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innovative promotional partnershipArtificial Intelligence towards EU Multilingualism

Technical co-sponsorship


Event program
Tuesday, 5/27/2014 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 3:15 PMOpening

Chair: Stjepan Golubić 

3:15 PM - 4:00 PMPresentation 
K. Fabina (Micro-Link, Zagreb, Croatia) 
Primjena naprednih WiFi rješenja u znanstvenim i obrazovnim institucijama 
4:00 PM - 5:00 PMTelecomm Market Regulations

Chair: Velimir Švedek 

1.D. Šerval, Č. Marković (Communications Regulatory Agency/Regional sector, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina), S. Kovačević (Communications Regulatory Agency/Monitoring department, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
4G Mobile Internet, Servises, Regulation and Mobile Operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina 
BH mobile Internet market is mostly presented by 3G data technology. Due to limitations regarding capacity, performances, speed and QoS, new technologies such as IMT-Advanced (4G) have been developed. This article presents an overview and statistics of mobile data usage in different technologies as well as representation of different kind of applications and devices globally and by region underling situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Introduction of 4G technology in BH is guided by Telecommunications Policy Framework which is about to be adopted and which foresees issuing of LTE licences in 2015.
2.S. Hadžović, R. Šeremet (Regulatorna agencija za komunikacije, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Creating Regulatory Environment for Cloud Services  
Cloud computing is at an early stage in Europe and the various players in the European markets can still influence how the legal framework will be designed. This paper will present review of initiatives in creating EU regulatory environment in order to support the development of cloud services which can enable nations both to reap the benefits of cloud services and mitigate some of the risks associated with them.
3.I. Krevatin, I. Visković (Hrvatski Telekom, Zagreb, Croatia)
Emergency communication in IMS network: challenges in implementation  
Emergency communication is an important part of communication for the telecoms not only due to regulation but primary due to their responsibilities to the customers and the role they have in society. This paper describes the challenges which are we facing when implementing emergency communication in IMS network regarding the architecture and special requirements demanded by the Regulator and emergency service centers. In focus are: the architecture for customers accessing the service over fixed access and the possible implementations for customers that are accessing the service over LTE (long term evolution) network.
4.J. Gabela, F. Gabela, A. Gabela (BH Telecom d.d. Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Međupovezivanje i regulacija u telekomunikacijama s osvrtom na međupovezivanje i regulaciju u telekomunikacijama Bosne i Hercegovine 
U radu se analizira međupovezivanje kao ključna mjera telekomunikacione politike. Pored toga, razmatraju se perspektive međupovezivanja u budućnosti. Rad daje opći prikaz regulacije u telekomunikacijama, sa osvrtom na regulaciju u telekomunikacijama u Bosni i Hercegovini. Na bosanskohercegovačkom tržištu telekomunikacija, liberalizacija je provedena, no potrebne su daljnje regulatorne akcije nadležnih tijela kako bi se postiglo stanje konkurentskog tržišta po uzoru na razvijene države Evropske Unije, kojoj Bosna i Hercegovina teži.
5:00 PM - 5:15 PMBreak 
5:15 PM - 7:00 PMBusiness Modeling

