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innovative promotional partnershipArtificial Intelligence towards EU Multilingualism

Technical co-sponsorship


Event program
Tuesday, 5/27/2014 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Nava 1, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
9:00 AM - 10:00 AMPapers
Chairs: Vesna Skočir and Kristinka Blažeka
1.J. Šurić (Osnovna škola "Braća Radić", Koprivnica, Koprivnica, Croatia), T. Pavičić (Prva osnovna škola Varaždin, Varaždin, Croatia), M. Dumančić (Učiteljski fakultet , Zagreb, Croatia)
Informatika kao izborni predmet ili izvannastavna aktivnost u razrednoj nastavi 
Glavni cilj ovog rada i istraživanja bio je sistematizirati i prikazati važnost uvođenja informatike kao izbornog predmeta ili izvannastavne aktivnosti u područje razredne nastave. Provjeren je i odnos djece u dobi od 7 do 10 godine prema digitalnoj tehnologiji, njihova empatija i znanje. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 400 učenika razredne nastave u pet osnovnih škola u Varaždinu i Koprivnici. Svaki je učenik ispunio anketni upitnik Računalo i ja. Rezultati su pokazali da gotovo svi učenici posjeduju i koriste računalo i Internet. Većina ispitanika dio svog slobodnog vremena provodi koristeći digitalnu tehnologiju isključivo za zabavu i suzbijanje dosade. Rezultati konkretnih informatičkih pitanja pokazuju nezavidno znanje učenika o osnovama digitalne tehnologije, no njihova zainteresiranost za stjecanjem novih, informatičkih znanja stvara temelje za stručnim uvođenjem učenika razredne nastave u svijet informatike. U radu se također navode brojna svjetska istraživanja i gledišta koja potvrđuju da upravo ulaganje u ICT poboljšava cjelokupan obrazovni učinak.
2.V. Skočir (X. gimnazija Ivan Supek, Zagreb, Croatia)
Primjer projekta u nastavi informatike - što je lijepo ljudskom oku 
Projektna nastava ima velike potencijalne mogućnosti. Jedna, osobito važna, je da se kroz takav oblik nastave učenici mogu upoznati s istraživačkim elementima. U radu je predstavljen projekt grupe učenika prirodoslovno matematičke gimnazije koji su ponovili eksperiment Gustava Theodora Fechnera, prvog eksperimentalnog psihologa iz 19. stoljeća. Cilj je bio utvrditi hoće li ljudsko oko među sličnim likovima kao najljepši izdvojiti onaj u kojemu je implementiran omjer zlatnog reza. Iako je u ponovljenom eksperimentu bilo nekih nedostataka, rezultati su istovjetni Fechnerovim: najveći broj ispitanika prepoznao je ljepotu zlatnog reza. Pored opisa i rezultata eksperimenta u radu se diskutira kako učinkovito koristiti računalo kod pripreme ovakve vrste projekta, rada na projektu te predstavljanju rezultata.
3.D. Vrbanc (Željeznička tehnička škola – Moravice, Vrbovsko, Croatia)
Primjena interaktivnog videa u obrazovnim nastavnim sredstvima 
U radu je prikazan način interpretacije električnih shema iz dvaju predmeta Elektronički sklopovi i Učinska (energetska) elektronika. Prikaz je namijenjen učenicima i studentima koji su na nastavi, tj. predavanjima bili upoznati s radom određenih elektroničkih sklopova, a za bolje razumijevanje i zornost rada istih - trebao bi im poslužiti interaktivni video. Dok se pisani i slikovni sadržaj u udžbenicima ili prezentacijama uglavnom koristi na uobičajen način, interaktivni video u danim primjerima ne rabi pisanu riječ već samo slike i pokretne slike tijeka struje i iscrtavanje valnih oblika (uglavnom napona i struja). Time se paralelnim i slijednim promatranjem objašnjava princip rada određenog sklopa, a izostanak pisane riječi omogućuje jednostavnu internacionalizaciju. Princip rada ovog prikaza prikazan je na dva primjera. Za prvi primjer je odabran rad mosnog punovalnog ispravljača (Graetzov spoj), na kojem su pokazani mehanizmi rada videa. Drugi primjer je iz učinske elektronike, (opis rada ciklopretvarača), kojim se jedan složeniji elektronIčki sklop interpretira na način kojim ga je jednostavnije pojmiti. Dakle, naglasak rada je stavljen na pokazivanju nevidljivog vidljivim. Zna se da je električna struja usmjereno gibanje nosioca naboja, pa se ta definicija, zajedno s valnim oblicima, koristi u prikazivanju električne struje u danim primjerima.
4.S. Šalković (Srednja škola Krapina, Krapina, Croatia)
Primjena e-portfolija u nastavi  
U radu je opisana primjena e-portfolija u nastavi računalstva učenika strukovnih usmjerenja. Realizacija je temeljena na sustavu otvorenog koda Mahara. Aktivnost je bila usmjerena na domaće zadaće i seminare, no može imati puno širu primjenu. Pokazalo se da je motivacija za rješavanje problema bila veća na ovaj način, nego na klasične načine koji su dosad korišteni. Učenici su pozvani da portfolio razvijaju kroz cjelokupno školovanje, te da ga popunjavaju kako bi sačuvali svoje uratke. Završetkom školovanja, uz pretpostavku čuvanja radova iz svih predmeta struke, mapa struke može biti vidljiva budućim poslodavcima ili u daljem školovanju. Na kraju prve faze provedena je anketa, kako bi se uočile prednosti i nedostaci. Temeljem rezultata ubuduće će biti uvedene određene promjene.
Bonton digitalnog doba 
Informatičko/informacijska pismenost je nužnost današnjeg digitalnog doba. Ponašanje na internetu, u virtualnoj zajednici mora biti u skladu s kulturno-civilizacijskim i poslovnim normama. Usvajanje pravila bontona u raznim situacijama u kojima koristimo moderne tehnologije pomoći će nam da steknemo dobre manire. Važno je definirati skup pravila poželjnog ponašanja u internet zajednici. Pridržavanje pravila u slanju i primanju elektroničke pošte nije samo stvar bontona već je neophodno i zbog očuvanja sigurnosti, stvaranja ugleda i održanja produktivnosti poslovanja. Brojna su pravila kojih se moramo pridržavati pri primjeni mobilnih telefona, elektroničkoj komunikaciji putem elektroničke pošte, u virtualnim zajednicama kao što su News grupe i forumi, kao i društvenim mrežama. U Tehničkoj školi Požega nizom godina učenici sudjeluju u projektu «Sigurnost djece na internetu» te su provedena istraživanja i prikupljanje podataka o iskustvima učenika prilikom korištenja interneta, kao i primjene pravila e-bontona. Analiza rezultata ankete pokazuje da u školama učenici moraju upoznati e-bonton i primjenjivati ga u svojoj digitalnoj komunikaciji. Pravila lijepog ponašanja u virtualnom svijetu objavio je Hrvatski Telekom izdavanjem e-bontona koji je podjednako obuhvatio mišljenje sudionika komunikacije na društvenim mrežama i mišljenje eksperata s iskustvom promatranja najraznovrsnijih oblika komunikacije kao međuljudske interakcije. Osim djece i mladih, poslovni ljudi, zaposlenici u tvrtkama također moraju posebnu pažnju posvetiti digitalnom bontonu. Edukacijom zaposlenika u tvrtkama moguće je zaštititi sebe i tvrtku od nezgodnih pitanja odgovornosti. Važno je osigurati e-bonton politiku koja se odnosi na sve zaposlenike
6.M. Zovkić (Osnovna škola Barilović, Barilović, Croatia), T. Vrbanec (Učiteljski fakultet, Čakovec, Croatia)
IKT, ljudski resursi te informacijska i računalna sigurnost u hrvatskom osnovnom školstvu 
Nastavnici informatike u hrvatskim osnovnim školama često su "volonteri" u ulozi sistemskih administratora. Ta je uloga tehnički i tehnološki zahtjevna, a vremenski izuzetno zahtjevna. U školama se takav angažman uglavnom ne primjećuje. Sistemsku administraciju dodatno otežavaju sljedeće činjenice: (a) računala su često različitih hardverskih konfiguracija što onemogućava neke metode održavanja, (b) računala su u prosjeku stara osam godina pa imaju slabije hardverske mogućnosti (slabiji procesor te nedovoljna/minimalna količina radne memorije), zbog čega su spora. Računalne učionice u prosjeku sadrže 19 računala, što predstavlja problem ako su razredna odjeljenja većeg broja učenika, a razredna odjeljenja nije moguće dijeliti na manje grupe. U manjim školama nastavnici informatike često su pored računalne učionice zaduženi za održavanje i svih drugih računala u školi. Učenici se uobičajeno prijavljuju na računala u svojstvu administratora, sve se više raznih uređaja poput pametnih telefona, tableta i fableta spaja na školsku mrežu, a informatičari i ostali nastavnici zbog kroničnog nedostatka novaca za stručno usavršavanje nisu dovoljno educirani s novim prijetnjama i metodama zaštite u pogledu računalne i informacijske sigurnosti. Stoga edukacija o IKT sigurnosti ovisi o dobroj volji, slobodnom vremenu i entuzijazmu pojedinog nastavnika (informatike). Rad predstavlja pregled sigurnosti internet komunikacija te fizičke sigurnosti IKT u školskim računalnim učionicama.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AMBreak 
10:30 AM - 11:30 AMPapers
Chairs: Vesna Skočir and Kristinka Blažeka 
1.G. Zlodi, Ž. Miklošević (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Mediated Heritage Learning in Formal and Informal Context: Antiquity CyberEd 
The presentation explores the ways a physical educational resource is transformed by ICT into a virtual learning material on the example of Ancient Greek sculptures at Zagreb’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The sculptures, acquired as casts from the originals in the British Museum and Louvre, serve as a study tool in teaching museum study courses, while the results of this formal education provide a new learning material for an online environment. The theoretical framework is based on Laurillard’s classification of educational media that facilitate participative learning in formal education and consequently in informal online heritage education.
3.K. Blažeka (Tehnička škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Analiza uspješnosti u usvajanju algoritamskog načina razmišljanja kod učenika u prvom razredu novog strukovnog kurikuluma za zanimanje Tehničar za računalstvo 
U školskoj godini 2013./2014. u dijelu srednjih škola krenula je eksperimentalna provedba nekoliko novih strukovnih kurikuluma. Učenici upisani u prvi razred za zanimanje Tehničar za računalstvo također su krenuli po novom osuvremenjenom programu. U prvoj godini školovanja uveden je novi nastavni predmet Algoritmi i programiranje sa naglaskom na usvajanje znanja i razvoj vještina u području analize problema i dizajna njegovog rješenja prilikom izrade računalnih programa. Predmet se osim u prvom razredu treba realizirati i u drugom. Prema ishodima učenja u početnim je mjesecima stavljen naglasak na usvajanje važnosti algoritama u procesu rješavanja problema i razvoj algoritamskog razmišljanja s ciljem odabira i osmišljavanja odgovarajućeg algoritma na što se nastavlja učenje i savladavanje sintakse odabranog programskog jezika. Kako već površne analize pokazuju da su logičko zaključivanje, kreativno stvaralaštvo i algoritamsko razmišljanje, iako nužne općenito za rješavanje problema, na žalost vještine prečesto zanemarene u osnovnoškolskoj nastavi, potrebno je uložiti prilično napora kako bi učenici dobili upotrebljive temelje za uspješnije stvaranje računalnih programa. S ciljem preispitivanja postignuća učenika prije učenja sintakse programskog jezika istraženo je koliko su učenici bili uspješni u usvajanju osnova algoritamskog razmišljanja. Dobiveni rezultati trebali bi pomoći u uočavanju aspekata u kojima učenici trebaju dodatne upute, za eventualne modifikacije kurikuluma a mogu poslužiti i kao inspiracija nastavnicima koji obavljaju složen zadatak razvoja vještina algoritamskog razmišljanja i programiranja kod učenika.
4.M. Babić (OŠ Vežica, Rijeka, Croatia)
iPad u nastavi matematike i fizike 
​iPad u nastavi matematike i fizike Mirela Babić Osnovna škola Vežica, Rijeka, Republika Hrvatska Sažetak U suvremenom svijetu informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije imaju velik utjecaj na svakodnevni život , pa ti alati poprimaju sve veću i važniju ulogu i u obrazovanju. Otvaraju se brojne mogućnosti i perspektive unutar obrazovnog procesa kao što su vizualizacija, simulacija, čitanje digitalnih knjiga, slušanje zvuka, provjera vlastitog izgovora na stranom jeziku. Za razliku od tradicionalne nastave u kojoj je učitelj sveznajući prenositelj informacija, on se pretvara u vodiča i trenera u svijetu informacija. Učenici pak postaju aktivni učesnici obrazovnog procesa, sve je veća interakcija u odnosu učitelj-učenik i učenik-učenik. Iskorak prema "školi budućnosti" učinjen je u OŠ Vežica u kojoj se već drugu godinu provodi nastava pomoću tableta 1:1. Početna istraživanja pokazuju da smo na dobrom putu."
5.I. Ružić (I. OŠ Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
#code EU 
#codeEU je inicijativa koju je pokrenula Neeile Kroes u Europskoj komisiji sa ciljem da se svi ljudi potaknu na učenje programiranja, da se svima nama pruži prilika da ostvarimo vlastite ideje i promijenimo svijet. Tehnologija oblikuje naše živote ali manjima odlučuje što ćemo i kako koristiti. Mi možemo učiniti puno više od korištenja, dijeljenja i „lajkanja“. Mi možemo ostvariti naše „lude“ ideje i izgraditi usluge i predmete koji će donijeti radost drugima. Nikada nije bilo lakše napraviti vlastitu aplikaciju, izgraditi vlastiti robota ili izmisliti leteće automobile, zašto ne? To nije lagan put ali je putovanje puno kreativnih izazova, zajednica koja pruža snažnu podršku i mnogo zabave. Jeste li spremni prihvatiti izazov i postati stvaratelj? Hrvatska kao najmlađa članica Europske unije svojim odazivom i angažmanom zauzela je zavidno drugo mjesto u Europi okupivši preko 4000 sudionika. Održane su različite radionice programiranja: C++, Phyton, Small Basic, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Game Maker, Kodu, Scratch,… ispisane su tisuće linija koda, radošću stvaranja ozarila su se mnoga lica, ostvarene su mnoge suradnje i vjerujemo da se zakotrljao veliki kotač koji će mnogim sudionicima inicijative ili onima koji će te to postati do slijedeće godine i novog Europskog tjedna programiranja donijeti mnogo novih znanja i vještina.
6.M. Balković, N. Bačun Lebarović, H. Balen (Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia)
Prijedlog entitetsko-relacijskog modela podataka registara Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira  
Republika Hrvatska je jedna od 146 država u svijetu koje su u nekoj od faza uvođenja nacionalnog kvalifikacijskog okvira. S tim ciljem je u 2013 donesen Zakon o Hrvatskom kvalifikacijskom okviru, te su u izradi dva pravilnika koji će regulirati područja priznavanja informalno i neformalno stečenih znanja i vještina te ustroj registara Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira. Ovim člankom se sukladno Zakonu o HKO i dosadašnjem radu na pravilniku o registrima HKO nastoji predložiti entitetsko-relacijski model podataka registara HKO koji će uključiti opis atributa koji opisuju skupine ishoda učenja, standarde zanimanja, standarde kvalifikacija te obrazovne programe. Predloženi relacijski model podataka uzeti će u obzir odnose između pojedinih entiteta, ali isto tako i predviđene procedure njihovih izmjena i dopuna te praćenje verzija. Cilj rada je osigurati kvalitetnu podlogu za razvoj informacijskog sustav koji će predstavljati potporu punoj implementaciji Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira.
7.T. Krištof, H. Balen (Visoko učilište Algebra - Visoka škola za primijenjeno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia), V. Šebek (Otvoreno učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia)
Istraživanje o odlukama o odabiru karijere maturanata i brucoša na platformi Facebooka 
Autori ovog rada proveli su istraživanje na populaciji maturanata i brucoša u Hrvatskoj na temu odabira obrazovnog puta i karijere. Ovo dosad najveće istraživanje ovakve vrste u Hrvatskoj obuhvatilo je 5000 anketiranih koji su se izjašnjavali o odabiru svoje karijere, željama u daljnjem obrazovanju i planovima za budućnost. Autori istraživanja poslužili su se raspoloživim (besplatnim) informacijskim tehnologijama: Facebook i open source platformama – PHP i MySQL. Kombinacijom tri navedena alata napravili su aplikaciju za istraživanje te na efikasan i efektivan način dosegli ciljanu publiku. Efikasnost se manifestirala kroz najmanji napor za pokretača istraživanja (vlastita aplikacija, gotova rješenja – komunikacija, anketni obrazac, baza podataka) i najmanji napor za ispitanika (geografska i vremenska neovisnost, ispunjavanje unutar svojeg virtualnog prostora – minimalni stres). Efektivnost se manifestirala kroz veliki apsolutni broj ispitanika, kao i vrlo velik postotak ispitanika koji su kvalitetno ispunili anketu. Istraživanje je bilo segmentirano u dvije skupine: Maturanti i brucoši 2013., a sastojalo se od 25 pitanja po skupini. Kako ispitanici pripadaju generacijski sukcesivnim i analognim populacijama, pored statičkih podataka, voditelji projekta stekli su uvid i u dinamiku podataka. U stručnom radu objavit ćemo podatke, saznanja i interpretacije koje iz prikupljenih podataka proizlaze, a daju uvid u proces odlučivanja o obrazovanju.
11:30 AM - 12:00 PMBreak 
12:00 PM - 1:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Vesna Skočir and Kristinka Blažeka 
1.J. Novaković (III. gimnazija Split, Split, Croatia)
