., Zagreb, Croatia)
Uloga kvalitetnog dizajna poslovnih procesa u složenom okruženju telekomunikacijskog tržišta 
Razvoj poslovnih procesa potrebnih za realizaciju i aktivaciju korisničkih usluga jedan je od osnovnih preduvjeta za uspješno korištenje usluga na području javne telekomunikacijske mreže. Kako se radi o velikom broju različitih i složenih poslovnih procesa vrlo je važna njihova precizna specifikacija i dokumentacija. Pri tome je vrlo bitno odabrati način i format prezentacije poslovnih procesa koji se uspješno može koristiti ne samo u specificiranju potrebnih promjena u sustavima za podršku potrebnim za upravljanje telekomunikacijskom mrežom, već i u svrhu dokumentiranja poslovnih procesa na način da se dokumentacija može koristiti u različite svrhe kao što je analiza poslovnih procesa, razumijevanje poslovnih procesa od strane različitih sudionika kao što su IT stručnjaci, eksperti iz poslovne domene, … Vrlo je bitno da se dokumentacija može koristiti i u svrhu razvoja nove arhitekture sustava za podršku kao što je NGOSS (Next Generation Service and System Management). U radu je prezentiran jedan od načina specificiranja i dokumentiranja poslovnih procesa za realizaciju telekomunikacijskih usluga koji omogućava primjenu specifikacija u različite svrhe.
4:30 PM - 4:45 PMBreak  
4:45 PM - 5:45 PMServices
Chair: Dragan Jevtić 
1.I. Pavković (Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria), I. Štajduhar (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia)
Semantic Approach to Accommodation & Booking Related Web Services 
There are several types of information that tourists most often search for when planning a trip. Commonly, these are information about the location, travel, accommodation and nearby attractions. Almost all the knowledge that an average tourist needs already exists, but the current knowledge is highly decoupled and its aggregation is time consuming. Another problem with tourism-related Web services is that they do not correlate with each other. The information they share is often represented differently, is not connected and is sometimes even in contradiction. In this paper, we provide an overview of the differences in data representation between most popular Web tourist services, and introduce the A&B ontology that covers their data representation and enables the service discovery. Additionally, we propose a framework that is connected to the aforementioned Web services, translates the data to the A&B ontology, links the data and provides a single endpoint for multiple Web services.
2.D. Bilajbegovic (Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia)
Voice over Wi-Fi 
WiFi calling is a new service introduced by mobile operators just three months ago. WiFi calling enables establishing “ordinary”, Circuit Switch like, calls via WiFi network. Unlike Over The Top Voice over IP calls which establish calls via any type of IP network, WiFi calling enables seamless integration to existing telecommunication core offering same look and feel as well as same security level but without any intervention made by customer. This paper will describe WiFi Calling integration to operator’s core network, show reusing of the existing security solutions and influence of this feature on the Mobile operator behavior. As this feature is new and very interesting so it is going to be very interesting to see how operators are going to adopt this feature as well as what technology changes it will push.
3.G. Nermin (BH TELECOM d.d. SARAJEVO, TRAVNIK, Bosnia and Herzegovina), M. Hadžialić (University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
An Example of Real Time QoE IPTV Service Estimator  
This paper will consider an estimator which includes mathematical modelling of physical channel parameters as information carrier and the weakest links in the telecommunication chain of information transfer. It will also identify necessary physical layer parameters which influence the quality of multimedia service delivery or QoE. With the modelling of the above mentioned parameters it will define the relation between degradations that appear in the channel between the user and the central telecommunication equipment with domination of one media used for information transfer with certain error probability. Degradations in a physical channel can be noticed by observing the change in values of channel transfer function or the appearance of increased noise. Estimation of QoE IPTV Service is especially noticeable during delivery of real time service. In that case the mentioned degradations may appear in any moment and cause a packet loss.
4.M. Dujak, Z. Civadelić, K. Vidović (Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Zagreb, Croatia), P. Miletić (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Primjena mobilnih komunikacijskih tehnologija sa svrhom unapređenja usluga javnog prijevoza 
Transportna infrastruktura je važan segment u sektoru transporta i po svom značaju predstavlja glavnu podlogu za održivi razvoj zemlje, pa kreiranje ekonomske politike neizostavno podrazumijeva kreiranje i razvoj transportne politike, odnosno razvoja infrastrukture. Poseban značaj pridjeljuje se kvalitetnijem usmjeravanju prometnih tokova, smanjenju broja prometnih nesreća i bržoj reakciji kada se one ipak dogode te kreiranju novih usluga primjenom informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologija. Integracija tehnologija iz područja mobilnih telefonskih mreža (GSM, 3G, HSDPA) s prometnom tehnikom omogućuje povećanu kvalitetu prometnih usluga i širi spektar njihovih funkcionalnosti. To je naročito primjetno u području informiranja putnika, pružanja turističkih usluga, akcija u slučaju prometnih nesreća te novih usluga iz područja inteligentne logistike te naplate prometnih usluga javnog gradskog prijevoza. Potreba za sve većom pokretljivošću u suvremenim urbanim sredinama, kao i funkcioniranje gradskog prometa u sve složenijim uvjetima rezultirala je potrebom za uvođenjem naprednih prometnih usluga baziranih na informacijsko komunikacijskim tehnologijama i M2M komunikaciji. Među značajnije M2M aplikacije u prometnom kontekstu se ubrajaju domene umreženih vozila i unapređenje usluga javnog gradskog prijevoza. U radu je opisana usluga spajanja vozila javnog gradskog prometa na širokopojasnu mrežu u svrhu naplate usluge javnog gradskog prijevoza u urbanim sredinama. Osnovna ideja uvođenja navedene usluge je uvesti dodatni kanal prodaje karata korištenjem mobilnih uređaja te na njima pripadajućih naprednih tehnologija za NFC i QR generatora.
5:45 PM - 6:00 PMBreak 
6:00 PM - 7:30 PMSimulations and Measurements
Chair: Tihana Galinac Grbac 
1.E. Ivanova, T. Iliev, G. Mihaylov, I. Stoyanov (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria), F. Tsvetanov (South West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria), E. Otsetova, D. Radev (College of Telecommunications and Post , Sofia, Bulgaria)
Computer Modeling and Simulation of Teletraffic Models for 5G Networks 
Mobile networks constantly evolve. In the 1980s, when wireless technology began to go mainstream, the 1G analog networks supported the bulky, brick-like mobile phones from that era. The 90s saw the introduction of 2G digital networks, when Code Division Multiple Access moved mobile phones beyond voice transmission into data and text messaging. Around 2001, third generation devices appeared, first in Japan, offering the high-speed data transfer and Internet connection used in the earliest smartphones. The first 4G LTE and WiMAX networks appeared in 2011. Given the natural decade-long development cycle, fifth generation (5G) networks are due around 2020. New simulations opportunities represent a good opportunity to reduce the digital divide and to ensure the new 5G networks. Many universities and researchers are currently involved in simulation modeling to provide better results. This paper presents an analysis and development of the teletraffic models used in three of the Bulgarian universities: University of Ruse, College of Telecommunications and Post in Sofia and Southwest University of Blagoevgrad. The implementation of simulation program is made with .NET. The teletraffic models are GE/GE/1/N and GE/GE/2/N, because the geometrical distribution (GE) is versatile, possessing a pseudo-memoryless property which makes the solution of many GE-type queuing systems and networks analytically tractable. The new communication systems are interested in the modeling and performance evaluation of single communication links, but in the modeling of more devices in the whole network. Typically, the performance of the whole network containing many links working in parallel and interfering with each other is of primary interest, therefore we use one and two service devices for teletraffic simulation. This type of simulation allows the modeling of resource management issues, admission of system users with different priority, interaction and network loading by several types of traffic sources, etc. The aim of such modeling is network capacity evaluation and probabilities of failure.
2.L. Iliev, I. Stoyanov, T. Iliev, E. Ivanova (University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria)
Investigation of Electromagnetic Compatibility of High Frequency Polymer-Welding Machines 
High frequency (HF) welding is the joining of material by supplying HF energy in the form of an electromagnetic field (27.12 MHz) and pressure to the material surfaces to be joined. A generator produces the energy. The tool used to supply the energy is called an electrode. The electrical energy causes the molecules within the material to start moving, which generates heat that causes the material to soften and thereby fuse together. No outside heat is applied. It is instead generated within the material. After cooling the welded surface under maintained pressure, the material is fused and a weld has been created. The weld seam can be at least as strong as the surrounding material – or even stronger. Four important factors that affect the final weld result are pressure, welding effect, welding time and cooling time. These parameters can be adjusted and combined in different ways to achieve the optimal welding result for a specific material. The material most commonly used with HF welding is PVC (polyvinyl chloride), sometimes called vinyl and PU (Polyurethane). The material can be thick or thin, reinforced or coated. It can also be plain, colored or patterned. EMC point of view High frequency (HF) welding generates significant amount of disturbances because of the high energy high frequency pulses. Effective measures have to be taken in order to lower the disturbances, because they might be harmful for other devices and humans in the surroundings. The subject of investigation is two high frequency polymer-welding machines Thor E200 and Thor S200. We made measurements of theirs EMC in a range from 25MHz to 1 GHz. They are made with the help of the professional spectrum analyzer HM6050-2, the computer and the logo periodic antenna. The values of the measurements for the radiated distortions are detected by the help of antenna and the specialized software AS100E.
3.N. Ilievska (Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia), D. Gligoroski (Department of Telematics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
Simulation of a Quasigroup Error-Detecting Linear Code 
We analyze an error-detecting code with a fixed length redundancy, based on quasigroups. We obtain experimental results for the probability of undetected errors when quasigroups of different order are used for coding and conclude how the probability of undetected errors depends on the order of the quasigroup used for coding and the parameter of the code.
4.H. Kalinić, D. Jelavić, D. Ivanković, J. Bašić, S. Muslim, S. Marasović, V. Dadić (Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Croatia)
An integrated remotely controlled oceanographic measuring station 
In this paper describes an oceanographic measuring station as a part of automated system for oceanographic measurement with remote control and data visualization. Oceanographic measuring station consists of operator's computer and a number of different measuring devices that produce data continuously. Each device has its own software interface that allows user interaction with the data. Such interface suffice when operator work with only few measuring devices and when the type (manufacturer) of a measuring device is not frequently changing, but it becomes cumbersome as more and more various devices became available for oceanographic data acquisition. In our setup the operator's computer is replaced by embedded computer dedicated to serve as a middle layer between sensor and database server with whom the operator communicates. The embedded Linux box run a set of daemons which acquire and archive data and transfer it to database, and a daemon that supervise the device and the entire process. A part of the acquired data is publicly available through visualization on Institute's website ( The dynamic visualization of the data is done in javascript.
5.D. Ilišević, N. Banović-Ćurguz (Telekomunikacije RS a.d., Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Role of performance measurements in process of migration to IP mobile backhaul in 3G networks  
New 3G and LTE (Long term Evolution) mobile network has again made mobile backhaul a key area, especially regarding current network, and considering LTE growing traffic requirements. Network planning is undergoing major changes in terms of the technologies and methodologies. Smooth evolution to LTE networks will enable transformation from circuit-switched (CS) to all-IP architecture and ultimately to network function virtualization (NFV) to facilitate ICT transformation.Proccess of standard telco metrics were initialy designed to measure part of network and with new customer oriented approach misses the point. KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a new standard to provide service oriented approach in performance measurments This paper presents use of performance measurements to improve quality in process of migration to IP mobile backhaul in 3G networks (LTE license is not available in B&H).
6.H. Lučkin, E. Lučkin (BH Telecom d.d. Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), M. Škrbić (University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Comparative Analysis of GSM Coverage Prediction with Measurement Results for Urban Areas Using Statistical Nonparametric Mapping 
Planning, building and optimization process of radio access networks is a complex dynamical activity, which requires a lot of planning effort and time. The final goal is to build a radio network, which consists of minimum infrastructural components, and offers the best coverage and service quality. In order to consider all the possibilities of GSM signal coverage during planning time, and before the installation of equipment on certain location, it is very important to do software simulation of the GSM signal coverage of the observed area. Consequently, it is important to use an optimal predictive model which, using the appropriate digital maps, will offer the most realistic picture of the future radio access network. Taking this into account, subsequent optimization process and re-analysis would be reduced to a minimum. In this paper, comparative analysis of the software prediction GSM coverage area signal with the results obtained by measurements after the implementation of planned radio infrastructure at the proposed base station, will be presented. In order to assess the credibility of the software predicted GSM signal coverage area, measurements of GSM signal in urban area were performed. Final results were verified using statistical nonparametric chi square test. Further, the software prediction relation in regard to the measurement signal after the implementation of system is defined, and potential causes are treated.
Wednesday, 5/27/2015 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 4:45 PMInvited Presentations
Chair: Mario Weber 
3:00 PM - 3:45 PMTransmitters and Communications Company 
D. Bratković
DMR - nova mreža za kritične komunikacije 

