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MIPRO papers




Papers from MIPRO 2021 have been published in IEEE Xplore

This year's 321 scientific and professional papers from 14 conferences and 1 special session that have met IEEE standards and protocols have been published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

IEEE Xplore publishes papers from all IEEE scientific publications as well as conference sponsors. It provides web access to more than five-million full-text documents from some of the world's most highly-cited publications in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. 

We congratulate all the authors for their success in the hope of further successful cooperation.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Dew Computing

A book on Dew Computing has been published

Springer has published a new book on Dew Computing as the entry level of the Dew-Fog-Cloud service hierarchy. 

MIPRO opening collaboration with:
  Public Administration

Previous events


"MIPRO Gridvision" by Zorislav Šojat

Zorislav Šojat maintains Computer Science oriented pages, where many MIPRO Conference videos, interviews with scientists and other interesting material can be found:

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