Nastavni plan i program za predmet programiranje u prirodoslovno-matematičkim gimnazijama 
Usprkos sve raširenijoj primjeni e-učenja u obrazovanju programera, postoje brojne barijere koje udaljavaju učenike od pravilnog pristupa programiranju. Problemi koji se pojavljuju pri podučavanju programiranja su ili fokusirani na razvojnu okolinu ili na sintaksu više programskih jezika kojih tijekom obrazovanja učenici usvajaju te se tako u potpunosti gubi osnovni smisao programiranja, a to je usvajanje osnovnih koncepata algoritamskog načina rješavanja problema. Iako je u nizu programskih jezika danas zaista teško izabrati pogodan za učenje programiranja smatram da treba napraviti redizaj postojećih nastavnih sadržaja. Ovaj rad će poduditi okvirni prijedlog nastavnih sadržaja koji potiču razvijanje apstraktnog i algoritamskog načina razmišljanja.
2.M. Čičin-Šain (Faculty of economics, Rijeka, Croatia), S. Babić (Veleučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Koliko programiranja i kada nam treba u kurikulu za osnovne i srednje škole?  
Danas je učenicima razvoj znanja, vještina i sposobnosti iz područja programiranja omogućen na različim obrazovnim razinama u različitom obimu kroz formalni, neformalni i informalni oblik obrazovanja. Međutim obrazovna praksa pokazuje da je programiranje za većinu učenika poput matematike, uglavnom slabo prihvaćeno i nepopularno. Stoga je važno pronaći načine koji će olakšati process učenja i poučavanja programiranja, te potaknuti kod učenika želju za razvojem u području programiranja. S druge strane, važno je pronaći odgovarajuću razinu zastupljenosti programiranja u kurikulu za osnovne i srednje škole. (A moglo bi biti lakše.). Ovaj rad opisuje jednu mogućnost kako se to može postići.
3.K. Bedi (Graditeljska škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia)
Tablet PC & smartphone at secondary school (TabletTours) 
This paper presents the development and design of TabletTours application, high-school students’ extracurricular project activity. TabletTours application is designed and implemented as a virtual tablet-based travel guide. The additional purposes of this paper are to examine the manner in which students use new technologies (tablet PC, smartphone) and to showcase an example of a successful implementation of acquired ICT knowledge and skills in a project-oriented classroom.
4.T. Horvat, R. Pekorari (Digitalni informacijsko-dokumentacijski ured Vlade Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb, Croatia)
Webinar u funkciji promicanja prava na pristup informacijama 
Pravo na pristup (službenim) informacijama, jedno od osnovnih ljudskih prava, u Republici Hrvatskoj je Ustavno i zakonsko pravo. Rad će se baviti jednim od mogućih načina promoviranja tog prava. Digitalni informacijsko-dokumentacijski ured (u daljnjem tekstu Ured) proaktivnom objavom službenih dokumenata tijela javne vlasti na svojim internetskim stranicama direktno osigurava pravo na pristup informacijama svima zainteresiranima. Promicanju prava na pristup informacijama daje svoj doprinos putem edukacijskih programa namijenjenih državnim i javnim službenicima i zainteresiranoj javnosti. Kako je nemoguće doći „uživo” do svakog potencijalno zainteresiranog službenika ili građanina, Ured razvija i izvodi i online edukacijske programe. Nakon prvog asinkronog online programa Naučite kako, brzo i lako, do pravnih propisa! ponuđenog svima u slobodnom pristupu na internetskim stranicama, Ured se usredotočio na razvoj i izvedbu webinara koji su se u zadnjih nekoliko godina razvili u vrlo popularan edukacijski alat. U radu će se opisati projektni plan jednog od prvih webinara izrađenih u sklopu državne uprave kao i prvi pokazatelji njegova uspjeha. Također, rad će predstaviti i daljnje planove za korištenje webinara u svrhu razvijanja svijesti o pravu na pristup informacijama.
5.M. Gardijan, B. Šego, T. Škrinjarić (Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Izračun viših momenata distribucija pomoću VBA programskog jezika u Excelu 
Standardni Markowitzev model optimizacije portfelja temelji se na dva parametra pojedinačnih dionica i samog portfelja – na očekivanoj vrijednosti te varijanci i kovarijanci kao mješovitom momentu. Izračun u Microsoft Excelu sastoji se od nekoliko koraka, pri čemu se koristi alat Rješavatelj. Međutim, ekonomska teorija i empirijska istraživanja pokazali su kako je u analizu potrebno uključiti i više momente: treći moment- koeficijent asimetrije, te četvrti moment – koeficijent zaobljenosti. Optimizaciju samog portfelja znatno otežava uvođenje viših momenata jer je potrebno računati sve mješovite momente trećeg i četvrtog reda. Ovaj rad nastoji, prvi puta u svijetu, prikazati kako se izračun samih momenata može znatno olakšati programiranjem u Visual Basic for Application (VBA) za Excel. Korištenjem VBA dizajnirana je radna knjiga u kojoj se pokreću makronaredbe s funkcijama koje na temelju unesenih podataka o cijenama računaju prva četiri momenta distribucije prinosa te dobivene podatke prikazuju u radnim listovima na pregledan način. Funkcije zahtijevaju interakciju s korisnikom za što su implementirane korisničke forme i dijaloški prozori. Korišteni kod je jednostavan i koristi logičke petlje koje se lako mogu prilagoditi i za izračun viših momenata uvođenjem dodatnih varijabli.
6.A. Vukašinović (Brodsko-Posavska županija, Slavonski Brod, Croatia)
Važnost uvođenja novih tehnologija u obrazovne institucije za razvoj lokalnog gospodarstva 
VAŽNOST UVOĐENJA NOVIH TEHNOLOGIJA U OBRAZOVNE INSTITUCIJE ZA RAZVOJ LOKALNOG GOSPODARSTVA Vukašinović1* 1* Brodsko-posavska županija,P. Krešimira IV br.1 35 000 Slavonski Brod, Hrvatska U kontekstu velikih globalizacijskih izazova poput znanstvenog i tehnološkog napretka,demografskih promjena,transformacije nacionalnih gospodarstava, zahtjeva za brzim stjecanjem znanja i vještina potrebnih sve zahtjevnijem tržištu rada te potrebi za cjeloživotnim učenjem, RH i njen sustav odgoja i obrazovanja potrebno je mijenjati i usklađivati s gospodarstvima razvijenih zemalja utemeljenim na znanju. Na taj način moguće je pokrenuti kotač gospodarske aktivnosti u RH prema naprijed s ciljem osiguranja zapošljivosti radno aktivnog stanovništva,osiguranju kvalitete života i kulture življenja njenih stanovnika. Trend pada BDP-a u 2013.godine ogleda se u daljnjem smanjenju vrijednosti proizvedenih roba i usluga te zaposlenosti. Uloga obrazovnog sustava tu je ključna, posebice u dijelu strukovnog obrazovanja koje u razvijenim europskim zemljama vrlo uspješno odgovara na izazove današnjice uvođenjem novih tehnologija, stvaranju novih kompetencija, razvoju ljudskih potencijala s ciljem gospodarskog rasta i razvoja a time i održive zapošljivosti. Obzirom na višegodišnja relativno mala izdvajanja iz državnog proračuna za obrazovanje u RH u odnosu na druge razvijene zemlje i tendenciji daljnjeg smanjenja izdvajanja, teško možemo govoriti o kvalitetnim i brzim promjenama u obrazovnom sustavu. Fiskalni kapaciteti jedinica lokalne uprave i samouprave nisu ujednačeni i u pravilu rijetko osiguravaju viši standard obrazovnim institucijama na svom području. Korištenjem sredstva fondova EU obrazovne institucije u RH otvaraju vrata izazovima razvijenog društva, koristeći nove tehnologije, unapređujući odgojno obrazovni rad, provodeći brojne aktivnosti kojima se proširuju kompetencije nastavnika strukovnih škola i stvaraju materijalni preduvjeti za najsuvremeniju strukovnu nastavu, a u skladu s aktualnim potrebama gospodarstva. Strukovne obrazovne ustanove imaju mogućnost obrazovati učenike koji će biti konkurentni na tržištu rada, koji će svojim znanjima i vještinama biti pokretači gospodarskih aktivnosti na lokalnoj razini. Na primjeru ulaganja u strukovne škole na području Brodsko-posavske županije pokazati ćemo važnost razvoja novih tehnologija u obrazovnim institucijama i njihov utjecaj na razvoj gospodarstva Brodsko-posavske županije. Ključne riječi: nove tehnologije,obrazovne institucije,razvoj ljudskih resursa,tržište rada,kompetencije nastavnika
Tuesday, 5/27/2014 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Nava 1, Hotel Admiral, Opatija
3:00 PM - 4:00 PMInvited Papers
Chairs: Željka Požgaj and Božidar Kovačić 
1.J. Multisilta (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland), H. Niemi (University of Helsinki, Helsinli, Finland)
Children as Co-creators of Video Stories: Mobile Videos for Learning 
Multisilta and his research group have created a mobile social media service for community created videos (Multisilta and Mäenpää, 2008; Multisilta et al. 2010; Multisilta, Suominen, and Östman, 2011; Multisilta, 2011). MoViE, the Mobile Video Experience platform, is a research platform for studying how people create stories and how they share and learn with mobile social media. MoViE supports collaborative video creation, as people can use video clips of the same event made by others in their own mobile video stories because they are sharing the same experience. MoViE also supports public and private groups, user-generated tags, tag spaces, geotags, the remixing of clips, and moderation. Currently, MoViE has been used in several international research projects, and there are over 1200 users and 1500 videos from 5 countries. In this talk, the research results and experiences from MoViE as a tool for cross-cultural co-creation of learning related videos are presented.
2.L. Kralj (OŠ Veliki Bukovec, Veliki Bukovec, Croatia)
Children's Safety on the Internet - Development of the School Curriculum 
Generations that are currently receiving their education and those yet to come should get prepared for everyday interaction with information and communication technology. European Parliament and the Council of the European Union included digital competence in key competencies which each person needs to possess in order to adapt to the rapidly changing world. Their definition of digital competence, along with the knowledge and skills, include a critical attitude toward the responsible use of ICT. At the moment, Croatia do not have national strategy towards the internet safety and not even the minimum of child's knowledge about appropriate and safe use of internet is obligatory in school curriculum. OŠ Veliki Bukovec together with partners OŠ Popovača, OŠ "Mladost", OŠ "Gripe" and OŠ "Mato Lovrak", is running a 16-month European Union-funded project " Children's safety on the Internet " developing new school curriculum area for children's safety on the Internet for students aged 7 -14, their parents, teachers and local community. Curriculum will consist of pedagogical-didactical model, acceptable use policies, multimedia resources, textbooks and guides. The project aim to improve students digital competences and encourage children to assume responsibility for their own safety with a focus on empowerment, emphasizing responsible behavior and digital citizenship and to raise students, teachers, parents and general public awareness and understanding of issues relating to the children’s safety online in synergy with the EU policies.
4:00 PM - 4:30 PMBreak 
4:30 PM - 5:30 PMPapers
Chairs: Željka Požgaj and Božidar Kovačić 
1.Ž. Požgaj (Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb , Zagreb, Croatia), N. Vlahović, V. Bosilj Vukšić (Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Agile Management: a Teaching Model Based on Scrum 
This paper presents a teaching model that is created on the basic principles of agile methodology - mostly Scrum and some segments of Extreme Programming. A model is implemented in the Managerial Informatics master study course “Business Application Development” at the Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb. According to the course curriculum, the aim of the course is to present students theoretical knowledge of software applications development process and to enable them to develop business software applications using Visual Basic. Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework and is used basically for managing software projects and software applications development. The name and the terminology of the framework come from rugby. Although the model was created according to Scrum, it was necessary to make some modifications from the original Scrum method respecting the most important characteristics of educational process of “Business Application Development” course. A model covers the whole teaching process from first lessons to the final exam. It consists of three units: three Scrums. Each unit (each Scrum) has three phases (Pre-game, Game and Post-game), iterations (sprints), roles (Scrum master, Scrum team …) and artifacts (Product backlog list, Sprint backlog list …). The first and the third Scrum units are customized according to the teaching process of this course. Second Scrum unit is a real Scrum and this part of the model is developed respecting the rules of a method. The aim of the first Scrum unit is to provide students with all necessary information about the course and teaching methods, course topics, student’s obligations on etc. Theoretical knowledge which is presented during the first Scrum unit enables students to develop self-supporting particular software products in the second Scrum units. Teams are formed, project tasks are defined, associate features are identified, and dynamics of process development is specified. In the second Scrum each team develops their own software product through iterations called Sprints. The application is ready for deployment when requirements specified in Product Backlog list are implemented in the product. Third Scrum unit presents the last step of the teaching process. Students’ projects finished in second Scrum unit are presented, students can take the exam and the score is entered in their indexes. Segments of Extreme Programming applied in the model are related to: team working, features (requirements) presentation through stories, weekly meetings (instead of daily meetings) and pair programming.
2.D. Vincek (Osnovna škola Ante Kovačića, Zlatar, Zlatar, Croatia)
Ethical Aspects and Capabilities of Social Networks – Students, Teachers, and Facebook in Elementary Schools 
While social network friendships between teachers and students are forbidden in Great Britain, they are allowed in Croatia. However, there are no recommendations on the student-teacher communication by any of the relevant institutions. A study conducted in the Ante Kovačić Elementary school in Zlatar, Croatia in June 2013 shows that more than two thirds of students have at least one teacher as a Facebook friend. Even though this social network is a convenient medium for teachers to make the learning faster and more interesting to students, this potential is seldom utilized. The study shows that both teachers and students think that their friendship and communication on Facebook cannot get them into trouble with the school board or the parents and that this does not undermine the teacher's authority. Today, the students mostly communicate through the media, but they are media literate only in the technological aspect, and not in terms of critical thinking. In the absence of Media Education, the students are taught about the media by the teachers that are not adequately trained. School librarians could fill this void as they could talk about the critical use of Facebook and the media by teaching Information literacy.
3.M. Zovkić (Osnovna škola Barilović, Barilović, Croatia), T. Vrbanec (Učiteljski fakultet, Čakovec, Croatia)
Computer Classroom Operating System Security (Windows) 
Computer security, school security policy and school computers usability should be important for all school computers and network resources users. But instead of implementing security policy, users often unintentionally compromise computer functionality and security out of ignorance or negligence. Unfortunately, Windows is the default operating system in the majority of Croatian schools and when using Windows OS, students often have to use computers in the role of administrator. With the multitude of new technological solutions and constant change of hardware and software, this paper provides an overview of software solutions for IT administrators of school computers, which are also applicable in libraries, colleges, universities and other public places which use computers with Windows OS.
4.M. Draženović (OŠ bana Josipa Jelačića, ZAGREB, Croatia)
Elementary school students using Facebook: A case study of Croatian elementary school ban Josip Jelačić 
After the survey was conducted two years ago in this particular school, I determined certain difficulties regarding usage of Facebook among our students. During the last two years I addressed the problem and begun giving social networking lectures to students, their parents and teachers, later I have incorporated social network workshops in curriculum and especially emphasized the importance of Netiquette. This paper will deal with the status of Facebook in Croatian elementary school ban Josip Jelačić, it will point out the problems that students had and still have, and it will show what has changed during this short period of time.