D. Bartolin
HbbTV - interaktivnost u zemaljskoj digitalnoj televiziji  
3:45 PM - 4:00 PMBreak 
4:00 PM - 4:45 PMVIPnet 
D. Ban Švastović, I. Cvitković
Vip Multiscreen Experience 
4:45 PM - 5:00 PMBreak 
5:00 PM - 6:15 PMSoftware Engineering & Data Management
Chair: Renato Filjar 
1.T. Galinac Grbac (Tehnički fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), C. Caba, J. Soler (DTU Fotonik, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Software Defined Networking Demands on Software Technologies 
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is networking approach based on centralized control plane structure with standard application programming interfaces. It enables fast configuring and reconfiguring network to accommodate better resource utilization and service performances. Although this new approach provides much flexible network adaptation to user needs, and dynamic application adaptation, it requires systemized solutions implemented in network software that aims to provide required service performance levels and secure network service. In this paper we observe a new networking approach from architectural point of view and identify and discuss some critical to quality issues. These issues we discuss along with several use case scenarios. Our view is based on strong integration of network and software technologies and therefore we establish the main focus of the paper on SDN network demands on software technologies.
2.G. Mauša, T. Galinac Grbac (Tehnički fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), B. Dalbelo Bašić (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Data Collection for Software Defect Prediction – an Exploratory Case Study of Open Source Software Projects 
Context: Software Defect Prediction (SDP) empirical studies are highly biased with the quality of data and widely suffer from limited generalizations. The main reasons are the lack of data and its systematic data collection procedures. Objective: Our research aims at producing the first systematically defined data collection procedure for SDP datasets that are obtained by linking the data from separate open source development. This paper is the first step to achieving that objective, performing an exploratory study. Method: We review the existing literature on approaches and tools used in the collection of SDP datasets, derive a detailed collection procedure, test it in this exploratory study, discuss its limitations and identify improvement potentials. Results: We review 35 software product metrics collection tools and find the most appropriate ones for automatic data collection. We also discover several issues that are critical to bias caused by data collection procedure. The most critical are many-to-many relation between bug-file links, duplicated bug-file links and the issue of untraceable bugs. Conclusions: Our research provides more detailed, experience based data collection procedure, crucial for further development of software defect prediction body of knowledge, with a critique towards manual collection.
3.M. Galac (Combis d.o.o. , Zagreb, Croatia), D. Valenčić (Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia)
Trendovi u izgradnji podatkovnih centara u Hrvatskoj 
Izgradnja standardnih podatkovnih centra (engl. Data Center), gdje smatramo podatkovne centre u fiksnim objektima postala je na nekim način standard današnjeg vremena. U posljednjih nekoliko godina pojavljuje se trend izgradnje mobilnih ili modularnih podatkovnih centara. To su podatkovni centri (najčešće u kontejnerskoj izvedbi) gdje korisnik u jednoj „kutiji“ dobije kompletan podatkovni centar s ugrađenim svim potrebnim sustavima. Upravo iz razloga što je podatkovni centar malih dimenzija, vrijeme planiranja i izgradnje je svedeno na minimum te postoji mogućnost preseljenja na novu lokaciju kroz period eksploatacije. Uz sve ove prednosti, ovaj tip podatkovnih centara u potpunosti teži smjeru „zelene“ tehnološke infrastrukture. U ovom članku su prikazani trendovi u izgradnji podatkovnih centara, s osvrtom na trenutno stanje u Hrvatskoj.
4.D. Spahić, G. Mauša (Tehnički fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Kraljević Pavelić (Odjel za biotehnologiju, Rijeka, Croatia), T. Galinac Grbac (Tehnički fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia)
Data Storage and Analysis System for Conducting Biotechnological Experiments 
Biomedical research, such as the analysis of antiproliferative properties of certain compounds that can be used for targeting various human cancer cells, often requires a great number of experiments to obtain conclusive evidence. The research is typically very rigorous in comparing different concentrations of many compounds on a number of target cells in vitro. Therefore, the experiments yield a great amount of data that needs to be properly documented, classified, stored and analyzed. This paper presents the Data Storage and Analysis System designed to make that process simpler, faster and less prone to human errors. The importance of such research and its implications lead to high sensitivity to bias. Our system minimizes the chance for human error in the process of data transfer by making the process as automatic as possible and allowing the posterior validation of data by the lead researchers. The analysis most often requires both numerical calculations, such as the IC50 value, and the graphical visualization of compounds’ performances. The system offers the researchers a simple interface for simultaneous comparison of the results by choosing the appropriate combination of the compound, the target cells and the date of the past experiments.
6:15 PM - 7:00 PMCloud Systems
Chair: Kristijan Lenac 
1.M. Maras (Combis d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia), T. Kosanović (Hrvatski telekom d.d., Zagreb, Croatia)
Automatizacija postavki mreže u Cloud sustavima preko samouslužnih portala  
Korištenje javnih usluga u oblaku (eng. „Cloud“ ) od masovnih pružatelja usluga za smještaj poslovnih podataka i sustava je još uvijek prilično kontraverzna tema. Od raznih neutemeljenih strahova što se tiče sigurnosti pa do nedostatka povjerenja u same pružatelje usluga, njihovu brzinu promjena na sustavima, fleksibilnost i na kraju samu cijenu. Usluge u oblaku su vrlo ovisne o mrežnim elementima u rješenju te se obično sastoje od virtualiziranih “otoka” u klasičnom mrežnom okruženju. Iako SDN (eng. Software Defined Network) još nije došao u pravom smislu u okruženja u oblacima, te ne postoji javno dostupna industrijska standardizacija, trenutno dostupne tehnologije omogućavaju dizajn i izgradnju dovoljno pouzdanih, fleksibilnih, a opet robusnih sustava za automatizaciju i mreže i korisničku kontrolu mrežnih postavki.
2.D. Hodanić, N. Vrkić, M. Tomić (Tehnički fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Data storage and synchronization in private cloud 
Usage of cloud systems for data storage has many advantages over the traditional approaches. It is already widely used and its popularity is still fast-growing. The systems must be implemented and maintained in a way that not only satisfies the performance and resource availability requirements, but also fully addresses the questions of security, privacy and data ownership. However, concerns related to those questions very often lead to considerations of private cloud implementation. In this paper, we explore private cloud implementations suitable for small to medium businesses. We introduce main types of cloud computing as basic service models and analyze private cloud systems features. Advantages and disadvantages in comparison to public cloud services are considered. Implementation of private cloud solutions in a lab environment allowed us to examine the ease of the setup and maintenance as well as usability of the chosen solutions and their applicability for the target user group.
3.T. Pavić, I. Vrbovčan, M. Šoša Anić (Hrvatski telekom d.d., Zagreb, Croatia)
Testing in the Private Cloud 
Due to a requirement for increasing the development speed of new telecom services and enhancing functionalities of existing ones, telecom providers are trying shorten and automate creation of testing environments. Using cloud infrastructure installed on its own premises for that purpose opens myriad of new possibilities and gives an opportunity to improve traditional development process. In this paper we will provide an overview of our approach for creating testing environments in the private cloud using open source solutions that works on top of the OpenStack cloud infrastructure. The overview will include description of the approach related to the existing development process, high level architecture and requirements for successful implementation of the presented approach.
Thursday, 5/28/2015 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
9:00 AM - 11:00 AMNetworks & Networks Performance
Chair: Stjepan Golubić 
1.Ž. Božinović, N. Hadžiahmetović (BH Telecom, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
