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MIPRO papers




Paper submit to Data and Life Science Conference

Data and Life Science Conference (DS-DC) intends to gather the latest research & development results on Data and Life Sciences supported by Distributed Computing. It seeks high-quality original contributions, which demonstrate the theoretical and practical progress of Distributed Data Science, as well as implementation experiences from researchers in the area. One of the goals of the conference is to connect centers of excellence and competence in the field of Data and Life Science in the EU. Linking and co-operation can be achieved in addition to exchange of knowledge and new project initiatives in Horizon 2020 and FP9.
More details at:


Prof. Karolj Skala, PhD, International Program Committee Chairman




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Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Dew Computing

A book on Dew Computing has been published

Springer has published a new book on Dew Computing as the entry level of the Dew-Fog-Cloud service hierarchy. 

MIPRO opening collaboration with:
  Public Administration

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"MIPRO Gridvision" by Zorislav Šojat

Zorislav Šojat maintains Computer Science oriented pages, where many MIPRO Conference videos, interviews with scientists and other interesting material can be found:

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