5.M. Soliman, C. Guetl (Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria)
Evaluation Study and Results of Intelligent Pedagogical Agent-lead Learning Scenarios in a Virtual World 
The use of intelligent pedagogical agents (IPAs) has shown to provide positive learning results and new learning possibilities. As reported previously, the IPA has specific importance in immersive learning environments to enable 24/7 availability, offer a learning companion opportunity, and increase learner engagement while providing learning support functions. In that regard, a proof of concept prototype implementation of an intelligent pedagogical agent (IPA) in the Open Wonderland virtual world environment was created and interfaced with an AI intelligent agent platform. This setting allowed creating new learning scenarios with the IPA in relation to a simulation learning object and the learner represented by the virtual world avatar. The development has followed a process from requirements, conceptual modeling, to creating the prototype. Nevertheless, evaluation of the prototype in relation to the objectives is crucial to study the impact on learning. This paper reports a qualitative evaluation study and experiment performed by a team of six experts in relevant areas of expertise. Those areas include cognitive science, computer science, e-education, and virtual worlds. The experiment studied key prototype components in relation to four learning scenarios with distributed control between the learner avatar and the pedagogical agent to answer questions relevant to their effect on learning attributes of such as motivation, engagement, and the learning experience. Given the qualitative nature of the experiment, the paper also analyzes and reports results relevant to expert input of how the prototype can better contribute to future pedagogical agent realizations and the impact on learning enhancement.
6.M. Sertić (Klasična gimnazija fra Marijana Lanosovića, Slavonski Brod, Croatia)
Učinkovitost elektroničkog učenja u nastavi 
Electronic learning in teaching and its effectiveness can be measured using the most modern technology of today. Using these modern technologies in teaching leads us to several questions to be answered. Some of these questions are: Does the use of modern technology increas students knowledge and skills, and if so, at what level and how much. It is assumed that the computer application and computer software will create a new generation of young students. For these new studente technology has become an indispensable content for learning, entertaiment and communication.
8.I. Jugo, B. Kovačić, V. Slavuj (ODJEL ZA INFORMATIKU, RIJEKA, Croatia)
Using Data Mining for Learning Path Recommendation and Visualization in an Intelligent Tutoring System  
Since the creation of Web-based learning systems researchers have tried to make them adaptive to various characteristics of learners in order to increase the quality of learning. The application of data mining (DM) methods on learning system logs is often used as a basis of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) that have the ability for automatic adaptation of some aspect of the learning process. Such a system was developed at our institution in the previous years and has been used in a number of courses. To improve our system we added an integration application to create a continuous feedback loop with a DM tool. Our goals, from the student’s perspective, are to improve the quality of knowledge acquired by students as well as shorten the learning time by offering recommendations based on mined patterns of learning paths through the knowledge domain. From the perspective of teachers, our goal is to create a rich data visualization system (in the form of a Web application using standard Web technologies to create visualizations) to give them new insight into students’ behaviours. In this paper we present the structure of our system and the research design that will be used to verify its results.
5:30 PM - 5:45 PMBreak 
5:45 PM - 7:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Željka Požgaj and Božidar Kovačić 
1.D. Maršić, G. Malčić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia), I. Vlašić (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu , Zagreb, Croatia)
Izrada programskih komponenti u TIA Portal programskom okruženju 
Izrada programske podrške u sustavima upravljanja koji su realizirani uporabom PLC uređaja kao upravljačkog dijela i SCADA računala, odnosno HMI panela kao nadzornog dijela, uobičajena je praksa kreiranje gotovih programskih modula koji odgovaraju određenoj vrsti procesne opreme kako nalaže S88 norma. Izrada programske podrške upravljačkog i nadzornog dijela za PLC uređaj tvrtke Siemens unutar programskog paketa TIA Portal V12 dio je obavezne nastave na specijalističkom studiju elektrotehnike Tehničkog veleučilišta u Zagrebu. U okviru laboratorijskih vježbi studenti izrađuju programske dijelove upravljačkih komponenti i povezuju ih sa nadzornom HMI aplikacijom za koju također izrađuju vizualno sučelje. Ovakav pristup izvođenju laboratorijskih vježbi rezultira ishodima učenja koji su direktno primjenjivi u praksi.
2.D. Maršić, G. Malčić, V. Tomljenović (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Primjena industrijskih računalnih mreža u nastavi sa energetskim pretvaračima 
Energetski pretvarači napona i frekvencije za upravljanje elektromotornim pogonima temeljenim na asinkronim motorima dio su obavezne nastave na stručnim studijima elektrotehnike. Njihovo povezivanje na više tipova industrijskih računalnih mreža je nadogradnja koja je nužna za primjenu istih u industriji. U radu je prikazana konfiguracija i primjena takvih sklopova koja se provodi na laboratorijskim vježbama iz područja industrijskih računalnih mreža. Prikazan je energetski pretvarač tvrtke ABB u pogonu sa mrežama Profibus, EtherNet/IP i PROFINET kako bi se studentima pokazale mogućnost konfiguracije uređaja različitih proizvođača na različitim tipovima mreže sa različitom programskom podrškom.
3.V. Zekulić, D. Možnik (MORH, Zagreb, Croatia)
E-učenje: koncept i primjene u europskom vojnom školstvu 
Rad opisuje i objašnjava teorijski koncept i praktične primjene odnosno primjere e-učenja u europskom vojnom školstvu. Navode se motivi, prednosti i nedostaci, razlozi i mogućnosti od teorijskog koncepta (pojmova, procesa, pedagoških i tehnoloških aspekata, kao i upravljanje procesom /kroz planiranje, organiziranje i nadzor procesa/ e-učenja) do smjernica i konkretnih primjera primjene uspješnih procesa e-učenja u vojnom školstvu u nekim zemljama članicama EU. Opisani su elementi e-učenja, vrste tehnologija e-učenja (združeno napredno distribuirano učenje /engl. JADL/ i napredno distribuirano učenje /engl. ADL/, CBT - Computer Based Training, immersive learning tj. virtualno učenje, m-learning tj. mobilno učenje, blending learning tj. hibridno učenje i kolaborativno učenje i alati /chat soba, forumi, wiki, webinar - web based seminar i webcast/). Razvoj i primjeri tečajeva e-učenja u europskom vojnom školstvu. Primjeri primjene e-učenja u vojnom školstvu u MORH-u i OS RH na Hrvatskom vojnom učilištu (HVU) „Petar Zrinski“. Pogled u budućnost - mjesto, uloga i značenje e-učenja u transformaciji HVU-a u visoko obrazovnu i znanstveno-istraživačku vojnu ustanovu u OS RH i MORH-u i sastavnice sveučilišne zajednice u RH. Sadašnje i buduće sposobnosti e-učenja u europskom vojnom školstvu. Zaključna razmatranja.
4.N. Bačun Lebarović, V. Šebek, D. Kučak (Visoko učilište Algebra – visoka škola za primijenjeno računarstvo, Zagreb, Croatia)
Model ubrzanog usvajanja znanja putem moodle Akademije 
Pojava Interneta i e-learning-a promijenila je zahtjeve, potrebe i pristupe edukaciji unutar samih tvrtki i njihovih korisnika, te značajno utjecala na razvijanje novih pristupa, alata, modela i metoda učenja. Cilj ovog članka je istražiti edukaciju unutar privatne tvrtke Carpio d.o.o koja se bavi prodajom vlastitog softvera. Člankom će se opisati zahtjevi tvrtke koji su doveli do uvođenja e- learning-a. Također, opisat će se Carpio Web Akademiju kao jedinstveno i multidimenzionalno mjesto edukacije u kojoj je tvrtka objedinila sve materijale potrebne za edukaciju svojih klijenata. Uz to, opisat će se model ubrzanog usvajanja znanja kao način na koji se provodi edukacija na Carpio web Akademiji te načine na koji tvrtka koristi e-learning u svom poslovanju. Time se želi se dati uvid u jedan novi način primjene e-learning-a u poslovnom svijetu koji ne zahtijeva izradu novih alata nego uspješnu primjenu postojećih na inovativan način.
5.A. Skendžić (Veleučilište Nikola Tesla u Gospiću, Gospić, Croatia), B. Kovačić (Odjel za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Security Analysis of Wireless Network Access Following 802.11 Standard in Educational Institutions of the Republic of Croatia 
Analiza sigurnosti bežičnog mrežnog pristupa standarda 802.11 u obrazovnim ustanovama RH Sigurnost bežičnih mreža manja je od sigurnosti žičanih mreža te uvijek predstavlja najveći sigurnosni rizik lokalne mreže. Glavni uzrok predstavlja komunikacijski medij (zrak) koji je dostupan u specifičnom radijusu djelovanja, ali i neodgovarajuća uporaba zaštitnih mehanizama aktivne mrežne opreme namijenjenoj bežičnoj komunikaciji. Aktivnost administratora bežične mreže najčešće je fokusirana na učinjenu štetu povrede sigurnosti sustava, a samo manjim dijelom na prevenciju povredu sigurnosti. U svrhu istraživanja korišten je anketni upitnik namijenjen vrednovanju parametara koji utječu na sigurnost bežične lokalne mreže od strane eksperata u obrazovnim ustanovama RH (CARNet sistem inženjeri). Prikupljeni podaci prikazuju pojedinačno vrednovanje sigurnosnih parametara bežične mreže koji utječu na sigurnost te se analizom rezultata preporučaju sigurnosne smjernice. Security analysis of wireless network access following 802.11 standard in educational institutions of the Republic of Croatia Security of wireless networks is less than the security of wired networks and still represents the greatest security risk of local network . The main cause is the communication medium ( air ), which is available in a specific radius of action and the inadequate use wireless network protective mechanisms. On the other hand, administrators of wireless networks usually operate in a way to respond to a security breach caused damage system when it already happens. The purpose of this research is the evaluation of the safety parameters that affect the security of wireless network. For this purpose questionnaire is composed where expertise in educational institutions in the Republic of Croatia ( CARNet system engineers ) will evaluate the parameters that affect the security of local WLAN. The collected data shows a single evaluation of wireless network security parameters that affect the WIFI security. The results will use for recommended safety guidelines.
6.K. Starkl Crnković (OŠ Vezica, Rijeka, Croatia)
Use of iPads in Foreign Language Classes 
The implementation of iPads in the process of teaching and learning brings new opportunities for teachers and learners in and beyond the classroom. This work deals with the experience of the very first five months of the 1:1 model of implementation of iPads in foreign language classes with 11 and 12-year-olds in a primary school in Rijeka, Croatia.
7.M. Melinščak (Veleučilište u Karlovcu, Karlovac, Croatia)
Masovnost, uspješnost i prolaznost u masovnim otvorenim online kolegijima 
Masovni otvoreni online kolegiji (eng. massive open online courses – MOOC) relativno su nov fenomen otvorenog učenja. Mogu se promatrati kao proširenje otvorenog učenja, odnosno kao nadogradnja klasičnog učenja na daljinu. Ključna je razlika u tome što su takvi kolegiji dizajnirani za neodređen broj polaznika. S obzirom na njihovo brzo širenje vode se mnoge diskusije i postavljaju pitanja o daljnjim trendovima njihova razvoja. Obilježava ih masovnost, ali je zabilježen i malen postotak polaznika koji završavaju upisane kolegije. Svrha je ovog rada u stjecanju uvida u razloge i značenje fenomena niskog postotka prolaznosti. Analizirane su ankete, dostupni izvještaji i znanstveni radovi te se daje prikaz rezultata takve analize. Izvedeni su zaključci o uzrocima značajnoga pada broja polaznika tijekom kolegija i obrazlaže se eventualni doprinos porastu postotka polaznika koji bi uspješno završavali kolegije.
Thursday, 5/29/2014 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Fortuna or Pool, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 AM - 10:00 AMPapers
Chairs: Jaak Henno and Hannu Jaakkola 
1.A. Papić, M. Primorac (Filozofski fakultet Osijek, Osijek, Croatia)
Introducing e-CRM into Academic Libraries: Exploration of Needs and Possibilities  
This paper gives theoretical insight into importance of introducing customer relationship management (CRM) into libraries. CRM is defined as system or software for storage or analysis of data, but also as strategy oriented to customer and change of organizational culture. One of reasons for CRM implementation is that companies sometimes more care for their products and services than for customers. E-CRM can help libraries to sophisticate their e-services which is an imperative for libraries as leading educational institutions. Namely, libraries have mission to gather, process, store and make access to information and that's why they must make their e-services better to attract new users and to keep existing users. Working hypothesis in this paper is that level of readiness of Croatian academic libraries for e-CRM is low. According to research results this hypothesis is confirmed, namely discrepancy between possibilities and needs for introducing e-CRM into academic libraries is rather high.
2.V. Mateljan, V. Juričić, M. Moguljak (Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Croatia)
Virtual Machines in Education 
Virtualization finds wide application in information and communication technology. This paper discusses some of these applications that can be used in education, to simplify the administration and increase teaching performance while saving money. In the last few years, computer technology has progressed sufficiently thus facilitate the development of virtual machines that provide a completely new method of using computers and their resources. There are several types of virtualization, span from partial to complete, and most of them could find a useful application in education, for example: setting up test environments, virtualization of classroom for a particular course, remote connection, use of existing computer without any hardware upgrades, faster backup, and easier maintenance are some of the benefits of implementing virtual machines in education.
3.H. Jaakkola, T. Mäkinen (Tampere University of Technology, Pori Department, Pori, Finland), J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Information Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), J. Mäkelä (University of LApland, Method Sciences, Rovaniemi, Finland)
One of the key issues in the current information society is the easy and open availability of required resources. The concept of “openness” covers several resource categories, such as data, software sources, services, innovation and education. Open Data is seen as a promising source of new business. The concept of open innovation is based on the idea of distributing “useless” innovations for beneficial use in a new context. The role of open education has grown quickly at different education levels – especially university level. Open social networks are important platforms both for information distribution and as a source of information. There is a bidirectional influence between the availability of open resources and applications based on them: On the one hand, new applications create trends that demand open availability of resources, while on the other hand, the availability of resources creates opportunities for new applications. From the technology perspective, important change factors include mobility, big data technologies, digitalization, and context recognition. At the beginning of our paper we build a “big picture” of the important phenomena in the modern information society; open resources are seen in the role of enabler. National (Finland) and regional (AVARAS Project) initiatives are used to concretize the overall discussion.
4.J. Henno (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia), H. Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Pori, Finland), J. Mäkelä (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland)
From Learning to E-learning to M-learning to C-learning to ... ? 
The rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ITC, IT) has changed many aspects of teaching and learning. Educational materials are moving into cloud(s) and degrees are given on-line ('Master’s Degree Online Directory' lists over 90,000 programs [ ]), old-fashioned Colleges and Universities with large campus, staff and high costs are getting more and more competition from numerous educational entrepreneurs, who start massive open online courses (MOOC) with millions of users/students from all around the world; they establish new on-line universities where costs of obtaining a degree are marginal compared to 'brick-and-mortal' universities and which are open to nearly everyone independent of user geographical location. When speaking about possibilities of IT in education most speakers/writers are excitedly discussing technology - servers, communication lines, bandwidth, security (preferably all in thick cloud of technical jargon). Nearly nobody presents practice, suggestions and/or theories about how to teach with this new technology so that best to utilize its possibilities. The 'education in the cloud' mainly consists of video clips, recorded before the old-fashioned blackboard (only nowadays it is white), where professor is presenting the same lecture what he presented 10 years ago, only now lectures are cut into 5-10 min video clips - the 'mobile approach'. Is this why the old lecture halls are still needed? Do we still have university teachers who deliver 'face-to-face' lectures to live audience in our old beloved university lecture halls in 2020 - or will both, the profession and the activity become extinct ? And what should we do, how should we act if we want to keep them ?
5.D. Vrkić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Central Library, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Pavlovski (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia)
The Evocation of Creativity and Critical Thinking: Analysis of Information Competencies and Behaviour Among Students of Electrical Engineering and Computing 
One of the basic needs of contemporary engineering students is to, evoke their individual ability for creative and critical thinking in science, professional or research and development (R&D) field. This ability descends from an individual’s level of information competency that, as the basis of lifelong learning, poses several distinctions compared to the level of one’s skills in the fields of electrical engineering, computing and information and communication technology (ICT). Previous researches show that the quality of those skills in the students’ practices is markedly high, but the lack of information competencies is still notable. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the information behavior and information competencies survey conducted among students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) at all undergraduate and graduate levels. The results of the study will be processed to determine the skill level of information competencies and behavior of engineering students. The outcome will be beneficial in the planning process for information providing strategies in academic libraries in the electrical engineering, computing, information, and communication technology (ICT) fields.
6.M. Filipović Tretinjak, A. Bednjanec, M. Tretinjak (Elektrotehnička škola, Zagreb, Croatia)
Application of Modern Teaching Techniques in the Educational Process 
Students today are using computers, cell phones and other electronic devices to communicate and access information. New technologies fundamentally changed the way they interact with knowledge so traditional approach to learning and teaching cannot be sufficient. To make learning environment more interactive, to enable students to learn easier and faster modern teaching techniques need to be applied. There are many different teaching techniques that have emerged from the integration of technology in education such as: flipped teaching, whole brain teaching, gamification, social media, etc.. Flipped teaching encourages students to study course material before class using readings, pre-recorded video lectures or research assignments. Class time is reserved for active learning strategies. Whole brain teaching helps stimulate both sides of the brain and emphasizes active learning in which student repeats core information and practice basic skills throught humor and games. Gamification is a game-based learning technique that allows students learning through the use of games. Nowadays students are always connected to some social network. These students are easily motivated to engage with social media in the classroom. Experience from the School of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb shows that use of different modern teaching techniques are making learning interesting and teaching more effective.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AMBreak 
10:30 AM - 11:30 AMPapers
Chairs: Jaak Henno and Hannu Jaakkola 
1.R. Vrana (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Open access initiative and its impact on use of digital information resources for research and teaching in higher education institutions in Croatia 
In the era of changes in academic environment from formal on-site education to distance and online learning and from traditional to e-science, the question of unlimited access to the quality digital information resources needed for research and teaching at universities has been raised again. Universities around the world, their libraries and some publishers started to support open access initiative as a possible answer to the problem of easy and free access to information resources in digital environment in order to replace exclusive, limited-access, high-priced information resources (Mittell, 2013). Open access assumes free availability of information for reading, downloading, copying, distributing, printing, searching, or linking to other information resources without barriers. The role of open access suggests the shift towards new way of communication on an increasing scale for the students and researchers (Namdev, 2012). Despite its growing popularity, open access is still not universally accepted. Liesegang (2013) points out that open access will be accepted when it becomes stable, when it produces sustainable and fair online business model which will preserve the scientific record and permits ease of exploration. Generally speaking, there are several problems related to creation, dissemination and use of open access information resources. These problems include motivation of scientists and teaching staff at universities to participate in creation of open access information resources; change of policies of universities towards creation and use of such resources used in teaching as they may mean disruption of financing for universities if their staff starts creating free of charge content; need of students for online interaction with researchers and teaching staff regarding use of open access learning resources where students significantly outnumber researchers and teaching staff; quality verification for open access learning resources; training methods for teachers at universities on how to implement this type of content in teaching etc. The idea of open access is also related to open educational resources which are basically information resources that reside in the public domain and are free to use in the process of education. Open educational resources are still being analyzed by universities as a possible addition to the already existing teaching material. This paper will examine and discuss the impact of open access on academic community in Croatia especially in era of economic crisis which determines financial means for acquisition of research and teaching material at universities. It will also present results of a study of use of digital information resources among students of information and communication sciences in their term papers.
2.T. Alajbeg, T. Horvat, T. Novak (Tehničko Veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
The organization of classes and assessment system using Moodle 
The organization of classes and assessment system on the Personal Computer Applications (PCA) course, in the professional study of electrical engineering at the Polytechnic of Zagreb, is based on the Moodle system. Moodle is widely used open source application designed for e-learning. This system enables students to prepare for lectures and exercises, while emphasis is placed on their independent and individual work. Students have access to all the necessary teaching materials, applications, tasks and direct communication with the teacher even outside the class schedule. The aim of the PCA course is to point out the wide range of possible applications of personal computers, but still having in mind specific needs for a study of electrical engineering. This paper presents the organization scheme and content of the course lab exercises with the system of assessment, all based on the mentioned objectives and the use of e- learning system, Moodle.
3.T. Orehovački, D. Radošević, M. Konecki (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia)
Perceived Quality of Verificator in Teaching Programming 
Verificator is an educational tool meant for learning syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language at the introductory programming course. With an objective to explore quality of the Verificator from student’s perspective, a pilot study was carried out. Data were collected by means of an online post-use questionnaire. The analysis of collected data uncovered pros and cons of the Verificator perceived by novice programmers. Empirical findings are presented and discussed.
4.R. Repnik, A. Šabeder (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia), M. Krašna (Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia)
E-learning Materials to Study Properties of Liquid Crystals at University Level and in Schools 
Physics scientist researching numerous interesting physics problems, among them are also liquid crystals. Another very important issue is the education of natural science topics at all levels. In frame of the project "Introduction of modern interdisciplinary topics in education - liquid crystals" we prepared static and dynamic e-learning materials to present key properties of typical liquid crystalline phases and some structures appearing in confinement of different boundary geometries or in bulk system. We present the materials and our analysis of appropriateness of them for different levels of education: for primary and secondary schools and for students of physics (educational and engineering study).
5.P. Panahi (Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey), F. Borna (Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey)
Distance Learning: Challenges, New Solution 
Distance learning using innovative use of technologies is becoming a good way in the last ten years to obtain knowledge separate from the traditional attending in the classrooms. The goal of this type of education is to provide maximum possible outcome for students. For developing societies and people who are in specific conditions, this method is a fastest growing form of education. The aim of this paper is to talk about recent remote education methods, their challenges and propose a new method to use offline distance learning. Nowadays internet is being widely used all over the world but for some territories the speed of internet is very slow or people don’t have access to internet. Satellite communications are the main ways of interconnecting people all around the world. Distance education in terms of satellite communication can be done in two online and offline modes. Online method requires installing and buying special devices and services in which regarding different factors they are not cheap. In this paper we propose of using DVB cards to use offline remote learning. Using the proposed method is very useful especially for the regions that there is no good infrastructure for internet.
6.S. Čandrlić, M. Ašenbrener Katić, M. Holenko Dlab (Odjel za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Croatia)
Online vs. Paper-Based Testing: A Comparison of Test Results  
This paper presents the results of a comparative research of paper-based testing versus online testing using MudRi. The research was conducted on two courses at the Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, and included 790 tests. In observed courses, online tests have largely replaced traditional paper-based tests in the last few years. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determine whether the online testing results differ from the results of traditional paper-based exams. This research showed that, for the observed courses, the median values of the results achieved during MudRi online tests and traditional paper based exams are not significantly different.
11:30 AM - 12:00 PMBreak 
12:00 PM - 1:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Jaak Henno and Hannu Jaakkola 
1.J. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia), O. Gamulin (University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Department of Physics and Biophysics, Zagreb, Croatia), D. Kermek (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, Croatia)
Comparing Classification Models in the Final Exam Performance Prediction 
The use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) and the web-based formative and summative assessments during the traditional teaching in classroom provides the huge amount of data on students' behavior and results at the point of time when the course is still in progress. This data could be used for the final exam performance prediction so that the excellent as well as the students requiring help could be detected. The data on 302 students enrolled into the first year Physics course of a biomedical university study program in 2011/2012 have been used. The data were preprocessed by dividing Croatian grading system which comprises 5 grades (range 1-5; 1=fail, 5=excellent) into 2 categorical classes in one version of the experiment and into 3 categorical classes in the second version. Several up to date algorithms for classification were applied without and with attributes optimization by a genetic algorithm. Also, since students have 4 chances at 5 exam terms during an academic year, 3 different dependent variables were constructed. In order to evaluate the performance that each of the classification models had the following performance criteria were used: accuracy for all models and sensitivity and area under curve (AUC) for binary classifier systems.
2.M. Lamza - Maronić, J. Glavaš (Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, Croatia), I. Uroda (Faculty of Economics in Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
The Role of Management in Career Development 
With a view to facilitate personal development and achievement of goals by means of career development planning, an organization facilitates the realization of personal goals aimed at achieving organisational goals. In this way, the career has both a subjective and an objective dimension. Subjective dimension refers to the attitudes, interests and motives of individuals, whereas the objective dimension refers to the organization’s conditions, the structure of work posts, job promotion criteria, etc. It is essential to develop strategies for personal career development in order to eliminate the identified shortcomings and take advantages in achieving gone’s goals. The research results show the distribution of opinions on the role of an organisation in an individual’s career development.
3.M. Krašna (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Maribor, Slovenia), M. Duh, T. Bratina (University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Maribor, Slovenia)
E-learning Next Step – Learning Materials for Students 
E-learning materials were first introduced at the university level education in last years of last century in Slovenia. From the initial steps and pilot projects we learned the trade and participate in many e-learning material developments for primary and secondary schools. But in the recent years we regretful discovered that the university’s e-learning materials are not in the same league as lower level education e-learning materials. It is true that students' population is different from kids but “digi-kids” have grown up and become students and they are familiar with the e-learning materials. It is the fundamental difference between lower level education and university level education. Lower levels education e-learning materials were funded by the government but university does not have funds for e-learning materials production. Up until now lecturers used LCMS for communication and documents sharing. But it is become evident that this is not enough and upgrade of e-learning material is required. It is evident that this process will take time and should be efficient from all perspective (didactically suitable, cheap, and fast). In the last year e-learning materials was prepared for students to test what suits them most. A lectures for a whole course was prepared with the different composition of text, sound and video. In forthcoming semester we are going to test our e-learning materials and receive feedback from the students. Article presents the learning materials specification, expected didactical results, aesthetical considerations, individual preferences (visual, audio, kinesthetic), and clients browsers limitations. It is still not clear if university level students require more elaborate learning materials than PDF which was their favorite type up to now.