The Methodology for the Optimal Choice of Access Technologies 
2.A. Khalifeh, A. Abbad (German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan), K. Darabkeh (The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan)
An Open Source TCP/UDP-Based Network Probing Tool for Real-Time Packet Loss Estimation 
This paper demonstrates the design, implementation and the verification of a new open source tool for estimating end-to-end packet loss between a source and a destination node over the lossy Internet. Different from the most of the proposed tools in the literature that uses either TCP or UDP, and may require long time to accurately predict the packet loss rate, the proposed tool utilizes both features of the TCP and UDP, thus making it able for accurately predicting the packet loss of a communication link within a short probing time, which makes it appropriate for real-time multimedia applications. Our performance evaluation shows the effectiveness of the proposed tool even in relatively short probing time.
3.I. Krevatin, Ž. Presečki, M. Gudelj (Hrvatski Telekom, Zagreb, Croatia)
Improvements in failure detection for emergency service centers in IMS network 
Migration of customers from PSTN to IMS network brings challenges in replacing the existing services with equal services on the IMS network. Emergency service centers are special types of customers that require high availability of the service and fast responses to potential failures. Differences in technology require different approaches for handling same requirements. This paper describes the method for detection of failures on emergency service centers on IMS network that we have implemented in our network. The method is based on billing events for the detection of alternative call routing cases in the situations of unavailability. In the paper we describe the motivation for such approach and analyze the results and types of failures we encountered. In addition, the paper provides wider aspects of the implementation of the emergency service centers in IMS network.
4.A. Magableh, M. Al-Mistarihi, R. Mohaisen (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan), A. Sharaqa (WorleyParsons, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia)
BER Analysis in Relay-Based DF Cooperative Diversity Systems with Relay & Destination Interferers 
Incremental relaying has been recently introduced to overcome the problem with the restricted resources utilization associated with fixed relaying schemes in a pre-determined manner. Only when the direct path is not usable, the incremental relaying exploits the feedback from the destination to inform the relay about the necessity to send the source signal. In this paper, the performance analysis in terms of the bit error rate (BER) of the decode-and-forward (DF) incremental relaying over mixed fading channels is provided. The effects of the Co-channel interference near the destination and the relay caused respectively by the multiple L and N interferers are presented. Numerical results are provided to prove the solidity of our assumptions and compare the results of the system with and without the effects of the interference at the relay.
5.R. Mohaisen, M. Al-Mistarihi, A. Magableh (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan), A. Sharaqa (WorleyParsons, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia)
Outage Probability Analysis in Relay-Based DF Cooperative Diversity Systems with Relay & Destination Interferers 
Incremental relaying was firstly introduced in order to accommodate for the restriction associated with the fixed relaying schemes by using the intermediate relays only when they are needed by using a feedback from the destination to determine whether or not to use the relay which depends mainly on the usability of the direct path between the source and the relay. When the relay receives this negative feedback from the destination then it will send the signal to the destination within the second time slot which by then will be combined with the source signal using MRC, and by this, the system resources will be utilized efficiently. This paper provide the performance analysis of a decode-and-forward incremental relaying cooperative relaying over mixed fading channels with the presence of multiple interferers L and N near the destination and the relay respectively, which in turn will degrade the overall system performance and also compares the system performance with and without the presence of the interferers near the relay. Numerical results are provided to validate our assumptions.
6.M. Al-Mistarihi, A. Magableh, M. Al-Khasawneh (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan)
Closed Form Expression of Outage Probability in DCSK Cooperative Communication Systems over Nakagami-m Fading Channels 
In this paper, two user Cooperation systems based on differential chaos shift keying (DCSK) with orthogonal sub-channel in the broadcast phase and cooperative phase using Walsh code sequence is proposed. Single relay of decode and forward (DF) type is investigated according to the conventional cooperation protocol. Outage probability is derived and verified by simulation. Independent three paths Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading channels are considered. Numerical results show an enhancement of the system performance for the Nakagami-m fading channel over the Rayleigh fading channel. Monte Carlo simulation shows a high agreement with the numerical results.
7.M. Shurman, M. Al-Mistarihi, M. Alhulayil (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan)
Outage Probability of Dual-Hop Amplify-and-Forward Cognitive Relay Networks Under Interference Power Constraints Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels 
In this paper, the performance of the outage probability (OP) for cognitive dual-hop relay networks with amplify-and-forward (AF) relay under spectrum sharing constraints on primary user (PU) over independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Nakagami-m fading channels is investigated. An exact closed-form expression for the OP of the proposed system is derived under the peak interference power (I_(p )) at the primary user. The impact of the PU location on the OP performance is studied also.
8.M. Alhulayil, M. Al-Mistarihi, M. Shurman (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan)
Outage Probability of Amplify-and-Forward Underlay Cognitive Relay Networks with Selection Diversity over Nakagami-m Fading Channels 
In this paper, the outage performance is investigated for cognitive dual-hop relay networks with amplify-and-forward (AF) relay and selection combining (SC) receiver at the destination under spectrum sharing constraints on primary user (PU) over independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Nakagami-m fading channels. We derive an exact closed-form expression for the outage probability (OP) of the considered system under the peak interference power I_(p )at the primary user, and the impact of the PU location on the OP performance is studied also. Moreover; the effects fading severity for the two hops on the OP is investigated also for this cognitive relay network (CRN).
11:00 AM - 11:15 AMBreak 
11:15 AM - 12:30 PMEnvironmental Protection
Chair: Dina Šimunić 
1.G. Dimić, J. Seljan, D. Šimunić (FER, Zagreb, Croatia)
Simulation of energy efficient telecommunication network 
Energy efficiency in these days is as it should be, a part of every scientific research, especially in electronic communications in which it holds a notably significant role. When it comes to electronic communications what matters is that the network is efficient not only for environmental reasons but for economical as well. In telecommunication network controlling of every aspects of the network is crucial because with inadequate controlling we could easily end up with energy’s over usage. Within this paper there will be a simulation of basic energy network components. It will be a part of the project named Information and communication technology for generic and energy efficient communication results used in e-/m health department (ICTGEN) The sole growth of the ICT technology importance in everyday life such as the one of communication devices surrounding us, has lead us to bigger impact in using ICT equipment globally. Telecommunication network mentioned here will use new algorithms to send out data with sole purpose of optimizing energy usage, and within this paper we shall try to develop an algorithm that will affect telecommunication network.
2.V. Mujan, S. Aleksić (Vienna University of Technology, Wien, Austria)
Environmental Sustainability of Information and Communication Technologies for Advanced Metering and Home Area Networks 