Chair: Dragan Jevtić 

1.I. Vrbovčan, T. Pavić, M. Šoša Anić (T-Hrvatski Telekom, Zagreb, Croatia)
Connecting Clouds 
Due to a declining market of telecom services, telecom providers are trying to expand their service portfolio to new markets based on cloud paradigm. To be successful with cloud services, telecom has to find offers that are interesting to their customers, that can be put on the market in short time and work with sufficient quality. In this paper we will provide an overview of our approach for building portfolio of cloud services using locally developed and services developed by other cloud providers. In this approach all cloud services are seamlessly integrated, sold, supported and charged through local telecom channels. The overview will include description of the approach including high level architecture, main processes and cloud interface layer.
2.S. Vojvodić, M. Zović, V. Režić (Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Zagreb, Croatia), H. Maračić, M. Kušek (Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva , Zagreb, Croatia)
Competence Transfer through Enterprise Mobile Application Development 
Large world corporations need corresponding information technology (IT) support as well as constant improvement of software tools, which should enable further business development and more efficient work to operational organizations. The main interest of IT support organizations is currently more and more connected with mobile IT equipment of the employees. Specific business mobile applications improve the efficiency and result in new operating possibilities. The cooperation between Ericsson Nikola Tesla (ENT) and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) of the Zagreb University has enabled a fast development of competencies in ENT, necessary for mobile application development and quality realization of innovative solution for platforms iOS and Android. In this cooperation at the project realization the methodology of application development was defined, the corresponding competencies were developed, the system architecture was designed together with the communication of mobile application and back-end IT systems. In the project the iterative development approach, tools for software code versioning and project control have been used thus enabling continuous insight in project progressing. At any moment it was possible to determine priorities of functional development and solution elements, as well as to realize the necessary additional transfer of knowledge. The project has resulted in an enterprise mobile application for iOS and Android platforms, which had been implemented and tested in several countries. The complete solution enables data management by means of the portal, thus decreasing the frequent changes of users’ mobile application and significantly accelerating the process of new functionalities introduction.
3.B. Šumak, M. Pušnik, M. Heričko (University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor, Slovenia)
An Empirical Study of Factors Affecting the Adoption of Self-Service Checkout Terminals in Slovenia 
Few years ago, retailers started to employ self-checkout terminals providing customers a choice to scan the barcodes on their own items and complete the purchase process without an interaction with retailer’s staff. This study aimed to investigate factors which can have a significant impact on user’s decision about how and when they will use the self-checkout unit. To understand customers’ perceptions about using self-checkout terminals, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to develop the research model. In this study, several external factors with direct or indirect impact on user’s behavioural intentions are proposed: anxiety, perceived service quality, attitude toward innovation, self-efficacy and anonymousness. Empirical data was conducted using an online survey. The proposed relationships were empirically tested using the structural equation modelling approach. The implications and limitation of the study are also discussed.
4.D. Budic, Z. Martinovic, D. Simunic (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Cash Register Lines Optimization System Using RFID Technology 
By doing business the old way, retail chains don't use all the potential of developed technologies in order to increase their efficiency. Cash register lines optimisation system uses RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology to follow the number of shopping carts and baskets in front of cash register. Recommended system consists of RFID reader and passive RFID tags with assigned ID. System works on ultra-high frequency (UHF, 868 MHz) with long range (12m) which enables development of protocols using simultaneous communication between reader and tags. One reader can collect data from 8 antennas at the same time. Concept of following shopping carts and baskets using RFID is based on backscatter coupling which enables powering RFID tags with energy from magnetic field of the reader. System uses SQLite3 database and Python 2.7 programming language. Web application is written using JavaScript jQuery framework and HTML/CSS Twitter Bootstrap framework. Also, for sending SMS, mail2sms technology is used. JSON via http protocol is used for communication between reader and server and between server and web application. In order to inform the store manager, SMS is generated. Web application is used for tracking the whole system. Statistics integrated in web application enables store managers to organise employees in advance considering observations from past periods.
5.A. Gabela, L. Pamuk (BH Telecom, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), J. Gabela (USAID, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Pozicija BH Telecoma d.d. Sarajevo prema Adižesovoj teoriji životnih ciklusa preduzeća 
Pozicija BH Telecoma prema Adižesovoj teoriji životnih ciklusa preduzeća Jedan od vodećih eksperata iz oblasti menadžmenta dr. Isak Adižes svoju teoriju "Životnog ciklusa preduzeća" i principe kako upravljati promjenama u kompaniji razvija i sprovodi posljednjih 30 trideset godina. Njegova teorija i principi daju objašnjenje zašto kompanije rastu, stare i umiru, i šta se povodom toga može uraditi. On opisuje i analizira uobičajen put kojim kompanije prolaze dok rastu i optimalan put kojim bi trebalo da idu. Prema navedenoj teoriji, stanje BH Telecoma je „aristokratija“. BH Telecom karakteriše visok stepen birokratizovanosti i veliki broj administrativnih funkcija. Ipak, pokazatelj da kompanija prati trendove tk industrije je primjetan, uvođenjem velikog broja novih usluga, kanala distribucije/naplate i horizontalnim proširivanjem ponude. Najveći dio navedenih projekata je uveden od strane stručnih timova, imenovanih od strane Uprave sa zadatkom da osmisle, razviju i implementiraju konkretno rješenje. U skladu sa Adižesovom metodologijom, rad u komplementarnim PAEI timovima predstavlja najbolje rješenje i u konkretnoj situaciji je jedan od preduslova za povratak kompanije u „top formu“. Budući da BH Telecom djeluje u oblastima koje su konstatno podložne promjenama i inovacijama, potrebno je povećati stepen fleksibilnosti, a smanjiti stepen kontrolisanosti, kako bi se kompanija pozicionirala i održala u „top formi“.
6.D. Markulin, K. Musa (HT d.d., Zagreb, Croatia)
Unaprijeđenje upravljanja resursima uz pomoć sustava za podršku 
Potrebne akcije na strani pristupne mreže telekomunikacijskog Operatora tijekom realizacije usluga u velikoj mjeri utječu na ukupne troškove Operatora potrebne za realizaciju usluge te isto tako imaju veliki utjecaj na ispunjavanje postavljenih ciljeva u vidu KPI-ova (ključnih pokazatelja uspješnosti). U velikoj mjeri akcije na strani pristupne mreže izvršavaju zaposlenici Operatora ili vanjskih izvođača. Upravo zbog toga postupak automatske dodjele zadataka za realizaciju ovih akcija može znatno doprinijeti uštedama i efikasnijoj realizaciji usluga. U sklopu automatske dodjele zadataka potrebno je osigurati optimalan put zaposlenika koji izvršavaju akcije, osigurati zadovoljavanje uvjeta uz ugovora s vanjskim izvođačima, osigurati realizaciju usluga unutar zadanih KPI-ova te osigurati realizaciju usluga u vremenskim rokovima dogovorenim s korisnicima.
7.J. Mulabegović, H. Šabanović, A. Arslanagić (BH Telecom, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Predprodajna reklamna aplikacija telekomunikacijskih usluga 
Prodajne mogućnosti koje telekom operatori nude svojim korisnicima nužno moraju biti interaktivne prirode kako bi korisnik mogao birati opcije koje odgovaraju njihovim željama i potrebama. Uzimajući u obzir prodajna iskustva koja se temelje na prodajnim rezultatima ostvarenim kroz tradicionalne kanale prodaje jasno je da korisnički zahtjevi idu ka opcijama prodajne ponude koja nudi mogućnost odabira telekomunikacijskih usluga najprije putem e-prodajnog kanala. Kreiranje prodajnog pristupnog kanala za ovu namjenu temeljenu na modelu „Predprodajne reklamne aplikacije“ je jedan od mogućih načina unaprijeđenja prodajnog procesa sa ciljem omogućavanja ostvarenja individualnih zahtjeva korisnika. Cilj ovog rada je pokazati mogućnosti integracije i distribucije korisničkih znanja u predprodajnu reklamnu aplikaciju telekomunikacijskih usluga sa svrhom primjene individualnih korisničkih zahtjeva kako bi se proizvela dodatna vrijednost u smislu pozitivnih korisničkih iskustava tokom procesa prodaje te kako bi se temeljem ovakvog pristupa prodajnom procesu ostvarili pozitivni efekti u povećanju prihoda.
Wednesday, 5/28/2014 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
9:00 AM - 10:00 AMPresentation 

Usluga e-poziva nova je telekomunikacijska usluga automatske dojave prometne nesreće jedinstvenom operativno komunikacijskom centru (Centar 112) koja je predložena i podržana od strane Europske komisije. 