4.C. Madritsch, T. Klinger (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria)
Configurable Image-Processing System for Education in Automotive Applications 
This paper describes the overall image-processing system which has been developed for the use in education and at various industrial projects. The added value for the students is the tight link between computer based education in image-processing and the real-world relevance. Complex and changing quality control demands of safety critical components for automotive applications require an innovative graphical systems design, which can be effortlessly reconfigured by the user. The quality control challenge claimed us to detect imperfections on the backside of brake shoes. These imperfections can cause safety related problems and therefore, the affected brake shoes need to be sorted out. From an engineering point of view, this was a technically challenging image-processing application. The surface of the brake shoe is highly reflective, the contrast between the imperfections and remaining areas is very low, the selection criteria are complex (depending on the size, number, and location of the imperfection). Due the fact that every car manufacturer and almost every car model needs different brake shoes, the most demanding requirement was, that the shape of the brake shoe needs to be freely configurable by the user.
5.A. Karadimce, D. Capeska Bogatinoska (University of Information Science and Technology "St. Paul The Apostle", Ohrid, Macedonia)
Using Hybrid Mobile Applications for Adaptive Multimedia Content Delivery 
Increasingly more people are using smart mobile devices for delivering multimedia content such as text, video, images and audio in everyday communication. Therefore, there is increased interest for developing mobile applications that will be supported by hybrid mobile devices. The hybrid mobile applications are built using HTML5 and JavaScript native container that provides access to native platform features, such as built-in camera, accelerometers, GPS and gyroscopic sensors for navigation. This way application can extensively use the mobile device features in order to provide multimedia content that is adapted to learners in m-learning environment. The research focuses on methods and concepts for adaptive multimedia content delivery systems that consider real-time delivery to hybrid mobile devices. This process requires considering the influence from QoS (Quality of Service) related parameters and technical capabilities of mobile devices in m-learning environment. We will conclude the paper with a case study based on the hybrid mobile application used in mobile learning environment.
6.M. Gusev, S. Ristov (UKIM Finki, Skopje, Macedonia), P. Gushev, G. Velkoski (Innovation, Skopje, Macedonia)
A Model of Adaptive Learning with Interactive Images - ADELE 
Google has enabled usage of interactive image technologies for development of google maps. The technology is based on presenting only a picture with sufficient details selected by appropriate zoom level or navigation through the picture. The complete technology pre-processes the image in such a way to enable navigation and zooming and transferring of relatively small files over Internet, instead of transferring the complete high-resolution picture. In this paper we present several ideas how to use this technology in the learning process. We present how this technology can be used in analysis of medical images, and in realization of an adaptive e-Learning environment realized by e-Testing features. ADELE (ADaptive E-LEarning) is the name of the concept we purpose in this paper to enable this integration. The realized applications are at least the following: 1) realization of a test with an interactive image, 2) opinion image, 3) collaborative learning with interactive images, and 4) voting image for collaborative learning. Each of these application areas will be described with functional description and analysis.
Thursday, 5/29/2014 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM,
Fortuna or Pool, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
3:00 PM - 4:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Snježana Babić and Predrag Pale 
1.A. Guseva (Innovation, Skopje, Macedonia), M. Gusev, S. Ristov (UKIM Finki, Skopje, Macedonia)
User Satisfaction Evaluation of the Electronic Student Services System - iKnow 
In this paper, we report a survey that gathered the opinions on electronic student services by implementing the iKnow system. The methodology to evaluate user satisfaction was based on realization of questionnaires, and surveys with students, as well as interviews with the teaching and administration staff. We have realized several surveys and questionnaires, not just during the development cycle, but also during first two years of exploitation. We found that most respondents have a positive attitude towards the iKnow software system. A very interesting fact is the one about swing of the attitude towards better recognition of the system, mostly due to the understanding of iKnow possibilities at all. Overall, our findings imply that iKnow has alleviated much of the basic and long-range problems that have challenged students in the past. Additionally, the study also reveals some shortcomings of iKnow, and lays ground for defining and building an even better user experience with the iKnow system.
2.N. Ackovska, M. Kostoska (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia)
Sign Langugage Tutor - Rebuilding and Optimizing 
In Macedonia there are around 6000 deaf people [4] and according to the National association of deaf and hard of hearing of Macedonia, this represents only 0.3% of the population. Because of this low percentage the community of deaf and hard of hearing feels very isolated and stigmatized. Only one television channel (the national channel) offers once a day a Macedonian Sign Language (MSL) interpreted news. Moreover, there are only two schools in Macedonia that offer education to deaf children. For that reason, when a new deaf child is born by non-deaf parents, the learning of the sign language represents a real challenge that affects the whole family. This is the reason why we created the sign tutor - to help this community and to introduce the whole family (the deaf children and the non-deaf parents) with the Macedonian sign language in an easy and entertaining way, with interesting animations and games. This paper will give an overview of the MSL and the general recommendation for using IT tools in sign language learning. The project created as a result of the research – the Sign tutor will be resented, along with the results and comments received after promoting this project. The paper also elaborates on current upgrades and optimizations to this project, in order to make it more available.
3.M. Kostoska, M. Gushev, S. Ristov (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia)
Interoperability Challenges Among University Electronic Services Systems 
In this paper we overview the possible collaborations between learning systems, e-assessment systems and university management systems as well as existing standards for them, in order to detect and describe the challenges of creating a fully automated interactions between all of these systems in manner of interoperability. We present a case study of faced challenges in our University using three different systems: iKnow UMS (custom developed university management system), Moodle LMS and e-Testing EAS (custom developed e-assessment system). All of these systems operate independently of one another, with only few interactions among them; while at the same time they are tightly connected. We detect all possible interoperability challenges for the described scenarios and propose a solution for each of them.
4.S. Ristov, M. Gusev, A. Donevski (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia)
Cloud Based Laboratory for Distance Education 
Today's dynamic life has changed the traditional teaching from the classroom and laboratory to online and distance learning. Therefore, universities must follow this trend and transfer their resources. The cloud is a paradigm that provides many benefits for its consumers. It can reduce the cost and staff, improve the business continuity and so on. In this paper we present how to transfer the traditional computer laboratory into cloud based using open source cloud frameworks. This transformation creates a dynamic, flexible, elastic, reliable and modern laboratory that can serve much more students for distance learning for many courses simultaneously.
5.P. Pale, J. Petrović, B. Jeren (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, Croatia)
LeCTo: A Rich Lecture Capture Solution 
Lecture capture is a term referring both to learning materials based on recordings of live lectures as well as software and hardware support systems enabling lecture recording and reproduction. As lecture captures are today becoming more and more valued learning materials, there is a strong need for quality yet simple to use lecture capture systems supporting their creation. In this paper we describe a software solution for rich lecture capture recording and reproduction. LeCTo, an application developed to maximize lecture capture learning potentials and simplify lecture capturing process is presented through its functionality as well as problems and solutions encountered during its implementation.
6.M. Troselj (Bura Znanja, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Matetic (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Tkalcic (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Brkic (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia), P. Pahljina (Bura Znanja, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Development of an Online Multimedia Course 
In Croatia, the knowledge is being transferred by the traditional model consisting of professor explaining material to a group of students in front of a blackboard . This model was not essentially changed for over 300 years - from the period of the industrial revolution when it was necessary to educate large number of people to work on new machines, but there was no technology for more efficient knowledge transfer. Nowadays, such a model cannot keep up with the speed of generating new knowledge and technology. A larger number of participants cannot be educated due to time and space constraints, and the knowledge usually becomes obsolete by the end of study. The result of this model are students with skills unadapted to the labor market requirements. This is an extremely important issue of our time. One of the possible solutions might be digitizing theoretical parts of courses. Using web technologies, theoretical lectures can be held online and in that way more efficient methods of teaching on campus can be used. In this paper, the process of digitizing university course Introduction to Psychology is presented, as well as the benefits that can be achieved by creating and using multimedia online courses.
4:00 PM - 4:30 PMBreak 
4:30 PM - 5:30 PMPapers
Chairs: Snježana Babić and Predrag Pale 
1.D. Vrkić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Are They a Perfect Match? Analysis of Usage of Author Suggested Keywords, IEEE Terms and Social Tags 
The majority of the scientific papers include keywords besides the obligatory title and abstract. The use of keywords is not just for the description of content, but it is a viral part of the scientific paper which is later used for information retrieval function. The aim of this paper is to present comparison of author suggested keywords in scientific papers of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), IEEE terms and user tags in academic social network Mendeley. This paper will examine the scientific papers represented in IEEE Journals and Magazines indexed in the IEEE/IET Electronic Library reviewing the overlap between author keywords and IEEE terms from a controlled vocabulary (IEEE thesaurus) and user tags in Mendeley. The results showed no significant use of controlled vocabulary and social tags, which leads to the conclusion that the authors are not aware of the importance of controlled keywords.
2.V. Kirandziska, M. Jovanov, M. Mihova, M. Gusev (Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia)
Lab Assessments in Undergraduate Course in Compilers for Students with no Prior Knowledge in Assembly 
Compilers is an important course in the curricula of Computer Science Faculties. A problem that we have faced while organizing the course at our institution was lack of prior knowledge of some students in the area of assembly programming and Microprocessors. Due to the fact that the number of classes for the course were limited, we weren't able to teach the necessary material on assembly programming. In this paper we present our idea for the lab project that should be built by students through the course, that should enable them to grasp all necessary concepts in Compilers without a need of assembly programming. The idea was tested a couple of years in a row, and students achieved better results.
3.P. Juric (Department of Information Technology Services, Primorsko-goranska County, Rijeka, Croatia), M. Matetic, M. Brkic (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Data Mining of Computer Game Assisted e/m-learning Systems in Higher Education  
One of the major challenges in the implementation of e-learning systems is motivating students to use it. E-learning systems are mostly unadapted to mobile platforms because they do not use responsive web design and progressive enhancement based on browser, device or feature detection. This paper presents the evolutionary cycle, current status and potential development of new platforms for e/m-learning in higher education. Educational computer games that serve as a motivational element in e/m-learning are presented, as well as the data structures that can complement the existing models of e/m-learning. The University of Rijeka uses MudRi e-learning system, which is based on Moodle open source software. This system collects data on the activity of participants in the educational process, which is suitable for data mining. A preliminary research on the correlation between the activity in forum discussions and the course pass or fail grade is carried out. The possibility of using data mining based on the data structure of the Moodle system and the models of e/m-learning and learning through play is described, aiming at finding optimal ways of learning and optimal learning results. Finally, a model of integrated system user interaction on which our future research will be based is presented.
4.S. Babić, M. Krešić, K. Kućel (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
E-education 2.0: Students' Digital Identity and Online Learning Activities 
In general, the implementation of second generation web technologies enabled the user to have an active role in creating and sharing online resources on global scale with the ability to self-manage the personal online reputation and create different digital identity in the virtual world. Privacy, responsibility, trust and security are just some of the problems of the new technology. Unlike the implementation of e-learning 1.0 in higher education - which enables students to manage their online identities within the virtual learning environments created at one of the traditional platforms (e.g. learning management system Moodle) - in e-learning 2.0 there is a need for directing the students in the process of online identity self-management. Even though certain technical solutions can be found on the market (e.g. new generation e-learning systems which offer access to numerous Web 2.0 tools), it is considered that the digital identity is the important component of e-learning 2.0 in organizational, pedagogical and social sense. This paper describes an example where online service Google Drive has been used for executing online learning activities, and which preceded the study of student general opinion about digital identity and online reputation in e-learning 2.0.