The challenges imposed on the current, largely outdated, electric power grid have led to the need of an improved and smarter electric power grid, i.e., the smart grid. The smart grid promise a reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, introduction of huge amounts of renewable energy sources, and improvement of methods associated with current electric power production, delivery and consumption. The overall smart grid can be divided into seven domains according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) smart grid conceptual reference model, namely into: 1. bulk power generation, 2. transmission, 3. distribution, 4. customer, 5. operations, 6. markets, and 7. service provider. The customer and distribution domains of the smart grid are those that are expected to be equipped with a multitude of additional information and communication technology (ICT) equipment, e.g., smart meters, communication infrastructure, and data concentrators. ICT equipment is required for a correct execution of various smart grid applications, making the customer and the distribution domain more pronounced than the others. Additionally, user devices (UDs) like smartphones, tablets, notebooks and home energy management systems (HEMSs) are seen as important components of the customer domain. These devices provide users with real-time information on their actual electricity consumption, and are essential for various management and control applications. Based on these assumptions, the main focus of this research is on the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and home area network (HAN) applications for smart grids. AMI includes the entire network infrastructure as well as ICT equipment between customer smart meters and the data and control center (DCC) meter data management system (MDMS). Some examples of the AMI equipment are smart meters, data modems, data concentrators, base stations, switches and routers. The HAN defines the network required to link various consumer appliances and systems with each other, in order to achieve efficient management and control functions. In this paper, we apply a holistic modeling method to assess the environmental sustainability of AMI and HAN applications. While many studies analyze only the energy consumption of ICT equipment during its use (i.e., operational energy consumption), other life cycle stages are not considered, such as raw material extraction and processing, manufacturing and assembly, recycling, as well as the transportation of materials and components. To obtain a more meaningful environmental sustainability analysis of ICT equipment, the evaluation of these other life cycle stages has to be included in the assessment as well. Exergy-based life cycle assessment (E-LCA) provides means for such an analysis, and takes the entire lifetime of ICT equipment into consideration, i.e., from cradle to grave. It represents a sound approach for the environmental sustainability analysis of ICT equipment, based on its life cycle exergy consumption. The obtained total exergy consumption of a component or a system serves as a measure for the attained environmental sustainability. The main benefit of an exergy analysis in comparison to an energy analysis is the fact that different forms of energy can be directly compared with each other, which is related to its utilization of the second law of thermodynamics, not considered in an energy analysis. Moreover, the deployment of an E-LCA for the environmental sustainability analysis of ICT equipment does not take much time as a LCA, and leads to meaningful and unambiguous results. The E-LCA is therefore used here as the environmental sustainability indicator of choice for the assessment and evaluation of ICT equipment required for a proper operation of the AMI and HAN applications. The assessment based on the E-LCA framework confirms the assumption that the customer and distribution domain are indeed the most exergy consuming ones (considering the AMI and HAN smart grid applications), i.e., those domains are closely linked to environmental sustainability issues.
3.D. Šuka (Elektrotehnički fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), M. Simić, P. Pejović (Elektrotehnički fakultet Beograd, Beograd, Serbia)
Aspects of remote monitoring and recording system of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation 
The paper discusses the possibilities and aspects of continuous, remote monitoring system of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation using certain networks for measuring and storage of measurement results. First are stated the motives for the usage and installation of such networks and preliminary activities necessary for the proper design of systems, as well. Further, the system architecture and methodology of such measurements are described, where defined requirements that are placed in front of the remote monitoring station. Control of measurements is achieved from a remote distance via GSM, GPRS or other telecommunication services. Such systems allow full control of remote monitoring stations, as well as continuous recording of all measurement results. Measurement results from all monitoring stations are collected in control centre, where a comprehensive analysis of all measurement data can be done and published on certain website afterwards.
4.Ž. Martinović, D. Budić, D. Šimunić (FER, Zagreb, Croatia)
Energetic Self-Regulation of eWALL System 
In the last few years, there has been intensive research in the field of human motion and environment energy harvesting. That kind of energy harvesting used for power supply self-regulation in e-Wall system (e-Wall for Active Long Living) would contribute to increased energy efficiency of the system. The paper will represent possible methods and ways of energy harvesting in e-Wall system. Statistical evaluation of the collected energy will be given. The paper will also consider other, possible undeveloped ways of energy harvesting in terms of the practical implementation of the system. These methods and statistical estimates may relate to e-Wall system, but also to other systems such as e.g. smart homes. Energy accumulation can be achieved from user motion, differences in ambient temperature, vibrations, radio frequency radiation and other technologies that are available to e-Wall users.
5.M. Berković, A. Kosovac (Fakultet za saobraćaj i komunikacije Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Doprinos informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija smanjenju emisija CO2 
Cilj istraživanja je definisanje matematičkog modela procjene doprinosa ICT-a na smanjenje karbonskih emisija i analiza sistema procjene. Problem istraživanja je baziran na činjenici da još uvijek ne postoji generički matematičkog modela mjerenja doprinosa informaciono - komunikacionih tehnologija na smanjenje karbonskih emisija. U radu se, polazeći od teorijskih osnova, definiše matematički model strukture sistema upravljanja procjenom, analiziraju funkcije sistema procjene komponenti informaciono-komunikacione tehnologije u skladu s opisanom svrhom. Na funkcioniranje sistemskog modela procjene utječu brojni faktori okoline, koji se u principu dijele na: faktore unutrašnje okoline (ICT inventar, proces proizvodnje elemenata inventara, itd.) i faktore vanjske okoline (legislativni, makroekonomski i sociološki, kvaliteta tima za procjenu, znanje i dokumentiranost prethodnih projekata, procedure i upute sektora, i sl). Svrha definisanja modela i upravljanja doprinosom na smanjenje karbonskih emisija je reducirati vjerovatnoću pojave rizika negativnih efekata i kontrolirati njihove posljedice kako bi se ostvarili pozitivni ciljevi projekta. Sistem procjene smanjenja karbonskih emisija primjenom ICT-a je dinamički sistem, što znači da kod njega tokom vremena dolazi do promjena čiji su uzroci procesi koji se odvijaju u elementima sistema, a njihovo se djelovanje prenosi internom strukturom sistema. Upravljati procjenom sa svrhom ostvarenja ciljeva projekta podrazumijeva provođenje procesa i aktivnosti sistema tokom čitavog životnog ciklusa projekta. Ocjena CO2 efikasnosti sistema i procjena mjera za smanjenje karbonskog otiska kritično zavise od prikupljenih podataka. ICT sistemi imaju veliki broj učesnika i elemenata i oni su duboko povezani sa socijalno–ekonomskim razvojem i akvizicijom podataka, pri čemu je ekstremno teško izvršiti interpolaciju budućih scenarija. Razvoj matematičkog modela procjene doprinosa ICT-a na smanjenje karbonskih emisija nedvojbeno predstavlja ključni faktor uspješnog mjerenja pozitivnih doprinosa ove tehnologije i njegov potencijalno upravljivi dio. Bitno je naglasiti da kao što sistem nije numerički zbir elemenata i podsistema već njihov funkcionalni zbir [f(a,b,c)>f(a)+f(b)+f(c)], tako i ovaj matematički model nije samo puki zbir parametara ICT komponenti i informacija nego uključuje i kompleksne relacije sa ostalim komponentama i okolinom. U radu će također biti korištena i AHP metoda za višekriterijsko odlučivanje pri donošenju odluke o selekciji i izboru ICT servisa na postavljene kriterije za rješavanje problema smanjenja karbonskih emisija.
Thursday, 5/28/2015 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 4:15 PMTelecom Infrastructure