Wednesday, 5/28/2014 3:00 PM - 6:45 PM,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 4:30 PMInvited Papers

Chair: Branko Mikac 

3:00 PM - 3:45 PMS. Aleksić (Institute of Communication Networks, Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Green ICT for Sustainability: A Holistic Approch 
3:45 PM - 4:30 PMA. Jukan (Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany)
Next Steps towards IP-optical Service Convergence: A Network Management Perspective 
4:30 PM - 6:00 PMRound table

Chair: Zdravko Jukić 


Budućnost upravljanja Internetom  

6:00 PM - 6:45 PMInternet & Web Applications

Chair: Davor Šarić 

1.M. Cvijanović, P. Kirin, D. Pleša, J. Soko, S. Stamenov, A. Cikojević, S. Kelemen, A. Karin (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Multi-user Web Application for Content Management on Multi-touch Devices 
Nowadays, using touch applications is almost ubiquitous. It is appealing to different age groups, including very young generations who have just started their education. This paper describes development of a product that implements existing web applications into environment that enables multiple users to simultaneously interact with multi-touch device. Web application is developed for children to help them solve various tasks encountered for the first time. This paper analyzes web application requirements and implementation of required functionalities. The main requirement is to provide multiuser environment. Another important requirement is the ability to adjust game representation to child's position at the table. This is why the web application enables users to drag, rotate and resize each instance of the game. This paper also describes how the above mentioned content management is implemented. The other possible ways of implementation will also be mentioned, even though they are not used in the final product. Considering the fact that some children might have mobility difficulties, both gesture and button controls are implemented and can be used, depending on the preferences of a single child. In addition, this paper describes limitations, problems and solutions that have arisen during the web application development process.
2.I. Iliev, G. Petrov Dimitrov (State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Front-end Optimization Methods and Their Effect 
With the evolution of the internet the page loading speed has become a vital factor for the success of every web page. A few hundred milliseconds difference in the page speed are enough for visitors to choose one page instead of its competitors. This paper describes the increasing demand of faster loading webpages and the need to optimizing their loading speed. It describes the process of loading webpages in browser and lists fourteen rules for front-end performance optimization. By understanding the loading process we are able to correctly identify the parts of the loading process that we can affect. We also understand the effect of these fourteen rules and the cases when they can be applied. Although the total effect of the optimization depends from the specific webpage these appliance of these rules does not only reduces the page loading speed but it also affect the total bandwidth of the server.
3.I. Britvić, J. Đurić, D. Bužić (Visoka škola za informacijske tehnologije, Zagreb, Croatia)
Comparative Analysis of Google and Bing SEO on Leading Croatian News Portals 
Search engine optimization is a must for all serious web sites. Google dominates the search engine market but there are other, namely Bing, Yahoo, etc. How well are web sites optimized for other search engines and is it worth a trouble? What are the main differences between search engine algorithms? This research tend to answer these questions on a example of Croatian news portals, analyzing their SEO parameters and results they get on a Google and a its primary contender, Microsoft Bing.
Thursday, 5/29/2014 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
9:00 AM - 9:45 AMPresentation 
D. Ban (VIPnet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Vip TV - digitalna televizija nove generacije 
9:45 AM - 11:45 AMChallenging ICTs