5.A. Špernjak (Faculty of Natuarl Sciences and Mathematics University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia)
Usefulness of Prezi and PowerPoint presentation 
In everyday teaching practice great helping to the clearness and visualization of the content are presentations. Two decades ago, the blackboard notes were replaced with traditional transparencies and overhead projector. With the availability of computer hardware and software are classic slides converted to electronic. In our area the most frequently are used PowerPoint slides, but the problem is payable of the Office package. Users looking for programs free of charge, but despite useful presentation programs. For teachers and students is one of the free of charge programs Prezi presentations where the applicability in four years grow up to more than 500 million users. The article presents the results of the practicability of PowerPoint and Prezi presentation among university students. Students also expressed the advantages and disadvantages of one and the other presentation program.
5:30 PM - 5:45 PMBreak  
5:45 PM - 7:00 PMPapers 
Chairs: Snježana Babić and Predrag Pale 
1.A. Dorofeev (National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk , Russian Federation)
An On-line Solution Verification System for Programming Competitions 
An application of an on-line solution verification system for programming competitions is considered in the paper. The system has been developed at in National Research Irkutsk State Technical University and used within the competition events. It has client-server architecture and has been implemented on the base of a cluster using parallel schemes of verification algorithms. The system supports several programming languages, such as C++, Pascal, Java. The verification algorithm can also be used to check the results of laboratory works of "Programming" disciplines. The system allows teacher to automate routine activities of students' algorithms correctness verification.
2.S. Špiranec, T. Ivanjko, Đ. Pečarić (Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Implementation of Information Competencies as Key Employment Skills at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 
In order to improve the quality of their study programs, universities/faculties today are facing increasing demands to include employment skills into their curricula in order to maximize the potential of their students for a successful career. One of the key aspects in developing such skills is increasing students’ employability - a set of skills, understandings and personal attributes that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy. While there is a broad consensus amongst key stakeholders in the process (HEI, employers, students) on the importance of addressing employment skills within higher education, there are still open questions on how this can be achieved. While universities/faculties tend to put more emphasis on developing specific knowledge and skills within their field of education, a number of reports issued by employers urged them to make more explicit efforts to develop the “transferable” or “generic” skills needed in many types of high-level employment. In an ever increasing world of information, as one of the core components of these generic skills is developing information competencies – skill set needed for effective gathering, evaluating and communicating information in all its forms and contexts. This paper aims to explore how these information competencies are implemented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb by conducting research across its study programs. Since prior research have shown inconsistent and partial implementations, this research will provide a snapshot of current situation and give recommendations on possible optimizations in including information competences into the curricula at the faculty level.
3.L. Abazi-Bexheti, M. Apostolova-Trpkovska, A. Kadriu (SEE University, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Learning Management Systems: Trends and Alternatives 
One of the main difficulties in Learning Management Systems (LMS) is how to maintain the balance between learning and management. The primary aim of LMSs was to assist educators to manage learning. As a result of this way of thinking, mostly were promoted features such as managing content, roster students, and similar. As time goes by, the accent of research is more in student experiences and efficacy of the tools. On the other hand some educators argue that as a result of evolving Web 2.0 applications, students can be better served by an LMS alternative, a toolbox of web resources that could contain social bookmarking tools, document sharing applications, social networking applications, timeline tools, and media options offered in the cloud. Primary to this approach is the idea that students should become more experienced with today’s technology tools since these skills will be practical in the workplace. As a result, some institutions have begun to offer LMS alternatives, and some instructors are using these options to support their students’ learning. The paper analyses both sides of the latest approach toward LMSs and presents their implication for teaching and learning
4.K. Pavlina, S. Špiranec, A. Pongrac Pavlina (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Information Competences – Students' Perspective 
Modern society is characterized by an increasing complexity of tasks which require broad general knowledge and on the other hand a narrow specialization. Because of these conflicting principles modern education recognized the need for development of generic competences on the one hand, and information competences that match the modern information society on the other. In addition to education, which has recognized the need to develop generic and information competences, employers also pay great attention to these competences while hiring. In modern information society information competences become one of the fundamental basis for the development of other generic competences. Information and generic competences are directly linked because information is a fundamental element of learning which is based on the collection, organization, search and interpretation of acquired information. Development of modern information environment is characterized by growing complexity in quantitative and qualitative terms that require additional research of information competences required for the transition from the tertiary education sector to the labor market. This paper presents a survey of students' attitudes about the development of information competences during the study, correlation of information competences and success in tertiary education and their opinions about necessary information competences for their future professional careers.
5.J. Saveski, M. Fetaji, B. Fetaji (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia), M. Ebibi ( International Balkan University, Information Technology, Skopje, Macedonia), L. Abazi (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Development and Analyses of “ProSysEngine” M-Learning Course Management System 
The research study investigates the development approach and analyses of m-learning course management system developed as case study. The contribution of the research study is the analyses of the task based instructional strategy and conceptual definition of the assessment methods regarding the level of mobile learning outcomes while assessing different software engineering aspects of development mobile application for Windows phone 8. The analysis also covers the development with primary focus on mobile learning using ASP.NET MVC 5 technology, and design issues for responsive techniques. Finally insights are stated, results of the analyses are provided and recommendations and discussions of the approach are described.
6.A. Petrovski, B. Fetaji, M. Fetaji (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia), M. Ebibi (International Balkan University, Information Technology, Skopje, Macedonia)
Investigation of Natural User Interfaces and Their Application in Gesture-Driven Human-Computer Interaction 
The research study investigates different approaches to gesture recognition, such as Record and recognize approach, Neural Networks approach and Gesture composition approach, presented which are their advantages and weaknesses and presented why chosen is the Gesture Composition approach. As contribution the research study as outcome developed a software application and programmed several new recognition gestures and presented a set of tools supporting the spectrum of software engineering natural user interfaces to be used in University promotion and marketing. This research study tries to foster several contributions. Firstly, this system is built on basis of separate library used for the gesture recognition part of the application, which can also work separately from the system and can be used in different contexts. It is very extendable and allows the users to implement new gestures on top of the library, thus enriching its context and provides easy start for the user allowing him to concentrate to the business logic instead of the low level programming of the gesture recognition algorithms. Secondly, in addition to the basic gestures, created are several other gestures that add additional value to the library itself. New gestures that are added to the library are DownSwipe, UpSwipe, ClockwiseCircle, CounterClockwiseCircle, Push gestures, ManualDoorOpen gesture, AutomaticDoorOpen gesture and WalkingGesture. Thirdly, this research also contributes to researchers and professionals who are dedicated to a research in the area of natural user interfaces and their efforts in finding an effective algorithm for human gesture recognition.
7.D. Gadže, D. Haldek, M. Puzak (Polytechnic of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
ICT Supported Laboratory Testing of Installation Circuit Breaker 
Circuit breakers are one of the most common safety devices in electrical circuits. Presentation of their characteristics to the students will be shown in this article. Characteristics could be shown in three different ways. First way as convenient experiment with standard instruments and mutual presentation of achieved results. Second, as building model in mathematical modeling software and critical review of corresponding results. And third as fully automated experiment with programmable logic controller for control and data acquisition and visualization software for automated results presentation. All three ways of presentation of these characteristics to the students will be critically reviewed.
8.R. Buinac, D. Maršić, G. Malčić (Department of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Web-based Control of Programmable Logic Controllers in Process Control Computers Education 
Industrial control computers can be connected to the Internet, and equipped with a Web interface. This enables access to process data from any computer with a set of common web-related software applications. This paper deals with laboratory exercises performed as a part of courses regarding process control computers, that include tasks dealing with this topic. Integration of Java and HTML technologies is described, and an example of a simple process and it's Web interface is given. PLC computers equipped with an advanced communication modules are connected to a personal computer (PC) via Ethernet. Alongside implementation of Java applets in Web environment, human machine interface (HMI) design is dealed with.
Friday, 5/30/2014 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Fortuna or Pool, Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija
9:00 AM - 10:00 AMPapers
Chairs: Marija Marinović and Marina Čičin-Šain 
1.J. Žufić, T. Žajgar (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, Croatia)
Towards more efficient teaching “Audio and video processing” at the Teachers’ Academy 
The enclosed study provides analysis and describes experiences from teaching the subject “Audio and video processing” conducted at the Teachers’ Academy at the University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula. During the first year of the collegium, audio processing was performed using the application “Audacity”, and video by Adobe Premier CS4. Processing of the materials was done using examples assigned by a teacher. Some changes were introduced in the following two years of the collegium. Besides the work described above, students were tasked with a creation and development of an idea for a short movie, recording and editing of the material. The final product was a film 3-10 minutes in length. This approach led to a better success rate among the students: from GPA 3.52 (at the scale 1-5; σ = 0.83, N=29; 2 students did not pass; average number of exam attempts per student was 1.79, σ = 1.05) to 4.33 (σ =0.80, N=21; 2 students did not pass; average number of exam attempts per student was 1). Evaluation of teachers by students performed as a part of the official institutional evaluation also changed: “Classes encourage interaction and team work among students” went from 3.63 (σ = 1.11) to 4.0 (σ = 0.89); “My work during the semester was regularly evaluated and graded” went from 4.07 (σ =0.94) to 4.83 (σ =0.47); “Tasks corresponded with the contents of the collegium” went from 3.89 (σ = 1.15) to 4.33 (σ =0.82); “Grades received during the semester have impact on the final grade at the exam” improved from 4.25 (0.80) to 5.00.
2.Z. Buzasi (Faculty of Menagement, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia)
The Potential of Multimedia in Cross-Cultural Education 
Abstract - This paper presents a research study that was conducted in the aim to investigate the perception of students and teachers about the potential of multimedia in teaching cross-cultural values. Our aim was to provide a helpful insight into the challenges of cross-cultural collaboration and the benefits of multimedia aided teaching. Critical thinking as a process that allows the average citizen to not absorb all the information as a sponge but learn how to filter all the information critically.
3.N. Zeqiri (State University of Tetova, Tetovo, Macedonia)
Computer Network Applications, Practical Implementations and Structural Control System Representations 
The computer network play an important position for practical implementations of the differently system. To implement a system into network above all is needed to know all the configurations, which is responsible to be a part of the system, and to give adequate information and solution in real-time. So if want to implement this system for example in the school or relevant institutions, the first step is to analyze the types of model which is needed to be configured and another important step is to organize the works in the context of devices, as a part of the general system. Often before configuration, as important point is descriptions and documentations from all the works into the respective process, and then to organize in the aspect of problem-solving. The computer network as critic infrastructure is very specific so the paper present the effectiveness solutions in the structured aspect viewed from one side, and another side is, than the paper reflect the positive aspect in the context of modeling and block schema presentations as an better alternative to solve the specific problem because of continually distortions of the system from the line of devices, programs and signals or packed collisions, which are in movement from one computer node to another nodes.
4.S. Ristov, N. Ackovska, V. Kirandziska, D. Martinovikj (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia)
The Significant Progress of the Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Course for Computer Science Students 
The objective of the Microprocessors and Microcontrollers course is the students to meet the general idea and concepts of a low-level assembly language and controlling the hardware devices with embedded microcontrollers. Since this is the hardware based course, which requires a lot of efforts by both the teachers and students, the students avoid learning its material for gaining knowledge, but just to pass the course and continue with their studies. Apart of the course’s bad reputation, it was among the courses with the lowest throughput at the faculty. Starting from 2010, the course’s syllabus was changed each year towards making the course more practical exercises and exams where the students could use their software skills. In this paper we elaborate all changes that improved not only the course throughput, but also the course’s reputation, average grade, curiosity to learn hardware, etc, which are presented through years.
5.T. Dragičević, M. Ćukušić, M. Jadric (Faculty of Economics, University of Split, Split, Croatia)
State of e-Learning Projects in Croatian Companies 