Chair: Velimir Švedek 
1.K. Hajdarevic, S. Konjcija (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
A Low Energy Computer Infrastructure for Radio VOIP Supported Communication and SDR APRS in Education and Disaster Relief Situations 
In long duration emergency and large scale disaster situations, information on asset position, information of current and history of weather conditions, and communication are crucial for every rescue operation. Picture and voice are crucial so that affected population can make important decisions and take actions. Available technology offers affordable (low cost) and robust infrastructure solutions in disaster relief situations. In this paper we presented three types of services for which same hardware in essence can be used. First service is for GPS location mapping, second one is for VOIP communication, and third one is to provide real time video capturing. GPS location mapping was performed by using APRS-IS SDR, VOIP communication is performed via radio-svxlink-Internet using Echolink (svxlink) software, and video capturing was possible using motion software.
2.I. Vitas (FER , Zagreb, Croatia), D. Šimunić, P. Knežević (FER, Zagreb, Croatia)
Evaluation of Software Defined Radio Systems for Smart Home Environments 
Software defined radio systems are predicted to be radio access networks of next generation in all kind of wireless communications systems. Their use is not limited to radio front end that is first chosen for system operation. They can be upgraded by time as system needs changes or evolves which gives them radio front end flexibility never seen before in radio systems. Smart home environments such as eWALL system and other uses numerous of wireless technologies to control lot of appliances in them or to monitor specific health state of the people living there etc. Therefore, lot of wireless technologies have been developed solely for that purpose, leaders among them are ZigBee and Z-Wave technologies which are today standard for wireless home automation systems that are energy efficient and secure. Software defined radio is certainly very useful for future mobile communication systems. In this work software defined radio system will be evaluated with a purpose of introducing local radio networks that are used in smart home environments based of software defined radios. Benefits and shortcomings of using software defined radio in this systems will be shown and evaluated.
3.A. Vega, S. Ljubic (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia)
Smartwatch as a Remote Server Monitoring Device: Implementation and Interaction Design 
Present day computer ecosystem offers advanced connectivity of numerous devices, systems and services, providing the basis for the Internet of Things paradigm implementation. What most people perceive of its structure often lacks acknowledgement of the smallest parts of it, albeit as of recently the most used ones, namely smartphones and smartwatches. Being recognized as a prominent member of the wearable/ubiquitous computing family, smartwatches have been gaining in popularity proving themselves valuable in various contexts, ranging from providing fitness applications and general health monitoring, to always-on assistive technology for people with special needs. This paper focuses on an alternative approach to using smartwatches, considering them monitoring tools for system and network administrators able to provide fast and readily available information on various network equipment and services. For this purpose a proof-of-concept application suite was built, used to provide the status of important services on a remote Linux-based server, as well as the status of the server system itself. We show how smartwatches can offer different, and some unique, previously considered impractical ways to convey information. Supporting HCI aspects are specifically discussed, with respect to the Pebble smartwatch basic I/O capabilities limited to four hardware buttons and 1.26" monochromatic display.
4.O. Jukić, I. Heđi, I. Špeh (Virovitica College, Virovitica, Croatia)
Improving city infrastructure resilience capacity: water-supply network case study 
Main goal of research in this paper is to improve city infrastructure resilience capacity as well as management process of water supply network. Namely, water supply network is located over the wide city area, typically managed by company established for that purpose owned by city government. Water supply network is very important part of the city infrastructure. Hence, it is necessary to ensure high-quality and reliable water supply network management process. Our research is focused on mapping of telecommunications network management principles into water supply network management. Complete network view is graphically and geographically oriented using GPS based network elements coordinates. Real-time network control and management is based on network inventory management system which is presented in our previous work. Data from the real network are included in network management process using telemetry techniques and will enhance network management process. Finally, network model and relevant real-time data are integrated into the complete system that will cover all city infrastructure, acting as infrastructure data interchange portal usable especially in the case of disasters such as flooding, earthquakes, volcanos, etc. Indirectly, citizens will communicate with this platform through different users or services using telecommunications infrastructure.
5.J. Bajt (Hrvatski Telekom d.d., Zagreb, Croatia)
Elektronička komunikacijska infrastruktura u zgradama Justina Bajt Hrvatski Telekom d.d. Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska Elektronička komunikacijska infrastruktura u zgradama Sažetak Europska unija puno pažnje u svojim propisima poklanja razvoju elektroničkih mreža velikih brzina. Prema hrvatskim propisima o gradnji zgrada, svaka zgrada mora imati primjerenu elektroničku komunikacijsku infrastrukturu (EKI), koju mora izgraditi investitor prilikom gradnje zgrade, odnosno kasnije (su)vlasnici zgrade. Međutim, brzi razvoj elektroničkih komunikacija i povećanje broja korisnika elektroničkih komunikacijskih usluga u stambenim i poslovnim zgradama zahtijeva da, radi pružanja usluga svome korisniku, operator mora postaviti dodatnu EKI u zgradu. Postavljanje dodatne EKI zahtjeva uređenje odnosa između (su)vlasnika zgrade i operatora po pitanju ulaganja u EKI u zgradama i vlasništva na EKI. Budući da propisi iz područja elektroničkih komunikacija i gradnje ne uređuju u potpunosti ovo područje, pravna rješenja za investiranje u dodatnu EKI traže se u okviru općih propisa. S obzirom na značaj EKI u zgradama za budući razvoj elektroničkih komunikacija, zaključujemo da je ovo područje podnormirano i da je pravnom uređenju EKI u zgradama potrebno posvetiti posebnu pažnju u propisima o gradnji i elektroničkim komunikacijama. Bez omogućavanja operatorima nesmetanog pristupa infrastrukturi u poslovnim i stambenim zgadama radi pristupa do krajnjeg korisnika usluga, nije moguće očekivati značajan napredak u pružanju usluga korisnicima.
4:15 PM - 4:30 PMBreak 
4:30 PM - 6:00 PMAlgorithms & Protocols
Chair: Oliver Jukić 
1.J. Chen, M. Wu (National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan)
Integrating Extreme Programming with Software Engineering Education 
This paper presents an 11-step “myAgile” method that integrates the extreme programming (XP) with existing university courses, attempting to build a modern software engineering education. Compared with XP, “myAgile” covers more phases, such as requirement engineering, detailed design, and reverse engineering. There were 288 students in 4 universities in Taiwan who participated inthis effort. The students rigorously appliedthe method to develop, andto maintain, an object-oriented Grade System project in Java. The results showed that, objectively, the students produced maintainable software, which was clearly shown in another maintenance project by a different team at a distant time after the development.And, subjectively, students reported high job satisfaction that isso desperatelyneededin this profession.
2.B. Radojević (CARNet, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Žagar (FER, Zagreb, Croatia), I. Golub (CARNet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Sensors Definitions and Positioning for Load Balancing Algorithms 
Building a complex load balancing mechanism that is based on a data beyond just networking metrics is difficult without good knowledge of sensors and their metrics that are providing inputs to our algorithm. It is essential to identify potential sensors that can be used together with their specific metrics, and to understand in which degree this sensors and metrics can influence decisions of load balancing algorithms. The analysis of potential candidates, expected, and observed data that this sensors are returning together with their correlations with final decisions will be presented in this paper. To have the right data, and to understand the crucial correlations is essential to build a new advanced load balancing algorithm that can proactively influence load balancing decisions or reactively change decision in handling critical situations.