Chair: Vlasta Hudek 

1.B. Veselinovska (Innovation Dooel, Skopje, Macedonia), M. Gusev (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering , Skopje, Macedonia), T. Janevski (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Skopje, Macedonia)
State of the Art in IPTV 
IPTV is an essential new technology in ICT, which changes the perspective of the way end users consume TV services, but also serves as a platform for new ideas and concepts in other areas, such as medicine, science and industry. It is considered as a technology that brings significant contribution in different scientific areas, as well as medicine and industry, besides the development of information and communication technology itself. This paper gives an overview of recent state of the art research and technology development, appropriate architectures, design issues, upgrades and hot topic features. The analysis of recent relevant IPTV research papers and the comparison of the novelties they bring to the IPTV technology itself has led to the conclusion about the existence of three main approaches to state of the art IPTV research: IPTV Channel Control and Management, P2P IPTV systems and Technology Assisted Living. These approaches are further observed and discussed as an attempt to prove the importance of IPTV as a technology.
2.D. Gadanac, M. Dujak (Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Zagreb, Croatia), D. Tomić, D. Jerčić (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Kinect-based Presenter Tracking Prototype for Videoconferencing 
Video conferencing is a quickly growing market. Suppliers are enhancing their services in order to get more functionality beyond the traditional video services. Such add-on functionality is presenter tracking system. This solution which can operate with any videoconferencing system or other video capture device. It allows complete room freedom and add movement flexibility utilizing smooth continuous tracking. In this paper, a kinect-based presenter tracking system for video conferencing systems is introduced. The prototype is validated with Ericsson’s Visual Communication system. Ericsson Visual Communication (VisualCom) offers an operator hosted enriched video communication experience to enterprises and professionals, enabling the operators to evolve their communications . VisualCom was originally made for holding video conferences in smaller rooms. Presenter Tracking System expands VisualCom's capabilities by adding a moving HD camera (also known as a pan tilt zoom camera) that focuses a single presenter, and can be controlled both automatically and manually.
3.L. Zhao (Xi’an Research Institute of Navigation Technology, Xi’an, P.R.China, Xi'an, China)
Iterative Receiver for Qc-LDPC Coded Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems 
Quasi Cyclic-Low Density Parity Check (QC-LDPC) codes are easy to construct and provide the considerable coding gain, which is suitable for underwater acoustic communication (UWAC). Single-carrier (SC) transmission with frequency-domain equalization (FDE) is today recognized as an attractive alternative to orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) for communication application with the inter-symbol interference (ISI) caused by multi-path propagation, especially in shallow water channel. In this paper, the turbo theory is applied on the QC-LDPC codes and minimum mean square error (MMSE) decision feedback equalizer (DFE) to design iterative data processing for underwater acoustic communication system. In the proposed iterative structure, the MMSE based FD-DFE and QC-LDPC decoder exchange soft information through an iterative manner so that the performance of underwater acoustic communication system can be improved greatly. Based on sound speed profiles (SSP) measured in the lake and finite-element ray tracking method, the shallow water channel is constructed to verify the validity of the proposed system structure.
4.I. Vitas (FER , Zagreb, Croatia), B. Lukovac, D. Šimunić (FER, Zagreb, Croatia)
Software Platform for Wireless Indoor Localization Planning Based on the Strength of the Received Radio Signal 
Radiofrequency positioning problem within indoor space becomes significant with respect to the specific area in which the radiolocation is required . The area of interest may be flat , shop or storage of any shape and size. Specificity of space defines different requirements on radiolocation system and the need for software that would facilitate the planning of such a system is obvious . Using the well-known empirical and deterministic models for the propagation of electromagnetic waves in enclosed spaces and precise analysis of specific closed area, localization based on the RSS (Received Signal Strength) method should give good positioning results in any enclosed space . The developed software allows you to determine the optimal position of the receiver on the walls of any space that is selected as an area in which we want to implement a system of RSS indoor localization . The optimal position of the receiver provides precise and reliable localization within the indoor enclosure . Software can be used to optimize the indoor localization of people or things, with requirement that special radio frequency tags or radio frequency transmitters are mounted on them . Software supports the ability to import an arbitrary layout of indoor space over which optimization will be carried out from AutoCAD tool.
5.V. Čačković, Ž. Popović (Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia)
Management in M2M Networks  
The vision of future networks usually depicts huge amount of different type of devices connected through heterogeneous networks. All those devices do not act alone, but many devices act together to achieve some goal. Although distributed processing is critical to achieve the mass deployment of systems for M2M communication, centralized decision making and centralized management of billons of devices will become the key challenge for achieving the global mass market. Unlike management of traditional telecom network, M2M networks have some characteristics specific to M2M communication that need to be considered while designing efficient M2M network management. Examples of those characteristics would be networks including sleeping devices, low power lossy area networks, heterogeneous networks and device intelligence. Certain characteristics like mobility, time sensitivity of data and data volume differ from application to application but also need to be considered since they put requirements for efficient end to end management. The paper will focus on identifying the minimum requirements needed for M2M network management, propose mechanisms for efficient management in M2M networks as well as describe the relevant standardization activities for network management in M2M systems.
6.M. Dujak, Z. Kljaić (Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Zagreb, Croatia), M. Šerbec, H. Jelačić (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Next-Generation Utilities Based on M2M Communications  
Utilities are today being challenged as never before. We are witnessing the creation of Next Generation Utilities, which differ from the old utilities in their massive use of extremely sophisticated ICT equipment and processes. In particular the introduction of Smart Grid Communications and Smart Metering requires the ability to deal with ICT projects of a scale and complexity that are beyond the experience and resources of most utilities. There is a need for utilities to make use of partners with advanced ICT skills regarding deployment of systems based on machine-to-machine communication and development of new services like electric vehicle charging. In this paper, a mobile electric vehicle charging station is being introduced. As plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicle ownership is expanding, there is a growing need for widely distributed publicly accessible charging stations, some of which support faster charging at higher voltages and currents than are available from domestic supplies. Many charging stations are on-street facilities provided by electric utility companies. Mobile charging stations have been recently introduced. Presented proof-of-concept provides a complete solution for remote control of electric vehicle charging stations, for both customers and owners using web clients.
7.N. Zeqiri (State University of Tetovo, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Applications Methods of the Objects, and Suitability for Universal Applications in Computer Graphics Context 
The use of the primitive objects, can be modified and adapted for universal applications in computer graphics context. The present paper addresses some access and research in the field of computer graphics. The program code present the basics step to increase the study and to explore differently level by describing each of them by math formulas and graphical representations. Also, here is explained the methods how we can use all these recourses to implement to any system, where can be find the better solution in the context of universal applications, solutions. So, to solve all from above questions, are given some characteristics objects and program code for respective representations. Also is given a direct approach for ADC (analog-digital conversion), by use the fundamental steps such are: sampling rate, quantization, are given statistical results by creating the respective images and respective view in the sphere of the statistical analyses based in the math formula etc.
8.T. Hryhorova (Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine), L. Vorobiov (Medical Center "VIKOM", Kremenchuk, Ukraine)
On-line Rapid Diagnostics of the Human Immune Status 
Modern information technology and the existing rapid (express) diagnostics method allow you to monitor the state of health. The method is based on the thermovision diagnostics and enables determining the human immune status. The designed software implements this method. At the time of the diagnosis the system generates recommendations for eliminating an immune deficiency. These recommendations are made based on the results of the calculations of the integral temperature indicator used in the expert module. The system consists of the web and desktop applications, local and global databases, which use Sqlite and MSSql technologies. The access to the global database is realized by the web-service with the help of a ServiceAdapter mediator, which implements the data storage interface and encapsulates the web-service behavior. The designed program of the express diagnostics of the immune status can be easily scaled as a local application, on web, or cloud. Results of statistical data analysis from the data warehouse can be presented in the form of diagrams, graphs, tables and allow a qualified health professional to evaluate the health status of the population of the city, region, etc. The developed software system is accessible on-line to everyone.
11:45 AM - 1:00 PMInformation Systems