The purpose of this research was to analyse the current state of e-learning projects in business settings in Croatia through the prism of organisations’ technological and methodological approaches, which (along with the characteristics of the organisation) constitute the basic framework for the implementation of e-learning projects. The study was conducted in early 2013. The survey participants were employees of large Croatian companies with particular interests and working focus in e-learning area. The results indicate that Croatian organisations keep up with global trends, but there is certainly lot to improve. This kind of analysis has not been conducted so far. Other than bringing forth the analysis of the state of corporate e-learning projects in Croatia, the contribution of this pilot-study represents the basis for future research in the area of e-learning in business settings.
6.Z. Prohaska (Education and teacher training agency (Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje), Rijeka, Croatia), Z. Prohaska, I. Uroda (EKONOMSKI FAKULTET RIJEKA, Rijeka, Croatia)
PaintArt 2.0 - Computer Program for Education of Visual Arts in Secondary Schools 
This article presents a computer program consisting of a paint program and a database of specially prepared forms in bitmap format for education of visual arts in secondary schools. Since more theoretical issues are prevailing on the secondary school level this computer software, which is actually a paint program, is equipped with different forms in bitmap format, with yes/no questions, multiple choice questions, classic questions demanding full text answers and questions where school boys and girls have to apply the solutions of the questions on specific paintings presented in the questions. If the lesson is about baroque, the dominant artistic style during the 17th century which is characterized by intense emotion and a sense of movement, one could show a painting of a well known artist (Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Velazquez etc.) and ask to which movement in painting it belongs. It is also possible to present examples in sculpture and architecture. By using this software, secondary school boys and girls can compare their own answers with the provided solutions in PaintArt 2.0 and enhance their knowledge of arts.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AMBreak 
10:30 AM - 11:30 AMPapers
Chairs: Marija Marinović and Marina Čičin-Šain 
1.M. Nadrljanski (Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia), V. Domitrović (VSIKMP, Split, Croatia)
Informatics as a Basis for a Knowledge – Based Society 
This paper deals with information education in development of a knowledge-based society in Croatia. The basic objective of the paper is focused on systematic comprehension and analysis of the situation related to information education and its tendency. Hence, some concepts and models for IT education in Croatia were propounded. Accordingly, these tasks were fully accomplished. Application of ICT has contributed to education and introduced a possibility of distance education using the Internet and computers, without space and time limits. Nowadays referred to as electronic education, such an education is a trend in society. Acquiring electronic education, incorporated in different levels of educational systems - undergraduate, graduate post-graduate and especially lifelong education – is a demand of contemporary education and Bologna process requirement.
2.M. Nadrljanski (Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia), V. Domitrović (VSIKMP, Split, Croatia)
Informatics Education in a Knowledge-Based Society 
The Information Age followed the Industrial Age, and more precisely refers to the time after 1972, when pace of information became faster than of physical movement. Its main characteristic is prevalence of information technology, which increases speed and efficiency of information transfer. Knowledge is a fundamental element of wealth in the Information Age. The Information Age brings the new level of personalization into our world and changes the value of consumer goods and services. The information society is already a widely accepted concept that reveals transformation of the world economy from the industrial society to the society whose competitive advantage in the market is information or, more precisely, knowledge embedded in a product or service.
3.S. Predanić, G. Vujisić, T. Horvat (Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia)
Visual Verification of the Properties of Pseudorandom Sequences 
This paper describes properties of graphical presentation of pseudorandom number generator. Numerous more-or-less rigorous tests for randomness are available in the literature, and some of them are presented here. It is shown that both graphical and analytical tests give almost equal results, but graphical tests are simpler and closer to human perception. Because of that properties, visual tests combined with simple statistics are proposed as optimal for undergraduate higher education curricula. Mentioned methods are used on multiple courses at professional study of electrical engineering at the Polytechnic of Zagreb.
4.L. Kazi, B. Radulović, I. Berković, Z. Kazi (University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, Serbia)
Integration of Conceptual Data Modeling Methods: Higher Education Experiences 
One of the most important phases in information system development is data modeling. In higher education and in professional environment, the basic data models are ER model, relational model and object oriented model, i.e. class diagram. Since conceptual modeling is crucial data modeling activity, special concern on methods for conceptual modeling is given in this paper. Case study shows that application of separate conceptual data modeling methods produce different and incomplete models. This leads to the conclusion that it is important to use integration of these methods and apply them within the information system development process. Educational experiences of applying this approach at University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin“ Zrenjanin are presented as description of class exercises and exams results.
5.D. Pešut (Visoka škola za informacijske tehnologije, Zagreb, Croatia)
Technology Use in EFL Learning 
The connection between philology and technology is no longer considered as unusual. The use of technology is being adopted in foreign language learning. In this context, the author wishes to present the good practice of using computers in teaching English as a foreign language. The article thus gives detailed examples of this use while teaching different language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. In order to reinforce the postulate of the benefits of using technology in foreign language learning, a survey has been conducted among EFL students at the College for Information Technologies, Zagreb. A comparison of survey results from 2010 will also be shown.
6.A. Mihaljević Španjić, A. Jakupović, M. Tomić (Polytechnic of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
Development of a Computer System to Support Knowledge Acquisition of Basic Logical Forms Using Fairy Tale "Alice in Wonderland"  
The knowledge acquisition of basic logical forms (term, statement, conclusion, and proof) is a prerequisite of the acquisition of any other knowledge and skills. It is also a prerequisite of any scientific and professional work, as well as any other ordinary human activities. Therefore, the knowledge acquisition of basic logical forms needs to be addressed in the earlier stages of education. In order to support the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the domain of logical forms, the authors of this paper propose the development of a computer based system for the presentation of thematic information, tasks and games based on the parts of Alice in Wonderland – fairy tale recognizable and popular due to Carroll's game with the basic forms of logical thoughts. The computer system would allow children and adults to gain the subject knowledge. A paper describes two initial phases of the aforementioned system - analysis and design. Analysis specifies in detail the basic system requirements, expressed in terms of learning outcomes. Design specifies in detail thematic information, tasks and games which will try to ensure achievement of learning outcomes specified in the analysis phase. The focus of design is in the use of a fairy tale Alice in Wonderland, and in the development of a computer based system.
11:30 AM - 12:00 PMBreak 
12:00 PM - 1:00 PMPapers
Chairs: Marija Marinović and Marina Čičin-Šain 
1.I. Budiselić, D. Škvorc, S. Srbljić (FER, Zagreb, Croatia)
Designing the Programming Assignment for a University Compiler Design Course 
This paper analyzes the key properties of a programming assignment for a university-level compiler design course. After an overview of popular choices used at several universities in the world, we describe the assignment given to students of the Programming Language Translation undergraduate course at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, and provide the rationale behind several design decisions. While most compiler programming assignments are based on tools like lexer and parser generators, our students actually build slightly simplified versions of these tools themselves. We discuss our experiences with this programming assignment over the last three years and qualitative differences in the results between this assignment and the tool based assignment we had been using before. The paper is concluded with a look at some of the feedback we've gotten from students and planned improvements for future iterations of the course.
2.A. Bundovski (AssecoSee, Skopje, Macedonia), M. Gushev, S. Ristov (Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia)
Micro Assessment SaaS Cloud Solution 
In this paper we present the architecture of a new Micro Assessment (MA) system for “micro knowledge and skills control” that allows the manager to get information and status on knowledge gained on behalf of the employees, on very short status cuts during the working hours, rather than scheduling special meetings with them in order to assess their gained knowledge. This kind of micro testing saves a lot of time, does not cause stress among employees and allows more time to be dedicated for learning. Two studies were undertaken as a part of this paper: study on the “knowledge platform” market and study on the “need for individual and professional upgrades”. Based on the findings it appears that both challenges can be answered by initiating Software as a Service solution for small and medium enterprises built upon “life-long learning” concept enabled on a Cloud computing architecture. Tools for “life-long learning” not only enhance individual’s involvement in social issues, but they are also enabling them with competitive skills required at their workplace.
3.M. Orlić (Polytechnic of Zagreb, Department of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia), M. Marinović (Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia)
The role of IC technology in development and application of experimental methods and multivariate analysis 
Information and communications (IC) technology influences all human activities but also plays an important role in development of various scientific disciplines and other types of technologies thus enabling their large scale implementation. This paper presents the relations among IC technology, experimental methods and multivariate analysis. As the development of experimental techniques and multivariate analysis paved way to revolutionary discoveries referring to IC technology, these, as a feed back, enabled further development and implementation of the mentioned methods in the most diversified fields of human activities. The necessity of the integral approach, based on implementation of multivariate analysis and adequate experimental methods and respective IC technologies is illustrated in an example of solving the problem of preservation, protection and evaluation of cultural heritage objects. In this process, various experimental analytic techniques based on principles of physics and/or chemistry are used along with IC technologies. In order to obtain the best possible analysis and interpretation of series consisting of enormous number of data, aiming to filter only the most important information relevant for particular object, statistical approach is necessary where a prominent position belongs to multivariate analysis - a task that can only be accomplished by using adequate statistics software.
4.D. Glusac, D. Radosav, D. Karuović, Ž. Juhas (Tehnički fakultet "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, Serbia)
The Views of Students and Teachers on the Implementation of E learning in the Educational Process 
This paper presents a survey students' opinions about the integration of e-learning in the educational process. Shown are the results of how students are informed on distance learning, and e-learning. By analyzing the results, it can be obtained the data, which clearly talks about what it takes to take in order to implement a new methodology of education, e learning methodology.
5.D. Purković (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rijeka, Croatia), E. Ban (Education and Teacher Training Agency, Rijeka, Croatia)
The Model of Remote Video Surveillance in Hierarchical Autonomous E-testing WbeTS System for Knowledge Testing 
The concept of web-based system for online knowledge testing (WbeTS) is a hierarchical and modular based autonomous system for remote knowledge assessment whose autonomy is founded on remote examinee video surveillance as one of the testing validation mechanisms. The main issue represents implementation of the online supervision of examinee, or to be more exact, the development of the mechanism which would insure online testing system to make a decision about validity of testing. Conditions like common broadband Internet connection and standard Web Cam should be provided. Possible solution is represented by a remote video surveillance model which is intended to make this system more reliable. The model is based on implemented elements and algorithms for visual recognition, audio signal tracking and user (teacher) interface for selection and assessment of validation elements. Furthermore, the core of the subsystem is designed for testing validation assessment and report managing. Model is to be implemented accordingly to the user’s needs and desires as a subsystem of the hierarchical autonomous online testing system in the e-learning environment. For the represented model to be practically implemented it needs to be professionally improved and repeated tested in an experimental and real environment. By using data extracted from such experiences it would be possible to point out all of the deficiencies and requirements not predictable at the moment.
6.V. Okanović (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Web Application Development with Component Frameworks 
This paper describes development of dynamic web application using web frameworks based on web components. The paper considers several existing open source Java web component frameworks. Then, the paper provides basic features of the analyzed web frameworks and represents their main characteristics. To give an idea of which framework might use, the paper compares all analyzed web frameworks, and summarizes them and gives an overview of all their the most important characteristics.
7.I. Rozanc, B. Slivnik (Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Analysis of Elective Courses Selection in Post-Bologna Programmes 
One of the most important results of the Bologna reform at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana is a much larger number of elective courses. The elective courses of the academic study programme were grouped into modules while the professional study programme permits selection of individual elective courses under minor restrictions. Both approaches fulfilled the reform requirements. However, the academic study programme is more rigid and thus easier to carry out than the professional one but students prefer the flexibility of the latter. In this paper we analyse the actual data of elective course selection by students of both programs. First, we examine the correlation between different module selection to optimise the distribution of elective courses into modules. This examination is possible as a number of students, i.e., the most successful ones, were allowed to select courses regardless of modules. Second, we investigate whether some commonly selected groups of elective courses of the professional study programme could be identified in order to simplify the programme and its implementation. The results show some important improvements could be introduced.