3.D. Spasov (Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia)
Design of the BCJR Decoding Algorithm with Reduced Space Complexity 
Given a M-state convolutional encoder, we show that, in theory, computing the \alpha probabilities of the MAP decoding algorithm can be done with 2M memory elements. Building on this idea we propose new designs with reduced space complexities for the MAP and Max-Log-MAP algorithms. Our experiments with rate-1/2 n-bit-long Turbo Codes show space reduction for a factor 33 for the MAP algorithm (and factor 5 for the MAX-Log-MAP) while losing less than 0.1 dB of the error correcting capability of Turbo Codes.
4.J. Seljan, D. Šimunić, G. Dimić (FER, Zagreb, Croatia), B. Vrandečić (Dok-Ing d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia)
Towards a Self-organizing Sensor Network: An Algorithm 
The advent of large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSN) is well-nigh. This has been brought on by a simple fact gaining precedence as time goes on - with limited resources, it is not as important to amass more, but as to utilize the ones in possession as best as possible. Through constant automatized monitoring and administration of a given system, be it of agricultural, traffic or other kind, its performance can be significantly improved with tremendous savings in terms of needed resources. Moreover, the automatized administration is far less prone to miscalculation and error than human monitoring, thereby reducing the necessary manpower. Until recently, the monitoring and administration of a wide range of systems was infeasible due to a lack of affordable and energy-efficient sensing and controlling devices. At present, a number of formidable standards is at disposition, most notably the ZigBee platform. Hence, the rapid growth in application of large-scale WSNs is underway. However, there is a number of open problems associated with large-scale networks, the crucial one being the lack of reliable, tested algorithms and protocols for network management, both from the traffic and energy-saving perspective. In this work we explore such an algorithm based on the concept of self-organizing networks, as applied to mobile networks. We show how a simple heuristic scheme, akin to the particle-swarm algorithm, can be devised and deployed in rather general wireless sensor networks. The issues of idle-area detection, wireless node-coverage control, optimal shortest-path metric and handover control will be addressed, and strategies to deal with each one of them demonstrated and compared to already-existing ones.
5.M. Wahdan, M. Al-Mistarihi, M. Shurman (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan)
Static Cluster and Dynamic Cluster Head (SCDCH) Adaptive Prediction-Based Algorithm for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks 
Wireless sensor networks consist of large number of sensor nodes that have an ability to interact with the surrounding environment. The importance of finding the suitable protocol to estimate the trajectory for any moving target in a certain environment is a case of study for researchers. In this paper, new and accurate protocol for target tracking with minimum energy consumption is proposed. The proposed approach uses the Static Cluster and Dynamic Cluster Head mechanism (SCDCH) to collect data from the active nodes, and then forwards it to the CH, which in turn will send the collected data to the base station, without changing cluster border during the network's lifetime. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol have higher accuracy and save more energy compared with static Clustering protocols which in turn increases the network lifetime.
6.K. Darabkh, O. Alsukour (The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan)
New Efficient On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol over Mobile Ad hoc Networks 
Due to its simplicity, efficiency, and robustness to mobility, the On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) become a standout amongst the most broadly utilized multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANETs). Essentially, the robustness of this protocol is achieved via periodic route refreshing. In ODMRP, group membership and multicast mesh are established and updated by the source using a fixed refresh rate and thus it plays a major role in affecting the performance of ODMRP. However, the robustness of ODMRP comes at the expense of incurring a high control overhead to the network. In this paper, a protocol, as an improvement to ODMRP, is proposed where the refresh interval is basically adapted based on the Source Moving Speed (SMS) and number of disconnections reported by multicast members, namely, Improved ODMRP with Slow Start Join Query Refreshment (IODMRP-SSJQR). Since the majority of nodes in MANET rely on batteries, thus the main contribution of this research is to limit the amount of control information that is passed between nodes (i.e., reducing the control overhead over that in ODMRP).
7.E. KADUSIC (BH Telecom, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), M. SKRBIC (Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), N. ZIVIC (Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät, Department Elektrotechnik und Informatik, Siegen, Bosnia and Herzegovina), A. ZGALJ (BH Telecom, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Implementation of a HMIPv6 extension in the INET and xMIPv6 simulation framework with dynamic MAP discovery for OMNeT 4.x 
In order to perform a simulative evaluation of the Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 protocol (HMIPv6) OMNeT++ simulation environment was used. OMNeT++ simulation package – INET framework and xMIPv6 was enhanced with an extension for HMIPv6, which includes Neighbor Discovery protocol, IPv6 router and the implementation of a Mobility Anchor Point (MAP). The simulation model was implemented as defined in RFC 5380 Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 – HMIPv6 Mobility Management. Enhancements are recognized in terms of an upgraded Router advertisement (RA) packet with option data about the MAP. We used dynamic MAP discovery, based on MAP option propagation in Router Advertisements from the MAP to the mobile node through certain (configured) router interfaces, within the routers in a network.
Friday, 5/29/2015 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM,
Fortuna or Pool, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 AM - 11:30 AMNew Methods & Solutions
Chairs: Stjepan Golubić and Branko Mikac 
1.P. Mrozowski, A. Chydzinski (Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland)
Matrix Inversion in the Design of Active Queue Management Mechanisms 
A router exploiting the active queue management can drop arriving packets even if its buffer is not full. This is meant to notify the TCP senders to reduce their sending rates. One type of the active queue management is based on dropping arriving packets with probability that is a function of the queue size observed upon packet arrival. Although the queuing models of algorithms of this type have been developed, they present some numerical difficulties that have to be overcome in order to be practically usable, e.g. they require inverting large matrices. In this paper we compare several inversion methods with respect to their applicability in the parameterization of the dropping mechanism of the active queue management. In addition to their implementations on a CPU, we also check their performance when implemented on a graphics processor unit.
2.J. Toth, Ľ. Ovseník, J. Turán (Technical University of Košic, Kosice, Slovakia)
An overview of various types of waveguide grating based demultiplexors in WDM systems 
Fiber optic communication has been developed and studied significantly for several decades. Firstly, there were problems related to fiber attenuation and a choice of some suitable materials. Nowadays there is a great demand on increasing data rate and bandwidth. Despite some persisting optical fiber’s weaknesses, this technology seems to be a leading one in today’s telecommunication systems. The cost of this technology is perhaps one of the most limiting factors. This problem could be possibly solved by substituting and surrounding of the existing network topologies with WDM systems. Not a massive production of WDM devices makes WDM systems still quite expensive. Besides of optical sources, fibers and optical amplifiers there is the main WDM component called a multiplexor or demultiplexor respectively. This paper will provide a basic overview of some arrayed waveguide gating based demultiplexors. AWG demultiplexor is a passive WDM element which is able to combine and separate a broadband high frequency optical signal over large distances.