Chair: Davor Šarić 

1.I. Golub, B. Radojević (CARNet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Information System Infrastructure Planning - Threshold Setting Based on Risk Analysis 
Information systems infrastructure planning performed based on the data collected from network monitoring and asset management systems can be developed further to include risk assessment and analysis as an input to the threshold setting methods in the two-dimensional load-age balance graph. The two-dimensional load-age balance graph is used to present generic value for network devices load gathered as measured values through the network managements system, and age - gathered from the asset management system. Threshold lines are defined in such graph to present areas of different interest from the perspective of low-high age, low-high load, or some other selection criteria. This paper explores how the threshold values can be set to reflect risk assessment methodology of the owner/maintainer/user. The position of each networking device in the graph is unique, disregarding the threshold values. However, the total score for the system, determined based on the position of a device in the graph area, depends on the defined threshold. The paper analyzes the impact of the threshold change based on the risk assessment criteria to the total score for a system. The total score can then be used to compare different systems, or to compare the same system in time.
2.M. Jozić, T. Oštarčević, M. Šalković, D. Šimunić (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Interactive Application in Service of Popularizing Architectural Heritage 
The main aim of this paper is making connections between modern technologies,architecture and art,i.e. how to increase the interest for cultural sights and facilitate the retrieval of desirable information with use of modern technologies. Smart phones dominate worldwide mobile phone market and they are mainly used for display and information retrieval. Furthermore,not only that smartphones offer information accessibility at any moment,they also demand interaction with user,so the aspiration for informations is increasing. As a solution, an android application the Story of Zagreb was chosen,which allows display of information,photographs and locations of cultural sights in Zagreb. Desirable data can be reached with choosing certain cultural sight from the list or by sensing QR code,twodimensional code,which describes that cultural sight, with the camera of smartphone.
3.D. Matić, A. Čičak (Infodom d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia), B. Vrdoljak (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Adresiranje i usmjeravanje e-dokumenata u sustavu informacijskog posrednika za uslugu e-Računa 
Elektroničko poslovanje je izvršavanja svih elemenata poslovnih aktivnosti ekonomskog procesa elektroničkim putem, odnosno stvaranje dodatnih vrijednosti koristeći se ICT tehnologijama. Informacijski posrednik je fizička ili pravna osoba koja u ime drugih obavlja otpremu, prijem i prijenos elektroničkih dokumenata. U radu će biti prikazana upotreba normi za adresiranje i usmjeravanje elektroničkih dokumenata te njihova primjena u sustavu informacijskog posrednika. Isporuka dokumenata zahtjeva uspostavu dodatne strukture, tzv. omotnice oko dokumenta. U omotnici se pohranjuju informacije potrebne za adresiranje i usmjeravanje. Omotnica i elektronički dokument zajedno tvore jedinstvenu poruku. Na ovaj način izbjegava se pristup sadržaju dokumenta. Implementirani sustav informacijskog posrednika koristi prilagođene podatkovne strukture temeljene na ebXML Messaging (ebMS) version 3.0 Core Specification OASIS Standard, ebMS Advanced Features (Part 2) OASIS Committee Specification i Universal Business Language Version 2.1 (UBL 2.1). Implementacija omogućava informacijskom posredniku sudjelovanje uspostavi različitih scenarija razmjene poruka.
4.D. Mesarić (Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek, Osijek, Croatia), M. Štimac (GEOprem d.o.o. Osijek, Osijek, Croatia), F. Ambroš (GEOprem d.o.o Osijek, Osijek, Croatia)
Informacijske pretpostavke za izgradnju infrastrukture za širokopojasni pristup 
Digitalnom agendom Europa 2020 definiran je način provedbe širokopojasnog pristupa. Hrvatska vlada je 2011. godine usvojila strategiju i provedbeni program iz tog područja. Novina u pristupu pri realizaciji ovih dokumenata je uvođenje lokalne samouprava kao mogućeg aktivnog subjekta pri planiranju i izgradnji širokopojasne infrastrukture za koju su predviđeni fondovi EU iz područja infrastrukture koji u velikom postotku investicije sudjeluju u realizaciji takovih projekata. Kako bi se osigurale sve pretpostavke za racionalno ulaganje, potrebno je analizirati potrebe korisnika, opisati postojeću telekomunikacijsku infrastrukturu kroz katastar vodova te njen potencijal za realizaciju širokopojasnog pristupa. Osim toga, prostorne planove treba adekvatno pripremiti za rezervaciju infrastrukturnih koridora, a postupkom imovinsko pravnog uređenja osigurati vlasničke pretpostavke za realizaciju ove zadaće. Bez adekvatne informatičke podrške, koja će dati sveobuhvatni pregled problema, nije moguće potpuno definirati i izraditi projektni zadatak. U radu je izložen koncept ulaznih parametara potrebnih za bazu podataka temeljem koje se donose odluke o prioritetima ulaganja u širokopojasni pristup , te prikaz web pristup podacima.
5.D. Medved, S. Vojvodić (Ericsson NT d.d., Zagreb, Croatia), S. Drezgić (Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Upotreba naprednih informacijskih sustava u kontekstu ubrzanja izrade studija izvodljivosti za potrebe izgradnje širokopojasne infrastrukture u RH 
Uz već tradicionalne korisnike telekom sustava za podršku (OSS) pojavljuje se u posljednje vrijeme i posve novi tip korisnika – JLS (jedinice lokalne samouprave). Liberalizacijom telekomunikacijskog tržišta došlo je do promjene vlasništva nad javnom telekomunikacijskom infrastrukturom – privatnopravni gospodarski subjekti koji su postali vlasnici, prvenstveno vode brigu o ekonomskim interesima svojih tvrtki. No razvoj i gradnja javne elektroničke komunikacijske infrastrukture (EKI) i dalje je javni interes koji država i JLS moraju poticati, promicati, i zaštititi osobito zato što e-uprava može efikasno funkcionirati jedino putem razvijene EKI, vodeći se pri tome načelima održivog razvoja, te zaštiti drugih javnih i privatnih interesa. Gradovi i općine imaju velike financijske izazove – traže se novi izvori financiranja potrebni za daljnji razvoj zajednice, ali i bolju kontrolu i naplatu stavki koje im po zakonu pripadaju. Potencijalno velika EU sredstva su im na raspolaganju, no pitanje je kapacitiranosti JLS-a za njihovo povlačenje. Malo je vremena preostalo za projektiranje infrastrukture ukoliko se želi smanjiti zaostatak za sumjerljivim zemljama iz Europske Unije. Manji gradovi nemaju vlastitu IT infrastrukturu i dovoljno stručnih kadrova za efikasno upravljanje životnim ciklusom izgrađene infrastrukture. Koristeći svoja značajna iskustva u procesu izgradnje komunikacijskih sustava odnosno mrežne infrastrukture, te dobro definirane poslovne procese, Ericsson predlaže „industrijalizaciju“ procesa kreiranja projekata i aplikacija za EU fondove.
Thursday, 5/29/2014 2:30 PM - 7:00 PM,
Liburna, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
2:30 PM - 3:45 PMQuality Management