Basic information:

Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia)

Steering Committee:

Michael E. Auer (Austria), Ivan Gerlič (Slovenia), Marija Marinović (Croatia), Slavomir Vukmirović (Croatia), Željka Požgaj (Croatia)

International Program Committee Chairman:

Petar Biljanović (Croatia)

International Program Committee:

Alberto Abello Gamazo (Spain), Slavko Amon (Slovenia), Vesna Anđelić (Croatia), Michael E. Auer (Austria), Mirta Baranović (Croatia), Ladjel Bellatreche (France), Eugen Brenner (Austria), Andrea Budin (Croatia), Željko Butković (Croatia), Željka Car (Croatia), Matjaž Colnarič (Slovenia), Alfredo Cuzzocrea (Italy), Marina Čičin-Šain (Croatia), Marko Delimar (Croatia), Todd Eavis (Canada), Maurizio Ferrari (Italy), Bekim Fetaji (Macedonia), Tihana Galinac Grbac (Croatia), Liljana Gavrilovska (Macedonia), Matteo Golfarelli (Italy), Stjepan Golubić (Croatia), Francesco Gregoretti (Italy), Stjepan Groš (Croatia), Niko Guid (Slovenia), Yike Guo (United Kingdom), Jaak Henno (Estonia), Ladislav Hluchy (Slovakia), Vlasta Hudek (Croatia), Željko Hutinski (Croatia), Mile Ivanda (Croatia), Hannu Jaakkola (Finland), Leonardo Jelenković (Croatia), Dragan Jevtić (Croatia), Robert Jones (Switzerland), Peter Kacsuk (Hungary), Aneta Karaivanova (Bulgaria), Dragan Knežević (Croatia), Mladen Mauher (Croatia), Igor Mekjavic (Slovenia), Branko Mikac (Croatia), Veljko Milutinović (Serbia), Alexandru-Ioan Mincu (Slovenia), Vladimir Mrvoš (Croatia), Jadranko F. Novak (Croatia), Jesus Pardillo (Spain), Nikola Pavešić (Slovenia), Vladimir Peršić (Croatia), Goran Radić (Croatia), Slobodan Ribarić (Croatia), Janez Rozman (Slovenia), Karolj Skala (Croatia), Ivanka Sluganović (Croatia), Vlado Sruk (Croatia), Uroš Stanič (Slovenia), Ninoslav Stojadinović (Serbia), Jadranka Šunde (Australia), Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia), Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (Hungary), Davor Šarić (Croatia), Dina Šimunić (Croatia), Zoran Šimunić (Croatia), Dejan Škvorc (Croatia), Antonio Teixeira (Portugal), Edvard Tijan (Croatia), A Min Tjoa (Austria), Roman Trobec (Slovenia), Ivana Turčić Prstačić (Croatia), Sergio Uran (Croatia), Tibor Vámos (Hungary), Mladen Varga (Croatia), Marijana Vidas-Bubanja (Serbia), Boris Vrdoljak (Croatia), Robert Wrembel (Poland), Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia), Damjan Zazula (Slovenia)


Grad Rijeka, Primorsko-goranska županija

Registration / Fees:
Price in EUR
Before May 12, 2014
After May 12, 2014
Members of MIPRO and IEEE
Students (undergraduate and graduate), primary and secondary school teachers


Marina Čičin-Šain
Faculty of Economics
I. Filipovića 4
HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia

Phone: +385 51 355 111
Fax: +385 51 675 750

Opatija - 170 years of tourism:

Opatija – the cradle of European and Croatian tourism, a favourite destination of the aristocracy, film and music stars, artists, writers and visitors from all over the world, who come here every year to enjoy the charm of this Adriatic town – this year celebrates its 170th anniversary as a tourist resort.

This is a tradition that provides certain obligations, but is also a guarantee of quality. The reputation of a top destination that stretches back seventeen decades is today reflected in the wide range of facilities and services on offer that all together make Opatija an attractive destination for all seasons.

Opatija owes its unique image to its ideal location on the spot where the wooded slopes of Mount Učka descend all the way down to the coast, providing perfect shade along the thirteen-kilometre-long Lungomare seafront promenade. Just as the Opatija area is a meeting point of the sea and the mountain, its visual impression is a blend of different styles, as this is a melting pot where magnificent Central European elegance, playful Mediterranean charm and the historically-rich medieval architecture of the small towns in the hinterland come together. 

In addition to the architecture that leaves a strong impression on every visitor, especially when the town is viewed from the sea, and its lush parks and gardens that have been Opatija's trademarks since its beginnings as a tourist resort, Opatija also has hotels and restaurants whose quality ranks alongside that of any other European destination. Opatija's gastronomic offer is based on a Mediterranean cuisine rich in fresh fish and seafood and locally grown seasonal ingredients, while the traditional recipes of this region reveal a wealth of flavours and can be sampled in the area's numerous taverns. 

Opatija entered the European stage in the mid-19th century as a health resort for the European nobility, and health tourism has remained one of the main segments of the town's tourism offer right up to the present day. However, top medical experts and a wide range of spa & wellness services are just one of the reasons for visiting this town located at the top of Kvarner Bay. Also known as "the town of festivals", Opatija boasts a number of events throughout the year. The theatrical performances and concerts that take place at the magnificent Open Air Theatre are particularly impressive.

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