3.K. Darabkh, A. Awad (The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan), A. Khalifeh (German Jordan University, Amman, Jordan)
A Powerful Early-based Video Discarding Policy 
Multimedia communication over wired and wireless networks becomes a compulsory need for many recent applications. To effectively react to the tremendous demand of video streaming over the internet, videos are usually compressed utilizing spatial and temporal redundancy. It is noteworthy to mention that compressing videos may degrade their quality if it is not investigated properly. In different words, as a consequence of exploiting redundancies, frame dependencies arise which make discarding frames, due to occupying the whole capacity of network elements, have severe implications on the video quality. Furthermore, transmitting videos over capacity-limited links owing to error prone channels, power constraints, as well as bandwidth variations will severely affect the video quality. Additionally, as the current coding schemes characterized by affording high compression efficiency, the sensitivity to packet losses becomes untolerated. Therefore, insuring the perceived quality of the delivered videos to be always high in spite of aforementioned challenges is the primary focus of current researchers. In this paper, we propose efficient and novel video discarding policies that mainly aim to reduce the number of frames being lost through substituting with those frames that are very difficult or even impossible to be decoded at the receiver side. This is accomplished by controlling and maintaining the buffer occupancy of network elements. Our proposed policies are evaluated in terms of the rate of non-decodable frames and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Our proposed policies behave very well and achieve a remarkable enhancement over what is closely connected in the literature.
4.D. Frantal, D. Arbula (Tehnički fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia)
Mobile node localization using infrared angle of arrival sensor 
This paper presents mobile node localization algorithm for environments in which GPS or other positioning systems are not applicable or available. Existing localization systems are using propagation characteristics such as attenuation or speed of radio or ultrasound signals or timings of controlled laser radiation to estimate node azimuth and/or distance to nodes with known position (anchor nodes). Presented algorithm is using azimuth estimation based on measured angle of incidence of controlled infrared radiation from anchor nodes. Angle of arrival estimation and localization algorithms are implemented on low cost, small footprint and low power wireless nodes based on 8-bit microcontroller. Experimental evaluation results are promising and with further sensor optimization can guarantee high precision of estimated locations.
5.I. Petrović, P. Perković, I. Štajduhar (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia)
A Profile- and Community-Driven Book Recommender System 
Book lovers often struggle to find something new to read. The choice of possible books to read can be overwhelming and confusing, making this subjective decision-making process quite difficult. Searching the Internet we often stumble upon opinions and book ratings of people who are strangers to us. We do not know what their favorite categories, authors, publishers and taste in books are, nor whether we should trust them. As a possible solution to the above mentioned problems, we present Pickbooks - a Web application that is partly a social network and partly a book database. It integrates the social aspects of today's popular social networks into a book recommender system, and not the other way around. It features book recommendation based on previously read books or personal preferences. It allows users to message and follow people they like, see their updates, reviews and get recommendations from them, and vice versa. The users are encouraged to rate a book they have read before, as those ratings affect the global lists of top rated and currently popular books. There are other features which are in the works and will allow us to further improve the presented application and attract more audience.
6.T. Kiss, F. Craciun (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania), B. Parv (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania)
Extending LARIS with Session Types: A Case Study in the Railway Interlocking 
Choosing the DSL LARIS to develop control software for distributed railway interlocking system can give us a lot of advantage over general purpose languages, that have been proved with the adaptation of EURIS in the industry over a long time. We suggest to extend the LARIS language with session types to model the communication between the railway entities. Our approach can improve the systems safety and reliability and can also reduce the verification time by enabling the verification of deadlocks and livelocks of these systems. We discuss our approach on a case study in railway interlocking.
7.G. Madhale Jadav (Tehnički Fakultet Rijeka, Lovran, Croatia), M. Vrankić, S. Vlahinić (Tehnički fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Monitoring Cerebral Processing of Gustatory Stimulation and Perception Using Emotiv Epoc 
The affective and cognitive states of the user can be effectively monitored by electroencephalography (EEG). The human taste stimulation and perception produces changes in the EEG signals of the brain at several subdivisions of insula, orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. In this work we propose a method which can be used to monitor these signals elicited by taste stimulation and perception using a simple gaming EEG device. We also show that the emotion elicited by taste recall is stronger than stimulus elicited emotion will be re-established but with a gaming EEG device. The results are presented for a number of subjects and obtained using the EEG EPOC device.
8.L. Vretenar, K. Lenac (Tehnički fakultet - Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
People tracking using synthetically generated depth maps 
Modern 3D sensors using time-of-flight and structured light technology sensors are increasingly being used in a number of interesting applications. One such application is people counting where the available 3d information enables more robust human detection and tracking methods than those based on classic video cameras. A large data set is typically required both for testing and tuning of the solution. We describe a methodology for efficient development of 3d applications using synthetically generated depth maps to complement the available data set obtained with real cameras. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach, a case study in the area of people tracking with 3D sensors is presented.
9.O. Lovaković (HT, Zagreb, Croatia)
Virtualizacija mrežnih funkcija u telekomunikacijama 
Virtualizacija mrežnih funkcija (NFV, Network Function Virtualization) je novi koncept mrežne arhitekture u telekom industriji izgrađen na tehnologiji virtualizacije iz IT industrije s ciljem optimizacije troškova, bržeg razvoja te implementacije telekom usluga. Ovaj rad opisuje pogled na NFV od strane Hrvatskog Telekoma čija je osnovna arhitektura definirana DT projektom Terastream koji je prvotno implementiran upravo u HT-u. Također su prikazani status i planovi Hrvatskog Telekoma te preduvjeti koje je potrebno ostvariti za produkcijski rad u virtualiziranom mrežnom okružju. Posebni naglasak je na scenarij virtualizacije BRAS-a (Broadband Remote Access Server) kao posebno zanimljivog slučaja zbog specifičnih zahtjeva na kontrolnom i podatkovnom sloju za agregaciju xDSL korisnika. Virtualizacija vBRAS-a zbog toga predstavlja poseban izazov kako za proizvođače opreme tako i za telekom operatore.
10.J. Lorincz (FESB, University of Split, Split, Croatia), E. Mujaric (CARNet, Split, Croatia), D. Begusic (FESB, University of Split, Split, Croatia)
Energy consumption analysis of real metro-optical network 
Significant part of the total energy consumption in a distribution and core optical networks is contributed by the energy consumption of internet protocol (IP) routers. In this paper, an energy efficiency analysis has been performed for the case of real metro-optical network of a medium size city. Two real optical network configurations, with and without implementation of the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) over dark fiber have been analyzed in terms of the energy efficiency. Obtained results provide insight into daily variations of routers energy efficiency expressed in watts (W) per Mb/s of transferred traffic. In addition, cons and pros for selection of analyzed network configurations in real metro-optical implementations have been presented from the point of energy efficiency.
11:30 AM - 11:45 AMClosing
Chair: Branko Mikac 