Chair: Darko Huljenić 

1.N. Goran (BH Telecom JSC, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), M. Hadžialić (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), A. Begović (BH Telecom JSC, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Real time assuring QoE in the lowest OSI/ISO layers during delivering of IPTV services 
This paper compares the values of the indicators of data link layer QoS (Quality of Service) of several access lines, which can serve as a measure of the quality of the physical link or QoPH, in real environment without reference video signal (No Reference), during the delivering of IPTV multicast services to multiple users. It also focuses on the fact that an increase in channel capacity reduces the number of indications of signal degradations in data link layer, because it increases the resistance of useful information on the interference. The paper proves the fact that at the same time, improving the physical layer conditions, the values of indicator of network QoS such as packet loss or delay is reduced which affects the final grade at the end-user QoE of IPTV services.
2.M. Pušnik, M. Heričko, B. Šumak (UM FERI, Maribor, Slovenia)
Measuring XML Schema Standard Quality Change through Versioning 
Quality measurements of XML schemas are difficult to perform objectively, providing all aspects of quality demands. However, an approximate evaluation of XML schema’s quality and validation, whether a higher version of an XML schema standard is in fact an improvement, is useful information for XML schema users. The paper addresses who are the users of XML schemas, what aspects of XML schemas are vital to its quality and how to measure those aspects. We present 3 quality aspects in more detail: (1) structure type, (2) re-use possibilities and (3) balance of building blocks. A table of all included variables, that were measured, is provided. Based on results of over 200 XML schemas, quality assessment are given, including data standardization methods. Measurement results of XML schema’s versions are compared, providing insight into quality growth (or decline) through versioning.
3.M. Shurman, B. Al-Shua'b, M. Alsaedeen, M. Al-Mistarihi (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan), K. Darabkh (The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan)
N-BEB: New Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol 
IEEE 802.11 standard primarily utilizes Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) which is based on carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA). IN DCF, when a collision occurs, then a backoff algorithm will take place to randomize medium access for the nodes. The default backoff mechanism used in 802.11 is the binary exponential backoff (BEB) algorithm. In this paper, we analyze the behavior of vari-ous backoff algorithms used in IEEE802.11 standard: BEB, I-BEB, and E-BEB, then we propose the New Binary Exponential Backoff (N-BEB) algorithm to improve channel access fairness while preserving the channel throughput. Our N-BEB algorithm improves the selection process of the contention window CW, based on the number of successful and unsuccessful transmis-sions. Simulation results confirm fairness improvement, power consumption enhancement, reduction of dropped packets and high delivery ratio for proposed protocol over BEB, I-BEB, and E-BEB protocols.
4.E. Kaljić, S. Konjicija (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Multi-objective Parameter Optimization of S-MAC Protocol 
In the process of design of protocols for medium access control in wireless sensor networks, it is necessary to find a compromise between energy saving, time sensitivity, scalability, adaptability and complexity. In this research, as an object of optimization S-MAC protocol is chosen. The main advantage of the S-MAC protocol is a state of sleep, which significantly reduces power consumption. Although the S-MAC protocol is described with a large number of parameters, in this paper we have selected three parameters that directly affect the time frame protocol: the duty cycle, the duration of the synchronization interval, and duration of the data interval. To assess the quality of the selected parameters, three measures were selected: total electricity consumption in the network, delay in the delivery of packets to the application layer, and the total achieved bandwidth. Using ns-2 network simulator, a model for testing the influence of parameters of S-MAC protocol on network performance has been developed. The parameters values are selected using the NSGA-II algorithm implemented in MATLAB software package, and the whole process of finding of non-dominated solution set is fully automated. In addition to multi-objective optimization of parameters, an experiment with single-objective optimization using aggregated utility function and the standard GA is performed. Finally, the analysis of the obtained set of non-dominated solutions is performed and a comparison with the results of the single-objective optimization is done.
5.N. Karahmetović (BH Telecom d.d. Sarajevo, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Primjena FMEA metode u upravljanju kvalitetom telekomunikacijskih usluga 
U implementaciji sistema za upravljanje kvalitetom (QMS, TQM i sl.) neophodna je primjena adekvatnih kombinacija metoda i alata. Kao jedna od metoda koja kompanijama stoji na raspolaganju je i FMEA metoda. Iako je prvobitno bila namjenjena za upravljaje kvalitetom u proizvodnim djelatnostima, u zadnje vrijeme se nerijetko primjenjuje i u uslužnim kompanijama. U ovom radu prezentirat će se mogućnost primjene ove metode u unapređenju telekomunikacijskih usluga i procesa koji prethode pružanju usluga. Svrha FMEA metode jeste poduzimanje akcija za eliminisanje ili smanjivanje broja grešaka ili nedostataka, počevši od onih koji imaju najveći značaj i prioritet. Dobiveni rezultati pružaju smjernice pri rangiranju grešaka na način da ukazuju koji problem treba prvo rješavati. Prema dobivenim rezultatima pristupa se prvo rješavanju grešaka s najvećim rizikom. U istraživanju FMEA metoda je primjenjena na procese koji učestvuju u isporuci paket usluga, na način da je izvršena analiza ključnih procesa i aktivnosti. Cilj analize procesa i aktivnosti uključenih u stvaranje paket usluge je povećanje njihove efikasnosti i efektivnosti, te maksimiziranje vrijednosti (kvaliteta) koja se paket usluzi dodaje u svakom procesu i njegovim aktivnostima. Rezultati dobiveni primjenom metode ukazuju na konkretne mjere i mjerljive pokazatelje uočenih nedostataka te u konačnici pokazuju da je moguće značajno povećati efikasnost posmatranih procesa.
3:45 PM - 4:45 PMSoftware Engineering & Tools

