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AI is ready – ARE WE?

Future of Technologies and AI in Management and Marketing

With the pace of innovation accelerating, several questions arise... How to innovate? How to embrace AI in the favour of mankind and of our businesses? What's next? ...

Future of Technologies and AI in Management and Marketing – an interactive workshop focused on exploring AI's influences through the multidisciplinary lenses of businesses i societal relations...

*hot topics *deep dive into the possibilities of AI and other trends *for all interested from diverse disciplines!

Part 1 (May 20th, 15:00 – 18:00): A Prognostication of the Future of AI, Futuris and the Promise of AI to Management, AI Storm - AI Futur in Marketing
Part 2 (May 21st, 9:00-12:00): Future Future Futuro - Ready to Find out if Technology Can Ever Truly Replace an Attentive Human Mind?, Management Futurition, Marketing in the Age of Acceleration

Led by professor Luiz, Moutinho, PhD. (main areas of interest: Marketing and Management Futurecast, Bioscience and Neuroscience in Marketing, Futures Research) with over 30 years lecturing experience worldwide, author and co-author of 34 books, longtime collaborator of professor P. Kotler...

“Dr. Moutinho, probably the only person on the planet who has investigated more than 150 future trends that may affect the company’s marketing.” (Philip Kotler, the world famous “father of modern marketing”, 2014)

Join the workshop - gain new insights and experiences for innovations!

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Monday, May 06, 2019
Dew Computing

A book on Dew Computing has been published

Springer has published a new book on Dew Computing as the entry level of the Dew-Fog-Cloud service hierarchy. 

MIPRO opening collaboration with:
  Public Administration

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"MIPRO Gridvision" by Zorislav Šojat

Zorislav Šojat maintains Computer Science oriented pages, where many MIPRO Conference videos, interviews with scientists and other interesting material can be found:

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