Basic information:

Branko Mikac (Croatia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Mladen Sokele (Croatia), Renato Filjar (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Slaviša Aleksić (Germany), Željka Car (Croatia), Saša Dešić (Croatia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Darko Huljenić (Croatia), Robert Inkret (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Admela Jukan (Germany), Zdravko Jukić (Croatia), Marko Lacković (Croatia), Erich Leitgeb (Austria), Dražen Lučić (Croatia), Mladen Sokele (Croatia), Davor Šarić (Croatia), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Velimir Švedek (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal)

International Program Committee Chairman:

Petar Biljanović (Croatia)

International Program Committee:

Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Vesna Anđelić (Croatia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Eugen Brenner (Austria), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Marko Delimar (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Paolo Garza (Italy), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Stjepan Groš (Croatia), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Leonardo Jelenković (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Igor Mekjavic (Slovenia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Vladimir Peršić (Croatia), Goran Radić (Croatia), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Janez Rozman (Slovenia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Uroš Stanič (Slovenia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Davor Šarić (Croatia), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Zoran Šimunić (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Sergio Uran (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Marijana Vidas-Bubanja (Serbia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Damjan Zazula (Slovenia)

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Before May 11, 2015
After May 11, 2015
Members of MIPRO and IEEE
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers


Branko Mikac
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Unska 3
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: +385 1 6129 752
GSM: +385 91 6129 752
Fax: +385 1 6129 832

Opatija - 170 years of tourism:

Opatija – the cradle of European and Croatian tourism, a favourite destination of the aristocracy, film and music stars, artists, writers and visitors from all over the world, who come here every year to enjoy the charm of this Adriatic town – this year celebrates its 170th anniversary as a tourist resort.

This is a tradition that provides certain obligations, but is also a guarantee of quality. The reputation of a top destination that stretches back seventeen decades is today reflected in the wide range of facilities and services on offer that all together make Opatija an attractive destination for all seasons.

Opatija owes its unique image to its ideal location on the spot where the wooded slopes of Mount Učka descend all the way down to the coast, providing perfect shade along the thirteen-kilometre-long Lungomare seafront promenade. Just as the Opatija area is a meeting point of the sea and the mountain, its visual impression is a blend of different styles, as this is a melting pot where magnificent Central European elegance, playful Mediterranean charm and the historically-rich medieval architecture of the small towns in the hinterland come together. 

In addition to the architecture that leaves a strong impression on every visitor, especially when the town is viewed from the sea, and its lush parks and gardens that have been Opatija's trademarks since its beginnings as a tourist resort, Opatija also has hotels and restaurants whose quality ranks alongside that of any other European destination. Opatija's gastronomic offer is based on a Mediterranean cuisine rich in fresh fish and seafood and locally grown seasonal ingredients, while the traditional recipes of this region reveal a wealth of flavours and can be sampled in the area's numerous taverns. 

Opatija entered the European stage in the mid-19th century as a health resort for the European nobility, and health tourism has remained one of the main segments of the town's tourism offer right up to the present day. However, top medical experts and a wide range of spa & wellness services are just one of the reasons for visiting this town located at the top of Kvarner Bay. Also known as "the town of festivals", Opatija boasts a number of events throughout the year. The theatrical performances and concerts that take place at the magnificent Open Air Theatre are particularly impressive.

For more details please look at and

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