Chair: Tihana Galinac Grbac 

1.N. Tanković (Superius d.o.o., Pula, Croatia), T. Galinac Grbac (Tehnički fakultet, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Žagar (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Experiences from Building an EUD Business Portal 
End user development (EUD) is the idea of providing end users, professionals outside computer science community, to develop their own software. This idea has received special attention by domain experts who would like to easily modify software applications to their needs, without intervention of technical professionals and without learning conventional programming languages. The end user development is in fact a system property, closely related to system adaptability that should be built into a system to enable number of modifications at different system levels securing powerful system expressions that would satisfy the end user needs. This is a challenging requirement for every software provider. There are a number of identified system perspectives, critical to EUD, and general guiding principles what should be addressed. However, in reality, building these properties into the concrete system, a number of complex and interrelated issues have to be solved. In this paper we report challenges that we addressed in the way of implementing end user development capability into a software system within business domain.
2.F. Urem (Veleučilište u Šibeniku, Šibenik, Croatia), K. Fertalj (FER Zagreb, ZAGREB, Croatia), I. Livaja (Veleučilište u Šibeniku, Šibenik, Croatia)
Modeling of Software Failure Cost in ERP Systems 
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are the most important software for many types of businesses. Software defects inserted on working ERP system can cause significant cost to their users. Existing software reliability models usually don't consider any financial impact at all. In this paper proposed model links the ERP application layer with critical business operations and propose failure cost calculation. Presented model is illustrated by a case study.
3.T. Pavičić, D. Medved, S. Vojvodić, N. Severinac (Ericsson NT d.d., Zagreb, Croatia), V. Roland (Institut za GIS, Zagreb, Croatia)
Automatizirano projektiranje telekomunikacijske infrastrukture softverskim alatom baziranim na geografskom informacijskom sustavu (GIS) 
Jedinstvena platforma na kojoj se spremaju svi elementi projekta nove i/ili postojeće telekomunikacijske infrastrukture pojednostavljuje i ubrzava realizaciju novih projekata. Softverski alat baziran na GIS podacima, nedvosmisleno precizira trase i vizualizira administrativne pretpostavke za realizaciju projekta (npr. građevinske dozvole ili pravo puta). Za kvalitetnu realizaciju projekata neophodni su ažurni GIS podaci. Prilikom izrade projekta svjetlovodne infrastrukture to su svi objekti od interesa kao što su namjena i korištenje prostora, kućanstva, ceste, zemljišne čestice te dostupnost postojeće telekomunikacijske i druge infrastrukture. Alat za planiranje mreže automatski izračunava potrebne količine materijala i trasa za realizaciju projekta te rezultate pohranjuje u GIS bazu. Iz baze se lako izračunava ukupna potrebna investicija, te se dodatnim funkcionalnostima lako upravlja i prati realizacija projekta na terenu. Time je omogućena ključna komponenta uvođenja konzistentnosti u sve poslovne procese a posredno i u podatke, a to je implementacija upravljanja životnim ciklusom mrežne infrastrukture. Najveći izazov pri izradi ovakve vrsta projekata je osiguranje kvalitetnih ulaznih podataka. Uređivanje i harmonizacija svih relevantnih podataka kroz izgradnju kvalitetno dizajnirane GIS baze omogućit će našem društvu efikasnije planiranje razvoja i izgradnje širokopojasnih mreža, lakše povlačenje sredstava iz EU fondova, pomoć pri donošenju odluka vezanih uz prostor, te transparentnu dostupnost društveno značajnih informacija.
4.L. Novosel (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
Upotreba alata za mjerenja na radijskom sučelju u nastavi mobilnih komunikacija 
Moderni su radijski komunikacijski sustavi složeni te zahtijevaju od studenata, budućih inženjera, opsežno poznavanje teorije. Nažalost, često puta se zanemaruje praktičan rad na stvarnim radijskim komunikacijskim mrežama što zbog objektivnih, a ponekad i subjektivnih razloga. Razvoj profesionalnih alata za mjerenje na radijskom sučelju u sustavima mobilnih komunikacija omogućuje razvijanje novih metoda u nastavi Nove metode teže aktivnijem sudjelovanju studenata i usvajanju novih praktičnih znanja primjenjivih u profesionalnom telekomunikacijskom okruženju. Postojanje alata za mjerenja na radijskom sučelju koje svakodnevno koriste telekomunikacijski inženjeri za terenska mjerenja i optimizaciju odlična je prilika za korištenje tih alata u nastavnom procesu sa svrhom boljeg razumijevanja sustava mobilnih komunikacija. U ovom će se radu predstaviti korištenje jednog od dostupnih profesionalnih alata za mjerenje parametara radijskog sučelja Anite Nemo Handy s naglaskom na aktivnom sudjelovanju studenata u mjerenjima, analizi podataka te donošenju zaključaka vezanih uz performanse sustava mobilnih komunikacija.
4:45 PM - 5:00 PMBreak 
5:00 PM - 6:00 PMNetworks & Environment

Chair: Oliver Jukić 

1.S. Punčikar (College for Information Tehnologies, Zagreb, Croatia)
Reselection of base station in TETRA network 
2.O. Jukić, I. Heđi (Visoka škola Virovitica, Virovitica, Croatia)
Inventory Management System for Water Supply Network 
In this paper, inventory management system for water supply network is presented. Respecting existing experience in telecommunications network management area, we have made comparison between basic aspects of telecommunications network management and water supply network management. As a first step, we have detected need for developing water supply network inventory system, covering configuration management functional area. Main goal of this system is to collect, process and store inventory data through graphical user interface, to be presented to network operating personnel. Related work is researched and briefly presented. After that, own inventory management system solution is presented. Complete network structure is modelled as information model in Data Warehouse. Graphical user interface, developed in web technology with Google maps as background, with basic knowledge integrated, is presented. Some basic functions of GUI are discussed, such as: logging of network maintenance and repair actions, network planning support, billing process support and reporting. Finally, we have tried to define future steps for evolution of this inventory management system in complete water supply network solution. Hence, we have made basic discussion related to technical aspects of real-time data collecting in water supply networks, introducing performance and fault management functional areas in water supply network management.
3.D. Šuka (Elektrotehnički fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), P. Međedović (Ministarstvo za ekonomske odnose i regionalnu saradnju u vladi Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina), M. Simić (Elektrotehnički fakultet u Beogradu, Beograd, Serbia)
Procjena vrijednosti parametra SAR u blizini GSM – UMTS baznih stanica 
Dnevno izlaganje elektromagnetskim poljima GSM-UMTS baznih stanica, iz godine u godinu, povećava javnu zabrinutost o mogućim negativnim efektima po zdravlje ljudi koji žive i rade u blizini baznih stanica, koje danas predstavljaju najrasprostranjeniji izvor nejonizujućeg zračenja. Međunarodni standardi i smernice ustanovljeni za ograničavanje izloženosti ljudi elektromagnetskim poljima podjeljeni su u dvije kategorije: Osnovna ograničenja (SAR, indukovana gustina struja i indukovana gustina snage) i Referentni nivoi (jačina električnog polja, jačina magnetskog polja i gustina snage u slobodnom prostoru). Da bi se provjerilo slaganje sa obje ove kategorije, u ovom radu su predstavljena merenja jačine električnog polja, te su dobijeni rezultati iskorišteni za numeričku predikciju SAR. Merenja jačine polja i gustine snage su izvršena u urbanoj zoni u periodu peak saobraćaja. Rezultati su upoređeni sa ICNIPR, IEEE i CENELEC standardima.
4.R. Gajić, K. Janaček (Hrvatski Telekom, Zagreb, Croatia)
Utjecaj LTE tehnologije na razine elektromagnetskih polja u mobilnim mrežama Hrvatskog Telekoma 
LTE mreža pokretnih komunikacija je u komercijalni rad u Hrvatskoj puštena u ožujku 2013. godine, od strane dvaju telekomunikacijskih operatera. Uz LTE, u području pokretnih komunikacija u Hrvatskoj su prisutne još i sljedeće tehnologije: GSM, UMTS i DCS. S obzirom da su elektromagnetska polja emitirana od strane visokofrekvencijskih izvora u mobilnim mrežama stalni predmet interesa javnosti, te da je u 2013. godini primjećen pojačani interes, u radu se razmatraju izmjerene razine elektromagnetskih polja i njihova usporedba s dozvoljenim razinama. Posebna pažnja je posvećena izmjerenim LTE razinama, jer je riječ o još jednoj tehnologiji koja neminovno povećava ukupne vrijednosti elektromagnetskih polja. U ovom radu su analizirane izmjerene vrijednosti referentnih veličina u mobilnim mrežama Hrvatskog Telekoma. Rad se bazira na velikom broju obavljenih mjerenja tijekom 2013. godine. Razmatrane su bazne postaje GSM, DCS, UMTS i LTE tehnologije. Izmjerene vrijednosti u okolini izvora elektromagnetskih polja su uspoređene sa zakonom propisanim graničnim razinama te je razmatran istodobni utjecaj više polja koje djeluju na istom mjestu.
6:00 PM - 6:45 PMNetworks Performance

Chair: Branko Mikac 

1.P. Mrozowski, A. Chydzinski (Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Gliwice, Poland)
On Practical Solutions of AQM Queues with Large Buffers 
In a router equipped with the active queue management (AQM), the arriving packets may be rejected even if the buffer is not full. This is supposed to reduce the queue size, while maintaining a high link utilization. The simplest approach to AQM is rejecting arriving packets with the probability that is a function of the queue length. The mathematical models of such systems, developed recently, present numerical difficulties that are not trivial to overcome, especially in systems of large sizes. In this paper we first overview the analytical solutions of these models, which contain both Markovian (Poisson) and non-Markovian (general renewal) traffic models. Then we discuss the computational techniques that enable solving and designing of such AQM queues with buffers for thousands of packets (like those built-in real networking devices). Finally, we demonstrate several computational examples with large buffers, different dropping probabilities and traffic types.
2.A. Hayajneh, M. Khodeir, M. AlMistarihi (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan)
Incremental-Relaying Cooperative-Networks using Dual Transmit Diversity and Decode and Forward Relaying Scheme with Best Relay Selection 
A new incremental-relaying cooperative-diversity technique with a simple dual transmit diversity, decode-and-forward and best relay selection scheme is presented. Closed-form expressions for the the bit error rate, the signal to noise ratio outage probability, and average achievable rate are derived using binary phase shift keying modulation scheme over independent non-identical Rayleigh fading channels. The results show that the simple space time block coding scheme with the incremental-relaying cooperative diversity and best relay selection outperforms the regular incremental fixed cooperative diversity and saves resources.
3.R. Mohaisen, M. Al-Mistarihi (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan), A. Sharaqa (WorleyParsons Arabia Ltd , Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia)
Closed-form Expression for Outage Probability in Relay-Based Cooperative Diversity Systems over Nakagami Fading Channels with Interference 
Incremental relaying, which is a form of the adaptive cooperative wireless networks, has been recently introduced to compensate for the channel resources utilization deficiencies associated with the fixed relaying schemes. Incremental relaying operates by exploiting a feedback from the destination to both the source and the relay that inform them about usability of the source-destination direct channel and by this, the channel resources will be saved since the relay will be used only when needed. This paper discusses the performance, namely the outage probability, of the decode-and-forward incremental relaying scheme over Nakagami-m fading channel and incorporates the effects of the multiple L interferers near the destination that will degrade the overall system performance. Numerical results are provided to validate our derivations.
6:45 PM - 7:00 PMClosing

Chair: Stjepan Golubić 

Basic information:

Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Davor Šarić (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Željka Car (Croatia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Zdravko Jukić (Croatia), Miroslav Karasek (Czech Republic), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Marko Lacković (Croatia), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal)

International Program Committee Chairman:

Petar Biljanović (Croatia)

International Program Committee:

Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Vesna Anđelić (Croatia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Eugen Brenner (Austria), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Marko Delimar (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Stjepan Groš (Croatia), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Leonardo Jelenković (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Igor Mekjavic (Slovenia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Alexandru-Ioan Mincu (Slovenia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Vladimir Peršić (Croatia), Goran Radić (Croatia), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Janez Rozman (Slovenia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Uroš Stanič (Slovenia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Davor Šarić (Croatia), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Zoran Šimunić (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), Sergio Uran (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Marijana Vidas-Bubanja (Serbia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia), Damjan Zazula (Slovenia)

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Before May 12, 2014
After May 12, 2014
Members of MIPRO and IEEE
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers


Stjepan Golubić
Ericsson Nikola Tesla Inc.
Krapinska 45
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Opatija - 170 years of tourism:

Opatija – the cradle of European and Croatian tourism, a favourite destination of the aristocracy, film and music stars, artists, writers and visitors from all over the world, who come here every year to enjoy the charm of this Adriatic town – this year celebrates its 170th anniversary as a tourist resort.

This is a tradition that provides certain obligations, but is also a guarantee of quality. The reputation of a top destination that stretches back seventeen decades is today reflected in the wide range of facilities and services on offer that all together make Opatija an attractive destination for all seasons.

Opatija owes its unique image to its ideal location on the spot where the wooded slopes of Mount Učka descend all the way down to the coast, providing perfect shade along the thirteen-kilometre-long Lungomare seafront promenade. Just as the Opatija area is a meeting point of the sea and the mountain, its visual impression is a blend of different styles, as this is a melting pot where magnificent Central European elegance, playful Mediterranean charm and the historically-rich medieval architecture of the small towns in the hinterland come together. 

In addition to the architecture that leaves a strong impression on every visitor, especially when the town is viewed from the sea, and its lush parks and gardens that have been Opatija's trademarks since its beginnings as a tourist resort, Opatija also has hotels and restaurants whose quality ranks alongside that of any other European destination. Opatija's gastronomic offer is based on a Mediterranean cuisine rich in fresh fish and seafood and locally grown seasonal ingredients, while the traditional recipes of this region reveal a wealth of flavours and can be sampled in the area's numerous taverns. 

Opatija entered the European stage in the mid-19th century as a health resort for the European nobility, and health tourism has remained one of the main segments of the town's tourism offer right up to the present day. However, top medical experts and a wide range of spa & wellness services are just one of the reasons for visiting this town located at the top of Kvarner Bay. Also known as "the town of festivals", Opatija boasts a number of events throughout the year. The theatrical performances and concerts that take place at the magnificent Open Air Theatre are particularly impressive.

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